Esempio n. 1
        public SerAuxTrend(IStreamReader reader, GraphRecordNumber id, ushort length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            // initialize class members from stream
            this.regt    = (TrendlineType)reader.ReadByte();
            this.ordUser = reader.ReadByte();

            //read the nullable double value (ChartNumNillable)
            var b = reader.ReadBytes(4);

            if (b[2] == 0xFF && b[3] == 0xFF)
                this.numIntercept = null;
                this.numIntercept = System.BitConverter.ToDouble(b, 0);

            this.fEquation   = Utils.ByteToBool(reader.ReadByte());
            this.fRSquared   = Utils.ByteToBool(reader.ReadByte());
            this.numForecast = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.numBackcast = reader.ReadDouble();

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Esempio n. 2
        public CrtLayout12(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, ushort length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            this.frtHeader  = new FrtHeader(reader);
            this.dwCheckSum = reader.ReadUInt32();
            ushort flags = reader.ReadUInt16();

            this.fLayoutTargetInner = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x1);
            this.autolayouttype     = (AutoLayoutType)Utils.BitmaskToInt(flags, 0xE);
            if (id == RecordType.CrtLayout12A)
                this.xTL = reader.ReadInt16();
                this.yTL = reader.ReadInt16();
                this.xBR = reader.ReadInt16();
                this.yBR = reader.ReadInt16();
            this.wXMode      = (CrtLayout12Mode)reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.wYMode      = (CrtLayout12Mode)reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.wWidthMode  = (CrtLayout12Mode)reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.wHeightMode = (CrtLayout12Mode)reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.x           = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.y           = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.dx          = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.dy          = reader.ReadDouble();
            reader.ReadBytes(2); //reserved

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Esempio n. 3
        public ValueRange(IStreamReader reader, GraphRecordNumber id, ushort length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            // initialize class members from stream
            this.numMin   = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.numMax   = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.numMajor = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.numMinor = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.numCross = reader.ReadDouble();

            ushort flags = reader.ReadUInt16();

            this.fAutoMin   = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0001);
            this.fAutoMax   = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0002);
            this.fAutoMajor = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0004);
            this.fAutoMinor = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0008);
            this.fAutoCross = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0010);
            this.fLog       = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0020);
            this.fReversed  = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0040);
            this.fMaxCross  = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0080);

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Esempio n. 4
        public Setup(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, ushort length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            this.iPaperSize = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.iScale     = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.iPageStart = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.iFitWidth  = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.iFitHeight = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.grbit      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.iRes       = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.iVRes      = reader.ReadUInt16();

            this.numHdr = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.numFtr = reader.ReadDouble();

            this.iCopies = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // set flags
            this.fLeftToRight = Utils.BitmaskToBool(this.grbit, 0x01);
            this.fPortrait    = Utils.BitmaskToBool(this.grbit, 0x02);
            this.fNoPls       = Utils.BitmaskToBool(this.grbit, 0x04);
            this.fNoColor     = Utils.BitmaskToBool(this.grbit, 0x08);

            this.fDraft    = Utils.BitmaskToBool(this.grbit, 0x010);
            this.fNotes    = Utils.BitmaskToBool(this.grbit, 0x020);
            this.fNoOrient = Utils.BitmaskToBool(this.grbit, 0x040);
            this.fUsePage  = Utils.BitmaskToBool(this.grbit, 0x080);

            this.fEndNotes = Utils.BitmaskToBool(this.grbit, 0x080);
            this.iErrors   = (this.grbit & 0x0C00) << 0x0A;
Esempio n. 5
 public override object ReadValue(IStreamReader reader, ISerializeContext context)
     return(NullableRead(reader, () =>
         return reader.ReadDouble();
Esempio n. 6
        public RightMargin(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, UInt16 length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            this.value = reader.ReadDouble();
Esempio n. 7
        public XmlTkDouble(IStreamReader reader)
            this.xtHeader = new XmlTkHeader(reader);


            this.dValue = reader.ReadDouble();
Esempio n. 8
        public SerAuxTrend(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, ushort length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            // initialize class members from stream
            this.regt    = (TrendlineType)reader.ReadByte();
            this.ordUser = reader.ReadByte();

            //read the nullable double value (ChartNumNillable)
            this.numIntercept = new ChartNumNillable(reader).value;

            this.fEquation   = Utils.ByteToBool(reader.ReadByte());
            this.fRSquared   = Utils.ByteToBool(reader.ReadByte());
            this.numForecast = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.numBackcast = reader.ReadDouble();

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Ctor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">Streamreader</param>
        /// <param name="id">Record ID - Recordtype</param>
        /// <param name="length">The recordlegth</param>
        public Number(IStreamReader reader, GraphRecordNumber id, UInt16 length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

    = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.col = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.ixfe = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.num  = reader.ReadDouble();

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            // Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Esempio n. 10
        public SerAuxErrBar(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, UInt16 length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            // initialize class members from stream
            this.sertm   = (ErrorBarDirection)reader.ReadByte();
            this.ebsrc   = (ErrorAmoutType)reader.ReadByte();
            this.fTeeTop = Utils.ByteToBool(reader.ReadByte());
            reader.ReadByte();   // reserved
            this.numValue = reader.ReadDouble();
            reader.ReadBytes(2); //unused

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Esempio n. 11
        public YMult(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, ushort length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            // initialize class members from stream
            this.frtHeaderOld       = new FrtHeaderOld(reader);
            this.axmid              = (AxisMultiplier)reader.ReadInt16();
            this.numLabelMultiplier = reader.ReadDouble();

            ushort flags = reader.ReadUInt16();

            this.fAutoShowMultiplier = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0002);
            this.fBeingEdited        = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0004);

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Esempio n. 12
        public PicF(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, ushort length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            // initialize class members from stream
            this.ptyp = (LayoutType)reader.ReadInt16();
            reader.ReadBytes(2); //unused
            ushort flags = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // first 9 bits are reserved
            this.fTopBottom = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x200);
            this.fBackFront = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x400);
            this.fSide      = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x800);
            this.numScale   = reader.ReadDouble();

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Esempio n. 13
        public BopPop(IStreamReader reader, GraphRecordNumber id, UInt16 length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            // initialize class members from stream
            this.pst            = (Subtype)reader.ReadByte();
            this.fAutoSplit     = !(reader.ReadByte() == 0x0);
            this.split          = (SplitType)reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.iSplitPos      = reader.ReadInt16();
            this.pcSplitPercent = reader.ReadInt16();
            this.pcPie2Size     = reader.ReadInt16();
            this.pcGap          = reader.ReadInt16();
            this.numSplitValue  = reader.ReadDouble();
            this.fHasShadow     = Utils.BitmaskToBool(reader.ReadUInt16(), 0x0001);

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Esempio n. 14
        private void ReadData(int dataTypeCd, WireMessage message, IStreamReader reader)
            switch ((TypeCode)dataTypeCd)
            case TypeCode.Boolean:
                message.Data = reader.ReadBoolean();

            case TypeCode.Byte:
                message.Data = reader.ReadByte();

            case TypeCode.Char:
                message.Data = reader.ReadChar();

            case TypeCode.DateTime:
                message.Data = new DateTime(reader.ReadInt64());

            case TypeCode.DBNull:
                message.Data = DBNull.Value;

            case TypeCode.Decimal:
                message.Data = reader.ReadDecimal();

            case TypeCode.Double:
                message.Data = reader.ReadDouble();

            case TypeCode.Empty:

            case TypeCode.Int16:
                message.Data = reader.ReadInt16();

            case TypeCode.Int32:
                message.Data = reader.ReadInt32();

            case TypeCode.Int64:
                message.Data = reader.ReadInt64();

            case TypeCode.SByte:
                message.Data = reader.ReadSByte();

            case TypeCode.Single:
                message.Data = reader.ReadSingle();

            case TypeCode.String:
                message.Data = ReadString(reader);

            case TypeCode.UInt16:
                message.Data = reader.ReadUInt16();

            case TypeCode.UInt32:
                message.Data = reader.ReadUInt32();

            case TypeCode.UInt64:
                message.Data = reader.ReadUInt64();

                var len = reader.ReadInt32();
                if (len > 0)
                    using (var tempStream = new ChunkedStream())
                        var chunkSize = tempStream.ChunkSize;
                        while (len > 0)
                            var bytes = reader.ReadBytes(chunkSize);

                            var readLen = bytes?.Length ?? 0;
                            if (readLen == 0)
                                throw new Exception(SerializationErrors.StreamNotContainingValidWireMessage);

                            len -= readLen;
                            tempStream.Write(bytes, 0, readLen);

                        tempStream.Position = 0;
                        message.Data        = GetSerializer().Deserialize(tempStream);
Esempio n. 15
        public Formula(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, ushort length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);
            this.val          = new byte[8];
             = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.col          = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.ixfe         = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.boolValueSet = false;

            long oldStreamPosition = this.Reader.BaseStream.Position;

            this.val = reader.ReadBytes(8); // read 8 bytes for the value of the formular
            if (this.val[6] == 0xFF && this.val[7] == 0xFF)
                // this value is a string, an error or a boolean value
                byte firstOffset = this.val[0];
                if (firstOffset == 1)
                    // this is a boolean value
                    this.boolValue    = this.val[2];
                    this.boolValueSet = true;
                if (firstOffset == 2)
                    // this is a error value
                    this.errorValue = (int)this.val[2];
                this.Reader.BaseStream.Seek(oldStreamPosition, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                this.calculatedValue = reader.ReadDouble();

            this.grbit    = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.chn      = reader.ReadUInt32(); // this is used for performance reasons only
            this.cce      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.ptgStack = new Stack <AbstractPtg>();
            // reader.ReadBytes(this.cce);

            // check always calc mode
            this.fAlwaysCalc = Utils.BitmaskToBool((int)this.grbit, 0x01);

            // check if shared formula
            this.fShrFmla = Utils.BitmaskToBool((int)this.grbit, 0x08);

            oldStreamPosition = this.Reader.BaseStream.Position;
            if (!this.fShrFmla)
                    this.ptgStack = ExcelHelperClass.getFormulaStack(this.Reader, this.cce);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.Reader.BaseStream.Seek(oldStreamPosition, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    this.Reader.BaseStream.Seek(this.cce, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                    TraceLogger.Error("Formula parse error in Row {0} Column {1}",, this.col);
                    TraceLogger.Debug("Inner exception: {0}", ex.InnerException.StackTrace);

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);