private static void Insert(IEnumerable<Envelope> sourceData, ISpatialIndex<object> index) { foreach (var envelope in sourceData) { index.Insert(envelope, envelope); } }
private void Insert(IList<Envelope> sourceData, ISpatialIndex<object> index) { foreach (var envelope in sourceData) { index.Insert(envelope, envelope); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindOverlapsQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="closedShape">The closed shape defining the search area.</param> /// <param name="spatialType">The type of objects to look for.</param> internal FindOverlapsQuery(ISpatialIndex index, IPosition[] closedShape, SpatialType spatialType) { m_ClosedShape = new ClosedShape(closedShape); m_Points = new List<PointFeature>(100); m_Result = new List<ISpatialObject>(100); // If we are looking for points or lines, locate points that overlap. Note that // if the user does not actually want points in the result, we still do a point // search, since it helps with the selection of lines. if ((spatialType & SpatialType.Point)!=0 || (spatialType & SpatialType.Line)!=0) { index.QueryWindow(m_ClosedShape.Extent, SpatialType.Point, OnPointFound); // Remember the points in the result if the caller wants them if ((spatialType & SpatialType.Point)!=0) m_Result.AddRange(m_Points.ToArray()); } // Find lines (this automatically includes lines connected to the points we just found) if ((spatialType & SpatialType.Line)!=0) index.QueryWindow(m_ClosedShape.Extent, SpatialType.Line, OnLineFound); // Find any overlapping text if ((spatialType & SpatialType.Text)!=0) index.QueryWindow(m_ClosedShape.Extent, SpatialType.Text, OnTextFound); m_Result.TrimExcess(); m_Points = null; }
private static void BenchmarkSearch(ISpatialIndex index, int rounds) { var query = new KnnQuery { Coordinate = new GeoCoordinate(52.3667, 4.900), MaxDistance = 10000, MaxResults = 15 }; Console.Write("Searching top {0} within {1} m from [{2}] .. ", query.MaxResults, query.MaxDistance, query.Coordinate); var total = 0L; var timer = new Stopwatch(); for (int i = rounds; i > 0; i--) { timer.Restart(); index.KnnSearch(query); timer.Stop(); total += timer.ElapsedMilliseconds; } Console.WriteLine("ok ({0} ms)", total / rounds); }
private void DoTest(ISpatialIndex<object> index, double queryEnvelopeExtent, IList<Envelope> sourceData) { Console.WriteLine("---------------"); Console.WriteLine("Envelope Extent: " + queryEnvelopeExtent); int extraMatchCount = 0; int expectedMatchCount = 0; int actualMatchCount = 0; int queryCount = 0; for (double x = 0; x < CELL_EXTENT * CELLS_PER_GRID_SIDE; x += queryEnvelopeExtent) { for (double y = 0; y < CELL_EXTENT * CELLS_PER_GRID_SIDE; y += queryEnvelopeExtent) { Envelope queryEnvelope = new Envelope(x, x + queryEnvelopeExtent, y, y + queryEnvelopeExtent); var expectedMatches = IntersectingEnvelopes(queryEnvelope, sourceData); var actualMatches = index.Query(queryEnvelope); Assert.IsTrue(expectedMatches.Count <= actualMatches.Count); extraMatchCount += (actualMatches.Count - expectedMatches.Count); expectedMatchCount += expectedMatches.Count; actualMatchCount += actualMatches.Count; Compare(expectedMatches, actualMatches); queryCount++; } } Console.WriteLine("Expected Matches: " + expectedMatchCount); Console.WriteLine("Actual Matches: " + actualMatchCount); Console.WriteLine("Extra Matches: " + extraMatchCount); Console.WriteLine("Query Count: " + queryCount); Console.WriteLine("Average Expected Matches: " + (expectedMatchCount/(double)queryCount)); Console.WriteLine("Average Actual Matches: " + (actualMatchCount/(double)queryCount)); Console.WriteLine("Average Extra Matches: " + (extraMatchCount/(double)queryCount)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindPointQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="point">The position of interest</param> internal FindPointQuery(ISpatialIndex index, IPointGeometry p) { m_Point = p; m_Result = null; IWindow w = new Window(p, p); index.QueryWindow(w, SpatialType.Point, OnQueryHit); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindPointContainerQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="point">The position you want the container for</param> internal FindPointContainerQuery(ISpatialIndex index, IPointGeometry p) { m_Point = p; m_Result = null; IWindow w = new Window(p, p); index.QueryWindow(w, SpatialType.Polygon, OnQueryHit); // If we didn't get a result, but we skipped some candidates, check them now. if (m_Result==null && m_Candidates!=null) { // If NONE of the polygon's islands enclose the search position, that's // the result we want. foreach (Polygon cand in m_Candidates) { Debug.Assert(cand.HasAnyIslands); if (!cand.HasIslandEnclosing(m_Point)) { m_Result = cand; return; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindPolygonLabelQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="polygon">The polygon that needs to be associated with a label</param> internal FindPolygonLabelQuery(ISpatialIndex index, Polygon polygon) { m_Polygon = polygon; m_Result = null; if (!polygon.HasAnyIslands) index.QueryWindow(m_Polygon.Extent, SpatialType.Text, OnTextFound); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindPointsOnLineQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="line">The line of interest.</param> /// <param name="wantEnds">Specify true if you want points coincident with the line ends.</param> /// <param name="tol">The search tolerance (expected to be greater than zero).</param> internal FindPointsOnLineQuery(ISpatialIndex index, LineGeometry line, bool wantEnds, ILength tol) { m_Line = line; m_Tolerance = tol.Meters; m_Result = new List<PointFeature>(); IWindow w = m_Line.Extent; index.QueryWindow(w, SpatialType.Point, OnQueryHit); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void BuildQuadtree() { _quadtree = new Quadtree <ILinearRing>(); for (int i = 0; i < _rings.Count; i++) { ILinearRing ring = _rings[i]; Envelope env = ring.EnvelopeInternal; _quadtree.Insert(env, ring); } }
private void BuildIndex() { _index = new STRtree <LineString>(); for (int i = 0; i < _rings.Count; i++) { var ring = (LinearRing)_rings[i]; var env = ring.EnvelopeInternal; _index.Insert(env, ring); } }
/// <summary> /// Detects intersections /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> private void FindIntersections(ISpatialIndex index) { // Get the window of the candidate object and add on a 2mm buffer (on the ground). This is // intended to help cover the fact that some circular arcs may be inaccurate by that much. Window searchwin = new Window(m_Geom.Extent); ILength dim = new Length(0.002); searchwin.Expand(dim); index.QueryWindow(searchwin, SpatialType.Line, OnQueryHit); m_Result.TrimExcess(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindIntersectionsQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// <para/> /// Use this constructor when intersecting something that has already been added to /// the spatial index. This ensures that the line is not intersected with itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="line">The line feature to intersect.</param> /// <param name="wantEndEnd">Specify true if you want end-to-end intersections in the results.</param> internal FindIntersectionsQuery(ISpatialIndex index, LineFeature line, bool wantEndEnd) { if (index == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("FindIntersectionsQuery"); m_Feature = line; m_Geom = GetUnsectionedLineGeometry(line.LineGeometry); m_WantEndEnd = wantEndEnd; m_Result = new List<IntersectionResult>(100); FindIntersections(index); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the event that occurs when the <see cref="Items"/> property is set on this element. /// </summary> /// <param name="oldItems">The old value of <see cref="Items"/>.</param> /// <param name="newItems">The new value of <see cref="Items"/>.</param> protected virtual void OnItemsChanged(ISpatialIndex oldItems, ISpatialIndex newItems) { if (oldItems != null) { oldItems.Changed -= Items_Changed; } if (newItems != null) { newItems.Changed += Items_Changed; } Items_Changed(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>DrawQuery</c> that refers to the specified feature type(s), /// drawing the results of the spatial query to the specified display. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The index to query</param> /// <param name="display">The display to draw to</param> /// <param name="style">The drawing style</param> /// <param name="types">The type(s) of spatial feature to draw</param> public DrawQuery(ISpatialIndex index, ISpatialDisplay display, IDrawStyle style, SpatialType types) { m_Display = display; m_Style = style; m_DoPaint = false; Timer t = new Timer(500); t.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(Timer_Elapsed); t.Start(); index.QueryWindow(m_Display.Extent, types, OnQueryHit); t.Close(); display.PaintNow(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CadastralFile"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the xml file</param> /// <param name="data">The data that was deserialized</param> internal CadastralFile(string name, GeoSurveyPacketData data) { m_Name = Path.GetFileName(name); m_Data = data; m_Extent = new Window(m_Data.points); m_Points = new Dictionary <int, IPoint>(m_Data.points.Length); IEditSpatialIndex index = new SpatialIndex(); foreach (Point p in m_Data.points) { index.Add(p); m_Points.Add(p.pointNo, p); } foreach (Plan plan in m_Data.plans) { foreach (Parcel parcel in plan.parcels) { // Relate the parcel to it's plan parcel.Plan = plan; foreach (Line line in parcel.lines) { Debug.Assert(line.From == null && line.To == null); // Relate the line to the parcel that it is part of line.Parcel = parcel; line.From = m_Points[line.fromPoint]; line.To = m_Points[line.toPoint]; if (line.centerPointSpecified) { line.Center = m_Points[line.centerPoint]; } index.Add(line); } /* * foreach (LinePoint lp in parcel.linePoints) * { * // Relate to the parcel it's referenced by * * // Relate the associated point * } */ } } m_Index = index; }
public void DistanceUnitTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); ISpatialIndex target = CreateISpatialIndex(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value IGeometry geometry1 = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value IGeometry geometry2 = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value float expected = 0F; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value float actual; actual = target.Distance(geometry1, geometry2); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void DistanceUnitTest1() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); ISpatialIndex target = CreateISpatialIndex(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value AGraphElement graphElement1 = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value AGraphElement graphElement2 = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value float expected = 0F; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value float actual; actual = target.Distance(graphElement1, graphElement2); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public IEnumerable <TItem> ElementsIn(Rectangle bounds) { if (_index == null) { _index = new SpatialQuadTreeIndex <TItem> { BoundsOf = item => new Rectangle(this.GetLocation(item), this.GetSize(item)), HasBounds = item => this.HasLocation(item) && this.HasSize(item) }; _index.AddRange(this.changedLocations.Keys); } var result = _index.Query(bounds); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindIntersectionsQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// <para/> /// Use this constructor when intersecting something that has already been added to /// the spatial index. This ensures that the line is not intersected with itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="line">The line feature to intersect.</param> /// <param name="wantEndEnd">Specify true if you want end-to-end intersections in the results.</param> internal FindIntersectionsQuery(ISpatialIndex index, LineFeature line, bool wantEndEnd) { if (index == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("FindIntersectionsQuery"); } m_Feature = line; m_Geom = GetUnsectionedLineGeometry(line.LineGeometry); m_WantEndEnd = wantEndEnd; m_Result = new List <IntersectionResult>(100); FindIntersections(index); }
/// <summary> /// Handles mouse-move. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">The new position of the mouse</param> internal override void MouseMove(IPosition p) { if (m_LastPolygon == null || !m_LastPolygon.IsEnclosing(p)) { IPointGeometry pg = PointGeometry.Create(p); ISpatialIndex index = CadastralMapModel.Current.Index; Polygon pol = new FindPointContainerQuery(index, pg).Result; if (pol != null || (m_LastPolygon != null && pol == null)) { Controller.ActiveDisplay.RestoreLastDraw(); m_LastPolygon = pol; } } }
public void SearchRegionUnitTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); ISpatialIndex target = CreateISpatialIndex(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <AGraphElement> result = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <AGraphElement> resultExpected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value IMBR minimalBoundedRechtangle = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool actual; actual = target.SearchRegion(out result, minimalBoundedRechtangle); Assert.AreEqual(resultExpected, result); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void OverlapUnitTest() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); ISpatialIndex target = CreateISpatialIndex(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <AGraphElement> result = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <AGraphElement> resultExpected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value AGraphElement graphElement = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool actual; actual = target.Overlap(out result, graphElement); Assert.AreEqual(resultExpected, result); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void ContainmentUnitTest1() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); ISpatialIndex target = CreateISpatialIndex(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <AGraphElement> result = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <AGraphElement> resultExpected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value IGeometry geometry = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool actual; actual = target.Containment(out result, geometry); Assert.AreEqual(resultExpected, result); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
private void addRandomEntries(ISpatialIndex <IExtents, BoundedInt32> rTree) { Random rnd = new MersenneTwister(); for (Int32 i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { Double xMin = rnd.NextDouble() * (rnd.Next(0, 1) == 1 ? -1 : 1) * rnd.Next(); Double xMax = rnd.NextDouble() * (rnd.Next(0, 1) == 1 ? -1 : 1) * rnd.Next(); Double yMin = rnd.NextDouble() * (rnd.Next(0, 1) == 1 ? -1 : 1) * rnd.Next(); Double yMax = rnd.NextDouble() * (rnd.Next(0, 1) == 1 ? -1 : 1) * rnd.Next(); IExtents bounds = _factories.GeoFactory.CreateExtents2D(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax); rTree.Insert(new BoundedInt32(i, bounds)); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds the features retrieved from cache to the receiver. /// </summary> /// <param name="processAttributes">A value indicating whether the attributes will be processed or not</param> /// <param name="cacheAccessor">Cache accessor instance</param> /// <param name="fr">An object that receives the retrieved features</param> /// <param name="bounds">Rectangle that defines a query region</param> /// <returns>Number of retrieved features</returns> public static int FillFromCache(IFeatureCollectionCacheAccessor cacheAccessor, IFeatureReceiver fr, BoundingRectangle bounds, bool processAttributes) { ISpatialIndex pointsIndex = cacheAccessor.RestoreFeaturesIndex(MapAround.Mapping.FeatureType.Point); ISpatialIndex polylinesIndex = cacheAccessor.RestoreFeaturesIndex(MapAround.Mapping.FeatureType.Polyline); ISpatialIndex polygonsIndex = cacheAccessor.RestoreFeaturesIndex(MapAround.Mapping.FeatureType.Polygon); BoundingRectangle b; if (!bounds.IsEmpty()) { b = bounds.GetBoundingRectangle(); } else { b = new BoundingRectangle(); b.Join(pointsIndex.IndexedSpace); b.Join(polylinesIndex.IndexedSpace); b.Join(polygonsIndex.IndexedSpace); } List <Feature> points = new List <Feature>(); pointsIndex.QueryObjectsInRectangle(bounds, points); List <Feature> polylines = new List <Feature>(); polylinesIndex.QueryObjectsInRectangle(bounds, polylines); List <Feature> polygons = new List <Feature>(); polygonsIndex.QueryObjectsInRectangle(bounds, polygons); points.ForEach(point => fr.AddFeature((Feature)point.Clone())); polylines.ForEach(polyline => fr.AddFeature((Feature)polyline.Clone())); polygons.ForEach(polygon => fr.AddFeature((Feature)polygon.Clone())); if (processAttributes) { fr.FeatureAttributeNames.Clear(); IList <string> attributeNames = cacheAccessor.RestoreAttributeNames(); foreach (string s in attributeNames) { fr.FeatureAttributeNames.Add(s); } } return(points.Count + polylines.Count + polygons.Count); }
public void GetNextNeighborsUnitTest1() { Assert.Inconclusive("TODO"); ISpatialIndex target = CreateISpatialIndex(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <AGraphElement> result = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ReadOnlyCollection <AGraphElement> resultExpected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value AGraphElement graphElement = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value int countOfNextNeighbors = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value bool actual; actual = target.GetNextNeighbors(out result, graphElement, countOfNextNeighbors); Assert.AreEqual(resultExpected, result); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
/// <summary> /// 筛选要素类中,与指定图形满足一定空间关系的要素(空间筛选时添加空间索引) /// (参考: /// </summary> /// <param name="featureClass">从中筛选要素的要素类(A)</param> /// <param name="geometry">过滤条件图形(B)</param> /// <param name="spatialRefEnum">空间关系类型(举例:esriSpatialRelContains表示A包含B)</param> /// <param name="whereClause">查询条件</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <IFeature> FilterFeaturesEx(this IFeatureClass featureClass, IGeometry geometry, esriSpatialRelEnum spatialRefEnum, string whereClause = "") { IGeometryBag geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)geometryBag; geometryBag.SpatialReference = ((IGeoDataset)featureClass).SpatialReference; //一定要给GeometryBag赋空间参考 geometryCollection.AddGeometry(geometry); //为GeometryBag生成空间索引,以提高效率 ISpatialIndex spatialIndex = (ISpatialIndex)geometryBag; spatialIndex.AllowIndexing = true; spatialIndex.Invalidate(); return(FilterFeatures(featureClass, geometry, spatialRefEnum, whereClause)); }
/// <summary> /// Selects stuff within the current limit line. This makes a private selection /// over and above any previous selection. /// </summary> void SelectLimit() { // Nothing to do if there is no limit line. if (m_Limit == null) { return; } // Empty out the current limit selection. m_LimSel.Clear(); // Nothing to do if there's only one position. if (m_Limit.Count <= 1) { return; } // If we have just 2 positions, select everything that // intersects the line. Otherwise select inside the shape. try { // Close the limit line. m_Limit.Add(m_Limit[0]); // Select only lines if the limit line consists of only 2 points (otherwise select // whatever is currently visible on the active display) SpatialType types = (m_Limit.Count == 2 ? SpatialType.Line : m_Controller.VisibleFeatureTypes); // Make the selection. ISpatialIndex index = CadastralMapModel.Current.Index; List <ISpatialObject> res = new FindOverlapsQuery(index, m_Limit.ToArray(), types).Result; m_LimSel.AddRange(res); } catch { } finally { // Remove the closing point. int lastIndex = m_Limit.Count - 1; m_Limit.RemoveAt(lastIndex); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindIslandContainerQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="island">The island you want the container for</param> internal FindIslandContainerQuery(ISpatialIndex index, Island island) { m_Island = island; m_Result = null; // Get the most easterly point in the island. IPosition ep = m_Island.GetEastPoint(); // Shift the east point ONE MICRON further to the east, to ensure // we don't pick up the interior of the island! PointGeometry eg = PointGeometry.Create(ep); m_EastPoint = new PointGeometry(eg.Easting.Microns + 1, eg.Northing.Microns); IWindow w = new Window(m_EastPoint, m_EastPoint); index.QueryWindow(w, SpatialType.Polygon, OnQueryHit); }
public ShapeFile(string fileName) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } m_MapName = fileName; IEditSpatialIndex index = new SpatialIndex(); ShapefileDataReader sfdr = Shapefile.CreateDataReader(fileName, new GeometryFactory()); ShapefileHeader hdr = sfdr.ShapeHeader; Envelope ex = hdr.Bounds; m_Extent = new Window(ex.MinX, ex.MinY, ex.MaxX, ex.MaxY); foreach (object o in sfdr) { // You get back an instance of GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.IO.RowStructure, but // that's internal, so cast to the interface it implements (we'll attach this to // the geometry we wrap). //ICustomTypeDescriptor row = (ICustomTypeDescriptor)o; AdhocPropertyList row = CreatePropertyList(sfdr); NTS.Geometry geom = sfdr.Geometry; geom.UserData = row; List <NTS.Geometry> geoms = GetBasicGeometries(geom); foreach (NTS.Geometry g in geoms) { g.UserData = row; if (g is NTS.Point) { index.Add(new PointWrapper((NTS.Point)g)); } else { index.Add(new GeometryWrapper(g)); } } } // Don't permit any further additions m_Index = index; }
/// <summary> /// Saves a spatial index containing features to the cache. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">Spatial index</param> /// <param name="featureType">Type of features in index</param> public void SaveFeaturesIndex(ISpatialIndex index, FeatureType featureType) { List <Feature> features = new List <Feature>(); lock (_syncRoot) { index.QueryObjectsInRectangle(index.IndexedSpace, features); foreach (Feature s in features) { if (s.FeatureType != featureType) { throw new ArgumentException("Illegal feature type", "index"); } } AddOrReplaceIndex((ISpatialIndex)index.Clone(), featureType); } }
private int DoRadius(ISpatialIndex <ILineString> index) { { var c = new Coordinate2D(11.343629, 48.083797); var r = 50; index.Radius(c, r); } { var c = new Coordinate2D(11.344827, 48.083752); var r = 10; index.Radius(c, r); } { var c = new Coordinate2D(11.344827, 48.083752); var r = 5; index.Radius(c, r); } return(0); }
private void DoTest(ISpatialIndex <object> index, double queryEnvelopeExtent, List <Envelope> sourceData) { if (Verbose) { //System.Console.WriteLine("---------------"); //System.Console.WriteLine("Envelope Extent: " + queryEnvelopeExtent); } int extraMatchCount = 0; int expectedMatchCount = 0; int actualMatchCount = 0; int queryCount = 0; for (double x = 0d; x < CellExtent * CellsPerGridSide; x += queryEnvelopeExtent) { for (double y = 0d; y < CellExtent * CellsPerGridSide; y += queryEnvelopeExtent) { var queryEnvelope = new Envelope(x, x + queryEnvelopeExtent, y, y + queryEnvelopeExtent); var expectedMatches = IntersectingEnvelopes(queryEnvelope, sourceData); var actualMatches = index.Query(queryEnvelope); // since index returns candidates only, it may return more than the expected value if (expectedMatches.Count > actualMatches.Count) { IsSuccess = false; } extraMatchCount += (actualMatches.Count - expectedMatches.Count); expectedMatchCount += expectedMatches.Count; actualMatchCount += actualMatches.Count; Compare(expectedMatches, actualMatches); queryCount++; } } if (Verbose) { //System.Console.WriteLine("Expected Matches: " + expectedMatchCount); //System.Console.WriteLine("Actual Matches: " + actualMatchCount); //System.Console.WriteLine("Extra Matches: " + extraMatchCount); //System.Console.WriteLine("Query Count: " + queryCount); //System.Console.WriteLine("Average Expected Matches: " + (expectedMatchCount/(double) queryCount)); //System.Console.WriteLine("Average Actual Matches: " + (actualMatchCount/(double) queryCount)); //System.Console.WriteLine("Average Extra Matches: " + (extraMatchCount/(double) queryCount)); } }
private void DoTest(ISpatialIndex<object> index, double queryEnvelopeExtent, List<Envelope> sourceData) { if (Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("---------------"); Console.WriteLine("Envelope Extent: " + queryEnvelopeExtent); } int extraMatchCount = 0; int expectedMatchCount = 0; int actualMatchCount = 0; int queryCount = 0; for (var x = 0d; x < CellExtent*CellsPerGridSide; x += queryEnvelopeExtent) { for (var y = 0d; y < CellExtent*CellsPerGridSide; y += queryEnvelopeExtent) { var queryEnvelope = new Envelope(x, x + queryEnvelopeExtent, y, y + queryEnvelopeExtent); var expectedMatches = IntersectingEnvelopes(queryEnvelope, sourceData); var actualMatches = index.Query(queryEnvelope); // since index returns candidates only, it may return more than the expected value if (expectedMatches.Count > actualMatches.Count) { IsSuccess = false; } extraMatchCount += (actualMatches.Count - expectedMatches.Count); expectedMatchCount += expectedMatches.Count; actualMatchCount += actualMatches.Count; Compare(expectedMatches, actualMatches); queryCount++; } } if (Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("Expected Matches: " + expectedMatchCount); Console.WriteLine("Actual Matches: " + actualMatchCount); Console.WriteLine("Extra Matches: " + extraMatchCount); Console.WriteLine("Query Count: " + queryCount); Console.WriteLine("Average Expected Matches: " + (expectedMatchCount/(double) queryCount)); Console.WriteLine("Average Actual Matches: " + (actualMatchCount/(double) queryCount)); Console.WriteLine("Average Extra Matches: " + (extraMatchCount/(double) queryCount)); } }
public ShapeDataReader(string shapeFilePath, ISpatialIndex <ShapeLocationInFileInfo> index, IGeometryFactory geoFactory, bool buildIndexAsync) { m_SpatialIndex = index; m_GeoFactory = geoFactory; ValidateParameters(shapeFilePath); m_ShapeReader = new ShapeReader(shapeFilePath); if (buildIndexAsync) { m_CancellationTokenSrc = new CancellationTokenSource(); m_IndexCreationTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(FillSpatialIndex, m_CancellationTokenSrc.Token); } else { FillSpatialIndex(); } m_DbfReader = new DbaseReader(Path.ChangeExtension(shapeFilePath, DBF_EXT)); }
public ShapeDataReader(string shapeFilePath, ISpatialIndex<ShapeLocationInFileInfo> index, IGeometryFactory geoFactory, bool buildIndexAsync) { m_SpatialIndex = index; m_GeoFactory = geoFactory; ValidateParameters(shapeFilePath); m_ShapeReader = new ShapeReader(shapeFilePath); if (buildIndexAsync) { m_CancellationTokenSrc = new CancellationTokenSource(); m_IndexCreationTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(FillSpatialIndex, m_CancellationTokenSrc.Token); } else { FillSpatialIndex(); } m_DbfReader = new DbaseReader(Path.ChangeExtension(shapeFilePath, DBF_EXT)); }
public ShapeDataReader(IStreamProviderRegistry streamProviderRegistry, ISpatialIndex <ShapeLocationInFileInfo> index, IGeometryFactory geoFactory, bool buildIndexAsync) { m_SpatialIndex = index; m_GeoFactory = geoFactory; ValidateParameters(); m_ShapeReader = new ShapeReader(streamProviderRegistry); if (buildIndexAsync) { m_CancellationTokenSrc = new CancellationTokenSource(); m_IndexCreationTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(FillSpatialIndex, m_CancellationTokenSrc.Token); } else { FillSpatialIndex(); } m_DbfReader = new DbaseReader(streamProviderRegistry[StreamTypes.Data]); }
/// <summary> /// Handles a mouse down event /// </summary> /// <param name="p">The position where the click occurred</param> /// <returns>True if the command handled the mouse down. False if it did nothing.</returns> internal override bool LButtonDown(IPosition p) { // Find out what polygon we need to subdivide IPointGeometry pg = PointGeometry.Create(p); ISpatialIndex index = CadastralMapModel.Current.Index; Polygon pol = new FindPointContainerQuery(index, pg).Result; if (pol == null) { MessageBox.Show("Specified position does not fall inside any polygon."); return(false); } PolygonSubdivisionOperation op = null; try { // Form the links. Return if we didn't find any links. PolygonSub sub = new PolygonSub(pol); PointFeature start, end; if (!sub.GetLink(0, out start, out end)) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot locate any points to connect."); return(true); } op = new PolygonSubdivisionOperation(); op.Execute(sub); FinishCommand(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace, ex.Message); AbortCommand(); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindClosestQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="p">The search position.</param> /// <param name="radius">The search tolerance (expected to be greater than zero).</param> /// <param name="types">The type of objects to look for.</param> internal FindClosestQuery(ISpatialIndex index, IPosition p, ILength radius, SpatialType types) { if (types==0) throw new ArgumentNullException("Spatial type(s) not specified"); // If the user hasn't been specific, ensure we don't search for polygons! SpatialType useTypes = (types==SpatialType.All ? SpatialType.Feature : types); Debug.Assert((useTypes & SpatialType.Polygon)==0); // It's important to round off to the nearest micron. Otherwise you might not // get the desired results in situations where the search radius is zero. m_Position = PositionGeometry.Create(p); m_Radius = radius; m_Types = types; m_Result = null; m_Distance = m_Radius.Meters; // The query will actually involve a square window, not a circle. IWindow x = new Window(m_Position, radius.Meters * 2.0); index.QueryWindow(x, useTypes, OnQueryHit); }
public static ClusterSet<T> CalculateClusters<T>( ISpatialIndex<PointInfo<T>> index, double epsilon, int minimumPointsPerCluster) where T : IPointData { var points = index.Search().ToList(); var clusters = new List<Cluster<T>>(); foreach (var p in points) { if (p.Visited) continue; p.Visited = true; var candidates = index.Search(p.Point, epsilon); if (candidates.Count >= minimumPointsPerCluster) { clusters.Add( BuildCluster( index, p, candidates, epsilon, minimumPointsPerCluster)); } } return new ClusterSet<T> { Clusters = clusters, UnclusteredObjects = points .Where(p => p.Cluster == null) .Select(p => p.Item) .ToList(), }; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FileCheckQuery</c> and executes it. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model to check</param> /// <param name="checks">Flag bits indicating the checks of interest</param> /// <param name="onCheckItem">Delegate to call whenever a further item is checked (null if no /// callback is required)</param> internal FileCheckQuery(CadastralMapModel model, CheckType checks, OnCheckItem onCheckItem) { if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } m_OnCheckItem = onCheckItem; m_Options = checks; m_NumCheck = 0; m_Result = new List <CheckItem>(100); ISpatialIndex index = model.Index; index.QueryWindow(null, SpatialType.Line, CheckLine); index.QueryWindow(null, SpatialType.Text, CheckText); index.QueryWindow(null, SpatialType.Polygon, CheckPolygon); // Do any post-processing. PostCheck(m_Result, true); m_Result.TrimExcess(); }
/// <summary> /// Sees whether the orientation of the new text should be altered. This /// occurs if the auto-orient capability is enabled, and the specified /// position is close to any visible lne. /// </summary> /// <param name="posn">The position to use for making the check.</param> /// <returns></returns> LineFeature GetOrientation(IPointGeometry posn) { // The ground tolerance is 2mm at the draw scale. ISpatialDisplay display = ActiveDisplay; double tol = 0.002 * display.MapScale; // If we previously selected something, see if the search point // lies within tolerance. If so, there's no change. if (m_Orient != null) { double dist = m_Orient.Distance(posn).Meters; if (dist < tol) { return(m_Orient); } } // Get the map to find the closest line CadastralMapModel map = CadastralMapModel.Current; ISpatialIndex index = map.Index; return(index.QueryClosest(posn, new Length(tol), SpatialType.Line) as LineFeature); }
public ShapeFile(string fileName) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) throw new ArgumentNullException(); m_MapName = fileName; IEditSpatialIndex index = new SpatialIndex(); ShapefileDataReader sfdr = Shapefile.CreateDataReader(fileName, new GeometryFactory()); ShapefileHeader hdr = sfdr.ShapeHeader; Envelope ex = hdr.Bounds; m_Extent = new Window(ex.MinX, ex.MinY, ex.MaxX, ex.MaxY); foreach (object o in sfdr) { // You get back an instance of GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.IO.RowStructure, but // that's internal, so cast to the interface it implements (we'll attach this to // the geometry we wrap). //ICustomTypeDescriptor row = (ICustomTypeDescriptor)o; AdhocPropertyList row = CreatePropertyList(sfdr); NTS.Geometry geom = sfdr.Geometry; geom.UserData = row; List<NTS.Geometry> geoms = GetBasicGeometries(geom); foreach (NTS.Geometry g in geoms) { g.UserData = row; if (g is NTS.Point) index.Add(new PointWrapper((NTS.Point)g)); else index.Add(new GeometryWrapper(g)); } } // Don't permit any further additions m_Index = index; }
public ShapeDataReader(IStreamProviderRegistry streamProviderRegistry , ISpatialIndex<ShapeLocationInFileInfo> index, IGeometryFactory geoFactory, bool buildIndexAsync) { m_SpatialIndex = index; m_GeoFactory = geoFactory; ValidateParameters(); m_ShapeReader = new ShapeReader(streamProviderRegistry); if (buildIndexAsync) { m_CancellationTokenSrc = new CancellationTokenSource(); m_IndexCreationTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(FillSpatialIndex, m_CancellationTokenSrc.Token); } else { FillSpatialIndex(); } m_DbfReader = new DbaseReader(streamProviderRegistry[StreamTypes.Data]); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MCIndexPointSnapper"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="monoChains"></param> /// <param name="index"></param> public MCIndexPointSnapper(IList monoChains, ISpatialIndex index) { this.monoChains = monoChains; this.index = (STRtree)index; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="McIndexPointSnapper"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="index"></param> public McIndexPointSnapper(ISpatialIndex index) { _index = (StRtree)index; }
private void BuildIndex() { _index = new STRtree<ILineString>(); for (int i = 0; i < _rings.Count; i++) { var ring = (ILinearRing)_rings[i]; var env = ring.EnvelopeInternal; _index.Insert(env, ring); } }
public ShapeDataReader(IStreamProviderRegistry streamProviderRegistry, ISpatialIndex<ShapeLocationInFileInfo> index) : this(streamProviderRegistry, index, new GeometryFactory()) { }
public ShapeDataReader(IStreamProviderRegistry streamProviderRegistry, ISpatialIndex<ShapeLocationInFileInfo> index, IGeometryFactory geoFactory) : this(streamProviderRegistry, index, geoFactory, true) { }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void BuildQuadtree() { _quadtree = new Quadtree<ILinearRing>(); for (int i = 0; i < _rings.Count; i++) { ILinearRing ring = _rings[i]; Envelope env = ring.EnvelopeInternal; _quadtree.Insert(env, ring); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindIntersectionsQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// <para/> /// Use this constructor when intersecting with geometry that has been created ad-hoc. /// Note that if you are looking to intersect a line feature (already part of /// the spatial index), you should use the constructor that accepts the <c>LineFeature</c>. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="geom">The geometry to intersect.</param> /// <param name="wantEndEnd">Specify true if you want end-to-end intersections in the results.</param> internal FindIntersectionsQuery(ISpatialIndex index, LineGeometry geom, bool wantEndEnd) { m_Feature = null; m_Geom = GetUnsectionedLineGeometry(geom); m_WantEndEnd = wantEndEnd; m_Result = new List<IntersectionResult>(100); FindIntersections(index); }
public ShapeDataReader(string shapeFilePath, ISpatialIndex<ShapeLocationInFileInfo> index, IGeometryFactory geoFactory, bool buildIndexAsync) :this(new ShapefileStreamProviderRegistry(shapeFilePath, true, true), index, geoFactory, buildIndexAsync) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <c>FindPointByIdQuery</c> (and executes it). The result of the query /// can then be obtained through the <c>Result</c> property. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The spatial index to search</param> /// <param name="key">The ID of interest.</param> internal FindPointByIdQuery(ISpatialIndex index, string key) { m_Key = key; m_Result = null; index.QueryWindow(null, SpatialType.Point, OnQueryHit); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the ShapefileShapeSource with the specified /// shapefile as the source and supplied spatial and shape indices. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <param name="spatialIndex"></param> /// <param name="shx"></param> protected ShapefileShapeSource(string fileName, ISpatialIndex spatialIndex, ShapefileIndexFile shx) { Filename = fileName; _spatialIndex = spatialIndex; _shx = shx; }
public ShapeDataReader(string shapeFilePath, ISpatialIndex<ShapeLocationInFileInfo> index, IGeometryFactory geoFactory) : this(shapeFilePath, index, geoFactory, true) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the LineShapefileShapeSource with the specified polygon shapefile as the source and provided indices /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <param name="spatialIndex"></param> /// <param name="shx"></param> public LineShapefileShapeSource(string fileName, ISpatialIndex spatialIndex, ShapefileIndexFile shx) : base(fileName, spatialIndex, shx) { }
public ShapeDataReader(string shapeFilePath, ISpatialIndex<ShapeLocationInFileInfo> index) : this(shapeFilePath, index, new GeometryFactory()) { }