Esempio n. 1
        // GET: StarOfMonth Details By ID

        public ActionResult GetStarOfMonthDetails(int ID = 0)
            _repoResponse = new RepositoryResponse();
            StarOfMonthModel model = new StarOfMonthModel();

            if (ID > 0)
                _statRepo = new StarOfMonthRepo();
                string _loggedInUserID = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"].ToString();
                _repoResponse = _statRepo.LoadStarOfMonthDetailsByID(ID, _loggedInUserID);
                if (_repoResponse.success)
                    model = _repoResponse.Data;
                    return(Json(new { success = _repoResponse.success, message = _repoResponse.message, data = model }));
            else if (ID == -1)
                _statRepo = new StarOfMonthRepo();
                string _loggedInUserID = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"].ToString();
                _repoResponse = _statRepo.LoadStarOfMonthDetailsByID(ID, _loggedInUserID);
                if (_repoResponse.success)
                    model = _repoResponse.Data;
                    return(Json(new { success = _repoResponse.success, message = _repoResponse.message, data = model }));
            return(Json(new { success = _repoResponse.success, message = _repoResponse.message, data = model }));
Esempio n. 2
        public JsonResult LoadStarOfMonthDetailsForGrid(string dept = "", string date = "")
            _repoResponse = new RepositoryResponse();
            if (dept == "--Select--")
                dept = "";
            if (date == "--Select--")
                date = "";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(date))
                string[] monthYear = date.Split(' ');
                string   month     = monthYear[0].Substring(0, 3);
                string   year      = monthYear[1];
                date = month + "-" + year;
            _statRepo = new StarOfMonthRepo();

            _repoResponse = _statRepo.LoadStarOfMonthDetailsForGrid(dept, date);
            if (_repoResponse.success)
                var _sa = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings();
                return(Json(new { success = _repoResponse.success.ToString(), message = _repoResponse.message }));
Esempio n. 3
        public JsonResult GetEmployeeDataByName(string Prefix)
            _statRepo = new StarOfMonthRepo();
            List <AutoCompleteBox> lstAutoCompleteBox = _statRepo.GetStarOfMembersDetailsByEmpName(true);

            var _empData = (from N in lstAutoCompleteBox
                            where N.Value.ToLower().Contains(Prefix.ToLower())
                            select new
                label = N.Value,
                val = N.ID

            return(Json(_empData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 4
        public JsonResult GetNominationDataByMonthYear(string month, string year)
            _statRepo = new StarOfMonthRepo();
            IEnumerable <SelectListItem> lstCompleteBox = _statRepo.LoadNominationIDsEvalCompByMonthAndYear(month, year);

            //var _empData = (from N in lstCompleteBox
            //                where N.Value.ToLower().Contains(Prefix.ToLower())
            //                select new
            //                {
            //                    label = N.Value,
            //                    val = N.ID
            //                }).Distinct();
            //return Json(lstCompleteBox, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            return(Json(new { success = true, message = lstCompleteBox }));
Esempio n. 5
        // GET: StarOfMonth
        public ActionResult Index()
            _loginRepo        = new LoginRepo();
            _panelMembersRepo = new PanelMembersRepo();
            _statRepo         = new StarOfMonthRepo();
            string sMonth = Assistant.GetMonthFromCurrentDate();
            string sYear  = Assistant.GetYearFromCurrentDate();

            StarOfMonthModel model = new StarOfMonthModel();

            model.DeptFilterlst  = _loginRepo.GetDepartmentDetails();
            model.DateFilterlst  = _loginRepo.GetMonthYearFilter();
            model.MonthFilterlst = _panelMembersRepo.LoadListofMonth(sMonth);
            model.YearFilterlst  = _panelMembersRepo.LoadListofFutureYears(5, sYear);
            //model.NominationIDlst = _statRepo.LoadNominationIDsByEmpID("");
            model.NominationIDlst = _statRepo.LoadNominationIDsEvalCompByMonthAndYear(sMonth, sYear);
Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult Delete(int ID)
            string _loggedInUserID = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"].ToString();

            _repoResponse = new RepositoryResponse();
            _statRepo     = new StarOfMonthRepo();

            _repoResponse = _statRepo.DeleteStarOfMonthDetailsByID(ID, _loggedInUserID);
            if (_repoResponse.success)
                _loginRepo = new LoginRepo();
                int _empSOMRole = int.Parse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["EmpSOMRole"].ToString());
                int count       = _loginRepo.getActionCounts(_loggedInUserID, _empSOMRole);
                HttpContext.Session["NotifyCount"] = count;

                return(Json(new { success = true, message = _repoResponse.message }));
                return(Json(new { success = false, message = _repoResponse.message }));
Esempio n. 7
        public ActionResult Save(StarOfMonthModel model)
            string _loggedInUserID = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"].ToString();

            _repoResponse = new RepositoryResponse();
            _statRepo     = new StarOfMonthRepo();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                _repoResponse = _statRepo.AddOrEditStarOfMonth(model, _loggedInUserID);
                if (_repoResponse.success)
                    _loginRepo = new LoginRepo();
                    int _empSOMRole = int.Parse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["EmpSOMRole"].ToString());
                    int count       = _loginRepo.getActionCounts(_loggedInUserID, _empSOMRole);
                    HttpContext.Session["NotifyCount"] = count;

                    // reload SOM information

                    IStarOfMonthRepo      starOfTheMonth = new StarOfMonthRepo();
                    List <EmpMasterModel> _data          = starOfTheMonth.GetLastThreeStarOftheMonthEmpDetails();
                    if (_data == null)
                        HttpContext.Session.Add("SOM_Month_Count", "0");
                        HttpContext.Session.Add("SOM_Month_Count", _data.Count);

                    for (int i = 0; i < _data.Count; i++)
                        HttpContext.Session.Add("SOM_Month_" + i, _data[i].EMPMonth);
                        HttpContext.Session.Add("SOM_Image_" + i, _data[i].ImagePath);

                    return(Json(new { success = true, message = _repoResponse.message }));
                    return(Json(new { success = false, message = _repoResponse.message }));
                List <string> fieldOrder = new List <string>(new string[] {
                    "UserName", "Password"
                                           .Select(f => f.ToLower()).ToList();

                var _message1 = ModelState
                                .Select(m => new { Order = fieldOrder.IndexOf(m.Key.ToLower()), Error = m.Value })
                                .OrderBy(m => m.Order)
                                .SelectMany(m => m.Error.Errors.Select(e => e.ErrorMessage)).ToList();

                _message = string.Join("<br/>", _message1);

                return(Json(new { success = false, message = _message }));
Esempio n. 8
        public RepositoryResponse AddorUpdateEvaluationData(EvaluationModel model, string _loggedInUserID, bool isSubmit)
            baseModel = new RepositoryResponse();

                using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities())
                    Evaluation db = objSOMEntities.Evaluations.Where(r => r.ID == model.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (db == null)
                        objSOMEntities.Evaluations.Add(ConvertEvaluation_Model2DB(model, _loggedInUserID, isSubmit));
                        if (isSubmit)
                            baseModel = new RepositoryResponse {
                                success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details Submitted to TQC Successfully"
                            baseModel = new RepositoryResponse {
                                success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details added Successfully"
                        db.TotalScore         = int.Parse(model.TotalScore);
                        db.AheadOfPlan        = model.AheadOfPlan;
                        db.AsPerPlan          = model.AsPerPlan;
                        db.BasedOnInstruction = model.BasedOnInstruction;

                        db.BreakthroughImprovement         = model.BreakthroughImprovement;
                        db.CoordiantionWithInTheDept       = model.CoordiantionWithInTheDept;
                        db.CoordinationWithAnotherFunction = model.CoordinationWithAnotherFunction;

                        db.CoordinationWithMultipleFunctions = model.CoordinationWithMultipleFunctions;
                        db.Delayed = model.Delayed;
                        //db.EmployeeID = model.EmployeeID;
                        db.NominationID = model.NominationID;

                        //db.EvaluatorID = model.EvaluatorID;
                        db.FollowedUp = model.FollowedUp;
                        //db.ID = model.ID;

                        db.Implemented = model.Implemented;
                        db.ImplementedInAllApplicableAreas = model.ImplementedInAllApplicableAreas;
                        db.ImplementedPartially            = model.ImplementedPartially;
                        db.ImprovementFromCurrentSituation = model.ImprovementFromCurrentSituation;

                        db.IsActive             = true;
                        db.Participated         = model.Participated;
                        db.PreventionOfaFailure = model.PreventionOfaFailure;

                        db.ProactiveIdeaGeneratedBySelf  = model.ProactiveIdeaGeneratedBySelf;
                        db.ReactiveIdeaDrivenBySituation = model.ReactiveIdeaDrivenBySituation;
                        db.ScopeIdentified = model.ScopeIdentified;

                        if (isSubmit)
                            db.Status = (int)NominationStatus.Evaluators_Assign_TQC;
                            db.Status = (int)NominationStatus.Evaluators_Save;
                        db.ModifiedBy = _loggedInUserID;

                        if (isSubmit)
                            configRepo = new ConfigurationRepo();
                            bool result = configRepo.SendEmailUsingSOM_Evaluator_Assign_TQC(db.NominationID, _loggedInUserID);
                            if (result)
                                baseModel = new RepositoryResponse {
                                    success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details Submitted to TQC Successfully and Send Mail to TQC"
                                baseModel = new RepositoryResponse {
                                    success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details Submitted to TQC Successfully. Unable to Send Mail to TQC"
                            baseModel = new RepositoryResponse {
                                success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details updated Successfully"
                using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities())
                    if (isSubmit)
                        var nomDet = objSOMEntities.Nominations.Where(r => r.NominationId == model.NominationID).FirstOrDefault();
                        nomDet.Status     = (int)NominationStatus.Evaluators_Assign_TQC;
                        nomDet.ModifiedBy = _loggedInUserID;
                if (isSubmit)
                    nomRepo = new NominationRepo();
                    //Add entry into Audit Log
                    AuditLogModel objAuditLog = new AuditLogModel();
                    objAuditLog.CurrentStatus  = NominationStatus.Evaluators_Assign_TQC;
                    objAuditLog.EmployeeNumber = model.EmployeeNumber;
                    objAuditLog.IsNewAlert     = true;
                    objAuditLog.IsNotification = true;
                    objAuditLog.NominationID   = model.NominationID;
                    objAuditLog.CreatedBy      = _loggedInUserID;
                    objAuditLog.EvaluatorID    = _loggedInUserID;

                    Nomination _nomModel;
                    using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities())
                        _nomModel = objSOMEntities.Nominations.Where(r => r.NominationId == model.NominationID).FirstOrDefault();
                    // Add entry into SOM
                    StarOfMonthModel SOMmodel = new StarOfMonthModel();
                    SOMmodel.Month        = _nomModel.SubmittedMonth;
                    SOMmodel.Year         = _nomModel.SubmittedYear;
                    SOMmodel.Description  = _nomModel.Idea;
                    SOMmodel.EmpId        = model.EmployeeNumber;
                    SOMmodel.NominationID = model.NominationID;
                    SOMmodel.IsDisplay    = true;
                    SOMmodel.IsApproved   = true;
                    SOMmodel.ApprovedBy   = int.Parse(_loggedInUserID);
                    SOMmodel.CreatedBy    = int.Parse(_loggedInUserID);
                    SOMmodel.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;
                    SOMmodel.ModifiedBy   = int.Parse(_loggedInUserID);
                    SOMmodel.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    starRepo = new StarOfMonthRepo();
                    //starRepo.AddOrEditStarOfMonth(SOMmodel, _loggedInUserID);

                if (isSubmit) //Send Nomination Submit Details to DH
                    using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities())
            catch (Exception ex)
                baseModel = new RepositoryResponse {
                    success = false, message = ex.ToString()