Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Unregisters a dead slave from the monitor.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void UnregisterSlave(ISlaveConnection slave)
     lock (_allSlaves.SyncRoot)
     lock (_availableSlaves.SyncRoot)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Notifies the monitor that the particular slave has finished performing a job,
        /// and it (probably) is available for other jobs.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void NotifySlaveAvailability(ISlaveConnection slave, IJob job, IEvolutionState state)
            // first announce that a slave in allSlaves has finished, so people blocked on waitForAllSlavesToFinishEvaluating
            // can wake up and realize it.

            lock (_allSlaves.SyncRoot)

            // now announce that we've got a new available slave if someone wants it

            if (slave.NumJobs < MaxJobsPerSlave)
                lock (_availableSlaves.SyncRoot)
                    if (!_availableSlaves.Contains(slave))
                        _availableSlaves.Insert(_availableSlaves.Count, slave);

            Debug("Notify the monitor that the slave is available.");

            // now announce that we've got a new completed individual if someone is waiting for it

            if (state is SteadyStateEvolutionState)
                // Perhaps we should the individuals by fitness first, so the fitter ones show up later
                // and don't get immediately wiped out by less fit ones.  Or should it be the other way
                // around?  We might revisit that in the future.

                // At any rate, add ALL the individuals that came back to the evaluatedIndividuals LinkedList
                lock (_evaluatedIndividuals)
                    for (var x = 0; x < job.Inds.Length; x++)
                        _evaluatedIndividuals.Insert(_evaluatedIndividuals.Count, new QueueIndividual(job.Inds[x], job.Subpops[x]));