public VVPropEditor SetProperty(ViewVariablesBlobMembers.MemberData member)
            NameLabel.Text = member.Name;
            var type = Type.GetType(member.Type);

            _bottomLabel.Text = $"Type: {member.TypePretty}";
            VVPropEditor editor;

            if (type == null || !_robustSerializer.CanSerialize(type))
                // Type is server-side only.
                // Info whether it's reference or value type can be figured out from the sent value.
                if (type?.IsValueType == true || member.Value is ViewVariablesBlobMembers.ServerValueTypeToken)
                    // Value type, just display it stringified read-only.
                    editor = new VVPropEditorDummy();
                    // Has to be a reference type at this point.
                    DebugTools.Assert(member.Value is ViewVariablesBlobMembers.ReferenceToken || member.Value == null || type?.IsClass == true || type?.IsInterface == true);
                    editor = _viewVariablesManager.PropertyFor(type ?? typeof(object));
                editor = _viewVariablesManager.PropertyFor(type);

            var view = editor.Initialize(member.Value, !member.Editable);

            if (!view.HorizontalExpand)
                NameLabel.HorizontalExpand = true;

            NameLabel.MinSize = new Vector2(150, 0);

             * _beingEdited = obj;
             * _editedProperty = propertyInfo;
             * DebugTools.Assert(propertyInfo.DeclaringType != null);
             * DebugTools.Assert(propertyInfo.DeclaringType.IsInstanceOfType(obj));
             * var attr = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<ViewVariablesAttribute>();
             * DebugTools.Assert(attr != null);
             * NameLabel.Text = propertyInfo.Name;
             * _bottomLabel.Text = $"Type: {propertyInfo.PropertyType.FullName}";
             * var editor = vvm.PropertyFor(propertyInfo.PropertyType);
             * var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(obj);
             * var view = editor.Initialize(value, attr.Access != VVAccess.ReadWrite);
             * if (view.SizeFlagsHorizontal != SizeFlags.FillExpand)
             * {
             *  NameLabel.HorizontalExpand = true;
             * }
             * NameLabel.MinSize = new Vector2(150, 0);
             * TopContainer.AddChild(view);
             * editor.OnValueChanged += v => { propertyInfo.SetValue(obj, v); };