Esempio n. 1
 private static void SetConstraint(IStyleClient target, Constraint c, Constraint v, int value)
     if ((c & v) != 0)
         target.setStyle(ToString(v), value);
Esempio n. 2
 public static void SetConstraints(IStyleClient target, Constraint c, int value)
     SetConstraint(target, c, Constraint.Left, value);
     SetConstraint(target, c, Constraint.Right, value);
     SetConstraint(target, c, Constraint.Top, value);
     SetConstraint(target, c, Constraint.Bottom, value);
     SetConstraint(target, c, Constraint.HorrizontalCenter, value);
     SetConstraint(target, c, Constraint.VerticalCenter, value);
Esempio n. 3
        //internal List<MediaQuery> MediaQueries { get; set; }

        internal bool MatchesStyleClient(IStyleClient client)
            bool match = false;
            //CSSCondition condition = null;

            // If we have an ancestor then this is part of a descendant selector
            if (null != Ancestor)
                if (null != Conditions)
                    // First, test if the conditions match
                    foreach (CSSCondition condition in Conditions)
                        match = condition.MatchesStyleClient(client);
                        if (!match)
                            return false;

                // Then reset and test if any ancestor matches
                match = false;
                IStyleClient parent = client.StyleParent;
                while (parent != null)
                    if (parent.MatchesCSSType(Ancestor.Subject)
                            || "*" == Ancestor.Subject)
                        match = Ancestor.MatchesStyleClient(parent);
                        if (match)
                    parent = parent.StyleParent;
                // Check the type selector matches
                if (Subject == "*" || Subject == "" || client.MatchesCSSType(Subject))
                    match = true;

                // Then check if any conditions match 
                if (match && Conditions != null)
                    foreach (CSSCondition condition in Conditions)
                        match = condition.MatchesStyleClient(client);
                        if (!match)
                            return false;

            return match;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        public override void Apply(Component parent)
            //Debug.Log("SetStyle->Apply: Name: " + Name + "; Value: " + Value);

            _appliedTarget = GetTarget(Target, parent);

            IStyleClient obj = ((IStyleClient)_appliedTarget);

            if (!Applied)
                 * IMPORTANT: obj.StyleDeclaration.GetStyle(Name) returns UNDEFINED
                 * UNDEFINED is a flag indicating that the style ISN'T DEFINED in the style declaration (overrides)
                 * That's because the null is a valid style value, so it cannot return null because we couldn't be
                 * able to differentiate between the null (value) or undefined style
                 * */
                _wasInline = null != obj.StyleDeclaration &&
                             //StyleDeclaration.UNDEFINED != obj.StyleDeclaration.GetStyle(Name);

                // if it is the inline style remember its value, null otherwise (it doesn't metter, we won't use the old value in "Remove")
                _oldValue = _wasInline ? obj.GetStyle(Name) : null;

            _relatedProps = GetRelatedProperties(_appliedTarget, Name);
            if (_relatedProps.Count > 0)
                if (null == _oldRelatedValues)
                    _oldRelatedValues = new List <object>();                    // lazily

                foreach (string property in _relatedProps)
                    _oldRelatedValues.Add(new MemberProxy(_appliedTarget, property).GetValue());

            // Set new value
            if (null == Value)
                obj.ClearStyle(Name);         // (??? why setting it to UNDEFINED? Does null for SetStyle object mean "clear property?")
                obj.SetStyle(Name, Value);

            Applied = true;
Esempio n. 5
         *  Find all matching style declarations for an IAdvancedStyleClient
         *  component. The result is sorted in terms of specificity, but the
         *  declaration order is preserved.
         *  Param: object - an IAdvancedStyleClient instance of the component to
         *  match.
         *  Param: styleDeclarations - an optional Array of additional
         *  CSSStyleDeclarations to be included in the sorted matches.
         *  Returns: An Array of matching style declarations sorted by specificity.
        private static List <StyleDeclaration> GetMatchingStyleDeclarations(IStyleClient client, List <StyleDeclaration> styleDeclarations)
            /*if (client.GetType().FullName == "Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin")
             *      Debug.Log("GetMatchingStyleDeclarations for: " + client);*/

            StyleManager styleManager = StyleManager.Instance;

            if (null == styleDeclarations)
                styleDeclarations = new List <StyleDeclaration>();

            // First, look for universal selectors
            List <StyleDeclaration> universalDecls = styleManager.GetStyleDeclarations("*");           /* ??
                                                                                                        *  new List<StyleDeclaration>(); // TODO: "*"*/

            List <StyleDeclaration> list = MatchStyleDeclarations(universalDecls, client);


            // Next, look for type selectors (includes ActionScript supertype matches)
            // If we also had universal selectors, concatenate them with our type
            // selectors and then resort by specificity...
            if (styleDeclarations.Count > 0)
                list = client.GetClassStyleDeclarations();
                styleDeclarations = list;
                styleDeclarations = SortOnSpecificity(styleDeclarations);
                // Otherwise, we only have type selectors (which are already sorted)
                styleDeclarations = client.GetClassStyleDeclarations();

                #region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//                if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                {
//                    if (client.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                        Debug.Log(string.Format(@"***  {0}:
//{1}", TYPE_TO_MONITOR, ListUtil<StyleDeclaration>.Format(styleDeclarations)));
//                }


Esempio n. 6
        internal static void DebugDeclarationApplication(IStyleClient client, List <StyleDeclaration> styleDeclarations)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            // 1. title
            sb.AppendLine(string.Format(@"### Applying {0} style declarations ###", styleDeclarations.Count));

            var comp = client as Component;

            // 2. path
            sb.AppendLine(ComponentUtil.PathToString(comp, "->"));

            if (null != comp)
                // 3. class/id
                string className = "";
                if (comp.StyleName is string && !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)comp.StyleName))
                    className = (string)comp.StyleName;
                string id = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comp.Id))
                    id = comp.Id;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(className) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                    string text = string.Empty;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                        text += "class: " + className + ";";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        text += "id: " + id + ";";

            // 4. declarations
            sb.AppendLine(ListUtil <StyleDeclaration> .Format(styleDeclarations));

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets style
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        /// <param name="styleProp"></param>
        /// <param name="newValue"></param>
        public static void SetStyle(IStyleClient client, string styleProp, object newValue)
            if (styleProp == "styleName")
                // Let the setter handle this one, see Component.
                client.StyleName = styleProp;

                // Short circuit, because styleName isn't really a style.

            bool isInheritingStyle       = StyleManager.Instance.IsInheritingStyle(styleProp);
            bool isProtoChainInitialized = client.InheritingStyles != STYLE_UNINITIALIZED;
            bool valueChanged            = client.GetStyle(styleProp) != newValue;

             * Čim setiramo stil na komponenti pomoću fje. setStyle(), to zahtijeva specijalnu deklaraciju vezanu uz komponentu
             * Deklaraciju inicijaliziramo ovdje
             * */
            if (null == client.StyleDeclaration)
                client.StyleDeclaration = new StyleDeclaration(null);

                client.StyleDeclaration.SetLocalStyle(styleProp, newValue);

                // If inheritingStyles is undefined, then this object is being
                // initialized and we haven't yet generated the proto chain.  To
                // avoid redundant work, don't bother to create the proto chain here.
                if (isProtoChainInitialized)
                client.StyleDeclaration.SetLocalStyle(styleProp, newValue);

            if (isProtoChainInitialized && valueChanged)
                client.NotifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleProp, newValue, isInheritingStyle);
Esempio n. 8
        internal static void DebugDeclarationApplication(IStyleClient client, List<StyleDeclaration> styleDeclarations)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            // 1. title
            sb.AppendLine(string.Format(@"### Applying {0} style declarations ###", styleDeclarations.Count));

            var comp = client as Component;

            // 2. path
            sb.AppendLine(ComponentUtil.PathToString(comp, "->"));

            if (null != comp)
                // 3. class/id
                string className = "";
                if (comp.StyleName is string && !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)comp.StyleName))
                    className = (string)comp.StyleName;
                string id = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comp.Id))
                    id = comp.Id;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(className) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                    string text = string.Empty;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                        text += "class: " + className + ";";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        text += "id: " + id + ";";

            // 4. declarations

Esempio n. 9
        /// Returns true if the component matches the selector
        ///<param name="component"></param>
        ///<param name="selector"></param>
        private bool MatchesSelector(IStyleClient component, Selector selector)
            var declaration = StyleManager.Instance.GetStyleDeclaration(selector.ToString());             // s(component.GetType().FullName);

            //Debug.Log("declaration: " + declaration);

            //var declarations = StyleManager.Instance.GetStyleDeclarations(selector.ToString()); // s(component.GetType().FullName);
            //if (null != declarations)
            //    Debug.Log("Declarations for " + component.GetType().FullName  + ": " + declarations.Count);

            if (null == declaration)

            if (declaration.MatchesStyleClient(component))
                //Debug.Log("Match: " + component);

Esempio n. 10
  *  Determines whether this style declaration applies to the given component
  *  based on a match of the selector chain.
  *  Returns: true if this style declaration applies to the component,
  *  otherwise false.
 ///<param name="client"></param>
 public bool MatchesStyleClient(IStyleClient client)
     //return (_selector != null) ? _selector.MatchesStyleClient(client) : false;
     return((_selector != null) && _selector.MatchesStyleClient(client));
Esempio n. 11
        private static List <StyleDeclaration> MatchStyleDeclarations(List <StyleDeclaration> declarations, IStyleClient client)
            //Debug.Log("declarations: " + declarations);
            //if (null == declarations)
            //    return null;

            var matchingDecls = new List <StyleDeclaration>();

            if (null == declarations)

            // Find the subset of declarations that match this component
            foreach (StyleDeclaration decl in declarations)
                if (decl.MatchesStyleClient(client))

Esempio n. 12
		internal static void InitProtoChain(IStyleClient client)
			/*if (client.GetType().FullName == "Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin")
				Debug.Log("Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin: " + client);*/

			//Debug.Log("InitProtoChain: " + client);
			StyleManager styleManager = StyleManager.Instance;
			//StyleDeclaration classSelector = null;

			Component uicObject = client as Component;
			StyleDeclaration styleDeclaration;

			List<StyleDeclaration> universalSelectors = new List<StyleDeclaration>();
			bool hasStyleName = false;
			object styleName = client.StyleName;

			//Debug.LogWarning("styleName: " + styleName);

			 * prvo gledamo classname setiran na ovoj komponenti
			 * ako je setiran, uzimamo style declaration za taj classname iz poola
			 * */

			if (null != styleName)
				/*if (client.StyleName is string && (string)client.StyleName == "test")

				// Get the style sheet referenced by the styleName property
				//classSelector = StyleManager.Instance.GetStyleDeclaration("." + StyleName);
				if (styleName is StyleDeclaration)
					//Debug.LogWarning("Style name is StyleDeclaration: " + styleName);
					// Get the styles referenced by the styleName property.

				#region Still not used. This is normally used for parent-child style propagation (skins)
				//else if (/*styleName is IFlexDisplayObject || */styleName is IStyleClient) // TODO
				//    // If the styleName property is a Component, then there's a
				//    // special search path for that case.
				//    StyleProtoChain.InitProtoChainForUIComponentStyleName(client);
				//    return;

				else if (styleName is string)
					//Debug.LogWarning("Style name is istring: " + styleName);
					hasStyleName = true;

			 * ovdje sada imamo style declaration za classname
			 * nakon toga moramo uzeti non-inherit chain (global root) i 
			 * inherit chain (inheriting styles od parenta)
			 * oni su nam potrebni kako bi prenijeli stilove iz parenta ukoliko nisu deklarirani na ovoj komponenti		
			 * */

			// To build the proto chain, we start at the end and work forward.
			// Referring to the list at the top of this function, we'll start by
			// getting the tail of the proto chain, which is:
			//  - for non-inheriting styles, the global style sheet
			//  - for inheriting styles, my parent's style object
			StyleTable nonInheritChain = styleManager.StylesRoot;
			StyleTable inheritChain;

			//IStyleClient p = Parent as IStyleClient;
			IStyleClient p = null;
			var visual = client as IVisualElement;
			if (null != visual)
				p = visual.Parent as IStyleClient;

			if (null != p)
				inheritChain = p.InheritingStyles;

				#region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//                if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                {
//                    if (uicObject.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                    {
//                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//                        sb.AppendLine(client + " -> parent chains:");
//                        sb.AppendLine("p.InheritingStyles: " + p.InheritingStyles);
//                        sb.AppendLine("p.NonInheritingStyles: " + p.NonInheritingStyles);
//                        Debug.Log(sb);
//                    }
//                }


				if (inheritChain == STYLE_UNINITIALIZED)
					// ako parent nema inicijaliziran inherit chain, znači da ništa ne nasljeđuje od svojih parenta
					// te također ni on sam ne definira niti jedan inheriting style.
					// u tom slučaju se možemo referencirati na non-inherit chain
					inheritChain = nonInheritChain;
				inheritChain = styleManager.StylesRoot;

			#region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//            if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//            {
//                if (uicObject.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                {
//                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//                    sb.AppendLine(client + " -> chains:");
//                    sb.AppendLine("inheritChain: " + inheritChain);
//                    sb.AppendLine("nonInheritChain: " + nonInheritChain);
//                    Debug.Log(sb);
//                }
//            }


			 * Sada moramo obraditi type deklaracije
			 * Radi se o tome da stil Buttona nasljeđuje i stilove definirane na superklasama
			 * Znači prvo potrebno je izbildati niz deklaracija (gleda se da li postoje definirane u stylesheetu)
			 * i to redoslijedom od superklasa do ove klase
			 * To odrađuje metoda "getClassStyleDeclarations()" koja vraća taj mini-niz
			 * Redoslijed u nizu je bitan jer propertyji definirani na subklasi overrajdaju one na superklasi
			 * */

			// Working backwards up the list, the next element in the
			// search path is the type selector

			List<StyleDeclaration> styleDeclarations = GetMatchingStyleDeclarations(client, universalSelectors);

			if (null != styleDeclarations)
				#region Monitor

				if (StyleDebugging.DebugComponents.Contains(client.GetType()))
					StyleDebugging.DebugDeclarationApplication(client, styleDeclarations);


				int n = styleDeclarations.Count; //typeSelectors.Count;
				for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
					styleDeclaration = styleDeclarations[i];
					inheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(inheritChain, uicObject);
					nonInheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(nonInheritChain, uicObject);

			#region For simple (string) styles (like ".stile") - not used here

			//int n;

			//if (hasStyleName)
			//    var styleNames = Regex.Split((string) styleName, @"/\s+/");
			//    n = styleNames.Count();
			//    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
			//    {
			//        if (styleNames[i].Length > 0)
			//        {
			//            styleDeclaration = styleManager.GetMergedStyleDeclaration("." + styleNames[i]);
			//            if (null != styleDeclaration)
			//                universalSelectors.Add(styleDeclaration);
			//        }
			//    }

			//// Working backwards up the list, the next element in the
			//// search path is the type selector
			//var styleDeclarations = client.GetClassStyleDeclarations();
			////Debug.Log("##### styleDeclarations: " + styleDeclarations.Count);

			////if (client is Skin && ((Skin)client).Parent is Button)
			///*if (client.GetType().FullName == "Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin")
			//    Debug.Log("Skin: " + client);*/

			//if (null != styleDeclarations)
			//    n = styleDeclarations.Count; //typeSelectors.Count;
			//    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			//    {
			//        styleDeclaration = styleDeclarations[i];
			//        inheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(inheritChain, uicObject);
			//        nonInheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(nonInheritChain, uicObject);
			//        /*if (styleDeclaration.effects)
			//            object.registerEffects(styleDeclaration.effects);*/
			//    }

			//// Next are the class selectors
			//n = universalSelectors.Count;
			//for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
			//    styleDeclaration = universalSelectors[i];
			//    if (null != styleDeclaration)
			//    {
			//        inheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(inheritChain, uicObject);
			//        nonInheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(nonInheritChain, uicObject);
			//        /*if (styleDeclaration.effects)
			//            object.registerEffects(styleDeclaration.effects);*/
			//    }

			// Finally, we'll add the in-line styles
			// to the head of the proto chain.

			styleDeclaration = client.StyleDeclaration;

			client.InheritingStyles =
				null != styleDeclaration ?
				styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(inheritChain, uicObject) :

			client.NonInheritingStyles =
				null != styleDeclaration ?
				styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(nonInheritChain, uicObject) :

			#region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//            if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//            {
//                if (uicObject.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR || uicObject.GetType() == typeof(HGroup))
//                {
//                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//                    sb.AppendLine(@"### proto chain initialized ###
//" + ComponentUtil.PathToString(uicObject, "->"));
//                    sb.AppendLine();

//                    if (null != client.StyleDeclaration && null != client.StyleDeclaration.Overrides)
//                    {
//                        sb.AppendLine("Overrides: " + client.StyleDeclaration.Overrides);
//                    }
//                    sb.AppendLine();

//                    sb.AppendLine("InheritingStyles: " + client.InheritingStyles);
//                    sb.AppendLine();

//                    sb.AppendLine("NonInheritingStyles: " + client.NonInheritingStyles);

//                    Debug.Log(sb);
//                }
//            }


Esempio n. 13
        public static Type TYPE_TO_MONITOR;         // = typeof(ImageButtonSkin);

// ReSharper restore MemberCanBePrivate.Global
// ReSharper restore FieldCanBeMadeReadOnly.Global
// ReSharper restore UnassignedField.Global
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Global

         *  Implements the getClassStyleDeclarations() logic
         *  for Component and TextBase.
         *  The 'object' parameter will be one or the other.
        internal static List <StyleDeclaration> GetClassStyleDeclarations(IStyleClient client)
            /*if (client.GetType().FullName == "Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin")
             *      Debug.Log("GetMatchingStyleDeclarations for: " + client);*/

            StyleManager styleManager = StyleManager.Instance;
            //bool qualified = true;
            string className = client.GetType().FullName;
            //IStyleClient advancedObject = client as IStyleClient;
            OrderedObject <bool> typeHierarchy = TypeHierarchyHelper.GetTypeHierarchy(client.GetType());            //, qualified);
            List <string>        types         = typeHierarchy.Keys;
            int typeCount = types.Count;

            //Debug.Log("typeCount for " + client + ": " + typeHierarchy);

            List <StyleDeclaration> classDecls = null;

            /*if (styleManager.TypeSelectorCache.ContainsKey(className))
             *      classDecls = styleManager.TypeSelectorCache[className];*/
            /*if (null != classDecls)
             *      return classDecls;*/

            classDecls = new List <StyleDeclaration>();

            // Loop over the type hierarhcy starting at the base type and work
            // down the chain of subclasses.
            for (int i = typeCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                string type = types[i];                 //.toString(); && TODO??

                //Debug.Log("Getting decls for " + type);
                List <StyleDeclaration> decls = styleManager.GetStyleDeclarations(type);
                if (null != decls)
                    //Debug.Log("  ->" + decls.Count);
                    var matchingDecls = MatchStyleDeclarations(decls, client);
                    if (null != matchingDecls)

            #region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//            if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//            {
//                if (client.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                    Debug.Log(string.Format(@"### {0} classDecls ###
//{1}", TYPE_TO_MONITOR, ListUtil<StyleDeclaration>.Format(classDecls)));
//            }


            classDecls = SortOnSpecificity(classDecls);             //classDecls.Sort(SpecificitySort); // = SortOnSpecificity(classDecls);

            #region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//            if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//            {
//                if (client.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                    Debug.Log(string.Format(@"### {0} classDecls 2 ###
//{1}", TYPE_TO_MONITOR, ListUtil<StyleDeclaration>.Format(classDecls)));
//            }


            #region Always advanced - NO caching!

/*if (styleManager.HasAdvancedSelectors()/* && advancedObject != null#1#)
 *                      {
 *                              // Advanced selectors may result in more than one match per type so
 *                              // we sort based on specificity, but we preserve the declaration
 *                              // order for equal selectors.
 *                              classDecls = SortOnSpecificity(classDecls);
 *                      }
 *                      else
 *                      {
 *                              // Cache the simple type declarations for this class
 *                              styleManager.TypeSelectorCache[className] = classDecls;
 *                      }*/


Esempio n. 14
        internal static void InitProtoChain(IStyleClient client)
            /*if (client.GetType().FullName == "Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin")
             *      Debug.Log("Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin: " + client);*/

            //Debug.Log("InitProtoChain: " + client);
            StyleManager styleManager = StyleManager.Instance;
            //StyleDeclaration classSelector = null;

            Component        uicObject = client as Component;
            StyleDeclaration styleDeclaration;

            List <StyleDeclaration> universalSelectors = new List <StyleDeclaration>();
            bool   hasStyleName = false;
            object styleName    = client.StyleName;

            //Debug.LogWarning("styleName: " + styleName);

             * prvo gledamo classname setiran na ovoj komponenti
             * ako je setiran, uzimamo style declaration za taj classname iz poola
             * */

            if (null != styleName)
                /*if (client.StyleName is string && (string)client.StyleName == "test")
                 *      Debug.Log("client.StyleName");*/

                // Get the style sheet referenced by the styleName property
                //classSelector = StyleManager.Instance.GetStyleDeclaration("." + StyleName);
                if (styleName is StyleDeclaration)
                    //Debug.LogWarning("Style name is StyleDeclaration: " + styleName);
                    // Get the styles referenced by the styleName property.

                #region Still not used. This is normally used for parent-child style propagation (skins)
                //else if (/*styleName is IFlexDisplayObject || */styleName is IStyleClient) // TODO
                //    // If the styleName property is a Component, then there's a
                //    // special search path for that case.
                //    StyleProtoChain.InitProtoChainForUIComponentStyleName(client);
                //    return;

                else if (styleName is string)
                    //Debug.LogWarning("Style name is istring: " + styleName);
                    hasStyleName = true;

             * ovdje sada imamo style declaration za classname
             * nakon toga moramo uzeti non-inherit chain (global root) i
             * inherit chain (inheriting styles od parenta)
             * oni su nam potrebni kako bi prenijeli stilove iz parenta ukoliko nisu deklarirani na ovoj komponenti
             * */

            // To build the proto chain, we start at the end and work forward.
            // Referring to the list at the top of this function, we'll start by
            // getting the tail of the proto chain, which is:
            //  - for non-inheriting styles, the global style sheet
            //  - for inheriting styles, my parent's style object
            StyleTable nonInheritChain = styleManager.StylesRoot;
            StyleTable inheritChain;

            //IStyleClient p = Parent as IStyleClient;
            IStyleClient p      = null;
            var          visual = client as IVisualElement;
            if (null != visual)
                p = visual.Parent as IStyleClient;

            if (null != p)
                inheritChain = p.InheritingStyles;

                #region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//                if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                {
//                    if (uicObject.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                    {
//                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//                        sb.AppendLine(client + " -> parent chains:");
//                        sb.AppendLine("p.InheritingStyles: " + p.InheritingStyles);
//                        sb.AppendLine("p.NonInheritingStyles: " + p.NonInheritingStyles);
//                        Debug.Log(sb);
//                    }
//                }


                if (inheritChain == STYLE_UNINITIALIZED)
                    // ako parent nema inicijaliziran inherit chain, znači da ništa ne nasljeđuje od svojih parenta
                    // te također ni on sam ne definira niti jedan inheriting style.
                    // u tom slučaju se možemo referencirati na non-inherit chain
                    inheritChain = nonInheritChain;
                inheritChain = styleManager.StylesRoot;

            #region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//            if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//            {
//                if (uicObject.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                {
//                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//                    sb.AppendLine(client + " -> chains:");
//                    sb.AppendLine("inheritChain: " + inheritChain);
//                    sb.AppendLine("nonInheritChain: " + nonInheritChain);
//                    Debug.Log(sb);
//                }
//            }


             * Sada moramo obraditi type deklaracije
             * Radi se o tome da stil Buttona nasljeđuje i stilove definirane na superklasama
             * Znači prvo potrebno je izbildati niz deklaracija (gleda se da li postoje definirane u stylesheetu)
             * i to redoslijedom od superklasa do ove klase
             * To odrađuje metoda "getClassStyleDeclarations()" koja vraća taj mini-niz
             * Redoslijed u nizu je bitan jer propertyji definirani na subklasi overrajdaju one na superklasi
             * */

            // Working backwards up the list, the next element in the
            // search path is the type selector

            List <StyleDeclaration> styleDeclarations = GetMatchingStyleDeclarations(client, universalSelectors);

            if (null != styleDeclarations)
                #region Monitor

                if (StyleDebugging.DebugComponents.Contains(client.GetType()))
                    StyleDebugging.DebugDeclarationApplication(client, styleDeclarations);


                int n = styleDeclarations.Count;                 //typeSelectors.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    styleDeclaration = styleDeclarations[i];
                    inheritChain     = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(inheritChain, uicObject);
                    nonInheritChain  = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(nonInheritChain, uicObject);

            #region For simple (string) styles (like ".stile") - not used here

            //int n;

            //if (hasStyleName)
            //    var styleNames = Regex.Split((string) styleName, @"/\s+/");
            //    n = styleNames.Count();
            //    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
            //    {
            //        if (styleNames[i].Length > 0)
            //        {
            //            styleDeclaration = styleManager.GetMergedStyleDeclaration("." + styleNames[i]);
            //            if (null != styleDeclaration)
            //                universalSelectors.Add(styleDeclaration);
            //        }
            //    }

            //// Working backwards up the list, the next element in the
            //// search path is the type selector
            //var styleDeclarations = client.GetClassStyleDeclarations();
            ////Debug.Log("##### styleDeclarations: " + styleDeclarations.Count);

            ////if (client is Skin && ((Skin)client).Parent is Button)
            ///*if (client.GetType().FullName == "Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin")
            //    Debug.Log("Skin: " + client);*/

            //if (null != styleDeclarations)
            //    n = styleDeclarations.Count; //typeSelectors.Count;
            //    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            //    {
            //        styleDeclaration = styleDeclarations[i];
            //        inheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(inheritChain, uicObject);
            //        nonInheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(nonInheritChain, uicObject);
            //        /*if (styleDeclaration.effects)
            //            object.registerEffects(styleDeclaration.effects);*/
            //    }

            //// Next are the class selectors
            //n = universalSelectors.Count;
            //for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
            //    styleDeclaration = universalSelectors[i];
            //    if (null != styleDeclaration)
            //    {
            //        inheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(inheritChain, uicObject);
            //        nonInheritChain = styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(nonInheritChain, uicObject);
            //        /*if (styleDeclaration.effects)
            //            object.registerEffects(styleDeclaration.effects);*/
            //    }


            // Finally, we'll add the in-line styles
            // to the head of the proto chain.

            styleDeclaration = client.StyleDeclaration;

            client.InheritingStyles =
                null != styleDeclaration?
                styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(inheritChain, uicObject) :

            client.NonInheritingStyles =
                null != styleDeclaration?
                styleDeclaration.AddStyleToProtoChain(nonInheritChain, uicObject) :

            #region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//            if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//            {
//                if (uicObject.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR || uicObject.GetType() == typeof(HGroup))
//                {
//                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//                    sb.AppendLine(@"### proto chain initialized ###
//" + ComponentUtil.PathToString(uicObject, "->"));
//                    sb.AppendLine();

//                    if (null != client.StyleDeclaration && null != client.StyleDeclaration.Overrides)
//                    {
//                        sb.AppendLine("Overrides: " + client.StyleDeclaration.Overrides);
//                    }
//                    sb.AppendLine();

//                    sb.AppendLine("InheritingStyles: " + client.InheritingStyles);
//                    sb.AppendLine();

//                    sb.AppendLine("NonInheritingStyles: " + client.NonInheritingStyles);

//                    Debug.Log(sb);
//                }
//            }

Esempio n. 15
		public static Type TYPE_TO_MONITOR; // = typeof(ImageButtonSkin);
// ReSharper restore MemberCanBePrivate.Global
// ReSharper restore FieldCanBeMadeReadOnly.Global
// ReSharper restore UnassignedField.Global
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Global

		 *  Implements the getClassStyleDeclarations() logic
		 *  for Component and TextBase.
		 *  The 'object' parameter will be one or the other.
		internal static List<StyleDeclaration> GetClassStyleDeclarations(IStyleClient client)
			/*if (client.GetType().FullName == "Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin")
				Debug.Log("GetMatchingStyleDeclarations for: " + client);*/

			StyleManager styleManager = StyleManager.Instance;
			//bool qualified = true;
			string className = client.GetType().FullName;
			//IStyleClient advancedObject = client as IStyleClient;
			OrderedObject<bool> typeHierarchy = TypeHierarchyHelper.GetTypeHierarchy(client.GetType()); //, qualified);
			List<string> types = typeHierarchy.Keys;
			int typeCount = types.Count;

			//Debug.Log("typeCount for " + client + ": " + typeHierarchy);

			List<StyleDeclaration> classDecls = null;
			/*if (styleManager.TypeSelectorCache.ContainsKey(className))
				classDecls = styleManager.TypeSelectorCache[className];*/
			/*if (null != classDecls)
				return classDecls;*/

			classDecls = new List<StyleDeclaration>();

			// Loop over the type hierarhcy starting at the base type and work
			// down the chain of subclasses.
			for (int i = typeCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				string type = types[i]; //.toString(); && TODO??

				//Debug.Log("Getting decls for " + type);
				List<StyleDeclaration> decls = styleManager.GetStyleDeclarations(type);
				if (null != decls)
					//Debug.Log("  ->" + decls.Count);
					var matchingDecls = MatchStyleDeclarations(decls, client);
					if (null != matchingDecls)

			#region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//            if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//            {
//                if (client.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                    Debug.Log(string.Format(@"### {0} classDecls ###
//{1}", TYPE_TO_MONITOR, ListUtil<StyleDeclaration>.Format(classDecls)));
//            }


			classDecls = SortOnSpecificity(classDecls); //classDecls.Sort(SpecificitySort); // = SortOnSpecificity(classDecls);

			#region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//            if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//            {
//                if (client.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                    Debug.Log(string.Format(@"### {0} classDecls 2 ###
//{1}", TYPE_TO_MONITOR, ListUtil<StyleDeclaration>.Format(classDecls)));
//            }


			#region Always advanced - NO caching!

/*if (styleManager.HasAdvancedSelectors()/* && advancedObject != null#1#)
				// Advanced selectors may result in more than one match per type so
				// we sort based on specificity, but we preserve the declaration
				// order for equal selectors.
				classDecls = SortOnSpecificity(classDecls);
				// Cache the simple type declarations for this class 
				styleManager.TypeSelectorCache[className] = classDecls;


			return classDecls;
Esempio n. 16
		 *  Find all matching style declarations for an IAdvancedStyleClient
		 *  component. The result is sorted in terms of specificity, but the
		 *  declaration order is preserved.
		 *  Param: object - an IAdvancedStyleClient instance of the component to
		 *  match.
		 *  Param: styleDeclarations - an optional Array of additional
		 *  CSSStyleDeclarations to be included in the sorted matches.
		 *  Returns: An Array of matching style declarations sorted by specificity.
		private static List<StyleDeclaration> GetMatchingStyleDeclarations(IStyleClient client, List<StyleDeclaration> styleDeclarations)
			/*if (client.GetType().FullName == "Assets.eDriven.Skins.ImageButtonSkin")
				Debug.Log("GetMatchingStyleDeclarations for: " + client);*/

			StyleManager styleManager = StyleManager.Instance;
			if (null == styleDeclarations)
				styleDeclarations = new List<StyleDeclaration>();

			// First, look for universal selectors
			List<StyleDeclaration> universalDecls = styleManager.GetStyleDeclarations("*");/* ??
													   new List<StyleDeclaration>(); // TODO: "*"*/

			List<StyleDeclaration> list = MatchStyleDeclarations(universalDecls, client);

			// Next, look for type selectors (includes ActionScript supertype matches)
			// If we also had universal selectors, concatenate them with our type
			// selectors and then resort by specificity...
			if (styleDeclarations.Count > 0)
				list = client.GetClassStyleDeclarations();
				styleDeclarations = list;
				styleDeclarations = SortOnSpecificity(styleDeclarations);
				// Otherwise, we only have type selectors (which are already sorted)
				styleDeclarations = client.GetClassStyleDeclarations();

				#region Monitor

//#if DEBUG
//                if (null != TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                {
//                    if (client.GetType() == TYPE_TO_MONITOR)
//                        Debug.Log(string.Format(@"***  {0}:
//{1}", TYPE_TO_MONITOR, ListUtil<StyleDeclaration>.Format(styleDeclarations)));
//                }


			return styleDeclarations;
Esempio n. 17
		private static List<StyleDeclaration> MatchStyleDeclarations(List<StyleDeclaration> declarations, IStyleClient client)
			//Debug.Log("declarations: " + declarations);
			//if (null == declarations)
			//    return null;

			var matchingDecls = new List<StyleDeclaration>();
			if (null == declarations)
				return matchingDecls;

			// Find the subset of declarations that match this component
			foreach (StyleDeclaration decl in declarations)
				if (decl.MatchesStyleClient(client))

			return matchingDecls;
Esempio n. 18
        //internal List<MediaQuery> MediaQueries { get; set; }

        internal bool MatchesStyleClient(IStyleClient client)
            bool match = false;

            //CSSCondition condition = null;

            // If we have an ancestor then this is part of a descendant selector
            if (null != Ancestor)
                if (null != Conditions)
                    // First, test if the conditions match
                    foreach (CSSCondition condition in Conditions)
                        match = condition.MatchesStyleClient(client);
                        if (!match)

                // Then reset and test if any ancestor matches
                match = false;
                IStyleClient parent = client.StyleParent;
                while (parent != null)
                    if (parent.MatchesCSSType(Ancestor.Subject) ||
                        "*" == Ancestor.Subject)
                        match = Ancestor.MatchesStyleClient(parent);
                        if (match)
                    parent = parent.StyleParent;
                // Check the type selector matches
                if (Subject == "*" || Subject == "" || client.MatchesCSSType(Subject))
                    match = true;

                // Then check if any conditions match
                if (match && Conditions != null)
                    foreach (CSSCondition condition in Conditions)
                        match = condition.MatchesStyleClient(client);
                        if (!match)

Esempio n. 19
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets style
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="client"></param>
		/// <param name="styleProp"></param>
		/// <param name="newValue"></param>
		public static void SetStyle(IStyleClient client, string styleProp, object newValue)
			if (styleProp == "styleName")
				// Let the setter handle this one, see Component.
				client.StyleName = styleProp;

				// Short circuit, because styleName isn't really a style.

			bool isInheritingStyle = StyleManager.Instance.IsInheritingStyle(styleProp);
			bool isProtoChainInitialized = client.InheritingStyles != STYLE_UNINITIALIZED;
			bool valueChanged = client.GetStyle(styleProp) != newValue;

			 * Čim setiramo stil na komponenti pomoću fje. setStyle(), to zahtijeva specijalnu deklaraciju vezanu uz komponentu
			 * Deklaraciju inicijaliziramo ovdje
			 * */
			if (null == client.StyleDeclaration)
				client.StyleDeclaration = new StyleDeclaration(null);

				client.StyleDeclaration.SetLocalStyle(styleProp, newValue);

				// If inheritingStyles is undefined, then this object is being
				// initialized and we haven't yet generated the proto chain.  To
				// avoid redundant work, don't bother to create the proto chain here.
				if (isProtoChainInitialized)
				client.StyleDeclaration.SetLocalStyle(styleProp, newValue);

			if (isProtoChainInitialized && valueChanged)
				client.NotifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleProp, newValue, isInheritingStyle);
Esempio n. 20
		 *  Determines whether this style declaration applies to the given component
		 *  based on a match of the selector chain.
		 *  Returns: true if this style declaration applies to the component, 
		 *  otherwise false.
		///<param name="client"></param>
		public bool MatchesStyleClient(IStyleClient client)
			//return (_selector != null) ? _selector.MatchesStyleClient(client) : false;
			return (_selector != null) && _selector.MatchesStyleClient(client);