/// <summary>
 /// Called internally in <see cref="SRIA{TParams, TItemViewsHolder}.Init()"/> and every time the scrollview's size changes.
 /// This makes sure the content and viewport have valid values. It can also be overridden to initialize custom data
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void InitIfNeeded(ISRIA sria)
     // Commented: null-coalescing operator doesn't work with unity's Object
     //content = content ?? scrollRect.content;
     if (!scrollRect)
         scrollRect = sria.AsMonoBehaviour.GetComponent <ScrollRect>();
     if (!scrollRect)
         throw new UnityException("Can't find ScrollRect component!");
     if (!viewport)
         viewport = scrollRect.transform as RectTransform;
     if (!content)
         content = scrollRect.content;
     if (!Snapper)
         Snapper = scrollRect.GetComponent <Snapper8>();
        internal void InitWithAdapter(ISRIA adapterImpl)
            if (_AdapterImpl != null && !allowReinitializationWithOtherAdapter)

            _AdapterImpl = adapterImpl;

            Button b;

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("ComputeNowButton", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => Call("ComputeVisibilityForCurrentPosition", true, true, false));

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("ComputeNowButton_PlusDelta", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => Call("ComputeVisibilityForCurrentPosition", true, true, false, .1f));

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("ComputeNowButton_MinusDelta", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => Call("ComputeVisibilityForCurrentPosition", true, true, false, -.1f));

            transform.GetComponentAtPath("CorrectNowButton", out b);
            b.onClick.AddListener(() => Call("CorrectPositionsOfVisibleItems", true));
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void InitIfNeeded(ISRIA sria)

            _PrefabSize = -1f;             // so the prefab's size will be recalculated

            _DefaultItemSize = ItemPrefabSize;
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void InitIfNeeded(ISRIA sria)

            if (Data == null)             // this will only be null at init. When scrollview's size changes, the data should remain the same
                Data = new LazyList <TData>(NewModelCreator, 0);
 public void Init(
     ISRIA adapter,
     bool addGravityCommand           = true,
     bool addItemEdgeFreezeCommand    = true,
     bool addContentEdgeFreezeCommand = true,
     bool addServerDelaySetting       = true,
     bool addOneItemAddRemovePanel    = true
     Init(new ISRIA[] { adapter }, addGravityCommand, addItemEdgeFreezeCommand, addContentEdgeFreezeCommand, addServerDelaySetting, addOneItemAddRemovePanel);
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void InitIfNeeded(ISRIA sria)

            if (!cellPrefab)
                throw new UnityException("SRIA: " + typeof(GridParams) + ": the prefab was not set. Please set it through inspector or in code");

            if (numCellsPerGroup < 1)
                throw new UnityException("SRIA: numCellsPerGroup = " + numCellsPerGroup);

            _DefaultItemSize = scrollRect.horizontal ? cellPrefab.rect.width : cellPrefab.rect.height;

            // Hotfix 12.10.2017 14:45: There's a bug in Unity on some versions: creating a new GameObject at runtime and adding it a RectTransform cannot be done in Awake() or OnEnabled().
            // See: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/error-when-creating-a-recttransform-component-in-an-awake-call-of-an-instantiated-monobehaviour
            // The bug was initially found in a project where the initial count is 0 (when Start() is called), then the scrollview is disabled, set a non-zero count, then enabled back,
            // and in OnEnable() the user called ResetItems(), which triggered the lazy-instantiation of the group prefab - since it's created in the first GetGroupPrefab() call.
            // Solved it by creating the prefab here, because InitIfNeeded(ISRIA) is called at Init time (in MonoBehaviour.Start())