Esempio n. 1
        private void FinalizeAuxTrips(ITashaHousehold household)
            var persons = household.Persons;
            var pLength = persons.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < pLength; i++)
                var aux       = persons[i].AuxTripChains;
                var auxLength = aux.Count;
                for (int j = 0; j < auxLength; j++)
                    ITrip       connectingTripChain = aux[j]["ConnectingChain"] as ITrip;
                    Activity    purpose             = (Activity)aux[j]["Purpose"];
                    ITrip       facilitatedTrip     = aux[j]["FacilitateTrip"] as ITrip;
                    ISharedMode facilitatedTripMode = aux[j]["SharedMode"] as ISharedMode;
                    facilitatedTrip.Mode = facilitatedTripMode;
                    var trips          = aux[j].Trips;
                    var tripsLength    = trips.Count;
                    var associatedMode = facilitatedTripMode.AssociatedMode;
                    for (int t = 0; t < tripsLength; t++)
                        trips[t].Mode = associatedMode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the U of the facilitated trip
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tripChain"></param>
        /// <param name="oldU"></param>
        /// <param name="newU"></param>
        public void CalculateU(ITripChain tripChain, out double oldU, out double newU)
            ITrip       facilitatedTrip     = (ITrip)tripChain["FacilitateTrip"];
            ISharedMode facilitatedTripMode = (ISharedMode)tripChain["SharedMode"];
            ITrip       connectingTrip      = tripChain["ConnectingChain"] as ITrip;

            //the mode data for the facilitated trip
            ModeData facilitatedTripData = ModeData.Get(facilitatedTrip);
            int      indexOfPass         = TashaRuntime.GetIndexOfMode(facilitatedTripMode);
            double   UofAuxiliaryTrip    = CalculateUofAuxTrip(tripChain);

            facilitatedTripData.V[indexOfPass] = facilitatedTripMode.CalculateV(facilitatedTrip);

            newU = facilitatedTripData.U(indexOfPass)
                   + UofAuxiliaryTrip;
            if (facilitatedTrip.Mode == null)
                // if there is no other way
                oldU = float.NegativeInfinity;
                if (connectingTrip == null)
                    oldU = facilitatedTripData.U(TashaRuntime.GetIndexOfMode(facilitatedTrip.Mode));
                    ModeData connectingTripData = ModeData.Get(connectingTrip);
                    oldU = facilitatedTripData.U(TashaRuntime.GetIndexOfMode(facilitatedTrip.Mode))
                           + connectingTripData.U(TashaRuntime.GetIndexOfMode(connectingTrip.Mode));
Esempio n. 3
        private void ChangeFacilitatedTripMode(ITripChain auxTrip)
            ITrip       facilitatedTrip     = auxTrip["FacilitateTrip"] as ITrip;
            ISharedMode facilitatedTripMode = auxTrip["FacilitateTripMode"] as ISharedMode;

            facilitatedTrip.Mode             = facilitatedTripMode;
            facilitatedTrip.SharedModeDriver = auxTrip.Person;
        private bool AssignPickUpAndReturnTripChains(ITashaHousehold h, ISharedMode mode, ITrip facilitateTrip, int maxWaitThreshold)
            bool success = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < h.Persons.Length; i++)
                var p = h.Persons[i];
                if (p == facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person || !mode.RequiresVehicle.CanUse(p))
                foreach (var tc in p.TripChains)
                    if (tc.requiresVehicle.Contains(mode.RequiresVehicle) && tc.Trips[tc.Trips.Count - 1].TripStartTime < facilitateTrip.ActivityStartTime)
                        ITrip lastTrip = tc.Trips[tc.Trips.Count - 1];
                        ITrip originToIntermediatePoint = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip(lastTrip.OriginalZone,
                        originToIntermediatePoint.TripChain = tc;
                        ITrip intermediateToDestination = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip(facilitateTrip.OriginalZone,
                        intermediateToDestination.TripChain = tc;
                        Time newEndTime = facilitateTrip.TripStartTime + intermediateToDestination.TravelTime;
                        if (!WithinWaitThreshold(newEndTime,
                                                 tc.EndTime, maxWaitThreshold))
                        //not the last trip: check for overlap with next tc
                        if (!(p.TripChains[p.TripChains.Count - 1] == tc))
                            //last chain
                            if (newEndTime > p.TripChains[p.TripChains.IndexOf(tc) + 1].StartTime)
                        //check feasibility
                        if (!originToIntermediatePoint.Mode.Feasible(originToIntermediatePoint))
                        //adding aux chain
                        AddAuxTripChain(p, facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person,
                                        originToIntermediatePoint, intermediateToDestination,
                                        facilitateTrip, mode, false, lastTrip);

                        success = true;
Esempio n. 5
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RideshareModeName))
         bool found = false;
         foreach (var sharedMode in Root.SharedModes)
             if (sharedMode.ModeName == RideshareModeName)
                 Rideshare = sharedMode;
                 found     = true;
         if (!found)
             error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a shared mode called '" + RideshareModeName + "' to use for rideshare";
         found = false;
         foreach (var nonSharedMode in Root.NonSharedModes)
             if (nonSharedMode.ModeName == AutoModeName)
                 AutoMode = nonSharedMode;
                 found    = true;
         if (!found)
             error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a non shared mode called '" + AutoModeName + "' to use replace with rideshare";
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PassengerModeName))
         foreach (var sharedMode in Root.SharedModes)
             if (sharedMode.ModeName == PassengerModeName)
                 PassengerMode = sharedMode as ITashaPassenger;
         if (PassengerMode == null)
             error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a shared mode called '" + PassengerModeName + "' to use for passenger";
        private bool OffsetActivityStartTime(ITrip driverTrip,
                                             ITrip passengerTrip,
                                             ISharedMode sharedMode,
                                             bool pickUp,
                                             int driverWaitThreshold,
                                             int passengerWaitThreshold,
                                             AdjustmentType adjustmentType,
                                             out Time newDriverStartTime,
                                             out Time newPassengerStartTime)
            newPassengerStartTime = Time.Zero;
            newDriverStartTime    = Time.Zero;

            if (adjustmentType == AdjustmentType.Driver)
                Time startTime = passengerTrip.ActivityStartTime;
                newDriverStartTime    = startTime + driverTrip.Mode.TravelTime(passengerTrip.DestinationZone, driverTrip.DestinationZone, driverTrip.TripStartTime);
                newPassengerStartTime = startTime;

                return(WithinWaitThreshold(newDriverStartTime, driverTrip.ActivityStartTime, driverWaitThreshold));
            else if (adjustmentType == AdjustmentType.Passenger)
                Time toIntermediatefTime;
                Time toDestinationfTime;
                //determining travel times given whether its a pickup or drop-off trip
                if (pickUp)
                    toIntermediatefTime = driverTrip.Mode.TravelTime(driverTrip.OriginalZone, passengerTrip.OriginalZone, passengerTrip.TripStartTime);
                    toDestinationfTime  = sharedMode.TravelTime(passengerTrip.OriginalZone, passengerTrip.DestinationZone, passengerTrip.TripStartTime);
                    toIntermediatefTime = sharedMode.TravelTime(driverTrip.OriginalZone, passengerTrip.DestinationZone, passengerTrip.TripStartTime);
                    toDestinationfTime  = driverTrip.Mode.TravelTime(passengerTrip.DestinationZone, driverTrip.DestinationZone, driverTrip.TripStartTime);
                Time toIntermediateTime = toIntermediatefTime;
                Time toDestinationTime  = toDestinationfTime;

                newPassengerStartTime = driverTrip.ActivityStartTime - toDestinationTime;
                newDriverStartTime    = driverTrip.ActivityStartTime;

                return(WithinWaitThreshold(newPassengerStartTime, passengerTrip.ActivityStartTime, passengerWaitThreshold));
            else if (adjustmentType == AdjustmentType.Compromise)
                throw new NotImplementedException("AdjustmentType.Compromise not implemented");

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the trip chains of a Person
        /// The Auxiliary connecting trips are combined to (Non-Auxiliary) Trip chains
        /// The Regular trip chains (non-auxiliary) are therefore copied to not
        /// interfere with the next household iteration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="person"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <ITripChain> GetAllTripChains(this ITashaPerson person)
            List <ITripChain> allTripChains = new List <ITripChain>();
            List <ITripChain> addedChains   = new List <ITripChain>();

            //adding all auxiliary trip chains
            foreach (var auxTripChain in person.AuxTripChains)
                ITrip       connectingTripChain = auxTripChain["ConnectingChain"] as ITrip;
                Activity    purpose             = (Activity)auxTripChain["Purpose"];
                ITrip       facilitatedTrip     = auxTripChain["FacilitateTrip"] as ITrip;
                ISharedMode facilitatedTripMode = auxTripChain["SharedMode"] as ISharedMode;
                if (connectingTripChain == null)
                    ITripChain clonedChain = connectingTripChain.TripChain.DeepClone();
                    if (purpose == Activity.Dropoff)
                    else if (purpose == Activity.Pickup)
                        clonedChain.Trips.RemoveAt(clonedChain.Trips.Count - 1);

            //adding all regular trip chains
            foreach (ITripChain chain in person.TripChains)
                if (!addedChains.Contains(chain))
Esempio n. 8
        public double CalculateU(ITripChain tripChain)
            ITrip       facilitatedTrip     = tripChain["FacilitateTrip"] as ITrip;
            ISharedMode facilitatedTripMode = (ISharedMode)tripChain["SharedMode"];
            //the mode data for the facilitated trip
            ModeData facilitatedTripData = ModeData.Get(facilitatedTrip);

            if (facilitatedTripData == null)
                throw new XTMFRuntimeException(null, "There was no facilitated Trip Data!");
            if (TashaRuntime == null)
                throw new XTMFRuntimeException(null, "Tasha runtime was null!");
            double passengersU = facilitatedTripData.U(facilitatedTripMode.ModeChoiceArrIndex);
            double driversU    = CalculateUofAuxTrip(tripChain);

            return(passengersU + driversU);
        private ITripChain CreatePickUpTrip(ITrip trip, ISharedMode mode, out bool success)
            ITripChain auxTripChain = new AuxiliaryTripChain();

            //go to trip
            ITrip goToTrip = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip(trip.OriginalZone, trip.TripChain.Person.Household.HomeZone, mode.AssociatedMode, trip.ActivityStartTime);

            //End Time of return trip
            Time travelTimeToHome = mode.TravelTime(trip.OriginalZone, trip.TripChain.Person.Household.HomeZone, trip.TripStartTime);
            Time tripEndTime      = trip.ActivityStartTime + travelTimeToHome;

            //return home trip
            ITrip returnHomeTrip = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip(trip.TripChain.Person.Household.HomeZone, trip.OriginalZone, mode, tripEndTime);

            //travel times generated
            success = returnHomeTrip.TravelTime > Time.Zero && goToTrip.TravelTime > Time.Zero;


 public bool AssignPossibleDrivers(ITrip trip, ISharedMode mode)
     //if not a joint trip determine if its a pick up or drop off
     if (!trip.TripChain.JointTrip)
         bool       dropOff;
         ITripChain auxiliaryTripChain;
         bool       success;
         //if this trip is a pick up ... then create the appropriate trip chain (and go back home trip)
         if (isPickUpTrip(trip))
             auxiliaryTripChain = CreatePickUpTrip(trip, mode, out success);
             dropOff            = false;
         }//if this is a drop off trip ... then create the appropriate trip chain (and go back home trip)
         else if (isDropOffTrip(trip))
             auxiliaryTripChain = CreateDropOffTrip(trip, mode, out success);
             dropOff            = true;
         if (!success)
         success = false;
         if (dropOff)
             if (AssignFacilitateAndContinueTripChains(trip.TripChain.Person.Household, mode, trip, ((Time)trip.GetVariable("MaxDriverTimeThreshold")).Minutes))
                 success = true;
             if (AssignPickUpAndReturnTripChains(trip.TripChain.Person.Household, mode, trip, ((Time)trip.GetVariable("MaxDriverTimeThreshold")).Minutes))
                 success = true;
         if (AssignGoToAndReturnTripChains(auxiliaryTripChain, trip.TripChain.Person.Household, mode.RequiresVehicle, trip, mode))
             success = true;
         //is a joint trip
         var jointTripChains = trip.TripChain.JointTripChains;
         for (int i = 0; i < jointTripChains.Count; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < jointTripChains[i].Trips.Count; j++)
                 var t = jointTripChains[i].Trips[j];
                 if (t.Mode.NonPersonalVehicle == false)
                     //this is a possible driver
                     //save the rideshare data
                     trip.SharedModeDriver = t.TripChain.Person;
        private bool AssignGoToAndReturnTripChains(ITripChain auxiliaryTripChain, ITashaHousehold household, IVehicleType vehicleType, ITrip trip, ISharedMode mode)
            if (numVehiclesAvailable(vehicleType, auxiliaryTripChain.StartTime, auxiliaryTripChain.EndTime, household) == 0)

            bool success = false;

            bool conflict;

            foreach (var p in household.Persons)
                if (!vehicleType.CanUse(p))
                conflict = false;
                foreach (var tc in p.TripChains)
                    if (tc.StartTime <= auxiliaryTripChain.EndTime && tc.EndTime >= auxiliaryTripChain.StartTime)
                        conflict = true;
                        break; // go onto next person

                if (!conflict)
                    //this person has no conflict so give him an aux trip chain
                    AddAuxTripChain(p, trip.TripChain.Person, copyTrip(auxiliaryTripChain.Trips[0]), copyTrip(auxiliaryTripChain.Trips[1]), trip, mode, isDropOffTrip(trip), null);
                    success = true;

Esempio n. 12
 private bool AssignFacilitateAndContinueTripChains(ITashaHousehold h, ISharedMode mode, ITrip facilitateTrip, int maxWaitThreshold)
     bool success = false;
     for ( int pIt = 0; pIt < h.Persons.Length; pIt++ )
         var p = h.Persons[pIt];
         //is this person the same person as the trip we are looking to facilitate?
         //can this person use the specified vehicle?
         if ( p == facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person || !mode.RequiresVehicle.CanUse( p ) )
         var numberOfTripChains = p.TripChains.Count;
         for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfTripChains; i++ )
             ITrip originToIntermediatePoint;
             ITrip intermediateToDestination;
             //if this trip chain is part of a joint trip chain then it can't be used
             if ( p.TripChains[i].JointTrip )
             //look for the first trip chain with a start time after the passengers start time
             //determine if it is feasible
             if ( p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].ActivityStartTime >= facilitateTrip.ActivityStartTime )
                 if ( i == 0 ) // first trip of the day...
                     //trip uses vehicle needed for specified shared mode
                     if ( p.TripChains[i].requiresVehicle.Contains( mode.RequiresVehicle ) )
                         originToIntermediatePoint = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip( h.HomeZone, facilitateTrip.DestinationZone, mode, facilitateTrip.ActivityStartTime );
                         //travel time from the facilitated trips destination to the trips destination
                         Time travelTime =
                             p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].Mode.TravelTime( facilitateTrip.DestinationZone,
                                                                                 p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].DestinationZone, p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].TripStartTime );
                         //new start time is drop offs start time plus additional time to get to destination
                         Time newStartTime = travelTime + originToIntermediatePoint.ActivityStartTime;
                         intermediateToDestination = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip( facilitateTrip.DestinationZone,
                             newStartTime );
                         intermediateToDestination.TripChain = p.TripChains[i];
                         //if time between drop off and first trip is too long it is invalid
                         if ( !intermediateToDestination.Mode.Feasible( intermediateToDestination ) ||
                             !WithinWaitThreshold( intermediateToDestination.ActivityStartTime,
                                                 maxWaitThreshold ) )
                         AddAuxTripChain( p, facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person,
                             originToIntermediatePoint, intermediateToDestination,
                             facilitateTrip, mode, true, p.TripChains[i].Trips[0] );
                         success = true;
                     if ( p.TripChains[i].TripChainRequiresPV )
                         //determine if they have been at home enough long enough
                         //to allow for total driving time and to get to their destination
                         Time homeTime = p.TripChains[i - 1].EndTime;
                         originToIntermediatePoint = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip( h.HomeZone, facilitateTrip.DestinationZone, mode, facilitateTrip.ActivityStartTime );
                         Time travelTime = p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].Mode.TravelTime( facilitateTrip.DestinationZone,
                                                                                 p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].DestinationZone, p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].TripStartTime );
                         Time newStartTime = travelTime + originToIntermediatePoint.ActivityStartTime;
                         intermediateToDestination = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip( facilitateTrip.DestinationZone,
                             newStartTime );
                         intermediateToDestination.TripChain = p.TripChains[i];
                         if ( intermediateToDestination.TravelTime.ToFloat() == 0f
                             || originToIntermediatePoint.TravelTime.ToFloat() == 0f ) continue; //travel times do not exist; skip
                         if ( originToIntermediatePoint.TripStartTime > ( homeTime )
                            && WithinWaitThreshold( intermediateToDestination.ActivityStartTime,
                                                   maxWaitThreshold ) )
                             if ( !intermediateToDestination.Mode.Feasible( intermediateToDestination ) )
                             //adding aux trip chain to driver
                             AddAuxTripChain( p, facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person,
                                 originToIntermediatePoint, intermediateToDestination,
                                 facilitateTrip, mode, true, p.TripChains[i].Trips[0] );
                             success = true;
                         //cant drive.. since no personal vehicle
     return success;
Esempio n. 13
        private bool AssignGoToAndReturnTripChains(ITripChain auxiliaryTripChain, ITashaHousehold household, IVehicleType vehicleType, ITrip trip, ISharedMode mode)
            if ( numVehiclesAvailable( vehicleType, auxiliaryTripChain.StartTime, auxiliaryTripChain.EndTime, household ) == 0 )
                return false;

            bool success = false;

            bool conflict;
            foreach ( var p in household.Persons )
                if ( !vehicleType.CanUse( p ) )
                conflict = false;
                foreach ( var tc in p.TripChains )
                    if ( tc.StartTime <= auxiliaryTripChain.EndTime && tc.EndTime >= auxiliaryTripChain.StartTime )
                        conflict = true;
                        break; // go onto next person

                if ( !conflict )
                    //this person has no conflict so give him an aux trip chain
                    AddAuxTripChain( p, trip.TripChain.Person, copyTrip( auxiliaryTripChain.Trips[0] ), copyTrip( auxiliaryTripChain.Trips[1] ), trip, mode, isDropOffTrip( trip ), null );
                    success = true;

            return success;
Esempio n. 14
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( RideshareModeName ) )
         bool found = false;
         foreach ( var sharedMode in Root.SharedModes )
             if ( sharedMode.ModeName == RideshareModeName )
                 Rideshare = sharedMode;
                 found = true;
         if ( !found )
             error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a shared mode called '" + RideshareModeName + "' to use for rideshare";
             return false;
         found = false;
         foreach ( var nonSharedMode in Root.NonSharedModes )
             if ( nonSharedMode.ModeName == AutoModeName )
                 AutoMode = nonSharedMode;
                 found = true;
         if ( !found )
             error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a non shared mode called '" + AutoModeName + "' to use replace with rideshare";
             return false;
     if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( PassengerModeName ) )
         foreach ( var sharedMode in Root.SharedModes )
             if ( sharedMode.ModeName == PassengerModeName )
                 PassengerMode = sharedMode as ITashaPassenger;
         if ( PassengerMode == null )
             error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a shared mode called '" + PassengerModeName + "' to use for passenger";
             return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 15
 public bool AssignPossibleDrivers(ITrip trip, ISharedMode mode)
     //if not a joint trip determine if its a pick up or drop off
     if ( !trip.TripChain.JointTrip )
         bool dropOff;
         ITripChain auxiliaryTripChain;
         bool success;
         //if this trip is a pick up ... then create the appropriate trip chain (and go back home trip)
         if ( isPickUpTrip( trip ) )
             auxiliaryTripChain = CreatePickUpTrip( trip, mode, out success );
             dropOff = false;
         }//if this is a drop off trip ... then create the appropriate trip chain (and go back home trip)
         else if ( isDropOffTrip( trip ) )
             auxiliaryTripChain = CreateDropOffTrip( trip, mode, out success );
             dropOff = true;
             return false;
         if ( !success )
             return false;
         success = false;
         if ( dropOff )
             if ( AssignFacilitateAndContinueTripChains( trip.TripChain.Person.Household, mode, trip, ( (Time)trip.GetVariable( "MaxDriverTimeThreshold" ) ).Minutes ) )
                 success = true;
             if ( AssignPickUpAndReturnTripChains( trip.TripChain.Person.Household, mode, trip, ( (Time)trip.GetVariable( "MaxDriverTimeThreshold" ) ).Minutes ) )
                 success = true;
         if ( AssignGoToAndReturnTripChains( auxiliaryTripChain, trip.TripChain.Person.Household, mode.RequiresVehicle, trip, mode ) )
             success = true;
         return success;
         //is a joint trip
         var jointTripChains = trip.TripChain.JointTripChains;
         for ( int i = 0; i < jointTripChains.Count; i++ )
             for ( int j = 0; j < jointTripChains[i].Trips.Count; j++ )
                 var t = jointTripChains[i].Trips[j];
                 if ( t.Mode.NonPersonalVehicle == false )
                     //this is a possible driver
                     //save the rideshare data
                     trip.SharedModeDriver = t.TripChain.Person;
                     return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 16
        private bool OffsetActivityStartTime(ITrip driverTrip,
                        ITrip passengerTrip,
                        ISharedMode sharedMode,
                        bool pickUp,
                        int driverWaitThreshold,
                        int passengerWaitThreshold,
                        AdjustmentType adjustmentType,
                        out Time newDriverStartTime,
                        out Time newPassengerStartTime)
            newPassengerStartTime = Time.Zero;
            newDriverStartTime = Time.Zero;

            if ( adjustmentType == AdjustmentType.Driver )
                Time startTime = passengerTrip.ActivityStartTime;
                newDriverStartTime = startTime + driverTrip.Mode.TravelTime( passengerTrip.DestinationZone, driverTrip.DestinationZone, driverTrip.TripStartTime );
                newPassengerStartTime = startTime;

                return WithinWaitThreshold( newDriverStartTime, driverTrip.ActivityStartTime, driverWaitThreshold );
            else if ( adjustmentType == AdjustmentType.Passenger )
                Time toIntermediatefTime;
                Time toDestinationfTime;
                //determining travel times given whether its a pickup or drop-off trip
                if ( pickUp )
                    toIntermediatefTime = driverTrip.Mode.TravelTime( driverTrip.OriginalZone, passengerTrip.OriginalZone, passengerTrip.TripStartTime );
                    toDestinationfTime = sharedMode.TravelTime( passengerTrip.OriginalZone, passengerTrip.DestinationZone, passengerTrip.TripStartTime );
                    toIntermediatefTime = sharedMode.TravelTime( driverTrip.OriginalZone, passengerTrip.DestinationZone, passengerTrip.TripStartTime );
                    toDestinationfTime = driverTrip.Mode.TravelTime( passengerTrip.DestinationZone, driverTrip.DestinationZone, driverTrip.TripStartTime );
                Time toIntermediateTime = toIntermediatefTime;
                Time toDestinationTime = toDestinationfTime;

                newPassengerStartTime = driverTrip.ActivityStartTime - toDestinationTime;
                newDriverStartTime = driverTrip.ActivityStartTime;

                return WithinWaitThreshold( newPassengerStartTime, passengerTrip.ActivityStartTime, passengerWaitThreshold );
            else if ( adjustmentType == AdjustmentType.Compromise )
                throw new NotImplementedException( "AdjustmentType.Compromise not implemented" );

            return false;
Esempio n. 17
        private ITripChain CreatePickUpTrip(ITrip trip, ISharedMode mode, out bool success)
            ITripChain auxTripChain = new AuxiliaryTripChain();

            //go to trip
            ITrip goToTrip = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip( trip.OriginalZone, trip.TripChain.Person.Household.HomeZone, mode.AssociatedMode, trip.ActivityStartTime );

            //End Time of return trip
            Time travelTimeToHome = mode.TravelTime( trip.OriginalZone, trip.TripChain.Person.Household.HomeZone, trip.TripStartTime );
            Time tripEndTime = trip.ActivityStartTime + travelTimeToHome;

            //return home trip
            ITrip returnHomeTrip = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip( trip.TripChain.Person.Household.HomeZone, trip.OriginalZone, mode, tripEndTime );

            //travel times generated
            success = returnHomeTrip.TravelTime > Time.Zero && goToTrip.TravelTime > Time.Zero;

            auxTripChain.Trips.Add( goToTrip );
            auxTripChain.Trips.Add( returnHomeTrip );

            return auxTripChain;
Esempio n. 18
        private bool AssignPickUpAndReturnTripChains(ITashaHousehold h, ISharedMode mode, ITrip facilitateTrip, int maxWaitThreshold)
            bool success = false;
            for ( int i = 0; i < h.Persons.Length; i++ )
                var p = h.Persons[i];
                if ( p == facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person || !mode.RequiresVehicle.CanUse( p ) )
                foreach ( var tc in p.TripChains )
                    if ( tc.requiresVehicle.Contains( mode.RequiresVehicle ) && tc.Trips[tc.Trips.Count - 1].TripStartTime < facilitateTrip.ActivityStartTime )
                        ITrip lastTrip = tc.Trips[tc.Trips.Count - 1];
                        ITrip originToIntermediatePoint = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip( lastTrip.OriginalZone,
                                                                            lastTrip.ActivityStartTime );
                        originToIntermediatePoint.TripChain = tc;
                        ITrip intermediateToDestination = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip( facilitateTrip.OriginalZone,
                                                                            facilitateTrip.ActivityStartTime );
                        intermediateToDestination.TripChain = tc;
                        Time newEndTime = facilitateTrip.TripStartTime + intermediateToDestination.TravelTime;
                        if ( !WithinWaitThreshold( newEndTime,
                                                 tc.EndTime, maxWaitThreshold ) )
                        //not the last trip: check for overlap with next tc
                        if ( !( p.TripChains[p.TripChains.Count - 1] == tc ) )
                            //last chain
                            if ( newEndTime > p.TripChains[p.TripChains.IndexOf( tc ) + 1].StartTime )
                        //check feasibility
                        if ( !originToIntermediatePoint.Mode.Feasible( originToIntermediatePoint ) )
                        //adding aux chain
                        AddAuxTripChain( p, facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person,
                                   originToIntermediatePoint, intermediateToDestination,
                                   facilitateTrip, mode, false, lastTrip );

                        success = true;
            return success;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the auxiliary trip chain to the person if its Utility is greater than not including it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="driver">the driver</param>
        /// <param name="passenger">the passenger</param>
        /// <param name="trip1">aux trip 1</param>
        /// <param name="trip2">aux trip 2</param>
        /// <param name="facilitateTrip">the trip being facilitated</param>
        /// <param name="mode">the shared mode to assign</param>
        /// <param name="dropoff">is this a dropoff or pickup aux trip chain?</param>
        /// <param name="connectingTrip">what is the chain this aux trip chain connects to if any?</param>
        private void AddAuxTripChain(ITashaPerson driver, ITashaPerson passenger, ITrip trip1, ITrip trip2, ITrip facilitateTrip, ISharedMode mode, bool dropoff, ITrip connectingTrip)
            ITripChain auxTripChain = new AuxiliaryTripChain();

            auxTripChain.Attach("SharedMode", mode);
            auxTripChain.Attach("FacilitateTrip", facilitateTrip);
            trip1.TripChain = auxTripChain;
            trip2.TripChain = auxTripChain;
            auxTripChain.Person = driver;
            facilitateTrip.Attach("isDriver", false);
            if (dropoff)
                trip1.Attach("isDriver", true);
                trip2.Attach("isDriver", true);
            if (connectingTrip != null)
                auxTripChain.Attach("ConnectingChain", connectingTrip);
            if (dropoff)
                if (connectingTrip == null)
                    auxTripChain.Attach("Purpose", Activity.DropoffAndReturn);
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = Activity.Home;
                else if (connectingTrip != null)
                    auxTripChain.Attach("Purpose", Activity.Dropoff);
                    auxTripChain.Attach("OriginalPurpose", connectingTrip.Purpose);
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = connectingTrip.Purpose;

                    //transfering feasible transit stations and such
                    foreach (var key in connectingTrip.Keys)
                        trip1.Attach(key, connectingTrip[key]);
                if (connectingTrip == null)
                    auxTripChain.Attach("Purpose", Activity.PickupAndReturn);
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = Activity.Home;
                else if (connectingTrip != null)
                    ///TODO: Look into this again
                    auxTripChain.Attach("Purpose", Activity.Pickup);
                    auxTripChain.Attach("OriginalPurpose", connectingTrip.Purpose);
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = Activity.Home;

                    //transfering feasible transit stations and such
                    foreach (var key in connectingTrip.Keys)
                        trip2.Attach(key, connectingTrip[key]);
            double oldU, newU;

            CalculateU(auxTripChain, out oldU, out newU);
            if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(oldU) | (newU > oldU))
                auxTripChain.Attach("FacilitateTripMode", mode);
        private bool AssignFacilitateAndContinueTripChains(ITashaHousehold h, ISharedMode mode, ITrip facilitateTrip, int maxWaitThreshold)
            bool success = false;

            for (int pIt = 0; pIt < h.Persons.Length; pIt++)
                var p = h.Persons[pIt];
                //is this person the same person as the trip we are looking to facilitate?
                //can this person use the specified vehicle?
                if (p == facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person || !mode.RequiresVehicle.CanUse(p))
                var numberOfTripChains = p.TripChains.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTripChains; i++)
                    ITrip originToIntermediatePoint;
                    ITrip intermediateToDestination;
                    //if this trip chain is part of a joint trip chain then it can't be used
                    if (p.TripChains[i].JointTrip)
                    //look for the first trip chain with a start time after the passengers start time
                    //determine if it is feasible
                    if (p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].ActivityStartTime >= facilitateTrip.ActivityStartTime)
                        if (i == 0)   // first trip of the day...
                            //trip uses vehicle needed for specified shared mode
                            if (p.TripChains[i].requiresVehicle.Contains(mode.RequiresVehicle))
                                originToIntermediatePoint = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip(h.HomeZone, facilitateTrip.DestinationZone, mode, facilitateTrip.ActivityStartTime);
                                //travel time from the facilitated trips destination to the trips destination
                                Time travelTime =
                                                                             p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].DestinationZone, p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].TripStartTime);
                                //new start time is drop offs start time plus additional time to get to destination
                                Time newStartTime = travelTime + originToIntermediatePoint.ActivityStartTime;
                                intermediateToDestination = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip(facilitateTrip.DestinationZone,
                                intermediateToDestination.TripChain = p.TripChains[i];
                                //if time between drop off and first trip is too long it is invalid
                                if (!intermediateToDestination.Mode.Feasible(intermediateToDestination) ||
                                AddAuxTripChain(p, facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person,
                                                originToIntermediatePoint, intermediateToDestination,
                                                facilitateTrip, mode, true, p.TripChains[i].Trips[0]);
                                success = true;
                            if (p.TripChains[i].TripChainRequiresPV)
                                //determine if they have been at home enough long enough
                                //to allow for total driving time and to get to their destination
                                Time homeTime = p.TripChains[i - 1].EndTime;
                                originToIntermediatePoint = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip(h.HomeZone, facilitateTrip.DestinationZone, mode, facilitateTrip.ActivityStartTime);
                                Time travelTime = p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].Mode.TravelTime(facilitateTrip.DestinationZone,
                                                                                           p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].DestinationZone, p.TripChains[i].Trips[0].TripStartTime);
                                Time newStartTime = travelTime + originToIntermediatePoint.ActivityStartTime;
                                intermediateToDestination = AuxiliaryTrip.MakeAuxiliaryTrip(facilitateTrip.DestinationZone,
                                intermediateToDestination.TripChain = p.TripChains[i];
                                if (intermediateToDestination.TravelTime.ToFloat() == 0f ||
                                    originToIntermediatePoint.TravelTime.ToFloat() == 0f)
                                    continue;                                                           //travel times do not exist; skip
                                if (originToIntermediatePoint.TripStartTime > (homeTime) &&
                                    if (!intermediateToDestination.Mode.Feasible(intermediateToDestination))
                                    //adding aux trip chain to driver
                                    AddAuxTripChain(p, facilitateTrip.TripChain.Person,
                                                    originToIntermediatePoint, intermediateToDestination,
                                                    facilitateTrip, mode, true, p.TripChains[i].Trips[0]);
                                    success = true;
                                //cant drive.. since no personal vehicle
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called before the start method as a way to pre-check that all of the parameters that are selected
        /// are in fact valid for this module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error">A string that should be assigned a detailed error</param>
        /// <returns>If the validation was successful or if there was a problem</returns>
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            JointTripGenerator.ObsMode = ObservedMode;
            var ibd = Root.InputBaseDirectory;

            if (ibd == null)
                error = "The model system's input base directory was null!";
            AutoType = Root.AutoType;

            if (SecondVehicleColumnNumber >= 0)
                if (Root.VehicleTypes == null)
                    error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to get the alternative vehicle types for the secondary vehicle!";
                foreach (var vt in Root.VehicleTypes)
                    if (vt.VehicleName == SecondaryVehicleTypeName)
                        SecondaryType = vt;

                if (SecondaryType == null)
                    error = "Could not find vehicle type '" + SecondaryVehicleTypeName + "'.";
            if (CalculateJointTrips && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RideshareModeName))
                bool found = false;
                if (Root.SharedModes == null)
                    error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to access any Shared Modes inside of '" + Root.Name + "' Please either turn off rideshare's mode swap or fix the model system!";
                foreach (var sharedMode in Root.SharedModes)
                    if (sharedMode.ModeName == RideshareModeName)
                        Rideshare = sharedMode;
                        found     = true;
                if (!found)
                    error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a shared mode called '" + RideshareModeName + "' to use for rideshare";
                found = false;
                foreach (var nonSharedMode in Root.NonSharedModes)
                    if (nonSharedMode.ModeName == AutoModeName)
                        AutoMode = nonSharedMode;
                        found    = true;
                if (!found)
                    error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a non shared mode called '" + AutoModeName + "' to use replace with rideshare";
                found = false;
                foreach (var nonSharedMode in Root.AllModes)
                    if (nonSharedMode.ModeName == PassengerModeName)
                        PassengerMode = nonSharedMode;
                        found         = true;
                if (!found)
                    error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a non shared mode called '" + PassengerModeName + "' to use replace with rideshare";
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the auxiliary trip chain to the person if its Utility is greater than not including it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="driver">the driver</param>
        /// <param name="passenger">the passenger</param>
        /// <param name="trip1">aux trip 1</param>
        /// <param name="trip2">aux trip 2</param>
        /// <param name="facilitateTrip">the trip being facilitated</param>
        /// <param name="mode">the shared mode to assign</param>
        /// <param name="dropoff">is this a dropoff or pickup aux trip chain?</param>
        /// <param name="connectingTrip">what is the chain this aux trip chain connects to if any?</param>
        private void AddAuxTripChain(ITashaPerson driver, ITashaPerson passenger, ITrip trip1, ITrip trip2, ITrip facilitateTrip, ISharedMode mode, bool dropoff, ITrip connectingTrip)
            ITripChain auxTripChain = new AuxiliaryTripChain();
            auxTripChain.Attach( "SharedMode", mode );
            auxTripChain.Attach( "FacilitateTrip", facilitateTrip );
            trip1.TripChain = auxTripChain;
            trip2.TripChain = auxTripChain;
            auxTripChain.Trips.Add( trip1 );
            auxTripChain.Trips.Add( trip2 );
            auxTripChain.Person = driver;
            facilitateTrip.Attach( "isDriver", false );
            if ( dropoff )
                trip1.Passengers.Add( passenger );
                trip1.Attach( "isDriver", true );
                trip2.Passengers.Add( passenger );
                trip2.Attach( "isDriver", true );
            if ( connectingTrip != null )
                auxTripChain.Attach( "ConnectingChain", connectingTrip );
            if ( dropoff )
                if ( connectingTrip == null )
                    auxTripChain.Attach( "Purpose", Activity.DropoffAndReturn );
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = Activity.Home;
                else if ( connectingTrip != null )
                    auxTripChain.Attach( "Purpose", Activity.Dropoff );
                    auxTripChain.Attach( "OriginalPurpose", connectingTrip.Purpose );
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = connectingTrip.Purpose;

                    //transfering feasible transit stations and such
                    foreach ( var key in connectingTrip.Keys )
                        trip1.Attach( key, connectingTrip[key] );
                if ( connectingTrip == null )
                    auxTripChain.Attach( "Purpose", Activity.PickupAndReturn );
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = Activity.Home;
                else if ( connectingTrip != null )
                    ///TODO: Look into this again
                    auxTripChain.Attach( "Purpose", Activity.Pickup );
                    auxTripChain.Attach( "OriginalPurpose", connectingTrip.Purpose );
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = Activity.Home;

                    //transfering feasible transit stations and such
                    foreach ( var key in connectingTrip.Keys )
                        trip2.Attach( key, connectingTrip[key] );
            double oldU, newU;
            CalculateU( auxTripChain, out oldU, out newU );
            if ( double.IsNegativeInfinity( oldU ) | ( newU > oldU ) )
                driver.AuxTripChains.Add( auxTripChain );
                auxTripChain.Attach( "FacilitateTripMode", mode );