public TomP2POutbound(bool preferDirect, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory, CompByteBufAllocator alloc) { _preferDirect = preferDirect; _signatureFactory = signatureFactory; _encoder = new Encoder(signatureFactory); _alloc = alloc; //Logger.Info("Instantiated with object identity: {0}.", RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(this)); }
internal SignerInfoGenerator(SignerIdentifier sigId, ISignatureFactory contentSigner, CmsAttributeTableGenerator signedGen, CmsAttributeTableGenerator unsignedGen) { this.sigId = sigId; this.contentSigner = contentSigner; this.signedGen = signedGen; this.unsignedGen = unsignedGen; this.isDirectSignature = false; }
internal SignerInfoGenerator(SignerIdentifier sigId, ISignatureFactory signerFactory, bool isDirectSignature) { this.sigId = sigId; this.contentSigner = signerFactory; this.isDirectSignature = isDirectSignature; if (this.isDirectSignature) { this.signedGen = null; this.unsignedGen = null; } else { this.signedGen = new DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator(); this.unsignedGen = null; } }
internal SignerInf( CmsSignedGenerator outer, ISignatureFactory sigCalc, SignerIdentifier signerIdentifier, CmsAttributeTableGenerator sAttr, CmsAttributeTableGenerator unsAttr, Asn1.Cms.AttributeTable baseSignedTable) { this.outer = outer; this.sigCalc = sigCalc; this.signerIdentifier = signerIdentifier; this.digestOID = new DefaultDigestAlgorithmIdentifierFinder().find((AlgorithmIdentifier)sigCalc.AlgorithmDetails).Algorithm.Id; this.encOID = ((AlgorithmIdentifier)sigCalc.AlgorithmDetails).Algorithm.Id; this.sAttr = sAttr; this.unsAttr = unsAttr; this.baseSignedTable = baseSignedTable; }
public Task<AVIMClient> CreateClient(string clientId, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory = null, string tag = null) { CurrentConfiguration = new Configuration() { ApplicationId = CurrentConfiguration.ApplicationId, ApplicationKey = CurrentConfiguration.ApplicationKey, SignatureFactory = signatureFactory }; var client = new AVIMClient(clientId, tag) { SignatureFactory = signatureFactory }; return client.ConnectAsync().ContinueWith(t => { return Task.FromResult(client); }).Unwrap(); //return Task.FromResult(new AVIMClient(clientId, tag) //{ // SignatureFactory = signatureFactory //}); }
internal SignerInf( CmsSignedGenerator outer, AsymmetricKeyParameter key, SignerIdentifier signerIdentifier, string digestOID, string encOID, CmsAttributeTableGenerator sAttr, CmsAttributeTableGenerator unsAttr, Asn1.Cms.AttributeTable baseSignedTable) { string digestName = Helper.GetDigestAlgName(digestOID); string signatureName = digestName + "with" + Helper.GetEncryptionAlgName(encOID); this.outer = outer; this.sigCalc = new Asn1SignatureFactory(signatureName, key); this.signerIdentifier = signerIdentifier; this.digestOID = digestOID; this.encOID = encOID; this.sAttr = sAttr; this.unsAttr = unsAttr; this.baseSignedTable = baseSignedTable; }
internal SignerInfoGenerator(SignerIdentifier sigId, ISignatureFactory <AlgorithmIdentifier> signerFactory, IDigestFactoryProvider <AlgorithmIdentifier> digesterProvider, ISignatureEncryptionAlgorithmFinder sigEncAlgFinder) : this(sigId, signerFactory, digesterProvider, sigEncAlgFinder, false) { }
/// <summary> /// Create the RSA certificate as Pfx byte array with a private key. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// Returns the Pfx with certificate and private key. /// </returns> private byte[] CreatePfxForRSA(string passcode, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory = null) { // Cases locked out by API flow Debug.Assert(m_rsaPublicKey == null, "A public key is not supported for the certificate."); if (signatureFactory != null && IssuerCAKeyCert == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Need an issuer certificate for a signature generator."); } if (IssuerCAKeyCert != null && (!IssuerCAKeyCert.HasPrivateKey && signatureFactory == null)) { throw new NotSupportedException("Need an issuer certificate with a private key or a signature generator."); } using (var cfrg = new CertificateFactoryRandomGenerator()) { // cert generators SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(cfrg); CreateDefaults(cfrg); X509V3CertificateGenerator cg = new X509V3CertificateGenerator(); CreateMandatoryFields(cg); // create Private/Public Keypair AsymmetricKeyParameter subjectPublicKey = null; AsymmetricKeyParameter subjectPrivateKey = null; using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(m_keySize == 0 ? X509Defaults.RSAKeySize : m_keySize)) { subjectPublicKey = X509Utils.GetPublicKeyParameter(rsa); subjectPrivateKey = X509Utils.GetPrivateKeyParameter(rsa); } cg.SetPublicKey(subjectPublicKey); CreateExtensions(cg, subjectPublicKey); // sign certificate if (signatureFactory == null) { AsymmetricKeyParameter signingKey; if (IssuerCAKeyCert != null) { // signed by issuer signingKey = X509Utils.GetPrivateKeyParameter(IssuerCAKeyCert); } else { // self signed signingKey = subjectPrivateKey; } signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory( X509Utils.GetRSAHashAlgorithm(HashAlgorithmName), signingKey, random); } Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509Certificate x509 = cg.Generate(signatureFactory); // note: this Pfx has a private key! return(X509Utils.CreatePfxWithPrivateKey(x509, null, subjectPrivateKey, passcode, random)); } }
/// <summary> /// Base constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="baseFactory">The base factory to be used in the signing operation.</param> public PkixSignatureFactory(ISignatureFactory <IParameters <Algorithm> > baseFactory) { this.algID = Utils.GetSigAlgID(baseFactory.AlgorithmDetails); this.baseFactory = baseFactory; }
/// <summary> /// Generate a new X509Crl using the passed in SignatureCalculator. /// </summary> /// <param name="signatureCalculatorFactory">A signature calculator factory with the necessary algorithm details.</param> /// <returns>An X509Crl.</returns> public X509Crl Generate(ISignatureFactory signatureCalculatorFactory) { tbsGen.SetSignature((AlgorithmIdentifier)signatureCalculatorFactory.AlgorithmDetails); TbsCertificateList tbsCertList = GenerateCertList(); IStreamCalculator streamCalculator = signatureCalculatorFactory.CreateCalculator(); byte[] encoded = tbsCertList.GetDerEncoded(); streamCalculator.Stream.Write(encoded, 0, encoded.Length); Platform.Dispose(streamCalculator.Stream); return GenerateJcaObject(tbsCertList, (AlgorithmIdentifier)signatureCalculatorFactory.AlgorithmDetails, ((IBlockResult)streamCalculator.GetResult()).Collect()); }
public SignatureFactoryTest() { signatureFactory = new SignatureFactory(); }
internal SignerInfoGenerator(SignerIdentifier sigId, ISignatureFactory signerFactory) : this(sigId, signerFactory, false) { }
public void EncodeDone(AlternativeCompositeByteBuf buffer, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { EncodeDone(buffer, signatureFactory, null); }
public bool Verify(IPublicKey publicKey, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { return(signatureFactory.Verify(publicKey, _buffer.ToByteBuf(), Signature)); }
public Data ProtectEntryNow(KeyPair keyPair, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { return(SignNow(keyPair, signatureFactory, true)); }
public Data SignNow(IPrivateKey privateKey, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { return(SignNow(privateKey, signatureFactory, false)); }
public bool Verify(ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { return(Verify(PublicKey, signatureFactory)); }
public Data SignNow(KeyPair keyPair, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { return(SignNow(keyPair, signatureFactory, false)); }
public bool DecodeDone(AlternativeCompositeByteBuf buffer, IPublicKey publicKey, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { if (IsSigned) { if (publicKey == PeerBuilder.EmptyPublicKey) { PublicKey = publicKey; } return(DecodeDone(buffer, signatureFactory)); } return(true); }
public static Data DeocdeHeader(AlternativeCompositeByteBuf buffer, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { // 2 is the smallest packet size, we could start if we know 1 byte to // decode the header, but we always need a second byte. Thus, we are waiting for at least 2 bytes. if (buffer.ReadableBytes < 2 * Utils.Utils.ByteByteSize) { return(null); } int header = buffer.GetUByte(buffer.ReaderIndex); DataType type = Type(header); // length int length; int indexLength = Utils.Utils.ByteByteSize; int indexTtl; switch (type) { case DataType.Small: length = buffer.GetUByte(buffer.ReaderIndex + indexLength); indexTtl = indexLength + Utils.Utils.ByteByteSize; break; case DataType.Large: indexTtl = indexLength + Utils.Utils.IntegerByteSize; if (buffer.ReadableBytes < indexTtl) { return(null); } length = buffer.GetInt(buffer.ReaderIndex + indexLength); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown DataType."); } // TTL int ttl; int indexBasedOnNr; if (CheckHasTtl(header)) { indexBasedOnNr = indexTtl + Utils.Utils.IntegerByteSize; if (buffer.ReadableBytes < indexBasedOnNr) { return(null); } ttl = buffer.GetInt(buffer.ReaderIndex + indexTtl); } else { indexBasedOnNr = indexTtl; ttl = -1; } // nr basedOn + basedOn int numBasedOn; int indexPublicKeySize; int indexBasedOn; var basedOn = new List <Number160>(); if (CheckHasBasedOn(header)) { // get nr of basedOn keys indexBasedOn = indexBasedOnNr + Utils.Utils.ByteByteSize; if (buffer.ReadableBytes < indexBasedOn) { return(null); } numBasedOn = buffer.GetUByte(buffer.ReaderIndex + indexBasedOn) + 1; indexPublicKeySize = indexBasedOn + (numBasedOn * Number160.ByteArraySize); if (buffer.ReadableBytes < indexPublicKeySize) { return(null); } // get basedOn int index = buffer.ReaderIndex + indexBasedOnNr + Utils.Utils.ByteByteSize; var me = new sbyte[Number160.ByteArraySize]; for (int i = 0; i < numBasedOn; i++) { buffer.GetBytes(index, me); index += Number160.ByteArraySize; basedOn.Add(new Number160(me)); } } else { indexPublicKeySize = indexBasedOnNr; numBasedOn = 0; } // public key + size int publicKeySize; int indexPublicKey; int indexEnd; IPublicKey publicKey; if (CheckHasPublicKey(header)) { // get public key size indexPublicKey = indexPublicKeySize + Utils.Utils.ShortByteSize; if (buffer.ReadableBytes < indexPublicKey) { return(null); } publicKeySize = buffer.GetUShort(buffer.ReaderIndex + indexPublicKeySize); indexEnd = indexPublicKey + publicKeySize; if (buffer.ReadableBytes < indexEnd) { return(null); } // get public key buffer.SkipBytes(indexPublicKeySize); publicKey = signatureFactory.DecodePublicKey(buffer); } else { publicKeySize = 0; indexPublicKey = indexPublicKeySize; buffer.SkipBytes(indexPublicKey); publicKey = null; } // now, we have read the header and the length var data = new Data(header, length); data.TtlSeconds = ttl; data.BasedOnSet = basedOn; data.PublicKey = publicKey; return(data); }
private BasicOcspResp GenerateResponse(ISignatureFactory signatureCalculator, X509Certificate[] chain, global::System.DateTime producedAt) { //IL_016c: Expected O, but got Unknown AlgorithmIdentifier algorithmIdentifier = (AlgorithmIdentifier)signatureCalculator.AlgorithmDetails; DerObjectIdentifier algorithm = algorithmIdentifier.Algorithm; Asn1EncodableVector asn1EncodableVector = new Asn1EncodableVector(); global::System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator = ((global::System.Collections.IEnumerable)list).GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ResponseObject responseObject = (ResponseObject)enumerator.get_Current(); try { asn1EncodableVector.Add(responseObject.ToResponse()); } catch (global::System.Exception e) { throw new OcspException("exception creating Request", e); } } } finally { global::System.IDisposable disposable = enumerator as global::System.IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } ResponseData responseData = new ResponseData(responderID.ToAsn1Object(), new DerGeneralizedTime(producedAt), new DerSequence(asn1EncodableVector), responseExtensions); DerBitString derBitString = null; try { IStreamCalculator streamCalculator = signatureCalculator.CreateCalculator(); byte[] derEncoded = responseData.GetDerEncoded(); streamCalculator.Stream.Write(derEncoded, 0, derEncoded.Length); Platform.Dispose(streamCalculator.Stream); derBitString = new DerBitString(((IBlockResult)streamCalculator.GetResult()).Collect()); } catch (global::System.Exception ex) { throw new OcspException(string.Concat((object)"exception processing TBSRequest: ", (object)ex), ex); } AlgorithmIdentifier sigAlgID = OcspUtilities.GetSigAlgID(algorithm); DerSequence certs = null; if (chain != null && chain.Length > 0) { Asn1EncodableVector asn1EncodableVector2 = new Asn1EncodableVector(); try { for (int i = 0; i != chain.Length; i++) { asn1EncodableVector2.Add(X509CertificateStructure.GetInstance(Asn1Object.FromByteArray(chain[i].GetEncoded()))); } } catch (IOException val) { IOException e2 = val; throw new OcspException("error processing certs", (global::System.Exception)(object) e2); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e3) { throw new OcspException("error encoding certs", e3); } certs = new DerSequence(asn1EncodableVector2); } return(new BasicOcspResp(new BasicOcspResponse(responseData, sigAlgID, derBitString, certs))); }
public Data ProtectEntryNow(IPrivateKey privateKey, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { return(SignNow(privateKey, signatureFactory, true)); }
private BasicOcspResp GenerateResponse( ISignatureFactory signatureCalculator, X509Certificate[] chain, DateTime producedAt) { AlgorithmIdentifier signingAlgID = (AlgorithmIdentifier)signatureCalculator.AlgorithmDetails; DerObjectIdentifier signingAlgorithm = signingAlgID.Algorithm; Asn1EncodableVector responses = new Asn1EncodableVector(); foreach (ResponseObject respObj in list) { try { responses.Add(respObj.ToResponse()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OcspException("exception creating Request", e); } } ResponseData tbsResp = new ResponseData(responderID.ToAsn1Object(), new DerGeneralizedTime(producedAt), new DerSequence(responses), responseExtensions); DerBitString bitSig = null; try { IStreamCalculator streamCalculator = signatureCalculator.CreateCalculator(); byte[] encoded = tbsResp.GetDerEncoded(); streamCalculator.Stream.Write(encoded, 0, encoded.Length); Platform.Dispose(streamCalculator.Stream); bitSig = new DerBitString(((IBlockResult)streamCalculator.GetResult()).Collect()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OcspException("exception processing TBSRequest: " + e, e); } AlgorithmIdentifier sigAlgId = OcspUtilities.GetSigAlgID(signingAlgorithm); DerSequence chainSeq = null; if (chain != null && chain.Length > 0) { Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector(); try { for (int i = 0; i != chain.Length; i++) { v.Add( X509CertificateStructure.GetInstance( Asn1Object.FromByteArray(chain[i].GetEncoded()))); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new OcspException("error processing certs", e); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { throw new OcspException("error encoding certs", e); } chainSeq = new DerSequence(v); } return(new BasicOcspResp(new BasicOcspResponse(tbsResp, sigAlgId, bitSig, chainSeq))); }
public Data SetSignatureFactory(ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { _signatureFactory = signatureFactory; return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Create a X509 certificate for the specified key. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyName"> /// The key name. /// </param> /// <param name="cancel"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <X509Certificate> CreateBCCertificateAsync( string keyName, CancellationToken cancel = default(CancellationToken)) { // Get the BC key pair for the named key. var ekey = await Store.TryGetAsync(keyName, cancel).ConfigureAwait(false); if (ekey == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException($"The key '{keyName}' does not exist."); } AsymmetricCipherKeyPair kp = null; UseEncryptedKey(ekey, key => { kp = this.GetKeyPairFromPrivateKey(key); }); // A signer for the key. var ku = new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.DigitalSignature | KeyUsage.DataEncipherment | KeyUsage.KeyEncipherment); ISignatureFactory signatureFactory = null; if (kp.Private is ECPrivateKeyParameters) { signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory( X9ObjectIdentifiers.ECDsaWithSha256.ToString(), kp.Private); } else if (kp.Private is RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters) { signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory( PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Sha256WithRsaEncryption.ToString(), kp.Private); } else if (kp.Private is Ed25519PrivateKeyParameters) { signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory( EdECObjectIdentifiers.id_Ed25519.Id.ToString(), kp.Private); ku = new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.DigitalSignature); } if (signatureFactory == null) { throw new NotSupportedException($"The key type {kp.Private.GetType().Name} is not supported."); } // Build the certificate. var dn = new X509Name($"CN={ekey.Id}, OU=keystore, O=ipfs"); var ski = new SubjectKeyIdentifier(Base58.Decode(ekey.Id)); // Not a certificate authority. // TODO: perhaps the "self" key is a CA and all other keys issued by it. var bc = new BasicConstraints(false); var certGenerator = new X509V3CertificateGenerator(); certGenerator.SetIssuerDN(dn); certGenerator.SetSubjectDN(dn); certGenerator.SetSerialNumber(BigInteger.ValueOf(1)); certGenerator.SetNotAfter(DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(10)); certGenerator.SetNotBefore(DateTime.UtcNow); certGenerator.SetPublicKey(kp.Public); certGenerator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.SubjectKeyIdentifier, false, ski); certGenerator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.BasicConstraints, true, bc); certGenerator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.KeyUsage, false, ku); return(certGenerator.Generate(signatureFactory)); }
/// <summary> /// Instantiate a Pkcs10CertificationRequest object with the necessary credentials. /// </summary> ///<param name="signatureCalculatorFactory">The factory for signature calculators to sign the PKCS#10 request with.</param> /// <param name="subject">X509Name of subject eg OU="My unit." O="My Organisatioin" C="au" </param> /// <param name="publicKey">Public Key to be included in cert reqest.</param> /// <param name="attributes">ASN1Set of Attributes.</param> /// <param name="signingKey">Matching Private key for nominated (above) public key to be used to sign the request.</param> public Pkcs10CertificationRequest( ISignatureFactory signatureCalculatorFactory, X509Name subject, AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey, Asn1Set attributes, AsymmetricKeyParameter signingKey) { if (signatureCalculatorFactory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("signatureCalculator"); if (subject == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("subject"); if (publicKey == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("publicKey"); if (publicKey.IsPrivate) throw new ArgumentException("expected public key", "publicKey"); if (!signingKey.IsPrivate) throw new ArgumentException("key for signing must be private", "signingKey"); init(signatureCalculatorFactory, subject, publicKey, attributes, signingKey); }
internal SigWithDigest(ISignatureFactory <IParameters <Algorithm> > sigFact, IDigestFactory <IParameters <Algorithm> > digFact) { this.sigCalc = sigFact.CreateCalculator(); this.digCalc = digFact.CreateCalculator(); this.jointStream = new TeeOutputStream(sigCalc.Stream, digCalc.Stream); }
private void init( ISignatureFactory signatureCalculator, X509Name subject, AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey, Asn1Set attributes, AsymmetricKeyParameter signingKey) { this.sigAlgId = (AlgorithmIdentifier)signatureCalculator.AlgorithmDetails; SubjectPublicKeyInfo pubInfo = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(publicKey); this.reqInfo = new CertificationRequestInfo(subject, pubInfo, attributes); IStreamCalculator streamCalculator = signatureCalculator.CreateCalculator(); byte[] reqInfoData = reqInfo.GetDerEncoded(); streamCalculator.Stream.Write(reqInfoData, 0, reqInfoData.Length); Platform.Dispose(streamCalculator.Stream); // Generate Signature. sigBits = new DerBitString(((IBlockResult)streamCalculator.GetResult()).Collect()); }
public TomP2PSinglePacketUdp(ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { _signatureFactory = signatureFactory; }
public TomP2POutbound(bool preferDirect, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) : this(preferDirect, signatureFactory, new CompByteBufAllocator()) { }
private static X509Certificate SignCertificateFromRequest(Pkcs10CertificationRequest request, ISignatureFactory signer) { X509V3CertificateGenerator certGen = new X509V3CertificateGenerator(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; certGen.SetIssuerDN(request.GetCertificationRequestInfo().Subject); certGen.SetSubjectDN(request.GetCertificationRequestInfo().Subject); certGen.SetNotAfter(now.AddDays(7)); certGen.SetNotBefore(now.AddMinutes(-10)); certGen.SetSerialNumber(new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(80, new Random())); certGen.SetPublicKey(request.GetPublicKey()); return(certGen.Generate(signer)); }
public Blockchain(Wallet miningWallet, IWalletManager walletManager, IHashFactory transactionHashFactory, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory, IMiningFactory miningFactory, IBlockStorage storage) { SignatureFactory = signatureFactory; Verifier = signatureFactory.GetSignatureVerifier(); MiningFactory = miningFactory; TransactionHashFactory = transactionHashFactory; Digest = TransactionHashFactory.GetDigest(); MiningWallet = miningWallet; WalletManager = walletManager; pendingTransactions = new LinkedList <Transaction>(); storedChain = storage; foreach (Block block in storedChain) { WalletManager.AcceptTransactions(block.Transactions); } }
public Decoder(ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { _signatureFactory = signatureFactory; Logger.Info("Instantiated with object identity: {0}.", RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(this)); }
private BasicOcspResp GenerateResponse( ISignatureFactory signatureCalculator, X509Certificate[] chain, DateTime producedAt) { AlgorithmIdentifier signingAlgID = (AlgorithmIdentifier)signatureCalculator.AlgorithmDetails; DerObjectIdentifier signingAlgorithm = signingAlgID.Algorithm; Asn1EncodableVector responses = new Asn1EncodableVector(); foreach (ResponseObject respObj in list) { try { responses.Add(respObj.ToResponse()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OcspException("exception creating Request", e); } } ResponseData tbsResp = new ResponseData(responderID.ToAsn1Object(), new DerGeneralizedTime(producedAt), new DerSequence(responses), responseExtensions); DerBitString bitSig = null; try { IStreamCalculator streamCalculator = signatureCalculator.CreateCalculator(); byte[] encoded = tbsResp.GetDerEncoded(); streamCalculator.Stream.Write(encoded, 0, encoded.Length); Platform.Dispose(streamCalculator.Stream); bitSig = new DerBitString(((IBlockResult)streamCalculator.GetResult()).Collect()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OcspException("exception processing TBSRequest: " + e, e); } AlgorithmIdentifier sigAlgId = OcspUtilities.GetSigAlgID(signingAlgorithm); DerSequence chainSeq = null; if (chain != null && chain.Length > 0) { Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector(); try { for (int i = 0; i != chain.Length; i++) { v.Add( X509CertificateStructure.GetInstance( Asn1Object.FromByteArray(chain[i].GetEncoded()))); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new OcspException("error processing certs", e); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { throw new OcspException("error encoding certs", e); } chainSeq = new DerSequence(v); } return new BasicOcspResp(new BasicOcspResponse(tbsResp, sigAlgId, bitSig, chainSeq)); }
public PkixSignatureFactory(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithmIdentifier, ISignatureFactory <IParameters <Algorithm> > baseFactory) { this.algID = algorithmIdentifier; this.baseFactory = baseFactory; }
/// <summary> /// Generate the signed response using the passed in signature calculator. /// </summary> /// <param name="signatureCalculatorFactory">Implementation of signing calculator factory.</param> /// <param name="chain">The certificate chain associated with the response signer.</param> /// <param name="producedAt">"produced at" date.</param> /// <returns></returns> public BasicOcspResp Generate( ISignatureFactory signatureCalculatorFactory, X509Certificate[] chain, DateTime producedAt) { if (signatureCalculatorFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentException("no signature calculator specified"); } return GenerateResponse(signatureCalculatorFactory, chain, producedAt); }
public static X509Certificate GenerateCertificate(SecureRandom random, string subjectName, AsymmetricCipherKeyPair subjectKeyPair, BigInteger subjectSerialNumber, string[] subjectAlternativeNames, string issuerName, AsymmetricCipherKeyPair issuerKeyPair, BigInteger issuerSerialNumber, bool isCertificateAuthority, KeyPurposeID[] usages) { var certificateGenerator = new X509V3CertificateGenerator(); certificateGenerator.SetSerialNumber(subjectSerialNumber); // Set the signature algorithm. This is used to generate the thumbprint which is then signed // with the issuer's private key. We'll use SHA-256, which is (currently) considered fairly strong. //const string signatureAlgorithm = "SHA256WithRSA"; //certificateGenerator.SetSignatureAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm); // set the hash algorithm ISignatureFactory signatureFactory = null; if (isCertificateAuthority) { signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Sha1WithRsaEncryption.ToString(), subjectKeyPair.Private, random); } else { signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Sha256WithRsaEncryption.ToString(), subjectKeyPair.Private, random); } var issuerDN = new X509Name(issuerName); certificateGenerator.SetIssuerDN(issuerDN); // Note: The subject can be omitted if you specify a subject alternative name (SAN). var subjectDN = new X509Name(subjectName); certificateGenerator.SetSubjectDN(subjectDN); // Our certificate needs valid from/to values. var notBefore = DateTime.UtcNow.Date; var notAfter = notBefore.AddYears(20); certificateGenerator.SetNotBefore(notBefore); certificateGenerator.SetNotAfter(notAfter); // The subject's public key goes in the certificate. certificateGenerator.SetPublicKey(subjectKeyPair.Public); AddAuthorityKeyIdentifier(certificateGenerator, issuerDN, issuerKeyPair, issuerSerialNumber); AddSubjectKeyIdentifier(certificateGenerator, subjectKeyPair); AddBasicConstraints(certificateGenerator, isCertificateAuthority); if (usages != null && usages.Any()) { AddExtendedKeyUsage(certificateGenerator, usages); } if (subjectAlternativeNames != null && subjectAlternativeNames.Any()) { AddSubjectAlternativeNames(certificateGenerator, subjectAlternativeNames); } // The certificate is signed with the issuer's private key. var certificate = certificateGenerator.Generate(signatureFactory);//issuerKeyPair.Private, random); return(certificate); }
/** * Build a generator with the passed in subjectKeyIdentifier as the signerIdentifier. If used you should * try to follow the calculation described in RFC 5280 section * * @param signerFactory operator factory for generating the final signature in the SignerInfo with. * @param subjectKeyIdentifier key identifier to identify the public key for verifying the signature. * @return a SignerInfoGenerator */ public SignerInfoGenerator Build(ISignatureFactory signerFactory, byte[] subjectKeyIdentifier) { SignerIdentifier sigId = new SignerIdentifier(new DerOctetString(subjectKeyIdentifier)); return(CreateGenerator(signerFactory, sigId)); }
public TomP2PCumulationTcp(ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { _signatureFactory = signatureFactory; _decoder = new Decoder(signatureFactory); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the factory for the signature. /// </summary> /// <param name="signatureFactory"></param> /// <returns>This class.</returns> public ChannelClientConfiguration SetSignatureFactory(ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { SignatureFactory = signatureFactory; return this; }
public Encoder(ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { _signatureFactory = signatureFactory; Logger.Info("Instantiated with object identity: {0}.", RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(this)); }
/// <summary> /// 启用 LeanEngine 云函数签名 /// </summary> public void UseLeanEngineSignatureFactory() { useLeanEngineSignaturFactory = true; this.SignatureFactory = new LeanEngineSignatureFactory(); }
/// <summary> /// Build a generator with the passed in subjectKeyIdentifier as the signerIdentifier. If used you should /// try to follow the calculation described in RFC 5280 section /// </summary> /// <param name="contentSigner">operator factory for generating the final signature in the SignerInfo with.</param> /// <param name="subjectKeyIdentifier">key identifier to identify the public key for verifying the signature.</param> /// <returns>a SignerInfoGenerator</returns> public SignerInfoGenerator Build(ISignatureFactory <AlgorithmIdentifier> contentSigner, byte[] subjectKeyIdentifier) { SignerIdentifier sigId = new SignerIdentifier(new DerOctetString(subjectKeyIdentifier)); return(CreateGenerator(contentSigner, sigId)); }
/** * Build a generator with the passed in certHolder issuer and serial number as the signerIdentifier. * * @param contentSigner operator for generating the final signature in the SignerInfo with. * @param certHolder carrier for the X.509 certificate related to the contentSigner. * @return a SignerInfoGenerator * @throws OperatorCreationException if the generator cannot be built. */ public SignerInfoGenerator Build(ISignatureFactory contentSigner, X509Certificate certificate) { SignerIdentifier sigId = new SignerIdentifier(new IssuerAndSerialNumber(certificate.IssuerDN, new DerInteger(certificate.SerialNumber))); SignerInfoGenerator sigInfoGen = CreateGenerator(contentSigner, sigId); sigInfoGen.setAssociatedCertificate(certificate); return sigInfoGen; }
public void EncodeHeader(AlternativeCompositeByteBuf buffer, ISignatureFactory signatureFactory) { int header = (int)_type; // TODO check if works if (HasPrepareFlag) { header |= 0x02; } if (IsFlag1) { header |= 0x04; } if (IsFlag2) { header |= 0x08; } if (_ttl) { header |= 0x10; } if (IsSigned && HasPublicKey && IsProtectedEntry) { header |= (0x20 | 0x40); } else if (IsSigned && HasPublicKey) { header |= 0x40; } else if (HasPublicKey) { header |= 0x20; } if (_basedOnFlag) { header |= 0x80; } switch (_type) { case DataType.Small: buffer.WriteByte((sbyte)header); // TODO remove cast buffer.WriteByte((sbyte)Length); break; case DataType.Large: buffer.WriteByte((sbyte)header); // TODO remove cast buffer.WriteInt(Length); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown DataType."); } if (_ttl) { buffer.WriteInt(TtlSeconds); } if (_basedOnFlag) { buffer.WriteByte((sbyte)(BasedOnSet.Count() - 1)); // TODO remove cast foreach (var basedOn in BasedOnSet) { buffer.WriteBytes(basedOn.ToByteArray()); } } if (HasPublicKey) { if (PublicKey == null) { buffer.WriteShort(0); } else { signatureFactory.EncodePublicKey(PublicKey, buffer); } } }
/// <summary> /// Generate a new X509Certificate using the passed in SignatureCalculator. /// </summary> /// <param name="signatureCalculatorFactory">A signature calculator factory with the necessary algorithm details.</param> /// <returns>An X509Certificate.</returns> public X509Certificate Generate(ISignatureFactory signatureCalculatorFactory) { tbsGen.SetSignature ((AlgorithmIdentifier)signatureCalculatorFactory.AlgorithmDetails); if (!extGenerator.IsEmpty) { tbsGen.SetExtensions(extGenerator.Generate()); } TbsCertificateStructure tbsCert = tbsGen.GenerateTbsCertificate(); IStreamCalculator streamCalculator = signatureCalculatorFactory.CreateCalculator(); byte[] encoded = tbsCert.GetDerEncoded(); streamCalculator.Stream.Write(encoded, 0, encoded.Length); Platform.Dispose(streamCalculator.Stream); return GenerateJcaObject(tbsCert, (AlgorithmIdentifier)signatureCalculatorFactory.AlgorithmDetails, ((IBlockResult)streamCalculator.GetResult()).Collect()); }
/** * Build a generator with the passed in subjectKeyIdentifier as the signerIdentifier. If used you should * try to follow the calculation described in RFC 5280 section * * @param signerFactory operator factory for generating the final signature in the SignerInfo with. * @param subjectKeyIdentifier key identifier to identify the public key for verifying the signature. * @return a SignerInfoGenerator */ public SignerInfoGenerator Build(ISignatureFactory signerFactory, byte[] subjectKeyIdentifier) { SignerIdentifier sigId = new SignerIdentifier(new DerOctetString(subjectKeyIdentifier)); return CreateGenerator(signerFactory, sigId); }
private SignerInfoGenerator CreateGenerator(ISignatureFactory contentSigner, SignerIdentifier sigId) { if (directSignature) { return new SignerInfoGenerator(sigId, contentSigner, true); } if (signedGen != null || unsignedGen != null) { if (signedGen == null) { signedGen = new DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator(); } return new SignerInfoGenerator(sigId, contentSigner, signedGen, unsignedGen); } return new SignerInfoGenerator(sigId, contentSigner); }
internal SignerInfoGenerator(SignerIdentifier sigId, ISignatureFactory signerFactory): this(sigId, signerFactory, false) { }
/// <summary> /// Generate a new X.509 Attribute Certificate using the passed in SignatureCalculator. /// </summary> /// <param name="signatureCalculatorFactory">A signature calculator factory with the necessary algorithm details.</param> /// <returns>An IX509AttributeCertificate.</returns> public IX509AttributeCertificate Generate(ISignatureFactory signatureCalculatorFactory) { if (!extGenerator.IsEmpty) { acInfoGen.SetExtensions(extGenerator.Generate()); } AttributeCertificateInfo acInfo = acInfoGen.GenerateAttributeCertificateInfo(); byte[] encoded = acInfo.GetDerEncoded(); IStreamCalculator streamCalculator = signatureCalculatorFactory.CreateCalculator(); streamCalculator.Stream.Write(encoded, 0, encoded.Length); Platform.Dispose(streamCalculator.Stream); Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector(); v.Add(acInfo, (AlgorithmIdentifier)signatureCalculatorFactory.AlgorithmDetails); try { v.Add(new DerBitString(((IBlockResult)streamCalculator.GetResult()).Collect())); return new X509V2AttributeCertificate(AttributeCertificate.GetInstance(new DerSequence(v))); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO // throw new ExtCertificateEncodingException("constructed invalid certificate", e); throw new CertificateEncodingException("constructed invalid certificate", e); } }