Esempio n. 1
 public void RefreshRequest(ISN_SKReceiptDictionary dictionary, Action <SA_Result> callback)
     #if API_ENABLED
     _ISN_SK_RefreshRequest(JsonUtility.ToJson(dictionary), ISN_MonoPCallback.ActionToIntPtr(callback));
        void OnGUI()

            GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "In-App Purchases", style);

            StartY += YLableStep;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Load Store"))

            if (ISN_SKPaymentQueue.IsReady)
                GUI.enabled = true;
                GUI.enabled = false;

            StartX  = XStartPos;
            StartY += YButtonStep;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Perform Buy #1"))
                var CurrencySymbol = ISN_SKPaymentQueue.GetProductById(ISN_PaymentManagerExample.SMALL_PACK).PriceLocale.CurrencySymbol;


            StartX += XButtonStep;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Perform Buy #2"))

            StartX += XButtonStep;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Restore Purchases"))

            StartX += XButtonStep;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Is Payments Enabled On device"))
                Debug.Log("Is Payments Enabled: " + ISN_SKPaymentQueue.CanMakePayments);

            StartX  = XStartPos;
            StartY += YButtonStep;
            StartY += YLableStep;

            GUI.enabled = true;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "Local Receipt Validation", style);

            StartY += YLableStep;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth + 10, buttonHeight), "Print Load Receipt"))
                var receipt = ISN_SKPaymentQueue.AppStoreReceipt;

                Debug.Log("Receipt loaded, byte array length: " + receipt.Data.Length + " Would you like to veriday it with Apple Sandbox server?");
                Debug.Log("Receipt As Base64 String" + receipt.AsBase64String);

            StartX += XButtonStep;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Refresh Receipt"))
                //Thiss is optional values for test evironment,
                //for production evironment use properties = null

                var properties = new ISN_SKReceiptDictionary();
                properties.Add(ISN_SKReceiptProperty.IsExpired, 0);
                properties.Add(ISN_SKReceiptProperty.IsRevoked, 1);

                var request = new ISN_SKReceiptRefreshRequest(properties);
                request.Start((result) => {
                    Debug.Log("Receipt Refresh Result: " + result.IsSucceeded);
                    if (result.HasError)
                        Debug.Log(result.Error.Code + " / " + result.Error.Message);

            StartX  = XStartPos;
            StartY += YButtonStep;
            StartY += YLableStep;

            GUI.enabled = true;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "Store Review Controller", style);

            StartY += YLableStep;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, buttonWidth + 10, buttonHeight), "Request Review"))
Esempio n. 3
 public void RefreshRequest(ISN_SKReceiptDictionary dictionary, Action <SA_Result> callback)
     SA_Coroutine.WaitForSeconds(DelayTime, () => {
         callback.Invoke(new SA_Result());
 public void RefreshRequest(ISN_SKReceiptDictionary dictionary, Action <SA_Result> callback)
     _ISN_SK_RefreshRequest(JsonUtility.ToJson(dictionary), ISN_MonoPCallback.ActionToIntPtr(callback));