public ExampleModule(IRepositoryOfId<int> repository, IMappingEngine engine, ISendOnlyBus bus) { Get["/examples"] = _ => repository.Query<ExampleEntity>() .Project().To<ExampleModel>() .ToList(); Get["/example/{id:int}"] = _ => { var entity = repository.Load<ExampleEntity>(; return engine.Map<ExampleEntity, ExampleModel>(entity); }; Post["/examples"] = _ => { var model = this.BindAndValidateModel<NewExampleModel>(); var entity = new ExampleEntity(model.Name); repository.Save(entity); return new NewExampleCreatedModel { Id = entity.ID }; }; Post["/examples/close"] = _ => { var model = this.BindAndValidateModel<CloseExampleModel>(); bus.Send(new CloseExampleCommand {Id = model.Id}); return HttpStatusCode.OK; }; Delete["/example/{id:int}"] = _ => { repository.Delete<ExampleEntity>(; return HttpStatusCode.OK; }; }
private static void RunOnce() { var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); EventWaitHandle sequentialStarter = new AutoResetEvent(true); Task[] tasks = { StartEndpoint(new FirstHandlerInSagaEndpoint(), cts.Token, sequentialStarter), StartEndpoint(new SecondHandlerInSagaEndpoint(), cts.Token, sequentialStarter), StartEndpoint(new DoingSomethingElseEndpoint(), cts.Token, sequentialStarter) }; // let everything settle down Task.Delay(20000).Wait(); // send a message that does something BusConfiguration config = new BusConfiguration(); config.UseTransport <AzureServiceBusTransport>(); using (ISendOnlyBus bus = Bus.CreateSendOnly(config)) { bus.Send <RunBusinessActivity>(m => m.ProcessId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } // and then close the system down after another ten seconds cts.CancelAfter(10000); Task.WaitAll(tasks); }
public ActionResult Submit() { _bus.Send(new SubmitOrderCommand { CustomerUsername = "******", DateSubmitted = DateTime.UtcNow, ProductIds = new[] { new SubmitOrderCommand.Product { Id = 100, Quantity = 1 }, new SubmitOrderCommand.Product { Id = 101, Quantity = 2 }, new SubmitOrderCommand.Product { Id = 102, Quantity = 3 }, }, }); return(RedirectToAction("OrderComplete")); }
public void Run() { ConsoleKey?key = null; WriteWelcomeMessage(); do { if (key == ConsoleKey.C) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("Sending Create Application Command"); Console.ResetColor(); var command = new CreateApplicationCommand() { ApplicationId = Guid.NewGuid(), FirstName = "foo", LastName = "bar", TTL = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5) }; _bus.Send(command); } key = Console.ReadKey().Key; Console.WriteLine(); } while (key != ConsoleKey.Q); }
public static async Task StartAsync( ISendOnlyBus bus, string track, string consumerKey, string consumerSecret, string accessToken, string accessTokenSecret) { var credentials = new TwitterCredentials(consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret); while (true) { try { var stream = Stream.CreateFilteredStream(credentials); stream.AddTrack(track); var sessionId = Guid.NewGuid(); stream.StreamStarted += (sender, args) => { sessionId = Guid.NewGuid(); ColorConsole.WriteLine( $"{DateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime()}".DarkGray(), " ", $" {track} ".DarkCyan().OnWhite(), " ", "stream started with session ID".Gray(), " ", $"{sessionId}".White()); }; stream.StreamStopped += (sender, args) => ColorConsole.WriteLine( $"{DateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime()} ".DarkGray(), $" {track} ".DarkCyan().OnWhite(), " stream stopped.".Red(), args.Exception == null ? string.Empty : $" {args.Exception.Message}".DarkRed()); stream.MatchingTweetReceived += (sender, e) => { var analyzeTweet = TweetMapper.Map(e.Tweet, track); Writer.Write(analyzeTweet.Tweet); bus.Send(analyzeTweet); var tweetReceived = new TweetReceived() { SessionId = sessionId, Track = track, TweetId = e.Tweet.Id }; bus.Publish(tweetReceived); }; await stream.StartStreamMatchingAnyConditionAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { ColorConsole.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime()} ".DarkGray(), "Error listening to Twitter stream.".Red(), $" {ex.Message}".DarkRed()); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } }
public ActionResult Index(BillingViewModel model) { Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); bus.Send <IBillTheUserCommand>((x) => { x.Email = model.Email; x.CCNumber = model.CCNumber; }); return(Json(new {})); }
public ActionResult Index(SignupViewModel model) { bus.Send <ISignupUserCommand>(x => { x.Email = model.Email; x.Name = model.Name; x.Password = model.Password; }); return(Json(new {})); }
private void SendCommand(int brokerId) { sendOnlyBus.Send( new SubmitAgreementCommand { CorrelationId = Guid.NewGuid(), BrokerId = brokerId, AgreementDocumentUrl = "" }); }
public ActionResult Send(SendMessageCommand command) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _bus.Send(command); return(View("Sent")); } return(View("Send")); }
public SendMessageModule(ISendOnlyBus bus) : base("/sendmessage") { this.bus = bus; this.Get["/"] = r => { var message = new MyMessage(); bus.Send("Samples.Nancy.Endpoint", message); return("Message sent to endpoint"); }; }
public ActionResult LogOn(CreateUserCommand command) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _bus.Send(command); _formsAuthenticationService.SignIn(command.UserId.Value, false); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Messages")); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Produce() { using (var context = new ChocolateContext()) { var lotNumber = Random.Next(1, 9999); bus.Send(new ProduceChocolateBar { LotNumber = lotNumber }); context.Productions.Add(new ChocolateProduction(lotNumber)); context.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var config = new BusConfiguration(); config.UsePersistence<InMemoryPersistence>(); config.UseTransport<AzureStorageQueueTransport>(); ServiceBus = Bus.CreateSendOnly(config); ReportStoreMessage message = new ReportStoreMessage(); message.CompanyID = 50000; message.CompanyStoreID = 1; message.Identifier = "999243463345888"; message.Timestamp = DateTime.Now; ServiceBus.Send("50000", message); Console.WriteLine("Message sent"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { BusConfiguration configuration = new BusConfiguration(); configuration.UseTransport <MsmqTransport>(); configuration.UseSerialization <JsonSerializer>(); ConventionsBuilder conventions = configuration.Conventions(); conventions.DefiningCommandsAs(c => c.Namespace != null && c.Namespace == "Messages" && c.Name.EndsWith("Command")); using (ISendOnlyBus bus = Bus.CreateSendOnly(configuration)) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("When you're ready, press 1 to send the command!"); Console.WriteLine("Press any other key to exit"); while (true) { var keyPressed = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); if (keyPressed.Key == ConsoleKey.D1) { SendMessageCommand cmd = new SendMessageCommand() { EventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; Console.WriteLine($"Sending SendMessageCommand with id {cmd.EventId}"); bus.Send(cmd); } else { return; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { BusConfiguration configuration = new BusConfiguration(); configuration.UseTransport <MsmqTransport>(); configuration.UseSerialization <JsonSerializer>(); ConventionsBuilder conventions = configuration.Conventions(); conventions.DefiningCommandsAs(t => t.Namespace != null && t.Namespace == "Messages" && t.Name.EndsWith("Command")); CancelOrderCommand cmd = new CancelOrderCommand(); cmd.OrderId = Guid.NewGuid(); Console.WriteLine("When you're ready, press a key to send the command!"); Console.ReadKey(); using (ISendOnlyBus bus = Bus.CreateSendOnly(configuration)) { Console.WriteLine("Sending CancelOrderCommand"); bus.Send(cmd); } }
public void CloseExample(int id) { _bus.Send(new CloseExampleCommand { Id = id }); }
public static void Start(ISendOnlyBus bus) { var random = new Random(); var countOfUsers = 15; while (true) { Thread.Sleep((int)Math.Pow(random.Next(6), 5)); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var hashtag = "Simulated"; var track = $"#{hashtag}"; var hashtagText = track; var secondaryHashtag = new string(char.ConvertFromUtf32(random.Next(65, 80)).ElementAt(0), 6); if (now.Millisecond % 3 == 0) { hashtag = hashtag.ToLowerInvariant(); hashtagText = hashtagText.ToLowerInvariant(); secondaryHashtag = secondaryHashtag.ToLowerInvariant(); } var userId = random.Next(countOfUsers); var userMentionId = random.Next(countOfUsers); var userMentionIndex = random.Next(31) + 1; var retweetedUserId = random.Next(countOfUsers); var text = string.Join( string.Empty, Enumerable.Range(0, userMentionIndex - 1).Select(i => char.ConvertFromUtf32(random.Next(65, 128)))) + $" @johnsmith{userMentionId} " + string.Join( string.Empty, Enumerable.Range(0, random.Next(32)).Select(i => char.ConvertFromUtf32(random.Next(65, 128)))) + $" {hashtagText}" + $" #{secondaryHashtag}"; var message = new AnalyzeTweet { Tweet = new Tweet { Track = track, Id = now.Ticks, CreatedAt = now, CreatedById = userId, CreatedByIdStr = $"{userId}", CreatedByName = $"John Smith{userId}", CreatedByScreenName = $"johnsmith{userId}", Text = text, UserMentions = new List<UserMention> { new UserMention { Id=userMentionId, IdStr= $"{userMentionId}", Indices = new List<int> { userMentionIndex, userMentionIndex + $"@johnsmith{userMentionId}".Length, }, Name = $"John Smith{userMentionId}", ScreenName = $"johnsmith{userMentionId}", }, }, Hashtags = new List<Hashtag> { new Hashtag { Text = hashtag, Indices = new[] { text.Length - $"{hashtagText} #{secondaryHashtag}".Length, text.Length - $" #{secondaryHashtag}".Length, }, }, new Hashtag { Text = secondaryHashtag, Indices = new[] { text.Length - $"#{secondaryHashtag}".Length, text.Length, }, }, }, RetweetedTweet = now.Millisecond % 3 == 0 ? new Tweet { Track = track, Id = now.AddDays(-1000).Ticks, CreatedAt = now.AddDays(-1000), CreatedById = retweetedUserId, CreatedByIdStr = $"{retweetedUserId}", CreatedByName = $"John Smith{retweetedUserId}", CreatedByScreenName = $"johnsmith{retweetedUserId}", Text = text, UserMentions = new List<UserMention>(), Hashtags = new List<Hashtag>(), RetweetedTweet = null, } : null, } }; Writer.Write(message.Tweet); bus.Send(message); } }
public ICallback Send(object message) { return(sendOnlyBus.Send(message)); }
public void Ping(string sender) { _bus.Send(new PingCommand { Sender = sender }); }
public override async Task Handle(MessageContext <MyTopicMessage> messageContext, CancellationToken token) { Console.WriteLine("MyMessageTopicMessageHandle " + messageContext.Message.SomeString); await bus.Send(new MyQueueMessage { SomeString = " Resent!!" }); }
public static bool RequestMenu(ISendOnlyBus bus, int customerId, Guid requestId) { if (!RequestIsValid(customerId, requestId)) return false; Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); using (Colr.Magenta()) { Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Request {0} Menu:", requestId); Console.WriteLine("(a)pprove"); Console.WriteLine("(e)xtend acceptance timeout"); Console.WriteLine("(r)educe acceptance timeout"); Console.WriteLine("(b)ack to previous menu"); Console.Write(" > "); } char input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; if (!RequestIsValid(customerId, requestId)) return false; switch (input) { case 'a': bus.Send(new ApproveRmaRequest{CustomerId = customerId, RequestId = requestId}); return false; case 'e': Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); int extendBy = GetNumericValue("Number of seconds to extend by or (0) to cancel: "); if (extendBy > 0) { bus.Send(new ExtendAcceptanceTimeout { CustomerId = customerId, RequestId = requestId, ExtendBySeconds = extendBy }); } else { using (Colr.Red()) Console.WriteLine("Canceled"); } return true; case 'r': Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); int reduceBy = GetNumericValue("Number of seconds to reduce by or (0) to cancel: "); if (reduceBy > 0) { bus.Send(new ReduceAcceptanceTimeout { CustomerId = customerId, RequestId = requestId, ReduceBySeconds = reduceBy }); } else { using (Colr.Red()) Console.WriteLine("Canceled"); } return true; case 'b': return false; default: using (Colr.Red()) Console.WriteLine("I don't understand, try again..."); return true; } }
private static Guid CreateNewRequest(ISendOnlyBus bus, int customerId, int acceptIn) { Guid requestId = Db.NewRequest(customerId); bus.Send(new CreateRmaRequest { CustomerId = customerId, RequestId = requestId, AcceptTimeoutSeconds = acceptIn }); return requestId; }
public static bool CustomerMenu(ISendOnlyBus bus, int customerId) { Guid[] requests = Db.AllRequests(customerId); Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); using (Colr.Yellow()) { Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Customer {0} Menu:", customerId); Console.WriteLine("(n)ew request"); Console.WriteLine("(e)xtend all acceptance timeouts"); Console.WriteLine("(r)educe all acceptance timeouts"); for (var i = 0; i < requests.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("({0}) Request {1}", i, requests[i]); } Console.WriteLine("(b)ack to previous menu"); Console.Write(" > "); } char input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; switch (input) { case 'n': Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); int acceptIn = GetNumericValue("Number of seconds before auto accept or (0) to cancel: "); if (acceptIn > 0) { Guid requestId = CreateNewRequest(bus, customerId, acceptIn); while (RequestMenu(bus, customerId, requestId)) { } } else { using (Colr.Red()) Console.WriteLine("Canceled"); } return true; case 'e': Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); int extendBy = GetNumericValue("Number of seconds to extend by or (0) to cancel: "); if (extendBy > 0) { bus.Send(new ExtendAllAcceptanceTimeouts {CustomerId = customerId, ExtendBySeconds = extendBy}); } else { using (Colr.Red()) Console.WriteLine("Canceled"); } return true; case 'r': Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); int reduceBy = GetNumericValue("Number of seconds to reduce by or (0) to cancel: "); if (reduceBy > 0) { bus.Send(new ReduceAllAcceptanceTimeouts {CustomerId = customerId, ReduceBySeconds = reduceBy}); } else { using (Colr.Red()) Console.WriteLine("Canceled"); } return true; case 'b': return false; default: int i; if (int.TryParse(input.ToString(), out i)) if (i < requests.Length) { while (RequestMenu(bus, customerId, requests[i])) { } return true; } using (Colr.Red()) Console.WriteLine("Unknown input '{0}', please try again" + Environment.NewLine, input); return true; } }