/// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");

            // <programInitialization> ::= ’Global’ ’initializer’ <elementSeparator>
            //      <programInitializer> <elementSeparator>
            //  <programInitializer> ::= <initializer definition>

            ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService;
            InitializerNode initializer = processor.ParseInitializer(out methodSourceCodeService);
            if (initializer == null)
                return this; // Processor/Parser should have reported errors
            if (!initializer.Accept(IronSmalltalk.Compiler.Visiting.ParseTreeValidatingVisitor.Current))
                // We expect the parser to have reported the errors. Just in case, we do it once more to the installer.
                // Bad practice here is to use the 'processor.SourcePosition', but we don't have anything better :-/
                if (processor.ErrorSink != null)
                    processor.ErrorSink.AddInterchangeError(processor.SourcePosition, processor.SourcePosition, "Invalid initializer source code.");
                return this;

            ProgramInitializer definition = new ProgramInitializer(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, new AstIntermediateInitializerCode(initializer));
            this.Definfition = definition;
            // This may fail, but we don't care. If failed, it reported the error through its error sink.

            return this;
Esempio n. 2
 public GlobalInitializer(SourceReference<string> globalName, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IntermediateInitializerCode code)
     : base(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, code)
     if (globalName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("globalName");
     this.GlobalName = globalName;
Esempio n. 3
 public DebugInfoService(ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     if (sourceCodeService == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException();
     this.SourceCodeService = sourceCodeService;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// It is expect the next chunk to contain an initializer. This method parses the next chunk
 /// as an initializer and returns the initializer parse node representing the initializer source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>InitializerNode representing the parsed initializer.</returns>
 public InitializerNode ParseInitializer(out ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     if (this.VersionService == null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Processor cannot be used if version service is not set.");
     return(this.VersionService.ParseInitializer(this, out sourceCodeService));
Esempio n. 5
 public GlobalInitializer(SourceReference <string> globalName, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IGlobalInitializerFactory factory)
     : base(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, factory)
     if (globalName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("globalName");
     this.GlobalName = globalName;
 protected override MethodDefinition CreateDefinition(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, MethodNode parseTree)
     return new InstanceMethodDefinition(
         processor.CreateSourceReference(this.ClassName.Value, this.ClassName, sourceCodeService),
         processor.CreateSourceReference(parseTree.Selector, parseTree.SelectorParts[0].StartPosition, parseTree.SelectorParts.Last().StopPosition, sourceCodeService),
         new AstIntermediateMethodCode(parseTree));
Esempio n. 7
        public RuntimeGlobalInitializerFactory(InitializerNode parseTree, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, string globalName)
            : base(parseTree, sourceCodeService)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(globalName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("globalName");

            this.GlobalName = globalName;
 public PoolVariableInitializer(SourceReference<string> poolName, SourceReference<string> variableName, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IntermediateInitializerCode code)
     : base(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, code)
     if (poolName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("poolName");
     if (variableName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("variableName");
     this.PoolName = poolName;
     this.VariableName = variableName;
Esempio n. 9
        public SourceReference(SourceLocation startPosition, SourceLocation stopPosition, ISourceCodeReferenceService service)
            if (service == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("service");

            this._StartPosition             = startPosition;
            this._StopPosition              = stopPosition;
            this.SourceCodeReferenceService = service;
Esempio n. 10
 public IntermediateCodeValidationErrorSink(ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, IDefinitionInstallerContext installer)
     if (installer == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException();
     if (sourceCodeService == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException();
     this.Installer         = installer;
     this.SourceCodeService = sourceCodeService;
Esempio n. 11
        public RuntimeCodeFactory(TParseTree parseTree, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (parseTree == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseTree");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");

            this.ParseTree         = parseTree;
            this.SourceCodeService = sourceCodeService;
Esempio n. 12
        public RuntimePoolVariableInitializerFactory(InitializerNode parseTree, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, string poolName, string poolItemName)
            : base(parseTree, sourceCodeService)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(poolName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("poolName");
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(poolItemName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("poolItemName");

            this.PoolName     = poolName;
            this.PoolItemName = poolItemName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse identifier list. Identifier list have the syntax: identifierList ::= stringDelimiter identifier* stringDelimiter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Token containing the string with the identifier list.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of sub-tokens if successful or null if token string is illegal.</returns>
        protected internal virtual IEnumerable<SourceReference<string>> ParseIdentifierList(StringToken token, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (token == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("token");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");

            List<SourceReference<string>> result = new List<SourceReference<string>>();
            if (token.Value.Length == 0)
                return result;

            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new StringReader(token.Value));
            Token t = scanner.GetToken();
            while (!(t is EofToken))
                // Skip whitespaces (incl. comments).
                if (!(t is WhitespaceToken))
                    // Offset the token to the position within the original token. +1 is due to the opening string ' quote.
                        new SourceLocation(t.StartPosition.Position + token.StartPosition.Position + 1,
                            t.StartPosition.Line + token.StartPosition.Line,
                            t.StartPosition.Column + token.StartPosition.Column + 1),
                        new SourceLocation(t.StopPosition.Position + token.StartPosition.Position + 1,
                            t.StopPosition.Line + token.StartPosition.Line,
                            t.StopPosition.Column + token.StartPosition.Column + 1),

                    if (t is IdentifierToken)
                        // identifier  OK
                        result.Add(new SourceReference<string>(((IdentifierToken)t).Value, t.StartPosition, t.StopPosition, sourceCodeService));
                        // Non-identifier, report error
                        parseErrorSink.AddParserError(t.StartPosition, t.StopPosition, "Expected identifier", t);
                        return null; // Error condition
                t = scanner.GetToken();
            return result;
Esempio n. 14
 public CodeBasedDefinition(ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, TFactory factory)
     if (sourceCodeService == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");
     if (methodSourceCodeService == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("methodSourceCodeService");
     if (factory == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");
     this.SourceCodeService       = sourceCodeService;
     this.MethodSourceCodeService = methodSourceCodeService;
     this.Factory = factory;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");
            // ALL instance vars must be set. If one is missing, then source code bug, and
            //   InterchangeFormatParser.ParseClassDefinition() should have reported the error.
            if ((this.ClassName == null) || (this.SuperclassName == null) || (this.IndexedInstanceVariables == null)
                || (this.InstanceVariableNames == null) || (this.ClassVariableNames == null) || (this.SharedPools == null)
                || (this.ClassInstanceVariableNames == null))
                    return this;

            SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum? instanceState = this.GetInstanceState(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);
            if (instanceState == null)
                return this;

            IEnumerable<SourceReference<string>> civn = this.GetClassInstanceVariableNames(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);
            if (civn == null)
                return this; // ParseIdentifierList() reported the error
            IEnumerable<SourceReference<string>> ivn = this.GetInstanceVariableNames(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);
            if (ivn == null)
                return this; // ParseIdentifierList() reported the error
            IEnumerable<SourceReference<string>> cvn = this.GetClassVariableNames(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);
            if (cvn == null)
                return this; // ParseIdentifierList() reported the error
            IEnumerable<SourceReference<string>> spn = this.GetSharedPoolNames(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);
            if (spn == null)
                return this; // ParseIdentifierList() reported the error

            ClassDefinition definition = new ClassDefinition(
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.ClassName.Value, this.ClassName, sourceCodeService),
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.SuperclassName.Value, this.SuperclassName, sourceCodeService),
                processor.CreateSourceReference(instanceState.Value, this.IndexedInstanceVariables, sourceCodeService),
                civn, cvn, ivn, spn);
            this.Definfition = definition;
            // This may fail, but we don't care. If failed, it reported the error through its error sink.

            return this;
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");
            // ALL instance vars must be set. If one is missing, then source code bug, and
            //   InterchangeFormatParser.ParsePoolDefinition() should have reported the error.
            if (this.PoolName == null)
                return this;

            PoolDefinition definition = new PoolDefinition(processor.CreateSourceReference(this.PoolName.Value, this.PoolName, sourceCodeService));
            this.Definfition = definition;
            // This may fail, but we don't care. If failed, it reported the error through its error sink.
            return this;
        /// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");
            // ALL instance vars must be set. If one is missing, then source code bug, and
            //   InterchangeFormatParser.ParsePoolValueInitialization() should have reported the error.
            if ((this.PoolName == null) || (this.PoolVariableName == null))
                return this;

            // <poolValueInitialization> ::= <poolName> ’initializerFor:’ <poolVariableNameString>
            //      <elementSeparator> <variableInitializer> <elementSeparator>
            // <variableInitializer> ::= <initializer definition>

            ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService;
            InitializerNode initializer = processor.ParseInitializer(out methodSourceCodeService);
            if (initializer == null)
                return this; // Processor/Parser should have reported errors
            if (!initializer.Accept(IronSmalltalk.Compiler.Visiting.ParseTreeValidatingVisitor.Current))
                // We expect the parser to have reported the errors. Just in case, we do it once more to the installer.
                // Bad practice here is to use the 'processor.SourcePosition', but we don't have anything better :-/
                if (processor.ErrorSink != null)
                    processor.ErrorSink.AddInterchangeError(processor.SourcePosition, processor.SourcePosition, "Invalid initializer source code.");
                return this;

            PoolVariableInitializer definition = new PoolVariableInitializer(
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.PoolName.Value, this.PoolName, sourceCodeService),
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.PoolVariableName.Value, this.PoolVariableName, sourceCodeService),
                new AstIntermediateInitializerCode(initializer));
            this.Definfition = definition;
            // This may fail, but we don't care. If failed, it reported the error through its error sink.

            return this;
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");

            if ((this.AnnotatedNode == null) || (this.Key == null) || (this.Value == null))
                return this;

            if (this.AnnotatedNode.Definfition == null)
                // Not normal, means there was bug in the code that was supposed to create the definition,
                // but we don't want to add too much trouble to the developer, so we silently ignore
                // the annotation (to the buggy definition).
                return this;

            this.AnnotatedNode.Definfition.Annotate(this.Key.Value, this.Value.Value);
            return this;
Esempio n. 19
 protected virtual IEnumerable <SourceReference <string> > GetSharedPoolNames(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     return(processor.ParseIdentifierList(this.SharedPools, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService));
Esempio n. 20
 protected virtual SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum? GetInstanceState(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     if (this.IndexedInstanceVariables.Value == "byte")
         return SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum.ByteIndexable;
     else if (this.IndexedInstanceVariables.Value == "object")
         return SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum.ObjectIndexable;
     else if (this.IndexedInstanceVariables.Value == "none")
         return SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum.NamedObjectVariables;
         parseErrorSink.AddParserError(this.IndexedInstanceVariables.StartPosition, this.IndexedInstanceVariables.StopPosition,
             "Invalid instance state type. Allowed values are: #byte, #object and #none.", this.IndexedInstanceVariables);
         return null;
 public RuntimeProgramInitializerFactory(InitializerNode parseTree, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     : base(parseTree, sourceCodeService)
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse identifier list. Identifier list have the syntax: identifierList ::= stringDelimiter identifier* stringDelimiter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Token containing the string with the identifier list.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of sub-tokens if successful or null if token string is illegal.</returns>
        protected internal virtual IEnumerable <SourceReference <string> > ParseIdentifierList(StringToken token, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (token == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("token");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");

            List <SourceReference <string> > result = new List <SourceReference <string> >();

            if (token.Value.Length == 0)

            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new StringReader(token.Value));
            Token   t       = scanner.GetToken();

            while (!(t is EofToken))
                // Skip whitespaces (incl. comments).
                if (!(t is WhitespaceToken))
                    // Offset the token to the position within the original token. +1 is due to the opening string ' quote.
                        new SourceLocation(t.StartPosition.Position + token.StartPosition.Position + 1,
                                           t.StartPosition.Line + token.StartPosition.Line,
                                           t.StartPosition.Column + token.StartPosition.Column + 1),
                        new SourceLocation(t.StopPosition.Position + token.StartPosition.Position + 1,
                                           t.StopPosition.Line + token.StartPosition.Line,
                                           t.StopPosition.Column + token.StartPosition.Column + 1),

                    if (t is IdentifierToken)
                        // identifier  OK
                        result.Add(new SourceReference <string>(((IdentifierToken)t).Value, t.StartPosition, t.StopPosition, sourceCodeService));
                        // Non-identifier, report error
                        parseErrorSink.AddParserError(t.StartPosition, t.StopPosition, "Expected identifier", t);
                        return(null); // Error condition
                t = scanner.GetToken();
Esempio n. 23
 protected virtual IEnumerable<SourceReference<string>> GetSharedPoolNames(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     return processor.ParseIdentifierList(this.SharedPools, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");
            // ALL instance vars must be set. If one is missing, then source code bug, and
            //   InterchangeFormatParser.ParseInstance/ClassMethodDefinition() should have reported the error.
            if (this.ClassName == null)

            // <methodDefinition> ::= <className> ’method’ <elementSeparator>
            //      <method definition> <elementSeparator>
            // <classMethodDefinition> ::= <className> ’classMethod’ <elementSeparator>
            //      <method definition> <elementSeparator>

            // The methodSourceCodeService is used for translation positions inside the method body,
            // while the sourceCodeService is used for the method declaration (e.g. "Integer method").
            // In reality, most bugs will be in the method source code and therefore report errors
            // via the methodSourceCodeService.
            ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService;
            MethodNode method = processor.ParseMethod(out methodSourceCodeService);

            if (method == null)
                return(this); // Processor/Parser should have reported errors
            if (!method.Accept(IronSmalltalk.Compiler.Visiting.ParseTreeValidatingVisitor.Current))
                // We expect the parser to have reported the errors. Just in case, we do it once more to the installer.
                // Bad practice here is to use the 'processor.SourcePosition', but we don't have anything better :-/
                if (processor.ErrorSink != null)
                    processor.ErrorSink.AddInterchangeError(processor.SourcePosition, processor.SourcePosition, "Invalid method source code.");

            MethodDefinition definition = this.CreateDefinition(processor, sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, method);

            this.Definfition = definition;
            // This may fail, but we don't care. If failed, it reported the error through its error sink.

Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");
            // ALL instance vars must be set. If one is missing, then source code bug, and
            //   InterchangeFormatParser.ParseInstance/ClassMethodDefinition() should have reported the error.
            if (this.ClassName == null)
                return this;

            // <methodDefinition> ::= <className> ’method’ <elementSeparator>
            //      <method definition> <elementSeparator>
            // <classMethodDefinition> ::= <className> ’classMethod’ <elementSeparator>
            //      <method definition> <elementSeparator>

            ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService;
            MethodNode method = processor.ParseMethod(out methodSourceCodeService);
            if (method == null)
                return this; // Processor/Parser should have reported errors
            if (!method.Accept(IronSmalltalk.Compiler.Visiting.ParseTreeValidatingVisitor.Current))
                // We expect the parser to have reported the errors. Just in case, we do it once more to the installer.
                // Bad practice here is to use the 'processor.SourcePosition', but we don't have anything better :-/
                if (processor.ErrorSink != null)
                    processor.ErrorSink.AddInterchangeError(processor.SourcePosition, processor.SourcePosition, "Invalid method source code.");
                return this;

            MethodDefinition definition = this.CreateDefinition(processor, sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, method);
            this.Definfition = definition;
            // This may fail, but we don't care. If failed, it reported the error through its error sink.

            return this;
Esempio n. 26
 public ClassMethodDefinition(SourceReference <string> className, SourceReference <string> selector, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IMethodFactory factory)
     : base(className, selector, sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, factory)
Esempio n. 27
 protected abstract MethodDefinition CreateDefinition(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, MethodNode parseTree);
Esempio n. 28
 public ProgramInitializer(ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IntermediateInitializerCode code)
     : base(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, code)
 protected override PoolValueDefinition CreateDefinition(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     return(new PoolVariableDefinition(
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.PoolName.Value, this.PoolName, sourceCodeService),
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.PoolVariableName.Value, this.PoolVariableName, sourceCodeService)));
 protected abstract PoolValueDefinition CreateDefinition(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService);
 public InstanceMethodDefinition(SourceReference <string> className, SourceReference <string> selector, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IMethodFactory code)
     : base(className, selector, sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, code)
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");
            // ALL instance vars must be set. If one is missing, then source code bug, and
            //   InterchangeFormatParser.ParsePoolValueInitialization() should have reported the error.
            if ((this.PoolName == null) || (this.PoolVariableName == null))

            // <poolValueInitialization> ::= <poolName> ’initializerFor:’ <poolVariableNameString>
            //      <elementSeparator> <variableInitializer> <elementSeparator>
            // <variableInitializer> ::= <initializer definition>

            ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService;
            InitializerNode             initializer = processor.ParseInitializer(out methodSourceCodeService);

            if (initializer == null)
                return(this); // Processor/Parser should have reported errors
            if (!initializer.Accept(IronSmalltalk.Compiler.Visiting.ParseTreeValidatingVisitor.Current))
                // We expect the parser to have reported the errors. Just in case, we do it once more to the installer.
                // Bad practice here is to use the 'processor.SourcePosition', but we don't have anything better :-/
                if (processor.ErrorSink != null)
                    processor.ErrorSink.AddInterchangeError(processor.SourcePosition, processor.SourcePosition, "Invalid initializer source code.");

            RuntimePoolVariableInitializerFactory factory = new RuntimePoolVariableInitializerFactory(initializer, methodSourceCodeService, this.PoolName.Value, this.PoolVariableName.Value);

            PoolVariableInitializer definition = new PoolVariableInitializer(
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.PoolName.Value, this.PoolName, sourceCodeService),
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.PoolVariableName.Value, this.PoolVariableName, sourceCodeService),

            this.Definfition = definition;
            // This may fail, but we don't care. If failed, it reported the error through its error sink.

 /// <summary>
 /// Retereive the next interchange chunk from the processor and parse it as a method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor that can provide the interchange chunk for parsing.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The parser used here is capable of parsing interchange chunks containg methods that follow the 
 /// interchange version standard that this version service is supporting.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <returns>MethodNode representing the parsed method source.</returns>
 protected internal virtual MethodNode ParseMethod(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, out ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     InterchangeChunk chunk = this.GetNextChunk(processor);
     sourceCodeService = chunk;
     if (chunk == null)
         // Must have an interchange element that contains <initializer definition>.
         this.ReportError(processor, "Expected method definition.");
         return null;
     Parser parser = this.GetFunctionParser();
     parser.ErrorSink = chunk;
     return parser.ParseMethod(new StringReader(chunk.SourceChunk));
Esempio n. 34
 protected abstract MethodDefinition CreateDefinition(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, MethodNode parseTree);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the next interchange chunk from the processor and parse it as an initializer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor that can provide the interchange chunk for parsing.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The parser used here is capable of parsing interchange chunks containing initializers that follow the
        /// interchange version standard that this version service is supporting.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>InitializerNode representing the parsed initializer source.</returns>
        protected internal virtual InitializerNode ParseInitializer(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, out ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            InterchangeChunk chunk = this.GetNextChunk(processor);

            sourceCodeService = chunk;
            if (chunk == null)
                // Must have an interchange element that contains <initializer definition>.
                this.ReportError(processor, "Expected initializer definition.");
            Parser parser = this.GetFunctionParser();

            parser.ErrorSink = chunk;
            return(parser.ParseInitializer(new StringReader(chunk.SourceChunk)));
 public InitializerDefinition(ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IInitializerFactory factory)
     : base(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, factory)
Esempio n. 37
        public SourceReference(SourceLocation startPosition, SourceLocation stopPosition, ISourceCodeReferenceService service)
            if (service == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("service");

            this._startPosition = startPosition;
            this._stopPosition = stopPosition;
            this.SourceCodeReferenceService = service;
 /// <summary>
 /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
 /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
 /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
 public abstract InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService);
Esempio n. 39
 public ProgramInitializer(ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IProgramInitializerFactory factory)
     : base(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, factory)
        protected override SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum?GetInstanceState(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            // TODO : Move constants out of code into a the InterchangeFormatConstants class
            // TODO : Move error messages out of code into a the InterchangeFormatErrors class

            if (this.IndexedInstanceVariables.Value == "native")
            return(base.GetInstanceState(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService));
 public PoolVariableInitializer(SourceReference <string> poolName, SourceReference <string> variableName, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IPoolVariableInitializerFactory factory)
     : base(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, factory)
     if (poolName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("poolName");
     if (variableName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("variableName");
     this.PoolName     = poolName;
     this.VariableName = variableName;
Esempio n. 42
 public MethodDefinition(SourceReference <string> className, SourceReference <string> selector, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IMethodFactory code)
     : base(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, code)
     if (className == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("className");
     if (selector == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("selector");
     this.ClassName = className;
     this.Selector  = selector;
Esempio n. 43
 protected virtual SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum?GetInstanceState(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     if (this.IndexedInstanceVariables.Value == "byte")
     else if (this.IndexedInstanceVariables.Value == "object")
     else if (this.IndexedInstanceVariables.Value == "none")
         parseErrorSink.AddParserError(this.IndexedInstanceVariables.StartPosition, this.IndexedInstanceVariables.StopPosition,
                                       "Invalid instance state type. Allowed values are: #byte, #object and #none.", this.IndexedInstanceVariables);
        /// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");

            // <programInitialization> ::= ’Global’ ’initializer’ <elementSeparator>
            //      <programInitializer> <elementSeparator>
            //  <programInitializer> ::= <initializer definition>

            ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService;
            InitializerNode             initializer = processor.ParseInitializer(out methodSourceCodeService);

            if (initializer == null)
                return(this); // Processor/Parser should have reported errors
            if (!initializer.Accept(IronSmalltalk.Compiler.Visiting.ParseTreeValidatingVisitor.Current))
                // We expect the parser to have reported the errors. Just in case, we do it once more to the installer.
                // Bad practice here is to use the 'processor.SourcePosition', but we don't have anything better :-/
                if (processor.ErrorSink != null)
                    processor.ErrorSink.AddInterchangeError(processor.SourcePosition, processor.SourcePosition, "Invalid initializer source code.");

            RuntimeProgramInitializerFactory factory = new RuntimeProgramInitializerFactory(initializer, methodSourceCodeService);

            ProgramInitializer definition = new ProgramInitializer(sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, factory);

            this.Definfition = definition;
            // This may fail, but we don't care. If failed, it reported the error through its error sink.

Esempio n. 45
        /// <summary>
        /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
        /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
        /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
        public override InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (parseErrorSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parseErrorSink");
            if (sourceCodeService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceCodeService");
            // ALL instance vars must be set. If one is missing, then source code bug, and
            //   InterchangeFormatParser.ParseClassDefinition() should have reported the error.
            if ((this.ClassName == null) || (this.SuperclassName == null) || (this.IndexedInstanceVariables == null) ||
                (this.InstanceVariableNames == null) || (this.ClassVariableNames == null) || (this.SharedPools == null) ||
                (this.ClassInstanceVariableNames == null))

            SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum?instanceState = this.GetInstanceState(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);
            if (instanceState == null)

            IEnumerable <SourceReference <string> > civn = this.GetClassInstanceVariableNames(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);

            if (civn == null)
                return(this); // ParseIdentifierList() reported the error
            IEnumerable <SourceReference <string> > ivn = this.GetInstanceVariableNames(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);

            if (ivn == null)
                return(this); // ParseIdentifierList() reported the error
            IEnumerable <SourceReference <string> > cvn = this.GetClassVariableNames(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);

            if (cvn == null)
                return(this); // ParseIdentifierList() reported the error
            IEnumerable <SourceReference <string> > spn = this.GetSharedPoolNames(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);

            if (spn == null)
                return(this); // ParseIdentifierList() reported the error
            ClassDefinition definition = new ClassDefinition(
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.ClassName.Value, this.ClassName, sourceCodeService),
                processor.CreateSourceReference(this.SuperclassName.Value, this.SuperclassName, sourceCodeService),
                processor.CreateSourceReference(instanceState.Value, this.IndexedInstanceVariables, sourceCodeService),
                civn, cvn, ivn, spn);

            this.Definfition = definition;
            // This may fail, but we don't care. If failed, it reported the error through its error sink.

 protected override PoolValueDefinition CreateDefinition(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     return new PoolConstantDefinition(
         processor.CreateSourceReference(this.PoolName.Value, this.PoolName, sourceCodeService),
         processor.CreateSourceReference(this.PoolVariableName.Value, this.PoolVariableName, sourceCodeService));
Esempio n. 47
        protected override MethodDefinition CreateDefinition(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, MethodNode parseTree)
            // The methodSourceCodeService is used for translation positions inside the method body,
            // while the sourceCodeService is used for the method declaration (e.g. "Integer method").
            // In reality, most bugs will be in the method source code and therefore report errors
            // via the methodSourceCodeService.

            RuntimeCompiledMethodFactory factory = new RuntimeCompiledMethodFactory(parseTree, methodSourceCodeService);

            return(new ClassMethodDefinition(
                       processor.CreateSourceReference(this.ClassName.Value, this.ClassName, sourceCodeService),
                       processor.CreateSourceReference(parseTree.Selector, parseTree.SelectorParts[0].StartPosition, parseTree.SelectorParts.Last().StopPosition, sourceCodeService),
Esempio n. 48
 protected abstract GlobalDefinition CreateDefinition(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService);
Esempio n. 49
 /// <summary>
 /// File-in and process the actions contained in the node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="processor">Interchange format processor responsible for the processing context.</param>
 /// <param name="parseErrorSink">Error sink for reporting parse errors.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceCodeService">Source code service that can convert tokens to source code span and reports issues.</param>
 /// <returns>Return an interchange unit node for annotation, usually just self.</returns>
 public abstract InterchangeUnitNode FileIn(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService);
Esempio n. 50
 protected override GlobalDefinition CreateDefinition(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     return new GlobalConstantDefinition(processor.CreateSourceReference(this.GlobalName.Value, this.GlobalName, sourceCodeService));
Esempio n. 51
 public ClassMethodDefinition(SourceReference<string> className, SourceReference<string> selector, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService, ISourceCodeReferenceService methodSourceCodeService, IntermediateMethodCode code)
     : base(className, selector, sourceCodeService, methodSourceCodeService, code)
 protected override SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum? GetInstanceState(InterchangeFormatProcessor processor, IParseErrorSink parseErrorSink, ISourceCodeReferenceService sourceCodeService)
     if (this.IndexedInstanceVariables.Value == "native")
         return SmalltalkClass.InstanceStateEnum.Native;
     return base.GetInstanceState(processor, parseErrorSink, sourceCodeService);