private static bool LoadDllAndRunDataLoader(Dictionary<string, string> config, ILoaderConfigHandler configHandler, IStatusHandler statusHandler) { //UGLY CODE BEGINS string path = ""; if (config["PATH"] == "") { if (Directory.Exists("DataLoaders")) { path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\DataLoaders\" + config["DLL"] + ".dll"; } else { Console.WriteLine("Folder DataLoaders not found, created folder"); Directory.CreateDirectory("DataLoaders"); return false; } } else { path = config["PATH"] + config["DLL"] + ".dll"; } //UGLY CODE ENDS //bool oneDataLoader = config["TYPENAME"] != ""; try { Assembly plugin = Assembly.LoadFile(path); Type[] types = plugin.GetTypes(); foreach (var type in types) { //TODO: Find a cleaner and more readeble solution to this if possible //This terrible implementation is trying to do the following: //If the name parameter in config is specified we only want to create an instance of that class and run the DataLoader //if no name is set then we want to execute RunDataLoader for all classes that implement BaseDataLoader //if (oneDataLoader) //{ if (type.Name == config["TYPENAME"]) { RunDataLoader(type, configHandler, statusHandler); return true; } //} //else //{ // RunDataLoader(type, propertyHandler, statusHandler); //} } return false; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine("File: " + path + " exception came up: " + ex.Message); return false; } }
public BankIDHttpClientService( IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, IStatusHandler statusHandler, BankIDServiceSettings bankIdServiceSettings) { _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory; _statusHandler = statusHandler; _bankIdServiceSettings = bankIdServiceSettings; }
public CommonPlayerActionHandler(IActorController actionController, IStatusHandler netStatusHandler) { this.ActController = actionController; this.mNetStatusHandler = netStatusHandler; mTouchHandler = TouchHandler.GetInstance(); mStateHelper = new StateHelper(); mStateHelper.SetActionController(actionController); mStateHelper.UseNet = true; InitStatus(); }
public void InitializeHandlers(ILoaderConfigHandler configHandler, IStatusHandler statusHandler) { _guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //Note: This implementation form is sub-optimal in terms of performance. Perhaps it is better to find another way to to this string dllName = this.GetType().Assembly.GetName().Name; //System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName; string typeName = this.GetType().Name; _config = configHandler.GetLoaderConfig(dllName, typeName); _statusHandler = statusHandler; }
public RealignmentEvaluator(IChromosomeIndelSource indelSource, IStatusHandler statusCounter, IReadRealigner readRealinger, IRealignmentJudger judger, string chromosome, bool trackActualMismatches, bool checkSoftclipsForMismatches, bool allowRescoringOrig0, bool softclipUnknownIndels, IRegionFilterer regionFilterer, bool lightDebug) { _indelSource = indelSource; _statusCounter = statusCounter; _readRealigner = readRealinger; _judger = judger; _chromosome = chromosome; _trackActualMismatches = trackActualMismatches; _checkSoftclipsForMismatches = checkSoftclipsForMismatches; _allowRescoringOrig0 = allowRescoringOrig0; _softclipUnknownIndels = softclipUnknownIndels; _regionFilterer = regionFilterer; _lightDebug = lightDebug; }
public BankIDController( IBankIDService bankIdService, IAuthRequest authRequest, ISignRequest signRequest, ICancelRequest cancelRequest, ICollectRequest collectRequest, IStatusHandler statusHandler, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) { _bankIdService = bankIdService; _authRequest = authRequest; _signRequest = signRequest; _cancelRequest = cancelRequest; _collectRequest = collectRequest; _statusHandler = statusHandler; _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor; }
public PipelineManager() { var notStartedHandler = new StatusHandler(IssueStatuses.NotStarted); var inAnalysisHandler = new StatusHandler(IssueStatuses.InAnalysis); var inProgressHandler = new StatusHandler(IssueStatuses.InProgress); var inReviewHandler = new StatusHandler(IssueStatuses.InReview); var doneHandler = new StatusHandler(IssueStatuses.Done); var releasedHandler = new StatusHandler(IssueStatuses.Released); notStartedHandler.SetNextHandler(inAnalysisHandler); inAnalysisHandler.SetNextHandler(inProgressHandler); inProgressHandler.SetNextHandler(inReviewHandler); inReviewHandler.SetNextHandler(doneHandler); doneHandler.SetNextHandler(releasedHandler); _initialStatusHandler = notStartedHandler; }
public bool manage_session(System.Web.HttpRequest request, System.Web.HttpResponse response, string cookieName, IStatusHandler handler) { error_descr_ = ""; if (null == cookieName || "" == cookieName) { throw new System.Exception("Access Manager Cookie name must be setupped throught 'AccessManager.Cookie' variable in web.config"); } try { if (null != request.Params["login"] && null != request.Params["password"]) { logon( request.Params["login"].ToString(), request.Params["password"].ToString()); if (request.Params["remember"] != null) { response.Cookies[cookieName].Value = ctx_.ToString(); response.Cookies[cookieName].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(32); } handler.on_logon(); } if (null != request.Params["logoff"] && request.Params["logoff"].Equals("true")) { logof(); return(handler.on_logof()); } } catch (System.Exception ee) { error_descr_ = ee.Message; } return(true); }
public void Update(IStatusHandler netStatusHandlerDelegate) { if (!IgnoreGlobalPause && GlobalPause && CurStatus != STATUS.DEAD) { return; } if (!IsPlayer && Time.frameCount % 4 > 0) { return; } IStatus status = null; if (statusMap.TryGetValue(CurStatus, out status)) { status.UpdateLogic(); if (!IsLockAutoChange() && mActionController.IsUnderControl()) { STATUS next = status.GetNextStatus(); if (next != STATUS.NONE) { next = GameLibrary.Instance().SetIdleStatusByScene(next); if (UseNet && netStatusHandlerDelegate != null) { LockAutoChange(); netStatusHandlerDelegate.ChangeStatusTo(next); } else { ChangeStatusTo(next); } } } } else { Debug.Log("Invalid Status:" + CurStatus); } }
private IReadRestitcher GetRestitcher(PairHandler pairHandler, IStatusHandler statusHandler) { // TODO also allow not restitch return(new PostRealignmentStitcher(pairHandler, statusHandler, _stitcherOptions.StringTagsToKeepFromR1)); }
public LogoutModel(SignInManager <IdentityUser> signInManager, ILogger <LogoutModel> logger, IStatusHandler statusHandler) { _signInManager = signInManager; _logger = logger; this.statusHandler = statusHandler; }
private static void RunDataLoader(Type type, ILoaderConfigHandler configHandler, IStatusHandler statusHandler) { if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseDataLoader))) { var loader = (BaseDataLoader)Activator.CreateInstance(type); loader.InitializeHandlers(configHandler, statusHandler); loader.RunDataLoader(); } }
public PostRealignmentStitcher(IReadPairHandler stitchedPairHandler, IStatusHandler statusHandler, List <string> tagsToKeepFromR1 = null) { _stitchedPairHandler = stitchedPairHandler; _statusHandler = statusHandler; _tagsToKeepFromR1 = tagsToKeepFromR1 ?? new List <string>(); }
public StatusController(IStatusHandler handler) { m_handler = handler; }
public static IActionHandler CreateCommonActionHandler(IActorController actionController, IStatusHandler statusHandler, MobaObjectID type) { return(new CommonPlayerActionHandler(actionController, statusHandler)); }
public void InitializeHandlers(IPropertyHandler propertyHandler, IStatusHandler statusHandler) { string typeName = this.GetType().Name; _properties = propertyHandler.GetProperties(typeName); _statusHandler = statusHandler; }
private static bool SetHandlers(ref ILoaderConfigHandler configStore, ref IStatusHandler statusHandler) { string reportStoreType = ""; string reportStoreConnectionString = ""; string configStoreName = ""; string configStoreConnectionString = ""; try { IniParser ini = new IniParser("conf.ini"); reportStoreType = ini.GetSetting("STATUS_REPORT", "REPORT_TO"); reportStoreConnectionString = ini.GetSetting("STATUS_REPORT", "REPORT_CONNECTION"); configStoreName = ini.GetSetting("CONFIG_STORE", "TYPE"); configStoreConnectionString = ini.GetSetting("CONFIG_STORE", "CONNECTION"); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return false; } //Setup property store //Currently we hardcode this to SQL Server, the infrastructure to reflect on it is in place configStore = new Aih.DataLoader.ConfigHandlers.SQLServerLoaderConfigHandler(configStoreConnectionString); //Setup where to report status to //Currently we hardcode this to SQL Server, the infrastructure to reflect on it is in place statusHandler = new Aih.DataLoader.StatusHandlers.SQLServerStatusHandler(reportStoreConnectionString); return true; }
public bool TryFind(Credential credential, out IStatusHandler statusHandler) { if (AvailableStatusHandlers == null) AvailableStatusHandlers = _composeStatusHandler(); statusHandler = null; IStatusHandler newStatusHandler = AvailableStatusHandlers.Any() ? AvailableStatusHandlers.SingleOrDefault( b => b.Protocol.Matches(credential.Protocol)) : null; if (newStatusHandler == null) return false; statusHandler = CompositionManager.Get<IStatusHandler>(newStatusHandler.GetType()); if (statusHandler == null) return false; statusHandler.Credentials = credential; return true; }
public void SetNextHandler(IStatusHandler nextHandler) { _nextHandler = nextHandler; }