Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Main run method for performing our calculations and storing data.</summary>
        /// <param name="dataStore">The data store.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ApsimXException">
        /// Could not find model data table:  + PredictedTableName
        /// or
        /// Could not find observed data table:  + ObservedTableName
        /// </exception>
        public void Run(IStorageReader dataStore)
            if (PredictedTableName != null && ObservedTableName != null)

                List <string> predictedDataNames = dataStore.GetTableColumns(PredictedTableName);
                List <string> observedDataNames  = dataStore.GetTableColumns(ObservedTableName);

                if (predictedDataNames == null)
                    throw new ApsimXException(this, "Could not find model data table: " + PredictedTableName);

                if (observedDataNames == null)
                    throw new ApsimXException(this, "Could not find observed data table: " + ObservedTableName);

                // get the common columns between these lists of columns
                IEnumerable <string> commonCols = predictedDataNames.Intersect(observedDataNames);

                StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
                foreach (string s in commonCols)
                    if (s == FieldNameUsedForMatch || s == FieldName2UsedForMatch || s == FieldName3UsedForMatch)
                        query.Append("I.'@field', ");
                        query.Append("I.'@field' AS 'Observed.@field', R.'@field' AS 'Predicted.@field', ");

                    query.Replace("@field", s);

                query.Append("FROM " + ObservedTableName + " I INNER JOIN " + PredictedTableName + " R USING (SimulationID) WHERE I.'@match1' = R.'@match1'");
                if (FieldName2UsedForMatch != null && FieldName2UsedForMatch != string.Empty)
                    query.Append(" AND I.'@match2' = R.'@match2'");
                if (FieldName3UsedForMatch != null && FieldName3UsedForMatch != string.Empty)
                    query.Append(" AND I.'@match3' = R.'@match3'");

                int checkpointID = dataStore.GetCheckpointID("Current");
                query.Append(" AND R.CheckpointID = " + checkpointID);

                query.Replace(", FROM", " FROM"); // get rid of the last comma
                query.Replace("I.'SimulationID' AS 'Observed.SimulationID', R.'SimulationID' AS 'Predicted.SimulationID'", "I.'SimulationID' AS 'SimulationID'");

                query = query.Replace("@match1", FieldNameUsedForMatch);
                query = query.Replace("@match2", FieldName2UsedForMatch);
                query = query.Replace("@match3", FieldName3UsedForMatch);

                if (Parent is Folder)
                    // Limit it to particular simulations in scope.
                    List <string> simulationNames = new List <string>();
                    foreach (Experiment experiment in Apsim.FindAll(this, typeof(Experiment)))
                    foreach (Simulation simulation in Apsim.FindAll(this, typeof(Simulation)))
                        if (!(simulation.Parent is Experiment))

                    query.Append(" AND I.SimulationID in (");
                    foreach (string simulationName in simulationNames)
                        if (simulationName != simulationNames[0])

                DataTable predictedObservedData = dataStore.RunQuery(query.ToString());

                if (predictedObservedData != null)
                    predictedObservedData.TableName = this.Name;

                    List <string> unitFieldNames = new List <string>();
                    List <string> unitNames      = new List <string>();

                    // write units to table.
                    foreach (string fieldName in commonCols)
                        string units = dataStore.GetUnits(PredictedTableName, fieldName);
                        if (units != null && units != "()")
                            string unitsMinusBrackets = units.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "");
                            unitFieldNames.Add("Predicted." + fieldName);
                            unitFieldNames.Add("Observed." + fieldName);
                    if (unitNames.Count > 0)
                        dataStore.AddUnitsForTable(Name, unitFieldNames, unitNames);

                    // Determine what went wrong.
                    DataTable predictedData = dataStore.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM " + PredictedTableName);
                    DataTable observedData  = dataStore.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM " + ObservedTableName);
                    if (predictedData == null || predictedData.Rows.Count == 0)
                        throw new Exception(Name + ": Cannot find any predicted data.");
                    else if (observedData == null || observedData.Rows.Count == 0)
                        throw new Exception(Name + ": Cannot find any observed data in node: " + ObservedTableName + ". Check for missing observed file or move " + ObservedTableName + " to top of child list under DataStore (order is important!)");
                        throw new Exception(Name + ": Observed data was found but didn't match the predicted values. Make sure the values in the SimulationName column match the simulation names in the user interface. Also ensure column names in the observed file match the APSIM report column names.");