Esempio n. 1
        void ConvertWorkSheetData(ISheet sheet, ref WorkSheetData target, DataFormatter df)
            var rows    = sheet.PhysicalNumberOfRows;
            var columns = sheet.GetRow(0).PhysicalNumberOfCells;

            var tab          = sheet.SheetName;
            var data         = new string[rows, columns];
            var rowHeights   = new int[rows];
            var columnWidths = new int[columns];

            IRow rowData;

            for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
                rowData = sheet.GetRow(r);

                rowHeights[r] = Mathf.CeilToInt(rowData.HeightInPoints + 10);

                for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++)
                    data[r, c] = df.FormatCellValue(rowData.GetCell(c));

                    if (r == 0)
                        columnWidths[c] = Mathf.CeilToInt(sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(c) + 10);

            target = new WorkSheetData(tab, data, rowHeights, columnWidths);
Esempio n. 2
         * Calculates the dimensions in EMUs for the anchor of the given picture
         * @param picture the picture Containing the anchor
         * @return the dimensions in EMUs
        public static Size GetDimensionFromAnchor(IPicture picture)
            IClientAnchor anchor = picture.ClientAnchor;
            bool          isHSSF = (anchor is HSSFClientAnchor);
            ISheet        sheet  = picture.Sheet;

            double w    = 0;
            int    col2 = anchor.Col1;

            //space in the leftmost cell
            w = sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(col2++);
            if (isHSSF)
                w *= 1 - anchor.Dx1 / 1024d;
                w -= anchor.Dx1 / (double)Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;

            while (col2 < anchor.Col2)
                w += sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(col2++);

            if (isHSSF)
                w += sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(col2) * anchor.Dx2 / 1024d;
                w += anchor.Dx2 / (double)Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;

            double h    = 0;
            int    row2 = anchor.Row1;

            h = GetRowHeightInPixels(sheet, row2++);
            if (isHSSF)
                h *= 1 - anchor.Dy1 / 256d;
                h -= anchor.Dy1 / (double)Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;

            while (row2 < anchor.Row2)
                h += GetRowHeightInPixels(sheet, row2++);

            if (isHSSF)
                h += GetRowHeightInPixels(sheet, row2) * anchor.Dy2 / 256;
                h += anchor.Dy2 / (double)Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;

            w *= Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;
            h *= Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;

            return(new Size((int)Math.Round(w), (int)Math.Round(h)));
            //return new Size((int)w * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL, (int)h * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL);
Esempio n. 3
         * Calculate and Set the preferred size (anchor) for this picture.
         * @param scaleX the amount by which image width is multiplied relative to the original width.
         * @param scaleY the amount by which image height is multiplied relative to the original height.
         * @return the new Dimensions of the scaled picture in EMUs
        public static Size SetPreferredSize(IPicture picture, double scaleX, double scaleY)
            IClientAnchor anchor = picture.ClientAnchor;
            bool          isHSSF = (anchor is HSSFClientAnchor);
            IPictureData  data   = picture.PictureData;
            ISheet        sheet  = picture.Sheet;

            // in pixel
            Size imgSize = GetImageDimension(new MemoryStream(data.Data), data.PictureType);
            // in emus
            Size   anchorSize  = ImageUtils.GetDimensionFromAnchor(picture);
            double scaledWidth = (scaleX == Double.MaxValue)
                ? imgSize.Width : anchorSize.Width / Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL * scaleX;
            double scaledHeight = (scaleY == Double.MaxValue)
                ? imgSize.Height : anchorSize.Height / Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL * scaleY;

            double w    = 0;
            int    col2 = anchor.Col1;
            int    dx2  = 0;

            //space in the leftmost cell
            w = sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(col2++);
            if (isHSSF)
                w *= 1d - anchor.Dx1 / 1024d;
                w -= anchor.Dx1 / (double)Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;

            while (w < scaledWidth)
                w += sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(col2++);

            if (w > scaledWidth)
                //calculate dx2, offset in the rightmost cell
                double cw    = sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(--col2);
                double delta = w - scaledWidth;
                if (isHSSF)
                    dx2 = (int)((cw - delta) / cw * 1024);
                    dx2 = (int)((cw - delta) * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL);
                if (dx2 < 0)
                    dx2 = 0;
            anchor.Col2 = (/*setter*/ col2);
            anchor.Dx2  = (/*setter*/ dx2);

            double h    = 0;
            int    row2 = anchor.Row1;
            int    dy2  = 0;

            h = GetRowHeightInPixels(sheet, row2++);
            if (isHSSF)
                h *= 1 - anchor.Dy1 / 256d;
                h -= anchor.Dy1 / (double)Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;

            while (h < scaledHeight)
                h += GetRowHeightInPixels(sheet, row2++);

            if (h > scaledHeight)
                double ch    = GetRowHeightInPixels(sheet, --row2);
                double delta = h - scaledHeight;
                if (isHSSF)
                    dy2 = (int)((ch - delta) / ch * 256);
                    dy2 = (int)((ch - delta) * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL);
                if (dy2 < 0)
                    dy2 = 0;

            anchor.Row2 = (/*setter*/ row2);
            anchor.Dy2  = (/*setter*/ dy2);

            Size dim = new Size(
                (int)Math.Round(scaledWidth * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL),
                (int)Math.Round(scaledHeight * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL)

Esempio n. 4
        public void GetClientAnchor()
            IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook();

            ISheet          sheet   = wb.CreateSheet();
            IRow            row     = sheet.CreateRow(10);
            ICell           cell    = row.CreateCell(5);
            ICreationHelper factory = wb.GetCreationHelper();

            IDrawing Drawing = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();

            double r_mul, c_mul;

            if (sheet is HSSFSheet)
                double rowheight = Units.ToEMU(row.HeightInPoints) / Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;
                r_mul = 256.0 / rowheight;
                double colwidth = sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(2);
                c_mul = 1024.0 / colwidth;
                r_mul = c_mul = Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL;

            int dx1  = (int)Math.Round(10 * c_mul);
            int dy1  = (int)Math.Round(10 * r_mul);
            int dx2  = (int)Math.Round(3 * c_mul);
            int dy2  = (int)Math.Round(4 * r_mul);
            int col1 = cell.ColumnIndex + 1;
            int row1 = row.RowNum;
            int col2 = cell.ColumnIndex + 2;
            int row2 = row.RowNum + 1;

            IClientAnchor anchor  = Drawing.CreateAnchor(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, col1, row1, col2, row2);
            IComment      comment = Drawing.CreateCellComment(anchor);

            comment.Visible  = (/*setter*/ true);
            cell.CellComment = (/*setter*/ comment);

            anchor = comment.ClientAnchor;
            Assert.AreEqual(dx1, anchor.Dx1);
            Assert.AreEqual(dy1, anchor.Dy1);
            Assert.AreEqual(dx2, anchor.Dx2);
            Assert.AreEqual(dy2, anchor.Dy2);
            Assert.AreEqual(col1, anchor.Col1);
            Assert.AreEqual(row1, anchor.Row1);
            Assert.AreEqual(col2, anchor.Col2);
            Assert.AreEqual(row2, anchor.Row2);

            anchor           = factory.CreateClientAnchor();
            comment          = Drawing.CreateCellComment(anchor);
            cell.CellComment = (/*setter*/ comment);
            anchor           = comment.ClientAnchor;

            if (sheet is HSSFSheet)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, anchor.Col1);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, anchor.Dx1);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, anchor.Row1);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, anchor.Dy1);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, anchor.Col2);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, anchor.Dx2);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, anchor.Row2);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, anchor.Dy2);
                // when anchor is Initialized without parameters, the comment anchor attributes default to
                // "1, 15, 0, 2, 3, 15, 3, 16" ... see XSSFVMLDrawing.NewCommentShape()
                Assert.AreEqual(1, anchor.Col1);
                Assert.AreEqual(15 * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL, anchor.Dx1);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, anchor.Row1);
                Assert.AreEqual(2 * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL, anchor.Dy1);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, anchor.Col2);
                Assert.AreEqual(15 * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL, anchor.Dx2);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, anchor.Row2);
                Assert.AreEqual(16 * Units.EMU_PER_PIXEL, anchor.Dy2);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the worksheet from the given file to a string.
        /// Applies the given template file for the conversion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The path to the worksheet file</param>
        /// <param name="templateFile">The path to the template file that is used for the conversion</param>
        /// <returns>The converted worksheet as string</returns>
        public string ConvertWorksheet(string filename, string templateFile)
            var workbook = new Workbook {
                Name = "TestWorkbook"
            var fileinfo = new FileInfo(filename);

            if (!fileinfo.Exists)
                throw new FileNotFoundException();
            workbook.Name = fileinfo.Name;

            IWorkbook poiWorkbook;

            using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                if (filename.EndsWith(".xlsx"))
                    poiWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
                else if (filename.EndsWith(".xls"))
                    poiWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file);
                    throw new Exception("Not Supported File Format");

            var worksheets = new List <Worksheet>();

            for (int j = 0; j < poiWorkbook.NumberOfSheets; j++)
                ISheet sheet     = poiWorkbook.GetSheetAt(j);
                int    rowCount  = sheet.LastRowNum;
                IRow   headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0);
                int    colCount  = 0;
                if (headerRow != null)
                    colCount = headerRow.LastCellNum;
                    for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < rowCount; rowNum++)
                        IRow hssfRow = sheet.GetRow(rowNum);
                        if (hssfRow != null)
                            colCount = hssfRow.LastCellNum > colCount ? hssfRow.LastCellNum : colCount;

                var worksheet = new Worksheet();
                worksheet.Name = sheet.SheetName;
                var rows = new List <Row>();

                var sheetWidth = 0;
                for (int cellNum = 0; cellNum < colCount; cellNum++)
                    sheetWidth += Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(cellNum)));
                worksheet.WidthPixel = sheetWidth;

                for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum <= rowCount; rowNum++)
                    var row = new Row();

                    var cells = new List <Cell>();

                    IRow hssfRow = sheet.GetRow(rowNum);

                    if (hssfRow != null)
                        for (int cellNum = 0; cellNum < colCount; cellNum++)
                            var cell     = new Cell();
                            var hssfCell = hssfRow.GetCell(cellNum, MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK);
                            if (hssfCell.CellStyle.FillPattern == FillPattern.SolidForeground)
                                byte[] cellBackground = hssfCell.CellStyle.FillForegroundColorColor.RGB;
                                var    hexBackground  = "#" + string.Concat(cellBackground.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")).ToArray());

                                cell.BackgroundColor = hexBackground;
                            if (hssfCell.CellStyle != null && hssfCell.CellStyle.GetFont(poiWorkbook) != null)
                                var foregroundColor = IndexedColors.ValueOf(hssfCell.CellStyle.GetFont(poiWorkbook).Color);
                                if (foregroundColor != null)
                                    cell.TextColor = foregroundColor.HexString;
                            if (hssfCell.CellType == CellType.Formula)
                                cell.Value = hssfCell.NumericCellValue.ToString();
                                cell.Value = hssfCell.ToString();
                            var cellWidthPixel = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(cellNum)));
                            cell.WidthPixel = cellWidthPixel;


                    row.Cells = cells;
                worksheet.Rows = rows;

            workbook.Worksheets = worksheets;
            poiWorkbook         = null;
            return(renderer.RenderWorkbook(workbook, templateFile));
Esempio n. 6
        public static MemoryStream ToMemoryStram(SummaryInfo summaryInfo,
                                                 List <Matrix <InspectionDataReport> > list_InspectionDataReportMatrix,
                                                 List <DefectTypeInfoReport> list_DefectTypeInfoReport,
                                                 DefectStatistics defectStatistics,
                                                 int ReportModel)
            IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
            ISheet    sheet    = workbook.CreateSheet(ExcelText.SheetName_SummaryOperator);

            #region SummaryOperator
            int rowIndex       = 0;
            int code2drowIndex = 0;

            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.ProductCode, summaryInfo.ProductCode);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.Lot, summaryInfo.Lot);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.Machine, summaryInfo.Machine);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.AIOperator, summaryInfo.AIOperator);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.StartDate, summaryInfo.StartDate);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.StartTime, summaryInfo.StartTime);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.EndDate, summaryInfo.EndDate);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.EndTime, summaryInfo.EndTime);


            //10、批次理论盘数 没有输入默认10 已屏蔽
            //CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.TotalNumberOfStrips, summaryInfo.TotalNumberOfStrips.ToString());
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.NumberOfStripsInspected, summaryInfo.NumberOfStripsInspected.ToString());
            //12、未检测的盘数 已屏蔽
            //CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.NumberOfStripsNotInspected, summaryInfo.NumberOfStripsNotInspected.ToString());
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.QuantityOfDevicesPerStrip, summaryInfo.QuantityOfDevicesPerStrip.ToString());
            //CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.NumberOfStartQuantity, summaryInfo.NumberOfStartQuantity.ToString());
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.NumberOfDevicesInspected, summaryInfo.NumberOfDevicesInspected.ToString());
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.DevicesPerHour, string.Format("{0:0.##}", summaryInfo.DevicesPerHour));


            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.NumberOfDevicesPassed, summaryInfo.NumberOfDevicesPassed.ToString());
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.NumberOfDevicesRejected, summaryInfo.NumberOfDevicesRejected.ToString());
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.NumberOfDevicesFalseCalled, summaryInfo.NumberOfDevicesFalseCalled.ToString());
            //新增 OK复看为NG数
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, "OK复看NG数", summaryInfo.NumberOfReviewNG.ToString());

            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.NumberOfNoDies, summaryInfo.NumberOfNoDies.ToString());

            //21、合格率  存在二维码时根据二维码总数
            if (ReportModel == 1)
                //二维码总数 只在武汉二维码报表模式生成
                CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, string.Format("{0}", "二维码总数"), summaryInfo.CodeNumber.ToString());
                double temp = summaryInfo.NumberOfDevicesPassed / (double)summaryInfo.CodeNumber;
                CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.YieldByDevice, string.Format("{0:0.##}", temp.ToString()));
                CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.YieldByDevice, string.Format("{0:0.##}", summaryInfo.YieldByDevice));
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.FalseCallDevicePercent, string.Format("{0:0.##}", summaryInfo.FalseCallDevicePercent));
            //新增  当存在 K2N时显示算上复看OK到KG的误检率
            if (summaryInfo.NumberOfReviewNG != 0)
                // CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, "误检率(%包含复看不合格)", string.Format("{0:0.##}", summaryInfo.DevicePercentOfK2N));


            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.DefectType, ExcelText.Count);
            foreach (DefectTypeInfoReport defectTypeInfoReport in list_DefectTypeInfoReport)
                if (defectTypeInfoReport.Count > 0)
                                               ref rowIndex,
                                               string.Format("{0}:{1}", defectTypeInfoReport.Index, defectTypeInfoReport.DefectType),

            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.DefectType + "(根据错误优先级表)", ExcelText.Count);
            if (defectStatistics.Flag == false)
                CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, "警告,存在未规定的错误优先级", "");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> ds in defectStatistics.CountDefectResult)
                    if (defectStatistics.CountN2KDefectResult.ContainsKey(ds.Key))
                                                   ref rowIndex,
                                                   string.Format("{0}:{1}", ds.Key, list_DefectTypeInfoReport.Find(ls => ls.Index == ds.Key).DefectType),
                                                   string.Format("{0}-{1}={2}", ds.Value, defectStatistics.CountN2KDefectResult[ds.Key], ds.Value - defectStatistics.CountN2KDefectResult[ds.Key]));
                                                   ref rowIndex,
                                                   string.Format("{0}:{1}", ds.Key, list_DefectTypeInfoReport.Find(ls => ls.Index == ds.Key).DefectType),

                if (defectStatistics.List_RepeatPriority.Count != 0)
                    CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, "警告 存在优先级相同情况", "");
                    for (int i = 0; i < defectStatistics.List_RepeatPriority.Count; i++)
                        CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, defectStatistics.List_RepeatPriority[i].ToString(), "");

            sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 80 * 256);
            sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 30 * 256);

            int T = 0;
            #region 创建错误图片Sheet
            sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("错误图片");
            int sheetIndex = workbook.GetSheetIndex(sheet);
            sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 30 * 256);
            sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 30 * 256);

            int ImageSheetNum = 0;
            T        = T + rowIndex;
            rowIndex = 0;
            foreach (Matrix <InspectionDataReport> inspectionDataReportMatrix in list_InspectionDataReportMatrix)
                if (rowIndex >= 65000)
                    sheet      = workbook.CreateSheet("错误图片续_" + ImageSheetNum);
                    sheetIndex = workbook.GetSheetIndex(sheet);
                    rowIndex   = 0;
                HSSFPatriarch sheetPatriarch = (HSSFPatriarch)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
                HSSFCell      cell           = null;

                int defectCountInFrame = 0;
                //int sheetContinuedIndexEachStrip = 0;
                int ImageCol = 0;
                foreach (InspectionDataReport dataReport in inspectionDataReportMatrix)
                    int TempImage_row = 0;
                    ImageCol = 5;
                    int startRow = 0;
                    if (dataReport == null)
                    if (dataReport.List_DefectData.Count == 0)
                        if (dataReport.InspectionResult != InspectionResult.K2N)
                    startRow = rowIndex;

                    cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(0);
                    cell.SetCellValue(string.Format("{0}-{1}", dataReport.RowIndex + 1, dataReport.ColumnIndex + 1));
                    cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(1);
                    cell.SetCellValue(string.Format("第{0}条", dataReport.FrameIndex));
                    if (dataReport.Code2D != "null")
                        cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(2);
                        cell.SetCellValue(string.Format("二维码:{0}", dataReport.Code2D));

                    // 创建图片 所有缺陷在一张图中 如果存在拍多次的情况 进行横排  第一张图 col为5
                    System.Drawing.Image[] images = new System.Drawing.Image[dataReport.List_GeneralImageTempPath.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < images.Count(); i++)
                        cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(ImageCol);
                        if (File.Exists(dataReport.List_GeneralImageTempPath[i]))
                            byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(dataReport.List_GeneralImageTempPath[i]);
                            int    index = workbook.AddPicture(bytes, PictureType.JPEG);
                            System.Drawing.Image image;
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                                image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
                            double imageWidth  = image.Width;
                            double imageHeight = image.Height;
                            double           cellWidth          = (double)sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(cell.ColumnIndex);
                            double           cellHeight         = sheet.DefaultRowHeightInPoints / 72 * 96;
                            int              imageInCellColumns = (int)(imageWidth / cellWidth);
                            int              imageInCellRows    = (int)(imageHeight / cellHeight);
                            double           offsetX            = (imageWidth - cellWidth * imageInCellColumns) / cellWidth * 1024;
                            double           offsetY            = (imageHeight - cellHeight * imageInCellRows) / cellHeight * 256;
                            HSSFClientAnchor anchor             = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, (int)offsetX, (int)offsetY, ImageCol, rowIndex, imageInCellColumns + ImageCol, rowIndex + imageInCellRows);
                            sheetPatriarch.CreatePicture(anchor, index);
                            TempImage_row = (int)Math.Ceiling(imageHeight / cellHeight) + 1;

                            NPOI.SS.Util.CellReference cellReference = new NPOI.SS.Util.CellReference(rowIndex + TempImage_row, 1);
                            dataReport.ExcelDefectImageLink = string.Format("'{0}'!{1}", sheet.SheetName, cellReference.FormatAsString());

                        ImageCol = ImageCol + 10;

                    rowIndex = rowIndex + 1;
                    foreach (var defectReort in dataReport.List_DefectData)
                        rowIndex = rowIndex + 1;
                        cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(1);
                        if (defectReort.DefectTypeIndex <= 0 || defectReort.DefectTypeIndex > list_DefectTypeInfoReport.Count)
                            cell.SetCellValue(string.Format("{0}:{1}", defectReort.DefectTypeIndex, defectReort.ErrorDetail));
                            cell.SetCellValue(string.Format("{0}:{1}", list_DefectTypeInfoReport[defectReort.DefectTypeIndex - 1].DefectType, defectReort.ErrorDetail));
                    rowIndex = rowIndex + 1;
                    string[] show_defecttype = new string[dataReport.List_DefectData.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < dataReport.List_DefectData.Count; i++)
                        show_defecttype[i] = dataReport.List_DefectData[i].DefectTypeIndex.ToString();
                    cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(1);
                    cell.SetCellValue(string.Format("详细错误码:{0}", string.Join(";", show_defecttype)));

                    //判断 图片所占行数多 还是写入的错误信息行数多
                    if (rowIndex - startRow <= TempImage_row)
                        rowIndex = startRow + TempImage_row + 2;

                    #region 每个缺陷对应一张图 已屏蔽
                    //foreach (var defectReort in dataReport.List_DefectData)
                    //    if (rowIndex>= 32757)
                    //    {
                    //        sheetContinuedIndexEachStrip++;
                    //        sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(inspectionDataReportMatrix.FrameName + " " + ExcelText.Continued + sheetContinuedIndexEachStrip.ToString());
                    //        sheetIndex = workbook.GetSheetIndex(sheet);
                    //        sheetPatriarch = (HSSFPatriarch)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
                    //        rowIndex = 0;
                    //    }

                    //    defectCountInFrame++;
                    //    sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);
                    //    sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex + 1);
                    //    HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(0);
                    //    cell.SetCellValue(string.Format("{0}-{1}", dataReport.RowIndex + 1, dataReport.ColumnIndex + 1));
                    //    cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(1);
                    //    cell.SetCellValue(list_DefectTypeInfoReport[defectReort.DefectTypeIndex - 1].DefectType);
                    //    cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex + 1).CreateCell(1);
                    //    cell.SetCellValue(defectReort.ErrorDetail);
                    //    rowIndex += 2;
                    //    sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);
                    //    cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(1);
                    //    if (File.Exists(defectReort.ImageTempPath))
                    //    {
                    //        byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(defectReort.ImageTempPath);
                    //        int index = workbook.AddPicture(bytes, PictureType.JPEG);
                    //        System.Drawing.Image image;
                    //        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                    //        {
                    //            image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
                    //        }
                    //        double imageWidth = image.Width;
                    //        double imageHeight = image.Height;
                    //        image.Dispose();
                    //        double cellWidth = (double)sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(cell.ColumnIndex);
                    //        double cellHeight = sheet.DefaultRowHeightInPoints / 72 * 96;
                    //        int imageInCellColumns = (int)(imageWidth / cellWidth);
                    //        int imageInCellRows = (int)(imageHeight / cellHeight);
                    //        double offsetX = (imageWidth - cellWidth * imageInCellColumns) / cellWidth * 1024;
                    //        double offsetY = (imageHeight - cellHeight * imageInCellRows) / cellHeight * 256;

                    //        //HSSFClientAnchor commentAnchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, (int)offsetX, (int)offsetY, 0, 0, imageInCellColumns, imageInCellRows);
                    //        //commentAnchor.AnchorType = AnchorType.MoveDontResize;
                    //        //HSSFComment comment = (HSSFComment)sheetPatriarch.CreateCellComment(commentAnchor);
                    //        //comment.SetBackgroundImage(index);
                    //        //cell.CellComment = (comment);
                    //        HSSFClientAnchor anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, (int)offsetX, (int)offsetY, 1, rowIndex, imageInCellColumns + 1, rowIndex + imageInCellRows);
                    //        sheetPatriarch.CreatePicture(anchor, index);
                    //        if (!hasRecordLink)
                    //        {
                    //            NPOI.SS.Util.CellReference cellReference = new NPOI.SS.Util.CellReference(rowIndex, 1);
                    //            dataReport.ExcelDefectImageLink = string.Format("'{0}'!{1}", sheet.SheetName, cellReference.FormatAsString());
                    //            hasRecordLink = true;
                    //        }
                    //        rowIndex += (int)Math.Ceiling(imageHeight / cellHeight) + 1;
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        cell.SetCellValue("图片不存在");
                    //    }

                if (defectCountInFrame == 0)

            #region MapOperator
            sheet = workbook.GetSheet(ExcelText.SheetName_MapOperator);

            if (ReportModel != 1)
                sheet.DefaultColumnWidth = 1;

            //sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(1);
            rowIndex = 0;
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.ProductCode, summaryInfo.ProductCode);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.Lot, summaryInfo.Lot);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.Machine, summaryInfo.Machine);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, ExcelText.AIOperator, summaryInfo.AIOperator);


            Dictionary <InspectionResult, ICellStyle> dict_result_style = new Dictionary <InspectionResult, ICellStyle>();
            ICellStyle exampleStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            exampleStyle.BorderBottom        = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderTop           = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderLeft          = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderRight         = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.FillPattern         = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
            exampleStyle.Alignment           = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            exampleStyle.FillForegroundColor = (short)ExcelColors.Green;
            dict_result_style.Add(InspectionResult.OK, exampleStyle);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCellsWithColumn1Style(sheet, ref rowIndex, InspectionResultToString(InspectionResult.OK), exampleStyle);

            exampleStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            exampleStyle.BorderBottom        = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderTop           = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderLeft          = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderRight         = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.FillPattern         = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
            exampleStyle.Alignment           = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            exampleStyle.FillForegroundColor = (short)ExcelColors.Red;
            dict_result_style.Add(InspectionResult.NG, exampleStyle);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCellsWithColumn1Style(sheet, ref rowIndex, InspectionResultToString(InspectionResult.NG), exampleStyle);

            exampleStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            exampleStyle.BorderBottom        = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderTop           = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderLeft          = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderRight         = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.FillPattern         = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
            exampleStyle.Alignment           = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            exampleStyle.FillForegroundColor = (short)ExcelColors.Yellow;
            dict_result_style.Add(InspectionResult.N2K, exampleStyle);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCellsWithColumn1Style(sheet, ref rowIndex, InspectionResultToString(InspectionResult.N2K), exampleStyle);

            exampleStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            exampleStyle.BorderBottom        = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderTop           = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderLeft          = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderRight         = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.FillPattern         = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
            exampleStyle.Alignment           = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            exampleStyle.FillForegroundColor = (short)ExcelColors.Orange;
            dict_result_style.Add(InspectionResult.K2N, exampleStyle);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCellsWithColumn1Style(sheet, ref rowIndex, InspectionResultToString(InspectionResult.K2N), exampleStyle);

            exampleStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            exampleStyle.BorderBottom        = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderTop           = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderLeft          = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.BorderRight         = BorderStyle.Thin;
            exampleStyle.FillPattern         = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
            exampleStyle.Alignment           = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            exampleStyle.FillForegroundColor = (short)ExcelColors.SkyBlue;
            dict_result_style.Add(InspectionResult.SKIP, exampleStyle);
            CreateOneRowTwoColumnCellsWithColumn1Style(sheet, ref rowIndex, InspectionResultToString(InspectionResult.SKIP), exampleStyle);


            HSSFPatriarch patriarch = (HSSFPatriarch)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();

            ICellStyle centerAlignmentStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            centerAlignmentStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            int sheetContinuedIndex = 0;

            foreach (Matrix <InspectionDataReport> inspectionDataReportMatrix in list_InspectionDataReportMatrix)
                if (inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount < 254)
                    for (int i = 0; i < inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount + 1; i++)
                        IRow createRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex + i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount + 2; j++)
                    sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(string.Format("{0}:{1}", ExcelText.Strip, inspectionDataReportMatrix.FrameName));
                    for (int i = 0; i < inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount; i++)
                        sheet.GetRow(rowIndex + i).GetCell(1).SetCellValue((i + 1).ToString());
                    for (int i = 0; i < inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount; i++)
                        ICell cell = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex + inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount).GetCell(i + 2);
                        cell.SetCellValue((i + 1).ToString());
                        cell.CellStyle = centerAlignmentStyle;

                    if (ReportModel == 1)
                        code2drowIndex = rowIndex + inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount + 2;

                        for (int i = 0; i < inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount + 1; i++)
                            IRow createRow = sheet.CreateRow(code2drowIndex + i);
                            for (int j = 0; j < inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount + 2; j++)

                        sheet.GetRow(code2drowIndex).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(string.Format("{0}:{1}", "二维码", inspectionDataReportMatrix.FrameName));
                        for (int i = 0; i < inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount; i++)
                            sheet.GetRow(code2drowIndex + i).GetCell(1).SetCellValue((i + 1).ToString());
                        //for (int i = 0; i < inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount; i++)
                        //    ICell cell = sheet.GetRow(code2drowIndex + inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount).GetCell(i + 2);
                        //    //cell.SetCellValue((i + 1).ToString());
                        //    cell.CellStyle = centerAlignmentStyle;

                        foreach (InspectionDataReport data1 in inspectionDataReportMatrix)
                            if (data1 == null)
                            ICell cell;
                            if (inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount < 254)
                                cell = sheet.GetRow(code2drowIndex + data1.RowIndex).GetCell(data1.ColumnIndex + 2);
                                cell = sheet.GetRow(code2drowIndex + data1.ColumnIndex).GetCell(data1.RowIndex + 2);

                    if (rowIndex + inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount + 1 >= 32757)
                        sheet    = workbook.CreateSheet(ExcelText.SheetName_MapOperator + " " + ExcelText.Continued + sheetContinuedIndex.ToString());
                        rowIndex = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount + 1; i++)
                        IRow createRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex + i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount + 2; j++)
                    sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(string.Format("{0}:{1}", ExcelText.Strip, inspectionDataReportMatrix.FrameName));
                    for (int i = 0; i < inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount; i++)
                        sheet.GetRow(rowIndex + i).GetCell(1).SetCellValue((i + 1).ToString());
                    for (int i = 0; i < inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount; i++)
                        ICell cell = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex + inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount).GetCell(i + 2);
                        cell.SetCellValue((i + 1).ToString());
                        cell.CellStyle = centerAlignmentStyle;

                foreach (InspectionDataReport data in inspectionDataReportMatrix)
                    if (data == null)
                    ICell cell;
                    if (inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount < 254)
                        cell = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex + data.RowIndex).GetCell(data.ColumnIndex + 2);
                        cell = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex + data.ColumnIndex).GetCell(data.RowIndex + 2);
                    cell.CellStyle = dict_result_style[data.InspectionResult];
                    if (data.InspectionResult == InspectionResult.NG)
                        //string[] defectTypes = new string[data.List_DefectData.Count];
                        //for (int i = 0; i < data.List_DefectData.Count; i++)
                        //    defectTypes[i] = data.List_DefectData[i].DefectTypeIndex.ToString();

                        string[] noRepeatDefectTyoes = new string[data.Priority_DetectType.Count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < data.Priority_DetectType.Count; i++)
                            noRepeatDefectTyoes[i] = data.Priority_DetectType[i].ToString();

                        //string[] noRepeatDefectTyoes = data.List_DefectData.Select(d => d.DefectTypeIndex.ToString()).Distinct().ToArray();
                        cell.SetCellValue(string.Join(";", noRepeatDefectTyoes));

                    if (data.InspectionResult == InspectionResult.NG || data.InspectionResult == InspectionResult.N2K || data.InspectionResult == InspectionResult.K2N)
                        if (data.ExcelDefectImageLink == null)
                        HSSFHyperlink link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.Document);
                        link.Address   = data.ExcelDefectImageLink;
                        cell.Hyperlink = link;

                    #region 对NG图 以及 N2K图添加批注 鼠标悬停可以显示图片 已屏蔽
                    //if (data.InspectionResult == InspectionResults.NG || data.InspectionResult == InspectionResults.N2K)
                    //    //int defectCount = data.List_DefectData.Count;
                    //    //System.Drawing.Image[] images = new System.Drawing.Image[defectCount];
                    //    System.Drawing.Image[] images = new System.Drawing.Image[data.List_GeneralImageTempPath.Count];
                    //    double imageMaxWidth = 0;
                    //    double imageTotalHeight = 0;
                    //    //for (int i = 0; i < defectCount; i++)
                    //    //{
                    //    //    if (!File.Exists(data.List_DefectData[i].ImageTempPath)) break;
                    //    //    byte[] bytesOfImage = File.ReadAllBytes(data.List_DefectData[i].ImageTempPath);
                    //    //    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytesOfImage))
                    //    //    {
                    //    //        images[i] = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
                    //    //    }
                    //    //    if (images[i].Width > imageMaxWidth)
                    //    //    {
                    //    //        imageMaxWidth = images[i].Width;
                    //    //    }
                    //    //    imageTotalHeight += images[i].Height;
                    //    //}
                    //    for (int i = 0; i < images.Count(); i++)
                    //    {
                    //        if (!File.Exists(data.List_GeneralImageTempPath[i])) break;
                    //        byte[] bytesOfImage = File.ReadAllBytes(data.List_GeneralImageTempPath[i]);
                    //        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytesOfImage))
                    //        {
                    //            images[i] = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
                    //        }
                    //        if (images[i].Width > imageMaxWidth)
                    //        {
                    //            imageMaxWidth = images[i].Width;
                    //        }
                    //        imageTotalHeight += images[i].Height;
                    //    }

                    //    if (imageMaxWidth == 0 || imageTotalHeight == 0) continue;
                    //    Bitmap concatImage = new Bitmap((int)imageMaxWidth, (int)imageTotalHeight);
                    //    concatImage.SetResolution(300, 300);
                    //    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(concatImage);
                    //    float drawStartHeight = 0;
                    //    for (int i = 0; i < images.Count(); i++)
                    //    {
                    //        g.DrawImage(images[i], 0, drawStartHeight);
                    //        drawStartHeight += images[i].Height;
                    //        images[i].Dispose();
                    //    }

                    //    byte[] bytesOfConcatImage;
                    //    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    //    {
                    //        concatImage.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    //        bytesOfConcatImage = ms.ToArray();
                    //    }
                    //    int index = workbook.AddPicture(bytesOfConcatImage, PictureType.JPEG);
                    //    double cellWidth = (double)sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(cell.ColumnIndex);
                    //    //EXCEL列高度的单位是磅,Apache POI的行高度单位是缇(twip)
                    //    //DPI = 1英寸内可显示的像素点个数。通常电脑屏幕是96DPI, IPhone4s的屏幕是326DPI, 普通激光黑白打印机是400DPI
                    //    //要计算Excel的行高,就先把它行转换到英寸,再乘小DPI就可以得到像素
                    //    //像素 = (Excel的行高度 / 72) * DPI
                    //    double cellHeight = sheet.DefaultRowHeightInPoints / 72 * 96;
                    //    int imageInCellColumns = (int)(imageMaxWidth / cellWidth);
                    //    int imageInCellRows = (int)(imageTotalHeight / cellHeight);
                    //    double offsetX = (imageMaxWidth - cellWidth * imageInCellColumns) / cellWidth * 1024;
                    //    double offsetY = (imageTotalHeight - cellHeight * imageInCellRows) / cellHeight * 256;
                    //    IClientAnchor commentAnchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, (int)offsetX, (int)offsetY, 0, 0, imageInCellColumns, imageInCellRows);
                    //    commentAnchor.AnchorType = AnchorType.MoveDontResize;

                    //    HSSFComment comment = (HSSFComment)patriarch.CreateCellComment(commentAnchor);
                    //    comment.SetBackgroundImage(index);
                    //    cell.CellComment = comment;

                    //    HSSFHyperlink link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.Document);
                    //    link.Address = data.ExcelDefectImageLink;
                    //    cell.Hyperlink = link;
                    //    //NPOI.SS.Util.CellReference cr = new NPOI.SS.Util.CellReference("A1");
                    //    //ICellStyle hlink_style = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle();
                    //    //IFont hlink_font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont();
                    //    //hlink_font.Underline = FontUnderlineType.Single;
                    //    //hlink_font.Color = HSSFColor.Blue.Index;
                    //    //hlink_style.SetFont(hlink_font);
                    //    //cell.CellStyle = (hlink_style);

                    //    //HSSFCell picIndexCell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex).CreateCell(picColumnIndex);
                    //    //picIndexCell.SetCellValue(string.Format("{0}-{1}", data.Row + 1, data.Column + 1));
                    //    //picIndexCell.CellStyle = centerAlignmentStyle;
                    //    //if (!data.PicturePath.Equals(string.Empty))
                    //    //{
                    //    //    if (File.Exists(data.PicturePath))
                    //    //    {
                    //    //        byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(data.PicturePath);
                    //    //        int index = workbook.AddPicture(bytes, PictureType.JPEG);
                    //    //        System.Drawing.Image image;
                    //    //        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                    //    //        {
                    //    //            image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
                    //    //        }
                    //    //        double imageWidth = image.Width;
                    //    //        double imageHeight = image.Height;
                    //    //        image.Dispose();
                    //    //        double cellWidth = (double)sheet.GetColumnWidthInPixels(cell.ColumnIndex);
                    //    //        //EXCEL列高度的单位是磅,Apache POI的行高度单位是缇(twip)
                    //    //        //DPI = 1英寸内可显示的像素点个数。通常电脑屏幕是96DPI, IPhone4s的屏幕是326DPI, 普通激光黑白打印机是400DPI
                    //    //        //要计算Excel的行高,就先把它行转换到英寸,再乘小DPI就可以得到像素
                    //    //        //像素 = (Excel的行高度 / 72) * DPI
                    //    //        double cellHeight = sheet.DefaultRowHeightInPoints / 72 * 96;
                    //    //        int imageInCellColumns = (int)(imageWidth / cellWidth);
                    //    //        int imageInCellRows = (int)(imageHeight / cellHeight);
                    //    //        double offsetX = (imageWidth - cellWidth * imageInCellColumns) / cellWidth * 1024;
                    //    //        double offsetY = (imageHeight - cellHeight * imageInCellRows) / cellHeight * 256;
                    //    //        HSSFClientAnchor commentAnchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, (int)offsetX, (int)offsetY, 0, 0, imageInCellColumns, imageInCellRows);
                    //    //        commentAnchor.AnchorType = AnchorType.MoveDontResize;
                    //    //        HSSFComment comment = (HSSFComment)patriarch.CreateCellComment(commentAnchor);
                    //    //        comment.SetBackgroundImage(index);
                    //    //        cell.CellComment = (comment);
                    //    //        //HSSFClientAnchor anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(100, 0, 923, 0, picColumnIndex, rowIndex + 1, picColumnIndex, rowIndex + dieDataSQLMatrix.RowCount);
                    //    //        //patriarch.CreatePicture(anchor, index);
                    //    //    }
                    //    //}
                    //    //else
                    //    //{
                    //    //    cell = (HSSFCell)sheet.GetRow(rowIndex + 1).CreateCell(picColumnIndex);
                    //    //    cell.SetCellValue("图片不存在");
                    //    //    cell.CellStyle = centerAlignmentStyle;
                    //    //}
                    //    //picColumnIndex++;


                if (inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount < 254)
                    if (ReportModel == 1)
                        rowIndex = code2drowIndex;

                    rowIndex += inspectionDataReportMatrix.RowCount + 2;
                    rowIndex += inspectionDataReportMatrix.ColumnCount + 2;
            sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 20 * 256);

            #region UDD

            sheet = workbook.GetSheet(ExcelText.SheetName_UDD);
            //sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(2);
            rowIndex = 0;
            foreach (DefectTypeInfoReport defectTypeInfoReport in list_DefectTypeInfoReport)
                CreateOneRowTwoColumnCells(sheet, ref rowIndex, defectTypeInfoReport.Index.ToString(), defectTypeInfoReport.DefectType);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                ms.Position = 0;
Esempio n. 7
 public float GetColumnWidthInPixels(int columnIndex)