Esempio n. 1
        public static IStyleGalleryItem FindStyleGalleryItem(string string_0, IStyleGallery istyleGallery_0,
                                                             string string_1, string string_2, string string_3)
            IStyleGalleryItem result;

            if (istyleGallery_0 == null)
                result = null;
                    IEnumStyleGalleryItem enumStyleGalleryItem = istyleGallery_0.get_Items(string_2, string_1, string_3);
                    for (IStyleGalleryItem styleGalleryItem = enumStyleGalleryItem.Next();
                         styleGalleryItem != null;
                         styleGalleryItem = enumStyleGalleryItem.Next())
                        if (styleGalleryItem.Name.ToUpper() == string_0.ToUpper())
                            result = styleGalleryItem;
                result = null;
Esempio n. 2
        private static void ConvertVectorPicturesToRepresentationMarkers(string stylePath)
            IStyleGallery        styleGallery        = GetStyleGallery(stylePath);
            IStyleGalleryStorage styleGalleryStorage = styleGallery as IStyleGalleryStorage;

            styleGalleryStorage.TargetFile = stylePath;
            IEnumStyleGalleryItem enumItems = styleGallery.get_Items("Marker Symbols", stylePath, "Vector");

            IStyleGalleryItem3 originalItem = null;
            IStyleGalleryItem3 newItem      = null;


            originalItem = enumItems.Next() as IStyleGalleryItem3;
            while (originalItem != null)
                newItem = ConvertMarkerItemToRep(originalItem);
                originalItem = enumItems.Next() as IStyleGalleryItem3;
Esempio n. 3
        private static void ConvertVectorPicturesToRepresentationMarkers(string stylePath)
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(stylePath))
                Console.WriteLine("StylePath does NOT exist: " + stylePath);

            IStyleGallery        styleGallery        = GetStyleGallery(stylePath);
            IStyleGalleryStorage styleGalleryStorage = styleGallery as IStyleGalleryStorage;

            styleGalleryStorage.TargetFile = stylePath;
            IEnumStyleGalleryItem enumItems = styleGallery.get_Items("Marker Symbols", stylePath, "");

            IStyleGalleryItem3 originalItem = null;
            IStyleGalleryItem3 newItem      = null;


            originalItem = enumItems.Next() as IStyleGalleryItem3;
            while (originalItem != null)
                IPictureMarkerSymbol pictureMS = originalItem.Item as IPictureMarkerSymbol;
                if (pictureMS != null)
                    // check if it requires conversion to rep marker?
                    // TODO: perhaps make this an option if user doesn't need rep's
                    if (containsVectorTag(originalItem.Tags))
                        newItem = ConvertMarkerItemToRep(originalItem);
                        Console.WriteLine("Converting symbol " + newItem.Name + " to a representation marker");
                    originalItem = enumItems.Next() as IStyleGalleryItem3;
        private List<string> ExportSymbol(IStyleGallery sg,string symbolType, int col, int row, int size,int width, int labelsize, int label_h, int size_w, int size_h, double height, string cat, IPageLayout3 layout)
            List<string> pdfpages = new List<string>();
            IGraphicsContainer con = layout as IGraphicsContainer;
            IPage page = layout.Page;
            int r = 0;
            int c = 0;
            int p = 0;
            IEnumStyleGalleryItem items = sg.get_Items(symbolType, "", cat);
            IStyleGalleryItem item = items.Next();
            while (item != null)
                #region Symbol
                if (symbolType == "Marker Symbols")
                    IMarkerElement mele = new MarkerElementClass();
                    IPoint ptn = new PointClass();
                    ptn.PutCoords(c * size_w + size / 2, height - (r * size_h + size / 2));
                    IElement ele_i = mele as IElement;
                    ele_i.Geometry = ptn;
                    IMarkerSymbol sym_m = item.Item as IMarkerSymbol;
                    sym_m.Size = size;
                    mele.Symbol = sym_m;
                    con.AddElement(ele_i, 0);
                else if (symbolType == "Line Symbols")
                    ILineElement lele = new LineElementClass();
                    IPolyline line = new PolylineClass();
                    IPoint ptn_f = new PointClass();
                    ptn_f.PutCoords(c * size_w + size / 4, height - (r * size_h + size * 3 / 4));
                    IPoint ptn_t = new PointClass();
                    ptn_t.PutCoords(c * size_w + size * 3 / 4, height - (r * size_h + size / 4));
                    line.FromPoint = ptn_f;
                    line.ToPoint = ptn_t;
                    IElement ele_i = lele as IElement;
                    ele_i.Geometry = line;
                    ILineSymbol sym_l = item.Item as ILineSymbol;
                    sym_l.Width = width;
                    lele.Symbol = sym_l;
                    con.AddElement(ele_i, 0);
                else if (symbolType == "Fill Symbols")
                    IRectangleElement fele = new RectangleElementClass();
                    IFillShapeElement fsele = fele as IFillShapeElement;
                    IEnvelope env_f = new EnvelopeClass();
                    env_f.PutCoords(c * size_w + size / 4, height - (r * size_h + size * 3 / 4), c * size_w + size * 3 / 4, height - (r * size_h + size / 4));
                    IElement ele_i = fele as IElement;
                    ele_i.Geometry = env_f;
                    IFillSymbol sym_f = item.Item as IFillSymbol;
                    fsele.Symbol = sym_f;
                    con.AddElement(ele_i, 0);


                if (cbGrid.Checked)
                    #region Grid
                    IEnvelope env_g = new EnvelopeClass();
                    env_g.PutCoords(c * size_w, height - r * size_h, c * size_w + size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h);
                    IRectangleElement gele = new RectangleElementClass();
                    IElement ele_g = gele as IElement;
                    ele_g.Geometry = env_g;
                    IFillSymbol sym_g = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                    IRgbColor color_g = new RgbColorClass();
                    color_g.NullColor = true;
                    sym_g.Color = color_g;
                    IFillShapeElement fshp_g = ele_g as IFillShapeElement;
                    fshp_g.Symbol = sym_g;
                    con.AddElement(ele_g, 0);

                #region Label
                ITextElement tele = new ParagraphTextElementClass();
                IElement ele_t = tele as IElement;
                tele.Text = item.Name;
                IEnvelope env_l = new EnvelopeClass();
                env_l.PutCoords(c * size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h + label_h, c * size_w + size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h);
                env_l.PutCoords(c * size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h + label_h, c * size_w + size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h);
                env_l.PutCoords(c * size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h + label_h, c * size_w + size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h);
                env_l.PutCoords(c * size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h + label_h, c * size_w + size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h);
                env_l.PutCoords(c * size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h + label_h, c * size_w + size_w, height - r * size_h - size_h);
                ele_t.Geometry = env_l;
                ITextSymbol sym_label = new TextSymbolClass();
                sym_label.Size = labelsize/2;
                IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass();
                color.NullColor = true;
                ISimpleLineSymbol sym_border = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                sym_border.Color = color;
                ISymbolBorder border = new SymbolBorderClass();
                border.LineSymbol = sym_border;
                IFrameProperties fp = ele_t as IFrameProperties;
                fp.Border = border;
                con.AddElement(ele_t, 0);

                if (c < col - 1)
                    c = 0;
                    if (r < row - 1)
                        IActiveView av = layout as IActiveView;
                        string temp_pdf = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName() + ".pdf";
                        ExportPDF(av, temp_pdf);
                        r = 0;
                        c = 0;
                item = items.Next();
            if (con.Next() != null)
                IActiveView av = layout as IActiveView;
                string temp_pdf = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName() + ".pdf";
                ExportPDF(av, temp_pdf);
            return pdfpages;
        private void ProcessStyleGalleryItems(IStyleGallery styleGallery, string styleClass)
            if ((styleGallery == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(styleClass))
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Style Gallery NULL");

            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("ProcessStyleGalleryItems for class: " + styleClass);

            IEnumStyleGalleryItem ge = styleGallery.get_Items(styleClass, "", "");
            if (ge == null)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: No Items for Style Class:" + styleClass);

            int count = 0;
            IStyleGalleryItem item = null;
            while ((item = ge.Next()) != null)
                    if (!ID2StyleGalleryItemDictionary.ContainsKey(item.Name))
                        IStyleGalleryItem2 item2 = item as IStyleGalleryItem2;
                        if (item2 != null)
                            // split the tags into list
                            var tagList = item2.Tags.Split(new char[] { ';' });

                            // reverse the list so we can easily locate the symbol ID code tag
                            var tagListReversed = tagList.Reverse();

                            // IMPORTANT: assumes SIC is always first in reversed list (last in original list)
                            string lastTag = tagListReversed.ElementAt(0);
                            string sidcTag = lastTag.ToUpper().Trim();

                            // WORKAROUND: for for some erroneous cases:
                            string sidcNoStars = sidcTag.Replace('*', '-');

                            if ((!IsValidSic(sidcNoStars)) && (sidcNoStars.Length > 10))
                                LogDebug(String.Format("***Style Item SIDC: {0} does not appear to be a valid, length = {1}", sidcNoStars, sidcNoStars.Length));

                            string sidcNoSpaces = sidcNoStars.Replace(" ", "");
                            if (sidcNoSpaces.Length > 15)
                                sidcNoSpaces = sidcNoSpaces.Remove(15);
                            // END WORKAROUND

                            string sidc = sidcNoSpaces;

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sidc))
                                // It has an empty SIC (Some of the entries have blank SICs)
                                LogDebug(String.Format("No SIDC found for Item Name: {0}", item.Name));
                                if (!SIC2SymbolNameDictionary.ContainsKey(sidc))
                                    string itemName = item.Name;
                                    if ((styleClass.StartsWith("Rep")) &&
                                        ((sidc[0] == 'G') || (sidc[0] == 'W')))
                                        int len = itemName.Length;
                                        if ((len > 2) && (itemName.EndsWith("F")
                                            || itemName.EndsWith("H") || itemName.EndsWith("N")
                                            || itemName.EndsWith("U")))
                                            itemName = itemName.Remove(len - 2);


                                    // If debug output needed during StyleFile read:
                                    // LogDebug("#" + count + ", Item Name: " + itemName + ", SIDC: " + sidc);

                                    if (!ID2StyleGalleryItemDictionary.ContainsKey(itemName))
                                        ID2StyleGalleryItemDictionary.Add(itemName, item);
                                        if (!styleClass.StartsWith("Rep")) // multiple items are expected for rep rules
                                            LogDebug(String.Format("*** Failed to add a SIC to ID2StyleGalleryItemDictionary: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}",
                                                item.Name, sidc, sidc.Length, IsValidSic(sidc) ? "Valid" : "INVALID"));

                                    if (!SIC2SymbolNameDictionary.ContainsKey(sidc))
                                        SIC2SymbolNameDictionary.Add(sidc, itemName);
                                        LogDebug(String.Format("*** Failed to add a SIC to SIC2SymbolNameDictionary: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}",
                                            item.Name, sidc, sidc.Length, IsValidSic(sidc) ? "Valid" : "INVALID"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogError(String.Format("Error loading marker symbol from style item, {0}", item.Name));
            ge = null;