static void Main(string[] args) { // Strong Type Service Locator ILoggingService loggingService = ServiceLocator.SetLocation(new LoggingService()); loggingService.ExecuteService(); ICalculationService calculationService = ServiceLocator.SetLocation(new CalculationService()); var array = new int[] { 14, 45, 43, 43, 3, 4, 1, 98, 39 }; var sum = calculationService.CalculateSumOfArray(array); System.Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {sum}"); var str = "Hello this is Service Locator Disign Pattern example"; var reversedStr = calculationService.ReverseString(str); System.Console.WriteLine($"Reversed string: {reversedStr}"); System.Console.WriteLine(); System.Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------"); System.Console.WriteLine(); // Generic Type Service Locator GenericServiceLocator genericServiceLocator = new GenericServiceLocator(); IServiceA aService = genericServiceLocator.GetService <IServiceA>(); aService.Execute(); IServiceB bService = genericServiceLocator.GetService <IServiceB>(); bService.Execute(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ServiceLocator loc = new ServiceLocator(); IServiceA Aservice = loc.GetService <IServiceA>(); Aservice.Execute(); IServiceB Bservice = loc.GetService <IServiceB>(); Bservice.Execute(); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var level1 = new Level1 { Name = "Level1", Level2 = new Level2 { Name = "Level2", List = new List <string> { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" }, Level3 = new Level3 { Name = "Level3" } } }; var level1_samevalue = new Level1 { Name = "Level1", Level2 = new Level2 { Name = "Level2", List = new List <string> { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" }, Level3 = new Level3 { Name = "Level3" } } }; if (level1.ObjectValuesCompare(level1_samevalue)) { Console.WriteLine("Same Values"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Different Values"); } #region Creational Patterns #region Abstract Factory Console.WriteLine("*********** Abstract Factory Pattern starts ***********"); var phoneClient1 = new PhoneClient(MANUFACTURER.NOKIA); var normalPhone1 = phoneClient1.GetPhone(PHONETYPE.NORMAL) as INormalPhone; var normalPhone2 = phoneClient1.GetPhone(PHONETYPE.SMART) as ISmartPhone; Console.WriteLine(normalPhone1.Name()); Console.WriteLine(normalPhone2.Name()); var phoneClient2 = new PhoneClient(MANUFACTURER.SONYERICSSON); var normalPhone3 = phoneClient2.GetPhone(PHONETYPE.NORMAL) as INormalPhone; var normalPhone4 = phoneClient2.GetPhone(PHONETYPE.SMART) as ISmartPhone; Console.WriteLine(normalPhone3.Name()); Console.WriteLine(normalPhone4.Name()); Console.WriteLine("*********** Abstract Factory Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #region Factory Method Console.WriteLine("*********** Factory Method Pattern starts ***********"); // Note: constructors call Factory Method var documentList = new List <Document>(); documentList.Add(new Resume()); documentList.Add(new Report()); // Display document pages foreach (Document document in documentList) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + document.GetType().Name + "--"); foreach (Page page in document.Pages) { Console.WriteLine(" " + page.GetType().Name); } } Console.WriteLine("*********** Factory Method Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #region Singleton Console.WriteLine("*********** Singleton Pattern starts ***********"); Singleton <DbConnection> .Instance.Connect(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("IsSameInstance = {0}", Singleton <DbConnection> .Instance == Singleton <DbConnection> .Instance)); Console.WriteLine("*********** Singleton Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #region Builder Console.WriteLine("*********** Builder Pattern starts ***********"); VehicleBuilder builder; // Create shop with vehicle builders var shop = new Shop(); // Construct and display vehicles builder = new ScooterBuilder(); shop.Construct(builder); builder.Vehicle.Show(); builder = new CarBuilder(); shop.Construct(builder); builder.Vehicle.Show(); builder = new MotorCycleBuilder(); shop.Construct(builder); builder.Vehicle.Show(); Console.WriteLine("*********** Builder Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #endregion #region Behavioral Patterns #region ChainOfResponsibility Console.WriteLine("*********** Chain of Responsibility Pattern starts ***********"); // Setup Chain of Responsibility Approver directorLarry = new CompanyDirector(); Approver vicePresidentSam = new CompanyVicePresident(); Approver presidentTammy = new CompanyPresident(); directorLarry.SetSuccessor(vicePresidentSam); vicePresidentSam.SetSuccessor(presidentTammy); // Generate and process purchase requests Purchase p = new Purchase(2034, 350.00, "Assets"); directorLarry.ProcessRequest(p); p = new Purchase(2035, 32590.10, "Project X"); directorLarry.ProcessRequest(p); p = new Purchase(2036, 122100.00, "Project Y"); directorLarry.ProcessRequest(p); Console.WriteLine("*********** Chain of Responsibility Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #region Command Console.WriteLine("*********** Command Pattern starts ***********"); // Create user and let it compute var user = new User(); // User presses calculator buttons user.Compute('+', 100); user.Compute('-', 50); user.Compute('*', 10); user.Compute('/', 2); // Undo 4 commands user.Undo(4); // Redo 3 commands user.Redo(3); Console.WriteLine("*********** Command Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #region Interpreter Console.WriteLine("*********** Interpreter Pattern starts ***********"); string roman = "MCMXXVIII"; var context = new Context(roman); // Build the 'parse tree' var tree = new List <Expression>(); tree.Add(new ThousandExpression()); tree.Add(new HundredExpression()); tree.Add(new TenExpression()); tree.Add(new OneExpression()); foreach (Expression exp in tree) { exp.Interpret(context); } Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", roman, context.Output); Console.WriteLine("*********** Interpreter Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #region Mediator Console.WriteLine("*********** Mediator Pattern starts ***********"); // Create chatroom IChatroom chatroom = new Chatroom(); // Create participants and register them Participant George = new GraduateStudentParticipant("George"); Participant Paul = new GraduateStudentParticipant("Paul"); Participant Ringo = new GraduateStudentParticipant("Ringo"); Participant John = new GraduateStudentParticipant("John"); Participant Yoko = new UnderGraduateStudentParticipant("Yoko"); chatroom.Register(George); chatroom.Register(Paul); chatroom.Register(Ringo); chatroom.Register(John); chatroom.Register(Yoko); // Chatting participants Yoko.Send("John", "Hi John!"); Paul.Send("Ringo", "You need to study"); Ringo.Send("George", "Hello"); Paul.Send("John", "How are you"); John.Send("Yoko", "I can explain you Maths"); Console.WriteLine("*********** Mediator Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #region Observer Console.WriteLine("*********** Observer Pattern starts ***********"); // Create IBM stock and attach investors Stock ibm = new IBM("IBM", 120.00); ibm.Attach(new Investor("Sorros")); ibm.Attach(new Investor("Berkshire")); // Fluctuating prices will notify investors ibm.Price = 120.10; ibm.Price = 121.00; ibm.Price = 120.50; ibm.Price = 120.75; Console.WriteLine("*********** Observer Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #region Visitor Console.WriteLine("*********** Visitor Pattern starts ***********"); // Setup employee collection Employees e = new Employees(); e.Attach(new Clerk()); e.Attach(new Director()); e.Attach(new President()); // Employees are 'visited' e.Accept(new IncomeVisitor()); e.Accept(new VacationVisitor()); Console.WriteLine("*********** Visitor Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #endregion #region Structural Patterns #region Bridge Console.WriteLine("*********** Bridge Pattern starts ***********"); var documents = new List <Manuscript>(); var formatter = new FancyFormatter(); var faq = new FAQ(formatter); faq.Title = "The Bridge Pattern FAQ"; faq.Questions.Add("What is it?", "A design pattern"); faq.Questions.Add("When do we use it?", "When you need to separate an abstraction from an implementation."); documents.Add(faq); var book = new Book(formatter) { Title = "Lots of Patterns", Author = "John Sonmez", Text = "Blah blah blah..." }; documents.Add(book); var paper = new TermPaper(formatter) { Class = "Design Patterns", Student = "Joe N00b", Text = "Blah blah blah...", References = "GOF" }; documents.Add(paper); foreach (var doc in documents) { doc.Print(); } Console.WriteLine("*********** Bridge Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #region Decorator Console.WriteLine("*********** Decorator Pattern starts ***********"); // create a Simple Cake Base first var cBase = new CakeBase(); PrintProductDetails(cBase); // add cream to the cake var creamCake = new CreamDecorator(cBase); PrintProductDetails(creamCake); // now add a Cherry on it var cherryCake = new CherryDecorator(creamCake); PrintProductDetails(cherryCake); // now add Scent to it var scentedCake = new ArtificialScentDecorator(cherryCake); PrintProductDetails(scentedCake); // Finally add a Name card on the cake var nameCardOnCake = new NameCardDecorator(scentedCake); PrintProductDetails(nameCardOnCake); // now create a simple Pastry var pastry = new PastryBase(); PrintProductDetails(pastry); // add cream and cherry only on the pastry var creamPastry = new CreamDecorator(pastry); var cherryPastry = new CherryDecorator(creamPastry); PrintProductDetails(cherryPastry); Console.WriteLine("*********** Decorator Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion #endregion #region Service Locator Pattern // Console.WriteLine("*********** Service Locator Pattern starts ***********"); ServiceLocator serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator(); IServiceA serviceA = serviceLocator.GetService <IServiceA>(); serviceA.Execute(); IServiceB serviceB = serviceLocator.GetService <IServiceB>(); serviceB.Execute(); Console.WriteLine("*********** Service Locator Pattern ends ***********"); #endregion Console.ReadKey(); }