void Awake() { ISN_RPScreenRecorder.DidChangeAvailability.AddSafeListener(this, () => { //Do something }); ISN_RPScreenRecorder.DidStopRecording.AddSafeListener(this, OnRecordStopped); DateTime starDate = DateTime.Now; ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode mode = ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode.DateAndTime; ISN_UIDateTimePicker.Show(mode, starDate, (DateTime date) => { Debug.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString()); }); ISN_UIDateTimePicker.OnPickerDateChanged.AddListener((DateTime date) => { Debug.Log("User chnaged a date to: " + date.ToLongDateString()); }); ISN_UICalendar.PickDate((DateTime date) => { Debug.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString()); }); }
/// <summary> /// Start the dialog and display it on screen. /// </summary> public void Show(Action <UN_DatePickerResult> callback) { if (Application.isEditor) { #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Not Supported", "The date picker view emulation is not supported inside the Editor. " + "The DateTime.Now value will be returned as dialog result.", "Okay"); var result = new UN_DatePickerResult(DateTime.Now); callback.Invoke(result); #endif } else { switch (Application.platform) { case RuntimePlatform.Android: var date = DateTime.Now; int year = m_year; int month = date.Month - 1; //Compatibility with Android Calendar.. int day = date.Day; AN_DatePickerDialog picker = new AN_DatePickerDialog(year, month, day); picker.Show((pickerResult) => { UN_DatePickerResult result; if (pickerResult.IsSucceeded) { var pickedDate = new DateTime(pickerResult.Year, pickerResult.Month + 1, pickerResult.Day); result = new UN_DatePickerResult(pickedDate); } else { result = new UN_DatePickerResult(pickerResult.Error); } callback.Invoke(result); }); break; case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer: ISN_UICalendar.PickDate((pickedDate) => { var result = new UN_DatePickerResult(pickedDate); callback.Invoke(result); }, m_year); break; } } }
void OnGUI() { UpdateToStartPos(); GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "Popups", style); StartY += YLableStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Load Store")) { ISN_UIAlertController alert = new ISN_UIAlertController("My Alert", "granted", ISN_UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); ISN_UIAlertAction defaultAction = new ISN_UIAlertAction("Ok", ISN_UIAlertActionStyle.Default, () => { //Do something }); defaultAction.SetImage(m_icon); alert.AddAction(defaultAction); alert.Present(); SA_Coroutine.WaitForSeconds(3f, () => { alert.Dismiss(); }); } StartX = XStartPos; StartY += YButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Perform Buy #1")) { ISN_UIAlertController alert = new ISN_UIAlertController("My Alert", "declined", ISN_UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); ISN_UIAlertAction defaultAction = new ISN_UIAlertAction("Ok", ISN_UIAlertActionStyle.Default, () => { //Do something }); ISN_UIAlertAction defaultAction2 = new ISN_UIAlertAction("No", ISN_UIAlertActionStyle.Default, () => { //Do something }); defaultAction.Enabled = true; defaultAction2.Enabled = false; ISN_UIAlertAction prefAction = new ISN_UIAlertAction("Hit me", ISN_UIAlertActionStyle.Default, () => { //Do something Debug.Log("Got it!!!!"); }); prefAction.MakePreffered(); alert.AddAction(defaultAction); alert.AddAction(defaultAction2); alert.AddAction(prefAction); alert.Present(); } StartX += XButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Perform Buy #2")) { ISN_Preloader.LockScreen(); SA_Coroutine.WaitForSeconds(3f, () => { ISN_Preloader.UnlockScreen(); }); } StartX = XStartPos; StartY += YButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Calendar Picker")) { ISN_UICalendar.PickDate((DateTime date) => { ISN_Logger.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString()); }); } StartX += XButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Date Time Picker")) { //20 days ago DateTime starDate = DateTime.Now; starDate = starDate.AddDays(-20); ISN_UIDateTimePicker picker = new ISN_UIDateTimePicker(); picker.SetDate(starDate); picker.Show((DateTime date) => { ISN_Logger.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString()); }); } StartX += XButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Date Picker")) { //20 days ago DateTime starDate = DateTime.Now; starDate = starDate.AddDays(-20); ISN_UIDateTimePicker picker = new ISN_UIDateTimePicker(); picker.SetDate(starDate); picker.DatePickerMode = ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode.Date; picker.Show((DateTime date) => { ISN_Logger.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString()); }); } StartX += XButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Time Picker")) { //20 hours ago DateTime starDate = DateTime.Now; starDate = starDate.AddHours(-20); ISN_UIDateTimePicker picker = new ISN_UIDateTimePicker(); picker.SetDate(starDate); picker.DatePickerMode = ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode.Time; picker.MinuteInterval = 30; picker.Show((DateTime date) => { ISN_Logger.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString()); }); } StartX += XButtonStep; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Countdown Timer")) { ISN_UIDateTimePicker picker = new ISN_UIDateTimePicker(); picker.DatePickerMode = ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode.CountdownTimer; picker.MinuteInterval = 10; //Set countdown start duration int hours = 5; int minutes = 20; int seconds = 0; TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(hours, minutes, seconds); picker.SetCountDownDuration(span); picker.Show((DateTime date) => { ISN_Logger.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString()); }); } }