Esempio n. 1
        private void AssociationTableProcessing(IStereotypeInstance table, IClass cls)
            foreach (IProperty p in cls.Members)
                IEnumerable<IStereotypeInstance> columns = p.AppliedStereotypes.Where(s => s.Name == "Column");
                foreach (IStereotypeInstance column in columns)

            List<string> unique = new List<string>();

            foreach (IProperty ae in cls.GetOutgoingAssociationEnds())
                IAssociation association = ae.Association;

                IEnumerable<IProperty> comps = association.MemberEnds.Where(s => s.IsComposite && s.Name == ae.Name);
                foreach (IProperty pComp in comps)

                IEnumerable<IStereotypeInstance> fks = association.AppliedStereotypes.Where(s => s.Name == "ForeignKey");
                foreach (IStereotypeInstance fk in fks)
                    if (IsNavigableAssoc(ae) && fk != null)
                        unique.Add(ae.Name + "Id");
                        _sql.AddFKConstraint(association.Name, cls.Name, ae.Name, ae.Type.Name, TableKeys[ae.Type.Name], UmlHelper.GetDeleteAction(fk));

                IEnumerable<IStereotypeInstance> ars = association.AppliedStereotypes.Where(s => s.Name == "AbstractReference");
                foreach (IStereotypeInstance ar in ars)
                    if (IsNavigableAssoc(ae))
                        _sql.AddIndexConstraint(ae.Name + "AbstractRefIndex", ae.Name + "Id, " + ae.Name + "Table", "");
                        unique.Add(ae.Name + "Id, " + ae.Name + "Table");

                IEnumerable<IStereotypeInstance> refs = association.AppliedStereotypes.Where(s => s.Name == "Reference");
                foreach (IStereotypeInstance r in refs)
                    DealWithReflexiveReferences(ae, association);
                    unique.Add(ae.Name + "Id");

 private bool IsPrimaryKey(IStereotypeInstance column)
     IStereotypePropertyInstance pk = column.PropertyInstances.Where(p => p.Name == "PrimaryKey").First();
     return bool.Parse(pk.Value) == true ? true : false; ;
 private string GetNull(IStereotypeInstance column)
     IStereotypePropertyInstance allowNulls = column.PropertyInstances.Where(p => p.Name == "AllowNulls").First();
     return bool.Parse(allowNulls.Value) == true ? string.Empty : "not null";
 private string GetLength(IStereotypeInstance column)
     IStereotypePropertyInstance length = column.PropertyInstances.Where(p => p.Name == "Length").First();
     return length.Value;
 private string GetDeleteAction(IStereotypeInstance assoc)
     IStereotypePropertyInstance deleteRule = assoc.PropertyInstances.Where(p => p.Name == "DeleteRule").First();
     return deleteRule.Value;
 private string GetDataType(IStereotypeInstance column)
     IStereotypePropertyInstance dataType = column.PropertyInstances.Where(p => p.Name == "DataType").First();
     return dataType.Value;
Esempio n. 7
 private void WriteProperty(IProperty p, IStereotypeInstance column)
     _fsSql.WriteLine("    {0} {1} {2} {3},", p.Name, BuildDataType(column), UmlHelper.GetNull(column), UmlHelper.GetDefaultValue(p));
Esempio n. 8
 private void WritePKProperty(IProperty p, IStereotypeInstance column)
     if (_run == SQLGenerateRun.Postgres)
         _fsSql.WriteLine("    {0} bigserial {1} {2},", p.Name, UmlHelper.GetNull(column), UmlHelper.GetDefaultValue(p));
         _fsSql.WriteLine("    {0} {1} {2} Auto_Increment {3},", p.Name, BuildDataType(column), UmlHelper.GetNull(column), UmlHelper.GetDefaultValue(p));
Esempio n. 9
 private string BuildDataType(IStereotypeInstance column)
     string s = UmlHelper.GetDataType(column);
     StringBuilder dt = new StringBuilder(s);
     if (s.Contains("()"))
         dt.Insert(dt.Length - 1, UmlHelper.GetLength(column));
     return dt.ToString();
Esempio n. 10
 private string BuildDjangoDataType(IStereotypeInstance column)
     string s = UmlHelper.GetDataType(column);
     string dt = String.Empty;
     if (s.Contains("()"))
         // Special Processing for floats and decimals
         if (s == "float()" || s == "decimal()")
             string[] maxAndPlaces = UmlHelper.GetLength(column).ToString().Split(',');
             dt = SqlPythonTypes[s] + String.Format("(max_digits={0}, decimal_places={1}, ", maxAndPlaces[0], maxAndPlaces[1]);
             dt = SqlPythonTypes[s] + String.Format("(max_length={0}, ", UmlHelper.GetLength(column).ToString());
         dt = SqlPythonTypes[s] + "(";
     return dt;
Esempio n. 11
 public void WriteProperty(IProperty p, IStereotypeInstance column)
     _fsPy.WriteLine("    {0} = models.{1}db_column='{2}', blank={3} {4})",
         LowerCaseVarName(p.Name), BuildDjangoDataType(column), p.Name,
             String.IsNullOrEmpty(UmlHelper.GetNull(column)) ? "True" : "False",
             String.IsNullOrEmpty(UmlHelper.GetDefaultValue(p)) ? "" : ", default={0})", UmlHelper.GetDefaultValue(p));
     //description = models.CharField(max_length=768, db_column='Description', blank=True)
Esempio n. 12
 public void WritePKProperty(IProperty p, IStereotypeInstance column)
     _fsPy.WriteLine("    {0} = models.BigIntegerField(primary_key=True, db_column='{1}')", LowerCaseVarName(p.Name), p.Name);
Esempio n. 13
        private void HierarchyTableProcessing(IStereotypeInstance table, IClass cls)
            String childName = String.Empty;
            String parentName = String.Empty;
            String kindName = String.Empty;

            foreach (IProperty p in cls.Members)
                IEnumerable<IStereotypeInstance> columns = p.AppliedStereotypes.Where(s => s.Name == "Column");
                foreach (IStereotypeInstance column in columns)

            foreach (IProperty p in cls.GetOutgoingAssociationEnds())
                IAssociation association = p.Association;

                IEnumerable<IStereotypeInstance> parent = association.AppliedStereotypes.Where(s => s.Name == "Parent");
                foreach (IStereotypeInstance fk in parent)
                    //kindName is the Table kind for which this table is a hierarchy
                    kindName = association.EndTypes.Where(s => s.Name != cls.Name).First().Name;
                    if (IsNavigableAssoc(p) && fk != null)
                        parentName = p.Name + "Id";
                        _sql.AddFKConstraint(association.Name, cls.Name, p.Name, p.Type.Name, TableKeys[p.Type.Name], "Delete");
                IEnumerable<IStereotypeInstance> child = association.AppliedStereotypes.Where(s => s.Name == "Child");
                foreach (IStereotypeInstance fk in child)
                    if (IsNavigableAssoc(p) && fk != null)
                        childName = p.Name + "Id";
                        _sql.AddFKConstraint(association.Name, cls.Name, p.Name, p.Type.Name, TableKeys[p.Type.Name], "Delete");

            _sql.AddIndexConstraint(cls.Name + "Index", parentName + ", " + childName, "");

            _sql.AddSubtreeProcedure(cls.Name, kindName, parentName, childName);
Esempio n. 14
 private string BuildDataType(IStereotypeInstance column)
     // TODO  - rewrite this using dictionaries for the various DBs
     // and map to datatypes allowed in DSL
     string s = UmlHelper.GetDataType(column);
     StringBuilder dt = new StringBuilder(s);
     if (_run == SQLGenerateRun.Postgres)
         if (s == "float()")
             return "real";
         else if (s == "datetime")
             return "timestamp";
         else if (s == "datetimezone")
             return "timestamp with time zone";
         else if (s == "blob")
             return "bytea";
         else if (s == "double")
             return "double precision";
         else if (s == "varbinary()")
             return "boolean";
         else if (s == "tinyint")
             return "smallint";
         else if (s == "text")
             return "text";
         else if (s == "guid")
             return "uuid";
         else if (s.Contains("()"))
             dt.Insert(dt.Length - 1, UmlHelper.GetLength(column));
             return dt.ToString();
             return dt.ToString();
     else if (_run == SQLGenerateRun.INNODB || _run == SQLGenerateRun.MyISAM)
         if (s.Contains("()"))
             dt.Insert(dt.Length - 1, UmlHelper.GetLength(column));
             return dt.ToString();
         return dt.ToString();
         return "";