Esempio n. 1
        private async Task ProcessParameters()
            IStyled styled    = Id == null ? StyledService : StyledService.WithId(Id);
            string  classname = null;

            if (ComposeAttributes == null)
                string content = RenderAsString();
                content = ApplyTheme(content);
                if (IsKeyframes)
                    classname = styled.Keyframes(content);
                else if (Classname != null && MediaQuery == MediaQueries.None && _previousClassname == null)
                    //html elements
                    styled.Css(ApplyPseudoClass(Classname), content);
                else if (MediaQuery != MediaQueries.None && ClassnameChanged.HasDelegate)
                    //If ClassnameChanged has a delegate then @bind-Classname was used and this is a "new" style
                    //Otherwise Classname was used and this an existing style which will be handled in OnParametersSet
                    content   = WrapWithMediaQuery(content);
                    classname = styled.Css(content);
                else if (Classname != null && MediaQuery != MediaQueries.None && !ClassnameChanged.HasDelegate && _previousClassname == null)
                    //Media query support for classes where an existing Classname already exists
                    content = WrapWithMediaQuery(ApplyPseudoClass(Classname), content);
                    styled.Css(GetMediaQuery(), content);
                else if (Classname == null && PseudoClass == PseudoClasses.None && MediaQuery != MediaQueries.None && _previousClassname == null)
                    //Media queries for html elements
                    styled.Css(GetMediaQuery(), content);
                else if (Classname != null && PseudoClass != PseudoClasses.None && MediaQuery == MediaQueries.None && _previousClassname == null)
                    content = WrapWithMediaQuery(ApplyPseudoClass(Classname), content);
                    classname = styled.Css(content);

                    /*if (_previousClassname == null)
                     * {
                     *  classname = styled.Css(content);
                     * }*/
                await NotifyChanged(classname);
                if (ClassnameChanged.HasDelegate)
                    StringBuilder  sb             = new StringBuilder();
                    IList <string> labels         = new List <string>();
                    IList <string> composeClasses = GetComposeClasses();
                    foreach (string cls in composeClasses)
                        string        selector = ComposeAttributes[cls].ToString();
                        IList <IRule> rules    = StyleSheet.GetRules(Id, selector);
                        if (rules != null)
                            foreach (IRule rule in rules)
                                if (rule.Selector != selector)
                                    string pseudo = rule.Selector.Replace("." + selector, "");
                                foreach (Declaration decleration in rule.Declarations)
                                if (rule.Label != null)
                                if (rule.Selector != selector)
                    if (sb.Length != 0)
                        string css = sb.ToString();
                        if (labels.Count != 0)
                            string labelStr = string.Join("-", labels);
                            css = $"label:{labelStr};{css}";
                        classname = styled.Css(css);
                        await NotifyChanged(classname);
Esempio n. 2
        private async Task InitThemeCss()
            string themeName = Theme ?? DefaultSettings.DefaultTheme;
            string uri       = themeName.ToLower().StartsWith("http") ? themeName : "_content/BlazorPrettyCode/" + themeName + ".json";

            string strJson = await GetFromCacheOrNetwork(uri);

            Themes.Theme theme = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Themes.Theme>(strJson);
            _showLineNumbers = ShowLineNumbers ?? DefaultSettings.ShowLineNumbers;


            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("overflow-y: auto;");
            sb.Append("margin-bottom: 1em;");
            IDictionary <string, string> settings = GetThemeValuesDictionary(theme);

            if (settings.ContainsKey("background-color"))
                sb.Append("background-color: ").Append(settings["background-color"]).Append(';');

            _baseDiv                  = _styled.Css(sb.ToString());
            _themePreClass            = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme));
            _themeTagSymbolsClass     = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "Tag symbols"));
            _themeTagNameClass        = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "Tag name"));
            _themeAttributeNameClass  = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "Attribute name"));
            _themeAttributeValueClass = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "Attribute value"));
            _themeQuotedStringClass   = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "String"));
            _themeRazorKeywordClass   = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "Razor Keyword"));
            _themeTextClass           = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "Text"));
            _themeCssProperty         = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "CSS Propery"));
            _themeCssClass            = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "CSS Class"));

            _highlightLines = GetLineNumbers(HighlightLines);
            if (_highlightLines.Count > 0)
                _themeRowHighlight = _styled.Css(GetThemeValues(theme, "Row Highlight"));

                IDictionary <string, string> dictionary = GetThemeValuesDictionary(theme, "Row Highlight");
                string color  = dictionary.ContainsKey("background-color") ? dictionary["background-color"] : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)";
                string border = $"border-left: 0.5rem solid {color};";
                _themeRowHighlightBorder = _styled.Css(border);
        public void ApplyTypography(ITypographyOptions options)
            Styles         styles = new Styles();
            VerticalRhythm vr     = new VerticalRhythm(new VerticalRhythmOptions(options));

            VerticalRhythm = vr;
            BaseLine baseLine = vr.EstablishBaseline();
            string   rhythm1  = vr.Rhythm(1);

            //Not sure if html section is correct see:
            string bodyFontFamily   = string.Join(",", options.BodyFontFamily.Select(f => WrapFontFamily(f)));
            string headerFontFamily = string.Join(",", options.HeaderFontFamily.Select(f => WrapFontFamily(f)));

            styles.Add("html", $@"
                font-size: {baseLine.FontSize};
                font-family: {bodyFontFamily};
                line-height: {baseLine.LineHeight}em;
                box-sizing: border-box;
                overflow-y: scroll;

            // box-sizing reset.
            styles.Add(new List <string>
            }, @"
                box-sizing: inherit;

            // Base body styles.
            styles.Add("body", $@"
                color: {options.BodyColor};
                font-family: {bodyFontFamily};
                font-weight: {options.BodyWeight};
                word-wrap: break-word;
                font-kerning: normal;
                -moz-font-feature-settings: ""kern"", ""liga"", ""clig"", ""calt"";
                -ms-font-feature-settings: ""kern"", ""liga"", ""clig"", ""calt"";
                -webkit-font-feature-settings: ""kern"", ""liga"", ""clig"", ""calt"";
                font-feature-settings: ""kern"", ""liga"", ""clig"", ""calt"";

            // Make images responsive.
            styles.Add("img", "max-width: 100%;");

            // All block elements get one rhythm of bottom margin by default
            // or whatever is passed in as option.
            string blockMarginBottom = "";

            if (float.TryParse(options.BlockMarginBottom, out float result))
                blockMarginBottom = vr.Rhythm(result);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.BlockMarginBottom))
                blockMarginBottom = options.BlockMarginBottom;
                blockMarginBottom = rhythm1;

            // Reset margin/padding to 0.
            styles.Add(new List <string>
            }, $@"
                margin-left: 0;
                margin-right: 0;
                margin-top: 0;
                padding-bottom: 0;
                padding-left: 0;
                padding-right: 0;
                padding-top: 0;
                margin-bottom: {blockMarginBottom};

            // Basic blockquote styles
            styles.Add("blockquote", $@"
                margin-right: {rhythm1};
                margin-bottom: {blockMarginBottom};
                margin-left: {rhythm1};

            // b, strong.
            styles.Add(new List <string> {
            }, $@"
                font-weight: {options.BoldWeight};

            // hr.
            styles.Add("hr", $@"
                background: {vr.Gray(80)};
                border: none;
                height: 1px;
                margin-bottom: calc({blockMarginBottom} - 1px);

            // ol, ul.
            styles.Add(new List <string>
            }, $@"
                list-style-position: outside;
                list-style-image: none;
                margin-left: {rhythm1};

            // li.
            styles.Add("li", $@"
                margin-bottom: calc({blockMarginBottom} / 2);

            // Remove default padding on list items.
            styles.Add(new List <string>
                "ol li",
                "ul li"
            }, @"
                 padding-left: 0;

            // children ol, ul.
            styles.Add(new List <string>
                "li > ol",
                "li > ul"
            }, $@"
                margin-left: {rhythm1};
                margin-bottom: calc({blockMarginBottom} / 2);
                margin-top: calc({blockMarginBottom} / 2);

            // Remove margin-bottom on the last-child of a few block elements
            // The worst offender of this seems to be markdown => html compilers
            // as they put paragraphs within LIs amoung other oddities.
            styles.Add(new List <string> {
                "blockquote *:last-child",
                "li *:last-child",
                "p *:last-child"
            }, @"
                margin-bottom: 0;

            // Ensure li > p is 1/2 margin — this is another markdown => compiler oddity.
            styles.Add("li > p", $@"
                margin-bottom: calc({blockMarginBottom} / 2);

            // Make generally smaller elements, smaller.
            BaseLine smaller = vr.AdjustFontSizeTo("85%");

            styles.Add(new List <string> {
            }, $@"

            // Abbr, Acronym.
            styles.Add(new List <string> {
            }, $@"
                border-bottom: 1px dotted {vr.Gray(50)};
                cursor: help;

            styles.Add("abbr[title]", $@"
                border-bottom: 1px dotted {vr.Gray(50)};
                cursor: help;
                text-decoration: none;

            // Table styles.
            BaseLine tableBaseLine = vr.AdjustFontSizeTo(options.BaseFontSize, null, null);

            styles.Add("table", $@"
                border-collapse: collapse;
                width: 100%;

            styles.Add("thead", @"
                text-align: left;

            string rhythmTwoThirds = vr.Rhythm(2 / 3f);
            string rhythmHalf      = vr.Rhythm(1 / 2f);

            styles.Add(new List <string>
            }, $@"
                text-align: left;
                border-bottom: 1px solid {vr.Gray(88)};
                font-feature-settings: ""tnum"";
                -moz-font-feature-settings: ""tnum"";
                -ms-font-feature-settings: ""tnum"";
                -webkit-font-feature-settings: ""tnum"";
                padding-left: {rhythmTwoThirds};
                padding-top: {rhythmHalf};
                padding-bottom: calc({rhythmHalf} - 1px);

            styles.Add("th:first-child,td:first-child", @"
                padding-left: 0;

            styles.Add("th:last-child,td:last-child", @"
                padding-right: 0;

            // Create styles for headers.
            styles.Add(new List <string>
            }, $@"
                color: {options.HeaderColor};
                font-family: {headerFontFamily};
                font-weight: {options.HeaderWeight};
                text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;

            // Set header sizes.
            BaseLine h1 = vr.Scale(5 / 5f);
            BaseLine h2 = vr.Scale(3 / 5f);
            BaseLine h3 = vr.Scale(2 / 5f);
            BaseLine h4 = vr.Scale(0 / 5f);
            BaseLine h5 = vr.Scale(-1 / 5f);
            BaseLine h6 = vr.Scale(-1.5f / 5f);

            styles.Add("h1", $@"

            styles.Add("h2", $@"

            styles.Add("h3", $@"

            styles.Add("h4", $@"

            styles.Add("h5", $@"

            styles.Add("h6", $@"

            // TODO add support for Breakpoints here. (Missing in Typography.js)

            // Call plugins if any.
            if (options.Plugins != null)
                foreach (IPlugin plugin in options.Plugins)
                    plugin.Run(styles, options, vr);

            // Call OverrideStyles function on options (if set).
            options.OverrideStyles?.Invoke(styles, vr, options);

            // Call overrideThemeStyles function on options (if set).
            options.OverrideThemeStyles?.Invoke(styles, vr, options);

            //Write styles

            //First clear old styles

            // Set google fonts
            if (options.GoogleFonts != null)
                List <BlazorStyled.GoogleFont> list = options.GoogleFonts.Select(font => new BlazorStyled.GoogleFont {
                    Name = font.Name, Styles = font.Styles

            if (options.IncludeNormalize.HasValue && options.IncludeNormalize.Value)
                _styled.Css(_mixins.Normalize() + styles.ToString());
Esempio n. 4
        private async Task ProcessParameters()
            IStyled styled = Id == null ? StyledService : Priority.HasValue ? StyledService.WithId(Id, Priority.Value) : StyledService.WithId(Id);

            string classname = null;

            string content      = ChildContent.RenderAsSimpleString();
            int    _currentHash = CalculateHash(content);

            if (content != null && content.Length > 0 && (_currentHash != _previousHash || _currentHash == _previousHash && ComposeAttributes != null))
                if (IsKeyframes)
                    classname = styled.Keyframes(content);
                else if (Classname != null && MediaQuery == MediaQueries.None && _previousClassname == null)
                    //html elements
                    styled.Css(ApplyPseudoClass(Classname), content);
                else if (MediaQuery != MediaQueries.None && ClassnameChanged.HasDelegate)
                    //If ClassnameChanged has a delegate then @bind-Classname was used and this is a "new" style
                    //Otherwise Classname was used and this an existing style which will be handled below
                    content   = WrapWithMediaQuery("&{" + content + "}");
                    classname = styled.Css(content);
                else if (Classname != null && MediaQuery != MediaQueries.None && !ClassnameChanged.HasDelegate && _previousClassname == null)
                    //Media query support for classes where an existing Classname already exists
                    content = WrapClass(ApplyPseudoClass(Classname), content);
                else if (Classname == null && PseudoClass == PseudoClasses.None && MediaQuery != MediaQueries.None && _previousClassname == null)
                    //Media queries for html elements
                    styled.Css(GetMediaQuery(), content);
                else if (Classname != null && PseudoClass != PseudoClasses.None && MediaQuery == MediaQueries.None && _previousClassname == null)
                    content = WrapClass(ApplyPseudoClass(Classname), content);
                    if (PseudoClass == PseudoClasses.None && MediaQuery == MediaQueries.None)
                        classname = styled.Css(content);
                if (ComposeAttributes == null || !ClassnameChanged.HasDelegate)
                    await NotifyChanged(classname);
            if (ComposeAttributes != null && ClassnameChanged.HasDelegate)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (classname != null)
                    sb.Append(classname).Append(" ");
                IList <string> composeClasses = GetComposeClasses();
                foreach (string cls in composeClasses)
                    string selector = ComposeAttributes[cls].ToString();
                    sb.Append(selector).Append(" ");
                if (sb.Length != 0)
                    classname = sb.ToString().Trim();
                    await NotifyChanged(classname);
            if (GlobalStyle != null & classname != null && _currentHash != _previousHash)
                _previousHash = _currentHash; // This needs to be done here even though it is also two lines down. Do not remove!
                StyledService.SetGlobalStyle(GlobalStyle, classname);
            _previousHash = _currentHash;