Esempio n. 1
 public SubGridCellPassesDataSegmentInfo(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime,
                                         ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment) : this()
     StartTime = startTime;
     EndTime   = endTime;
     Segment   = segment;
Esempio n. 2
        public void MetaTest_Test_MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals()
            // Create a subgrid to hold the segment
            IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid = MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals();

            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];

            // Check all cells have exactly 10 passes
            VSS.TRex.SubGridTrees.Core.Utilities.SubGridUtilities.SubGridDimensionalIterator((x, y) =>
                Assert.True(segment.PassesData.PassCount(x, y) == 10,
                            $"Cell in segment at {x},{y} does not have 10 cell passes");

            //Check the total number of passes is 10240, and the maximum pass count is 10
            segment.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount, out _, out int maximumPassCount);

            Assert.True(10240 == totalPassCount, "Initial total pass count not 10240");
            Assert.True(10240 == segment.PassesData.SegmentPassCount,
                        $"segment.PassesData.SegmentPassCount does not equal 10240 (it is {segment.PassesData.SegmentPassCount})");
            Assert.True(10 == maximumPassCount, "Initial maximum pass count not 10");

            // Check the time range is as expected
            segment.PassesData.CalculateTimeRange(out DateTime startSegmentTime, out DateTime endSegmentTime);
            Assert.True(endSegmentTime > startSegmentTime, $"End time {endSegmentTime} not greater than startTime {startSegmentTime}");

            Assert.True(startSegmentTime == startTime, $"Start time {startSegmentTime} not equal to {startTime} as expected");
            Assert.True(endSegmentTime == startTime.AddSeconds(10239), $"End time {endSegmentTime} not equal to {startTime.AddSeconds(10239)} as expected");
Esempio n. 3
        public int Add(ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment item)
            int Index = Count - 1;

            while (Index >= 0 && item.SegmentInfo.StartTime < Items[Index].SegmentInfo.StartTime)


            Items.Insert(Index, item);


             *  {$IFDEF DEBUG}
             * Counter := 0;
             * for Index := 0 to Count - 2 do
             *  if Items[Index].SegmentInfo.StartTime >= Items[Index + 1].SegmentInfo.StartTime then
             *    begin
             *      SIGLogMessage.PublishNoODS(Self, Format('Segment passes list out of order %.6f versus %.6f. Segment count = %d', { SKIP}
             * [Items[Index].SegmentInfo.StartTime, Items[Index + 1].SegmentInfo.StartTime, Count]), slmcAssert);
             *      Inc(Counter);
             * end;
             * if Counter > 0 then
             *  DumpSegmentsToLog;
             * {$ENDIF}
Esempio n. 4
        public void Test_SubgridSegment_Cleaver()
            // Create a sub grid to hold the segment
            IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid = MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals();

            // Exercise the cleaver!
            // Instruct the segment container to cleave the segment
            // Set the segment to not dirty - it should be ignored
            subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0].Dirty = false;

            var cleaver = new SubGridSegmentCleaver();

            cleaver.PerformSegmentCleaving(StorageProxy.Instance(StorageMutability.Mutable), subGrid, 10000);

            Assert.True(1 == subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count, $"After cleaving with no dirty segments there are {subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count} segments instead of the expected one segments");

            // Set the segment to not dirty - it should be ignored
            subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0].Dirty = true;
            cleaver = new SubGridSegmentCleaver();
            cleaver.PerformSegmentCleaving(StorageProxy.Instance(StorageMutability.Mutable), subGrid, 10000);

            //Check there are now two segments in total
            Assert.True(2 == subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count, $"After cleaving there are {subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count} segments instead of the expected two segments");

            //Check the total number of passes across the two segments is 10240, and the maximum pass count is 5
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment1 = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment2 = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[1];

            segment1.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount1, out _, out int maximumPassCount1);
            segment2.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount2, out _, out int maximumPassCount2);

            Assert.True(10240 == (totalPassCount1 + totalPassCount2), $"Totals ({totalPassCount1} and {totalPassCount2} don't add up to 10240 after cleaving");
            Assert.True(5 == maximumPassCount1, $"Maximum pass count 1 {maximumPassCount1}, is not 5");
            Assert.True(5 == maximumPassCount2, $"Maximum pass count 2 {maximumPassCount2}, is not 5");

            // Check the segment pass count in the segment is correct
            Assert.True(totalPassCount1 == segment1.PassesData.SegmentPassCount, $"Total passes for segment 1 {totalPassCount1} is not equal to segmentPassCount in that segment {segment1.PassesData.SegmentPassCount}");
            Assert.True(totalPassCount2 == segment2.PassesData.SegmentPassCount, $"Total passes for segment 2 {totalPassCount2} is not equal to segmentPassCount in that segment {segment2.PassesData.SegmentPassCount}");
Esempio n. 5
        public void Test_SubgridSegmentCleaving()
            // Create a sub grid to hold the segment. the subGrid retains the limit in the subGrid constructor in MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals()
            IServerLeafSubGrid            subGrid = MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals();
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];

            // Instruct the segment container to cleave the segment with a limit of 100000
            var newSegmentsFromCleaving = new List <ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment>();
            var persistedClovenSegments = new List <ISubGridSpatialAffinityKey>();

            Assert.False(subGrid.Cells.CleaveSegment(segment, newSegmentsFromCleaving, persistedClovenSegments, 100000), "Segment was cloven when cell pass count was below limit");

            // Set the cleaving limit to 10000 to force the segment TO BE cloven = the cleave result should be true
            subGrid = MakeSubgridWith10240CellPassesAtOneSecondIntervals();
            segment = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];
            newSegmentsFromCleaving = new List <ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment>();
            persistedClovenSegments = new List <ISubGridSpatialAffinityKey>();
            Assert.True(subGrid.Cells.CleaveSegment(segment, newSegmentsFromCleaving, persistedClovenSegments, 10000), "Segment failed to cleave with pass count above limit");

            //Check there are now two segments in total
            Assert.True(2 == subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count, $"After cleaving there are {subGrid.Cells.PassesData.Count} segments instead of the expected two segments");

            //Check the total number of passes across the two segments is 10240, and the maximum pass count is 5
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment1 = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[0];
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment2 = subGrid.Cells.PassesData[1];

            segment1.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount1, out _, out int maximumPassCount1);
            segment2.PassesData.CalculateTotalPasses(out int totalPassCount2, out _, out int maximumPassCount2);

            Assert.True(10240 == totalPassCount1 + totalPassCount2, $"Totals ({totalPassCount1} and {totalPassCount2} don't add up to 10240 after cleaving");
            Assert.True(5 == maximumPassCount1, $"Maximum pass count 1 {maximumPassCount1}, is not 5");
            Assert.True(5 == maximumPassCount2, $"Maximum pass count 2 {maximumPassCount2}, is not 5");

            // Check the segment pass count in the segment is correct
            Assert.True(totalPassCount1 == segment1.PassesData.SegmentPassCount, $"Total passes for segment 1 {totalPassCount1} is not equal to segmentPassCount in that segment {segment1.PassesData.SegmentPassCount}");
            Assert.True(totalPassCount2 == segment2.PassesData.SegmentPassCount, $"Total passes for segment 2 {totalPassCount2} is not equal to segmentPassCount in that segment {segment2.PassesData.SegmentPassCount}");
Esempio n. 6
        public FileSystemErrorStatus LoadLeafSubGridSegment(IStorageProxy storageProxy,
                                                            SubGridCellAddress cellAddress,
                                                            bool loadLatestData,
                                                            bool loadAllPasses,
                                                            IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid,
                                                            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment)
            //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress}:{Segment.SegmentInfo.StartTime}-{Segment.SegmentInfo.EndTime} beginning, loadLatestData = {loadLatestData}, loadAllPasses = {loadAllPasses}");

            var needToLoadLatestData = loadLatestData && !segment.HasLatestData;
            var needToLoadAllPasses  = loadAllPasses && !segment.HasAllPasses;

            if (!needToLoadLatestData && !needToLoadAllPasses)
                //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} exiting as neither latest nor all passes required");
                return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // Nothing more to do here

            // Lock the segment briefly while its contents is being loaded
            lock (segment)
                if (!(needToLoadLatestData ^ segment.HasLatestData) && !(needToLoadAllPasses ^ segment.HasAllPasses))
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} leaving quietly as a previous thread has performed the load");
                    return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // The load operation was performed on another thread. Leave quietly

                // Ensure the appropriate storage is allocated
                if (needToLoadLatestData)

                if (needToLoadAllPasses)

                if (!segment.SegmentInfo.ExistsInPersistentStore)
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} exiting as segment does not exist in persistent store");
                    return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // Nothing more to do here

                // Locate the segment file and load the data from it
                var fullFileName = GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(cellAddress, segment.SegmentInfo);

                // Load the cells into it from its file
                var fsError = subGrid.LoadSegmentFromStorage(storageProxy, fullFileName, segment, needToLoadLatestData, needToLoadAllPasses);

                if (fsError != FileSystemErrorStatus.OK)
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} failed, performing allocation cleanup activities");

                    // Something bad happened. Remove the segment from the list. Return failure to the caller.
                    if (loadAllPasses)

                    if (loadLatestData)


            //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} succeeded, AllPasses?={Segment.HasAllPasses}, Segment.PassesData?Null={Segment.PassesData==null} ");

Esempio n. 7
        private ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment LocateNextSubGridSegmentInIteration()
            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment result = null;

            if (IterationState.SubGrid == null)
                Log.LogCritical("No sub grid node assigned to iteration state");

            while (IterationState.NextSegment())
                var segmentInfo = IterationState.Directory.SegmentDirectory[IterationState.Idx];

                if (segmentInfo.Segment != null)
                    result = segmentInfo.Segment;

                // If there is no segment present in the cache then it can't be dirty, so is
                // not a candidate to be returned by the iterator
                // Similarly if the caller is only interested in segments that are present in the cache,
                // we do not need to read it from the persistent store
                if (!ReturnDirtyOnly && !ReturnCachedItemsOnly)
                    // This additional check to determine if the segment is defined
                    // is necessary to check if an earlier thread through this code has
                    // already allocated the new segment
                    if (segmentInfo.Segment == null)

                    result = segmentInfo.Segment;

                    if (result == null)
                        throw new TRexSubGridProcessingException("IterationState.SubGrid.Cells.AllocateSegment failed to create a new segment");

                if (result != null)
                    if (!result.Dirty && ReturnDirtyOnly)
                        // The segment is not dirty, and the iterator has been instructed only to return
                        // dirty segments, so ignore this one
                        result = null;

                    if (!result.Dirty && !ReturnCachedItemsOnly &&
                        (RetrieveAllPasses && !result.HasAllPasses || RetrieveLatestData && !result.HasLatestData))
                        var fsResult = ((IServerSubGridTree)IterationState.SubGrid.Owner).LoadLeafSubGridSegment
                                           new SubGridCellAddress(IterationState.SubGrid.OriginX, IterationState.SubGrid.OriginY),
                                           RetrieveLatestData, RetrieveAllPasses,

                        if (fsResult == FileSystemErrorStatus.OK)
                            // TRex has no separate cache - it is in Ignite
                            // TRex has no separate cache - it is in Ignite

                            // Segment failed to be loaded. Multiple messages will have been posted to the log.
                            // Move to the next item in the iteration

                            // Specific FS failures indicate corruption in the data store that should preclude further iteration and
                            // processir of the contents of this sub grid. These conditions result in the sub grid being blacklisted
                            // and the iterator returning no further information for this subgrid
                            if (fsResult == FileSystemErrorStatus.GranuleDoesNotExist)
                                SegmentIterationBlackListed = true;
                                Log.LogWarning($"Black listing segment iteration due to file system failure {fsResult} for sub grid {IterationState.SubGrid.Moniker()}");

                            result = null;

                if (result != null) // We have a candidate to return as the next item in the iteration