Esempio n. 1
        // Gzip encoding or output framing don't apply to this method.
        public async Task <IReadOnlyList <string> > GetText(string id, Stream stream, ModuleLogFilter filter)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(stream, nameof(stream));
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(filter, nameof(filter));
            Preconditions.CheckNonWhiteSpace(id, nameof(id));

            IRunnableGraph <Task <IImmutableList <string> > > GetGraph()
                if (filter.Regex.HasValue || filter.LogLevel.HasValue)
                    GraphBuilder graphBuilder = GraphBuilder.CreateParsingGraphBuilder(stream, b => this.logMessageParser.Parse(b, id));
                    filter.LogLevel.ForEach(l => graphBuilder.AddFilter(m => m.LogLevel == l));
                    filter.Regex.ForEach(r => graphBuilder.AddFilter(m => r.IsMatch(m.Text)));
                    return(graphBuilder.GetMaterializingGraph(m => m.FullText));

            IRunnableGraph <Task <IImmutableList <string> > > graph = GetGraph();
            IImmutableList <string> result = await graph.Run(this.materializer);

            return(filter.Tail.Match <IReadOnlyList <string> >(
                       t =>
                return result.Skip(Math.Max(0, result.Count - t)).ToList().AsReadOnly();
                       () => result));
Esempio n. 2
        public void Hubs_must_demonstrate_creating_a_dynamic_partition_hub()
            #region partition-hub

            // A simple producer that publishes a new "message-" every second
            Source <string, NotUsed> producer = Source.Tick(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), "message")
                                                .MapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed.Instance)
                                                .ZipWith(Source.From(Enumerable.Range(1, 100)), (msg, i) => $"{msg}-{i}");

            // Attach a PartitionHub Sink to the producer. This will materialize to a
            // corresponding Source.
            // (We need to use toMat and Keep.right since by default the materialized
            // value to the left is used)
            IRunnableGraph <Source <string, NotUsed> > runnableGraph =
                producer.ToMaterialized(PartitionHub.Sink <string>(
                                            (size, element) => Math.Abs(element.GetHashCode()) % size,
                                            startAfterNrOfConsumers: 2, bufferSize: 256), Keep.Right);

            // By running/materializing the producer, we get back a Source, which
            // gives us access to the elements published by the producer.
            Source <string, NotUsed> fromProducer = runnableGraph.Run(Materializer);

            // Print out messages from the producer in two independent consumers
            fromProducer.RunForeach(msg => Console.WriteLine("Consumer1: " + msg), Materializer);
            fromProducer.RunForeach(msg => Console.WriteLine("Consumer2: " + msg), Materializer);

Esempio n. 3
        public async Task ProcessLogsStream(string id, Stream stream, ModuleLogOptions logOptions, Func <ArraySegment <byte>, Task> callback)
            GraphBuilder graphBuilder = GraphBuilder.CreateParsingGraphBuilder(stream, b => this.logMessageParser.Parse(b, id));

            logOptions.Filter.LogLevel.ForEach(l => graphBuilder.AddFilter(m => m.LogLevel == l));
            logOptions.Filter.Regex.ForEach(r => graphBuilder.AddFilter(m => r.IsMatch(m.Text)));

            async Task <bool> ConsumerCallback(ArraySegment <byte> a)
                await callback(a);


            ArraySegment <byte> BasicMapper(ModuleLogMessageData l)
            => logOptions.ContentType == LogsContentType.Text
                    ? new ArraySegment <byte>(l.FullFrame.ToArray())
                    : new ArraySegment <byte>(l.ToBytes());

            var mappers = new List <Func <ArraySegment <byte>, ArraySegment <byte> > >();

            if (logOptions.ContentEncoding == LogsContentEncoding.Gzip)
                mappers.Add(m => new ArraySegment <byte>(Compression.CompressToGzip(m.Array)));

            IRunnableGraph <Task> graph = graphBuilder.GetStreamingGraph(

            await graph.Run(this.materializer);
Esempio n. 4
        public void Hubs_must_demonstrate_creating_a_dynamic_partition_hub_routing_to_fastest_consumer()
            #region partition-hub-fastest

            // A simple producer that publishes a new "message-" every second
            Source <int, NotUsed> producer = Source.From(Enumerable.Range(0, 100));

            // Attach a PartitionHub Sink to the producer. This will materialize to a
            // corresponding Source.
            // (We need to use toMat and Keep.right since by default the materialized
            // value to the left is used)
            IRunnableGraph <Source <int, NotUsed> > runnableGraph =
                producer.ToMaterialized(PartitionHub.StatefulSink <int>(
                                            () => ((info, element) => info.ConsumerIds.Min(info.QueueSize)),
                                            startAfterNrOfConsumers: 2, bufferSize: 256), Keep.Right);

            // By running/materializing the producer, we get back a Source, which
            // gives us access to the elements published by the producer.
            Source <int, NotUsed> fromProducer = runnableGraph.Run(Materializer);

            // Print out messages from the producer in two independent consumers
            fromProducer.RunForeach(msg => Console.WriteLine("Consumer1: " + msg), Materializer);
            fromProducer.Throttle(10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), 10, ThrottleMode.Shaping)
            .RunForeach(msg => Console.WriteLine("Consumer2: " + msg), Materializer);

Esempio n. 5
        public void Hubs_must_demonstrate_creating_a_dynamic_merge()
            void WriteLine(string s) => TestActor.Tell(s);

            #region merge-hub
            // A simple consumer that will print to the console for now
            Sink <string, Task> consumer = Sink.ForEach <string>(WriteLine);

            // Attach a MergeHub Source to the consumer. This will materialize to a
            // corresponding Sink.
            IRunnableGraph <Sink <string, NotUsed> > runnableGraph =
                MergeHub.Source <string>(perProducerBufferSize: 16).To(consumer);

            // By running/materializing the consumer we get back a Sink, and hence
            // now have access to feed elements into it. This Sink can be materialized
            // any number of times, and every element that enters the Sink will
            // be consumed by our consumer.
            Sink <string, NotUsed> toConsumer = runnableGraph.Run(Materializer);

            // Feeding two independent sources into the hub.
            Source.Single("Hello!").RunWith(toConsumer, Materializer);
            Source.Single("Hub!").RunWith(toConsumer, Materializer);

            ExpectMsgAllOf("Hello!", "Hub!");
Esempio n. 6
        public void Setup()
            system       = ActorSystem.Create("system");
            materializer = system.Materializer();

            simpleGraph = Source.Single(1)
                          .Select(x => x + 1)
                          .ToMaterialized(Sink.ForEach <int>(i => { }), Keep.Right);
Esempio n. 7
            public static IRunnableGraph <Task <IImmutableList <string> > > BuildMaterializedGraph(Stream stream)
                var source  = StreamConverters.FromInputStream(() => stream);
                var seqSink = Sink.Seq <string>();
                IRunnableGraph <Task <IImmutableList <string> > > graph = source
                                                                          .Select(b => b.Slice(8))
                                                                          .Select(b => b.ToString(Encoding.UTF8))
                                                                          .ToMaterialized(seqSink, Keep.Right);

Esempio n. 8
        public async Task <IReadOnlyList <string> > GetText(Stream stream)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(stream, nameof(stream));
            var source  = StreamConverters.FromInputStream(() => stream);
            var seqSink = Sink.Seq <string>();
            IRunnableGraph <Task <IImmutableList <string> > > graph = source
                                                                      .Select(b => b.Slice(8))
                                                                      .Select(b => b.ToString(Encoding.UTF8))
                                                                      .ToMaterialized(seqSink, Keep.Right);

            IImmutableList <string> result = await graph.Run(this.materializer);

Esempio n. 9
        public async Task <IReadOnlyList <ModuleLogMessage> > GetMessages(Stream stream, string moduleId)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(stream, nameof(stream));
            Preconditions.CheckNonWhiteSpace(moduleId, nameof(moduleId));

            var source  = StreamConverters.FromInputStream(() => stream);
            var seqSink = Sink.Seq <ModuleLogMessage>();
            IRunnableGraph <Task <IImmutableList <ModuleLogMessage> > > graph = source
                                                                                .Select(b => this.logMessageParser.Parse(b, moduleId))
                                                                                .ToMaterialized(seqSink, Keep.Right);

            IImmutableList <ModuleLogMessage> result = await graph.Run(this.materializer);

Esempio n. 10
        // Gzip encoding or output framing don't apply to this method.
        public async Task <IReadOnlyList <ModuleLogMessage> > GetMessages(string id, Stream stream, ModuleLogFilter filter)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(stream, nameof(stream));
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(filter, nameof(filter));
            Preconditions.CheckNonWhiteSpace(id, nameof(id));

            GraphBuilder graphBuilder = GraphBuilder.CreateParsingGraphBuilder(stream, b => this.logMessageParser.Parse(b, id));

            filter.LogLevel.ForEach(l => graphBuilder.AddFilter(m => m.LogLevel == l));
            filter.Regex.ForEach(r => graphBuilder.AddFilter(m => r.IsMatch(m.Text)));
            IRunnableGraph <Task <IImmutableList <ModuleLogMessage> > > graph = graphBuilder.GetMaterializingGraph(m => (ModuleLogMessage)m);

            IImmutableList <ModuleLogMessage> result = await graph.Run(this.materializer);

Esempio n. 11
        static Task <int> Stream()
            // 1秒ごとに下流に各要素を放出する Source
            Source <int, NotUsed> source = Source.From(Enumerable.Range(1, 100));

            // 上流から流れてきた要素を足し合わせる Sink
            Sink <int, Task <int> > sink = Sink.Aggregate <int, int>(0, (l, r) => l + r);

            // Stream を正常(もしくはキャンセル扱いで)に停止させるための KillSwitch
            Flow <int, int, UniqueKillSwitch> killSwitch = Flow.Create <int>().ViaMaterialized(KillSwitches.Single <int>(), Keep.Right);

            // Stream(の特定の部分)を通過する要素の流量を制御するための Throttle
            Flow <int, int, NotUsed> throttle = Flow.Create <int>().Throttle(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 1, ThrottleMode.Shaping);

            // Stream を動作させる Actor をホストする ActorSystem
            ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.Create("akkanet");

            // ActorSystem を使用して Stream をマテリアル化するマテリアライザ
            ActorMaterializer materializer = ActorMaterializer.Create(system);

            // Source、Sink、Throttle、KillSwitch を使用して RunnableGraph(実行可能なグラフ)を組み立てる
            IRunnableGraph <Tuple <UniqueKillSwitch, Task <int> > > runnable =
                .ViaMaterialized(killSwitch, Keep.Right)
                .ToMaterialized(sink, Keep.Both);

            // RunnableGraph をマテリアライズして Stream を作動させる
            var(ks, mat) = runnable.Run(materializer);

            // 10秒後に KillSwitch を使用して Stream を途中で停止させる(完了扱い)
            ICancelable canceller = materializer.ScheduleOnce(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                Console.WriteLine("Stream is cancelled");

            // Stream 完了後に ActorSystem と ActorMaterializer を破棄する
            return(mat.ContinueWith(prev =>

                return prev.Result;
Esempio n. 12
        public void Setup(BenchmarkContext context)
            _actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("MergeManyBenchmark",
            _materializerSettings = ActorMaterializerSettings.Create(_actorSystem).WithDispatcher("");
            _materializer = _actorSystem.Materializer(_materializerSettings);

            var takeSource = CreateSource(NumberOfElements);

            var singleSubSource = CreateSource(NumberOfElements);
            var singleSource = Source.Repeat(0).Take(1).MergeMany(1, _ => singleSubSource);

            var tenSubSources = CreateSource(NumberOfElements/10);
            var tenSources = Source.Repeat(0).Take(10).MergeMany(10, _ => tenSubSources);

            _takeGraph = ToSource(takeSource);
            _singleGraph = ToSource(singleSource);
            _tenGraph = ToSource(tenSources);
Esempio n. 13
        public void Setup(BenchmarkContext context)
            _actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("MergeManyBenchmark",
                                              ConfigurationFactory.FromResource <ScriptedTest>("Akka.Streams.TestKit.Tests.reference.conf"));
            _materializerSettings = ActorMaterializerSettings.Create(_actorSystem).WithDispatcher("");
            _materializer         = _actorSystem.Materializer(_materializerSettings);

            var takeSource = CreateSource(NumberOfElements);

            var singleSubSource = CreateSource(NumberOfElements);
            var singleSource    = Source.Repeat(0).Take(1).MergeMany(1, _ => singleSubSource);

            var tenSubSources = CreateSource(NumberOfElements / 10);
            var tenSources    = Source.Repeat(0).Take(10).MergeMany(10, _ => tenSubSources);

            _takeGraph   = ToSource(takeSource);
            _singleGraph = ToSource(singleSource);
            _tenGraph    = ToSource(tenSources);
Esempio n. 14
        public void Hubs_must_demonstrate_creating_a_dynamic_broadcast()
            #region broadcast-hub
            Source <string, ICancelable> producer = Source.Tick(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), "New message");

            // Attach a BroadcastHub Sink to the producer. This will materialize to a
            // corresponding Source.
            // (We need to use ToMaterialized and Keep.Right since by default the materialized
            // value to the left is used)
            IRunnableGraph <Source <string, NotUsed> > runnableGraph =
                producer.ToMaterialized(BroadcastHub.Sink <string>(bufferSize: 256), Keep.Right);

            // By running/materializing the producer, we get back a Source, which
            // gives us access to the elements published by the producer.
            Source <string, NotUsed> fromProducer = runnableGraph.Run(Materializer);

            // Print out messages from the producer in two independent consumers
            fromProducer.RunForeach(msg => Console.WriteLine($"consumer1:{msg}"), Materializer);
            fromProducer.RunForeach(msg => Console.WriteLine($"consumer2:{msg}"), Materializer);
Esempio n. 15
        public async Task ProcessLogsStream(string id, Stream stream, ModuleLogOptions logOptions, Func <ArraySegment <byte>, Task> callback)
            GraphBuilder graphBuilder = GraphBuilder.CreateParsingGraphBuilder(stream, b => this.logMessageParser.Parse(b, id));

            logOptions.Filter.LogLevel.ForEach(l => graphBuilder.AddFilter(m => m.LogLevel == l));
            logOptions.Filter.Regex.ForEach(r => graphBuilder.AddFilter(m => r.IsMatch(m.Text)));

            async Task <bool> ConsumerCallback(ArraySegment <byte> a)
                await callback(a);


            ArraySegment <byte> BasicMapper(ModuleLogMessageData l)
            => logOptions.ContentType == LogsContentType.Text
                    ? new ArraySegment <byte>(l.FullText.ToBytes())
                    : new ArraySegment <byte>(l.ToBytes());

            var sourceMappers = new List <Func <Source <ArraySegment <byte>, AkkaNet.NotUsed>, Source <ArraySegment <byte>, AkkaNet.NotUsed> > >();

            if (logOptions.ContentEncoding == LogsContentEncoding.Gzip)
                    s => logOptions.OutputGroupingConfig.Map(o => GroupingGzipMapper(s, o))
                    .GetOrElse(() => NonGroupingGzipMapper(s)));

            if (logOptions.OutputFraming == LogOutputFraming.SimpleLength)

            IRunnableGraph <Task> graph = graphBuilder.GetStreamingGraph(

            await graph.Run(this.materializer);
Esempio n. 16
        public void Hubs_must_demonstrate_creating_a_dynamic_steful_partition_hub()
            #region partition-hub-stateful

            // A simple producer that publishes a new "message-" every second
            Source <string, NotUsed> producer = Source.Tick(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), "message")
                                                .MapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed.Instance)
                                                .ZipWith(Source.From(Enumerable.Range(1, 100)), (msg, i) => $"{msg}-{i}");

            // New instance of the partitioner function and its state is created
            // for each materialization of the PartitionHub.
            Func <PartitionHub.IConsumerInfo, string, long> RoundRobbin()
                var i = -1L;

                return((info, element) =>
                    return info.ConsumerByIndex((int)(i % info.Size));

            // Attach a PartitionHub Sink to the producer. This will materialize to a
            // corresponding Source.
            // (We need to use toMat and Keep.right since by default the materialized
            // value to the left is used)
            IRunnableGraph <Source <string, NotUsed> > runnableGraph =
                                                                  startAfterNrOfConsumers: 2, bufferSize: 256), Keep.Right);

            // By running/materializing the producer, we get back a Source, which
            // gives us access to the elements published by the producer.
            Source <string, NotUsed> fromProducer = runnableGraph.Run(Materializer);

            // Print out messages from the producer in two independent consumers
            fromProducer.RunForeach(msg => Console.WriteLine("Consumer1: " + msg), Materializer);
            fromProducer.RunForeach(msg => Console.WriteLine("Consumer2: " + msg), Materializer);

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="MultiProcessorFactory"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graph">The graph that should be run</param>
 /// <param name="materializer">The materializer</param>
 public MultiProcessorFactory(IRunnableGraph <IEventProcessor> graph, IMaterializer materializer)
     _graph        = graph;
     _materializer = materializer;
Esempio n. 18
 private static RunnableGraph <TestLatch> Fuse(IRunnableGraph <TestLatch> graph)
 => RunnableGraph.FromGraph(Fusing.Aggressive(graph));
Esempio n. 19
 public sealed record ChangeTrackeState(ActorMaterializer Materializer, ISourceQueueWithComplete <AppInfo> AppInfos, IRunnableGraph <Source <AppInfo, NotUsed> > Hub);