public void RemoveMediaItemAtIndex(int index) { if (PlaylistId == 0) { return; } ISQLiteConnection conn = null; try { conn = Injection.Kernel.Get <IDatabase>().GetSqliteConnection(); conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.ExecuteLogged("DELETE FROM PlaylistItem WHERE PlaylistId = ? AND ItemPosition = ?", PlaylistId, index); conn.ExecuteLogged("UPDATE PlaylistItem SET ItemPosition = ItemPosition - 1 WHERE PlaylistId = ? AND ItemPosition > ?", PlaylistId, index); conn.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!ReferenceEquals(conn, null)) { conn.Rollback(); } logger.Error(e); } finally { Injection.Kernel.Get <IDatabase>().CloseSqliteConnection(conn); } }
private Task <string> RunTaskInTransaction(Func <Task <string> > action) { return(Task.Run(async() => { _sqliteConnection.BeginTransaction(); try { var result = await Task.Run(action); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { _sqliteConnection.Rollback(); } else { _sqliteConnection.Commit(); } return result; } catch (Exception ex) { _sqliteConnection.Rollback(); throw; } })); }
/// <summary> /// Get Cloud rows updated since lastSync and store them in LocalDB /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Object type</typeparam> /// <param name="lastSync">Date limit</param> /// <param name="getID">Function to get Template ID</param> async Task SyncLocalTable <T>(DateTime lastSync, Func <T, int> getID) where T : new() { // Trying to get all rows in the table T //LastSynt Funcionality not Working YET------ Reason: Delete needs extra coding var result = await MobileService.GetTable <T>().WithParameters(new Dictionary <string, string> { { "lastsync", lastSync.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) } }).LoadAllAsync(); // var result = await MobileService.GetTable<T>().Take(_takeNRows).WithParameters(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "lastsync", lastSync.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) } }).ToListAsync(); string classname = typeof(T).Name; _liteConnection.DeleteAll <T>(); /* //If id exists in local db delete * foreach (var item in result) * { * _liteConnection.Delete(item); * }*/ //Insert all var storage = Mvx.Resolve <IMvxFileStore>(); // _liteConnection.Execute(string.Format("PRAGMA temp_store_directory = '{0}';", storage.NativePath(string.Empty))); _liteConnection.BeginTransaction(); foreach (var tuple in result) { _liteConnection.Insert(tuple); } _liteConnection.Commit(); //Update sync table var table_s = _liteConnection.Table <table_sync>().Where(t => t.table_name == classname).FirstOrDefault(); if (table_s != null) { table_s.synced_at = DateTime.UtcNow; _liteConnection.Update(table_s); } else { Mvx.Trace("Table name not found in table_sync. Check SyncLocalTable Method line on WAMSRepositoryService"); throw new NullReferenceException(); } }
public void MoveMediaItem(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { // make sure the input is within bounds and is not null if (fromIndex >= PlaylistCount || fromIndex < 0 || toIndex < 0 || toIndex == fromIndex) { return; } logger.IfInfo("Moving media item"); ISQLiteConnection conn = null; try { // to do - better way of knowing whether or not a query has been successfully completed. conn = Injection.Kernel.Get <IDatabase>().GetSqliteConnection(); conn.BeginTransaction(); // Get the item out of the way to prevent constraint violations conn.ExecuteLogged("UPDATE PlaylistItem SET ItemPosition = " + Int32.MaxValue + " WHERE PlaylistId = ? AND ItemPosition = ?", PlaylistId, fromIndex); if (fromIndex > toIndex) { // Do this as a reversed loop because a single update statement can have a constraint violation for (int position = fromIndex - 1; position >= toIndex; position--) { logger.IfInfo("Updating position " + position + " to " + (position + 1)); conn.ExecuteLogged("UPDATE PlaylistItem SET ItemPosition = ItemPosition + 1 WHERE PlaylistId = ? AND ItemPosition = ?", PlaylistId, position); } // conditional rollback here } else { // Do this as a reversed loop because a single update statement can have a constraint violation for (int position = fromIndex + 1; position <= toIndex; position++) { logger.IfInfo("Updating position " + position + " to " + (position + 1)); conn.ExecuteLogged("UPDATE PlaylistItem SET ItemPosition = ItemPosition - 1 WHERE PlaylistId = ? AND ItemPosition = ?", PlaylistId, position); } // conditional rollback here } conn.ExecuteLogged("UPDATE PlaylistItem SET ItemPosition = ? WHERE PlaylistId = ? AND ItemPosition = ?", toIndex, PlaylistId, Int32.MaxValue); // conditional rollback here conn.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!ReferenceEquals(conn, null)) { conn.Rollback(); } logger.Error(e); } finally { Injection.Kernel.Get <IDatabase>().CloseSqliteConnection(conn); } }
public CustomListAdapter(Activity context) //We need a context to inflate our row view from : base() { this.context = context; //For demo purposes we hard code some data here //sqlite save var myanimallist = new List <Animal>(); ISQLiteConnection conn = null; ISQLiteConnection connactiond = null; ISQLiteConnectionFactory factory = new MvxDroidSQLiteConnectionFactory(); ISQLiteConnectionFactory factoryd = new MvxDroidSQLiteConnectionFactory(); var sqlitedir = new Java.IO.File(global::Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(global::Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryPictures), "Boruto"); string filenameaction = sqlitedir.Path + "/mysqliteaction.db"; connactiond = factoryd.Create(filenameaction); connactiond.CreateTable <MyCheckbox>(); connactiond.CreateCommand("DELETE FROM MyCheckbox").ExecuteNonQuery(); connactiond.Dispose(); connactiond.Commit(); connactiond.Close(); if (File.Exists(filenameaction)) { File.Delete(filenameaction); } string filename = sqlitedir.Path + "/mysqliteimage.db"; //Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, filename, ToastLength.Long).Show(); conn = factory.Create(filename); conn.CreateTable <Myimage>(); var countidx = 0; foreach (var e in conn.Table <Myimage>().Where(e => e.Date == "30-12-2016")) { var mystrarray = e.Imagepath.Split('/'); var myeleidx = mystrarray.Length - 1; var newanialele = new Animal() { Name = mystrarray[myeleidx], Description = e.Imagepath, Image = e.Imagepath, Mycheckbox = countidx }; myanimallist.Add(newanialele); countidx++; } //Toast.MakeText(this, mycount.ToString(), ToastLength.Short).Show(); conn.Close(); this.items = myanimallist; //sqlite save end }
public void RemoveMediaItemAtIndexes(IList <int> indices) { ISQLiteConnection conn = null; try { conn = Injection.Kernel.Get <IDatabase>().GetSqliteConnection(); conn.BeginTransaction(); // delete the items at the indicated indices foreach (int index in indices) { logger.IfInfo("Deleting row at ItemPosition: " + index); conn.ExecuteLogged("DELETE FROM PlaylistItem WHERE PlaylistId = ? AND ItemPosition = ?", PlaylistId, index); } // select the id of all members of the playlist var result = conn.Query <PlaylistItem>("SELECT * FROM PlaylistItem WHERE PlaylistId = ? ORDER BY ItemPosition", PlaylistId); // update the values of each index in the array to be the new index for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++) { var item = result[i]; conn.ExecuteLogged("UPDATE PlaylistItem SET ItemPosition = ? WHERE PlaylistItemId = ? AND PlaylistId = ?", i, item.PlaylistItemId, PlaylistId); } conn.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!ReferenceEquals(conn, null)) { conn.Rollback(); } logger.Error(e); } finally { Injection.Kernel.Get <IDatabase>().CloseSqliteConnection(conn); } }
public void InsertMediaItem(IMediaItem item, int index) { // make sure the input is within bounds and is not null if (ReferenceEquals(item, null) || index > PlaylistCount || index < 0 || ReferenceEquals(PlaylistId, null)) { return; } ISQLiteConnection conn = null; try { int?id = Injection.Kernel.Get <IItemRepository>().GenerateItemId(ItemType.PlaylistItem); if (!ReferenceEquals(id, null)) { // to do - better way of knowing whether or not a query has been successfully completed. conn = Injection.Kernel.Get <IDatabase>().GetSqliteConnection(); conn.BeginTransaction(); for (int position = (int)PlaylistCount - 1; position >= index; position--) { logger.IfInfo("Updating position " + position + " to " + (position + 1)); conn.ExecuteLogged("UPDATE PlaylistItem SET ItemPosition = ItemPosition + 1 WHERE PlaylistId = ? AND ItemPosition = ?", PlaylistId, position); } // conditional rollback here // Insert the new item var playlistItem = new PlaylistItem(); playlistItem.PlaylistItemId = id; playlistItem.PlaylistId = PlaylistId; playlistItem.ItemType = item.ItemType; playlistItem.ItemId = item.ItemId; playlistItem.ItemPosition = index; int affected = conn.Insert(playlistItem); // conditional rollback here if (affected > 0) { PlaylistCount++; PlaylistDuration += (int)item.Duration; LastUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTime(); Md5Hash = CalculateHash(); conn.ExecuteLogged("UPDATE Playlist SET PlaylistName = ?, PlaylistCount = ?, PlaylistDuration = ?, Md5Hash = ?, LastUpdateTime = ? " + "WHERE PlaylistId = ?", PlaylistName == null ? "" : PlaylistName, PlaylistCount, PlaylistDuration, Md5Hash, LastUpdateTime, PlaylistId); conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (!ReferenceEquals(conn, null)) { conn.Rollback(); } logger.Error(e); } finally { Injection.Kernel.Get <IDatabase>().CloseSqliteConnection(conn); } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); //Set the Activity's view to our list layout SetContentView(Resource.Layout.ListActivity); //sqlite for sas azure ISQLiteConnection conn = null; ISQLiteConnectionFactory factory = new MvxDroidSQLiteConnectionFactory(); var sqlitedir = new Java.IO.File(global::Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(global::Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryPictures), "Boruto"); string filenameaction = sqlitedir.Path + "/mysqlitesas.db"; string filenameactionazure = sqlitedir.Path + "/mysqlitesasazure.db"; conn = factory.Create(filenameaction); conn.CreateTable <Azurecon>(); var myuserid = ""; foreach (var e in conn.Table <Azurecon>()) { myuserid = e.UserId; } conn.Close(); //sqlite for sas azure end //Create our adapter listAdapter = new CustomListAdapter(this); //Find the listview reference var listView = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.listView); //Hook up our adapter to our ListView listView.Adapter = listAdapter; //Wire up the click event //listView.ItemClick += new EventHandler<ItemEventArgs>(listView_ItemClick); Button deleteselectedfiles = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.deleteselectfiles); deleteselectedfiles.Click += async delegate { //Delete files in sqlite table MyImage and in sdcard var myfiledir = new Java.IO.File(global::Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(global::Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryPictures), "Boruto"); ISQLiteConnection conncf = null; ISQLiteConnection connactiondf = null; ISQLiteConnectionFactory factorydf = new MvxDroidSQLiteConnectionFactory(); string sqlfilenamed = sqlitedir.Path + "/mysqliteaction.db"; //Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, filename, ToastLength.Long).Show(); connactiondf = factorydf.Create(sqlfilenamed); connactiondf.CreateTable <MyCheckbox>(); List <string> myCollection = new List <string>(); var countidx = 0; HashSet <string> myimgspath = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var e in connactiondf.Table <MyCheckbox>()) { string imgfilename = "file://" + sqlitedir.Path + "/" + e.Name; myimgspath.Add(imgfilename); var myfilepath = myfiledir + "/" + e.Name; if (File.Exists(myfilepath)) { File.Delete(myfilepath); } } connactiondf.Close(); List <string> myimglistdeletecmd = new List <string>(); var myvaridx = 0; foreach (string permyimg in myimgspath) { var myquerycmd = "Delete from Myimage where Imagepath = '" + permyimg + "'"; myimglistdeletecmd.Add(myquerycmd); } ISQLiteConnection connactioncf = null; ISQLiteConnectionFactory factorycf = new MvxDroidSQLiteConnectionFactory(); var sqlitedirc = new Java.IO.File(global::Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(global::Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryPictures), "Boruto"); string filenameactionc = sqlitedirc.Path + "/mysqliteimage.db"; connactioncf = factorycf.Create(filenameactionc); connactioncf.CreateTable <Myimage>(); //var permyimgfile = new Myimage(){Date = "30-12-2016",Imagepath = myimgfile}; //myconn.CreateCommand("Delete from Myimage where Imagepath ='" + myimgfile + "'"); //myconn.Dispose(); //myconn.Commit(); //connactioncf.CreateCommand("Delete from Myimage where Imagepath ='" + "file:///storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boruto/myPhoto_69d38ce2-0a96-41ed-884d-021a24890f88.jpg" + "'").ExecuteNonQuery(); foreach (var cmd in myimglistdeletecmd) { connactioncf.CreateCommand(cmd).ExecuteNonQuery(); } connactioncf.Commit(); connactioncf.Close(); }; Button uploadtoazure = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.uploadtoazure); uploadtoazure.Click += async delegate { uploadtoazure.Text = string.Format("{0} clicks!", count++); //Get userid from sqlite db file ISQLiteConnection connacc = null; ISQLiteConnectionFactory factoryacc = new MvxDroidSQLiteConnectionFactory(); var sqlitediracc = new Java.IO.File(global::Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(global::Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryPictures), "Boruto"); string filenameactionacc = sqlitediracc.Path + "/mysqlitesas.db"; connacc = factoryacc.Create(filenameactionacc); connacc.CreateTable <Azurecon>(); var useridconnc = ""; foreach (var e in connacc.Table <Azurecon>()) { useridconnc = e.UserId; } connacc.Close(); //myuserid = "115708452302383620142"; var myurl = "" + useridconnc; Uri azureuri = new Uri(myurl); HttpWebRequest request = new HttpWebRequest(azureuri); request.Method = "GET"; HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { string responseString = sr.ReadToEnd(); Toast.MakeText(this, "Connect SAS String:" + responseString, ToastLength.Short).Show(); try { await UseContainerSAS(responseString); } catch { } } }; }