public static User Login(Context ctx, string username, string password) { User user = null; using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(@"SELECT deal_id, user_id, login_name, user_pass, user_active FROM rusers WHERE user_active = 1 AND login_name = :login_name AND user_pass = :user_pass "); ps.Set("login_name", username); ps.Set("user_pass", password); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); if (result.Next()) { user = new User(); user.deal_id = result.GetInt("deal_id"); user.user_id = result.GetInt("user_id"); user.login_name = result.GetString("login_name"); user.user_pass = result.GetString("user_pass"); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Commit(); conn.Release(); } return(user); }
private SmartMatchResult GetResultSmartMatch(IResultSet reader) { var index = 0; var result = new SmartMatchResult { Id = reader.GetGuid(0) }; index++; result.ItemName = reader.GetString(index); index++; result.DisplayName = reader.GetString(index); index++; result.OrganizerType = (FileOrganizerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FileOrganizerType), reader.GetString(index), true); index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.MatchStrings = _json.DeserializeFromString <List <string> >(reader.GetString(index)); } return(result); }
public void Fetch(IResultSet result) { HtrnId = result.GetInt("id"); CstId = result.GetInt("cust_id"); HtrnExpl = result.GetString("htrn_explanation"); HtrnDocnum = result.GetInt("docnum"); TransDate = Common.JavaDateToDatetime(result.GetDate("trans_date")); CstName = result.GetString("cst_desc"); IsNew = false; }
public static Category GetCategory(Context ctx, long categId, int categTbl) { Category info = new Category(); using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { string tableName = "ritem_categ"; if (categTbl == 2) { tableName += "2"; } IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(@"SELECT id, item_categ_desc FROM " + tableName + " WHERE id = :CategId"); ps.Set("categId", categId); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); if (result.Next()) { info.Id = result.GetInt("id"); info.ItemCategDesc = result.GetString("item_categ_desc"); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } return(info); }
public void Fetch(IResultSet result) { DtrnId = result.GetInt("id"); HtrnId = result.GetInt("htrn_id"); ItemId = result.GetInt("item_id"); ItemCode = result.GetString("item_cod"); ItemDesc = result.GetString("item_desc"); DtrnUnitPrice = result.GetDouble("unit_price"); dtrnQty1 = result.GetDouble("qty1"); dtrnDiscLine1 = result.GetDouble("disc_line1"); DtrnNetValue = result.GetDouble("net_value"); DtrnVatValue = result.GetDouble("vat_value"); ItemVatId = result.GetInt("item_vat"); DtrnNum = result.GetInt("dtrn_num"); IsNew = false; }
public static DateTime ReadDateTime(this IResultSet result, int index) { var dateText = result.GetString(index); return(DateTime.ParseExact( dateText, _datetimeFormats, DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, DateTimeStyles.None).ToUniversalTime()); }
internal void Fetch(IResultSet result) { CstId = result.GetInt("cst_id"); ItemKateg = result.GetInt("item_kateg"); Month = result.GetInt("month"); AmountCurr = result.GetDouble("amount_curr"); AmountPrev = result.GetDouble("amount_prev"); ItemKategDesc = result.GetString("item_categ_desc"); }
public static CustomerInfoList GetCustomerInfoList(Context ctx, Criteria crit) { CustomerInfoList customers = new CustomerInfoList(); using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { string query = @" SELECT TOP 100 id, cst_cod, cst_desc FROM rcustomer WHERE 1=1 "; if (crit.CustCode != "") { query += " AND cst_cod like \'" + crit.CustCode + "%\'"; } if (crit.CustName != "") { query += " AND cst_desc like \'" + crit.CustName + "%\'"; } query += " ORDER BY cst_desc "; Log.Debug("GetCustomerInfoList", query); IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(query); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); while (result.Next()) { CustomerInfo customer = new CustomerInfo(); customer.CustID = result.GetInt("id"); customer.Code = result.GetString("cst_cod"); customer.Name = result.GetString("cst_desc"); customers.Add(customer); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } return(customers); }
public static TransCust GetTransCustStat(IResultSet result) { return(new TransCust() { CstId = result.GetInt("cst_id"), Credit = (decimal)result.GetDouble("credit"), Debit = (decimal)result.GetDouble("debit"), CreditMinusDebit = (decimal)result.GetDouble("crdb"), Cst_desc = result.GetString("cst_desc") }); }
public static CustomerInfo GetCustomer(Context ctx, string code) { CustomerInfo info = new CustomerInfo(); if (code == "") { return(info); } using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(@"SELECT id, cst_cod, cst_desc, cst_ypol, cst_kat_disc, cst_tax_num, cst_trus_id, cst_addr, cst_city, cst_zip, cst_phone, cst_gsm, cst_comments FROM rcustomer WHERE cst_cod = :Code" ); ps.Set("Code", code); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); if (result.Next()) { info.CustID = result.GetInt("id"); info.Code = result.GetString("cst_cod"); info.Name = result.GetString("cst_desc"); info.CustAddress = result.GetString("cst_addr"); info.CustTaxNum = result.GetString("cst_tax_num"); info.CustDebt = result.GetDouble("cst_ypol"); info.CustPhone = result.GetString("cst_phone"); info.IsNew = false; } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Commit(); conn.Release(); } return(info); }
/// <exception cref="Java.Sql.SQLException"/> public static bool ExistsTable(string tablename) { if (existingTablenames == null) { existingTablenames = new HashSet <string>(); IDatabaseMetaData md = connection.GetMetaData(); IResultSet rs = md.GetTables(null, null, "%", null); while (rs.Next()) { existingTablenames.Add(rs.GetString(3).ToLower()); } } return(existingTablenames.Contains(tablename.ToLower())); }
public static TransCust GetTransCust(IResultSet result) { return(new TransCust() { Id = result.GetInt("id"), CstId = result.GetInt("cst_id"), VouchId = result.GetInt("vouch_id"), VoserId = result.GetInt("voser_id"), Docnum = result.GetInt("docnum"), DtrnType = result.GetString("dtrn_type"), DtrnNetValue = (decimal)result.GetDouble("dtrn_net_value"), DtrnVatValue = (decimal)result.GetDouble("dtrn_vat_value"), DtrnDate = Common.JavaDateToDatetime(result.GetDate("dtrn_date")), HtrnId = result.GetInt("htrn_id"), }); }
public static CategoryList GetCategoryList(Context ctx, int categTbl) { CategoryList items = new CategoryList(); using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { string tableName = "ritem_categ"; if (categTbl == 2) { tableName += "2"; } IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(@"SELECT id, item_categ_desc FROM " + tableName); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); while (result.Next()) { items.Add(new Category() { Id = result.GetInt("id"), ItemCategDesc = result.GetString("item_categ_desc") } ); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } return(items); }
public void LoadItems(Context ctx) { Criteria c = CurrentCriteria; using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { // IPreparedStatement ps1 = conn.PrepareStatement ("select * from ritemlast"); // // IResultSet result1 = ps1.ExecuteQuery (); // // while (result1.Next()) { // Log.Debug ("", result1.GetInt (0) + " " + result1.GetInt (1)); // } string joinLastDate = ""; string fields = ""; if (c.CstId > 0) { fields += @", ritemlast.last_date"; joinLastDate = @" LEFT OUTER JOIN ritemlast ON ritemlast.item_id = AND ritemlast.cst_id = " + c.CstId; } string query = @" SELECT TOP 30 ritems.ID, ritems.item_cod, ritems.item_desc, ritems.item_image, ritems.item_qty_left " + fields + @" FROM ritems" + joinLastDate + @" WHERE 1 = 1 "; if (c.ItemDesc != "") { // query += " AND ritems.item_desc like \'" + c.ItemDesc + "%\'"; query += " AND ritems.item_desc like :ItemDesc "; } if (c.Category1 != 0) { query += " AND ritems.item_ctg_id = " + c.Category1; } if (c.Category2 != 0) { query += " AND ritems.item_ctg2_id = " + c.Category2; } if (c.RetVal != 0) { // query += " AND ritems.item_qty_left = " + c.RetVal; } query += " ORDER BY ritems.item_desc "; IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(query); if (c.ItemDesc != "") { ps.Set("ItemDesc", c.ItemDesc); } IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); while (result.Next()) { ItemInfo item = new ItemInfo() { ItemId = result.GetInt("id"), item_cod = result.GetString("item_cod"), ItemDesc = result.GetString("item_desc"), ItemQtyLeft = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_qty_left")) }; byte[] signatureBytes = result.GetBytes("item_image"); try { if (signatureBytes.Length > 0) { Android.Graphics.Bitmap img = Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(signatureBytes, 0, signatureBytes.Length); item.ItemImage = Android.Graphics.Bitmap.CreateScaledBitmap(img, 64, 64, true); img.Recycle(); img = null; } else { item.ItemImage = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { item.ItemImage = null; } if (c.CstId > 0) { item.ItemLastBuyDate = Common.JavaDateToDatetime(result.GetDate("last_date")); } lastLoadedID = item.ItemId; Add(item); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } }
public void Connect() { Java.Sql.IConnection con = null; try { var driver = new Net.Sourceforge.Jtds.Jdbc.Driver(); String username = "******"; String password = "******"; String address = ""; String port = "1433"; String database = "Database"; String connString = String.Format("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://{0}:{1}/{2};user={3};password={4}", address, port, database, username, password); con = DriverManager.GetConnection(connString, username, password); IPreparedStatement stmt = null; try { //Prepared statement stmt = con.PrepareStatement("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = ? AND Name = ?"); stmt.SetLong(1, 1); stmt.SetString(2, "John Doe"); stmt.Execute(); RunOnUiThread(() => Toast.MakeText(this, "SUCCESS!", ToastLength.Short).Show()); IResultSet rs = stmt.ResultSet; IResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.MetaData; PrintColumnTypes.PrintColTypes(rsmd); Console.WriteLine(""); int numberOfColumns = rsmd.ColumnCount; for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) { if (i > 1) { Console.Write(", "); } String columnName = rsmd.GetColumnName(i); Console.Write(columnName); } Console.WriteLine(""); while (rs.Next()) { for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) { if (i > 1) { Console.Write(", "); } String columnValue = rs.GetString(i); Console.Write(columnValue); } Console.WriteLine(""); } stmt.Close(); con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { RunOnUiThread(() => Toast.MakeText(this, e.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show()); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); stmt.Close(); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); RunOnUiThread(() => Toast.MakeText(this, e.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show()); } RunOnUiThread(() => _button.Enabled = true); }
// // @Override // public ConcurrentHashIndex<SurfacePattern> readPatternIndex(String dir){ // //dir parameter is not used! // try{ // Connection conn = SQLConnection.getConnection(); // //Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> pats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>(); // String query = "Select index from " + patternindicesTable + " where tablename=\'" + tableName + "\'"; // Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); // ConcurrentHashIndex<SurfacePattern> index = null; // if({ // byte[] st = (byte[]) rs.getObject(1); // ByteArrayInputStream baip = new ByteArrayInputStream(st); // ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(baip); // index = (ConcurrentHashIndex<SurfacePattern>) ois.readObject(); // } // assert index != null; // return index; // }catch(SQLException e){ // throw new RuntimeException(e); // } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // throw new RuntimeException(e); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new RuntimeException(e); // } // } // // @Override // public void savePatternIndex(ConcurrentHashIndex<SurfacePattern> index, String file) { // try { // createUpsertFunctionPatternIndex(); // Connection conn = SQLConnection.getConnection(); // PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement("select upsert_patternindex(?,?)"); // st.setString(1,tableName); // ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); // oos.writeObject(index); // byte[] patsAsBytes = baos.toByteArray(); // ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(patsAsBytes); // st.setBinaryStream(2, bais, patsAsBytes.length); // st.execute(); // st.close(); // conn.close(); // System.out.println("Saved the pattern hash index for " + tableName + " in DB table " + patternindicesTable); // }catch (SQLException e){ // throw new RuntimeException(e); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new RuntimeException(e); // } // } //batch processing below is copied from Java Ranch //TODO: make this into an iterator!! public override IDictionary <string, IDictionary <int, ICollection <E> > > GetPatternsForAllTokens(ICollection <string> sampledSentIds) { try { IDictionary <string, IDictionary <int, ICollection <E> > > pats = new Dictionary <string, IDictionary <int, ICollection <E> > >(); IConnection conn = SQLConnection.GetConnection(); IEnumerator <string> iter = sampledSentIds.GetEnumerator(); int totalNumberOfValuesLeftToBatch = sampledSentIds.Count; while (totalNumberOfValuesLeftToBatch > 0) { int batchSize = SingleBatch; if (totalNumberOfValuesLeftToBatch >= LargeBatch) { batchSize = LargeBatch; } else { if (totalNumberOfValuesLeftToBatch >= MediumBatch) { batchSize = MediumBatch; } else { if (totalNumberOfValuesLeftToBatch >= SmallBatch) { batchSize = SmallBatch; } } } totalNumberOfValuesLeftToBatch -= batchSize; StringBuilder inClause = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) { inClause.Append('?'); if (i != batchSize - 1) { inClause.Append(','); } } IPreparedStatement stmt = conn.PrepareStatement("select sentid, patterns from " + tableName + " where sentid in (" + inClause.ToString() + ")"); for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < batchSize && iter.MoveNext(); i_1++) { stmt.SetString(i_1 + 1, iter.Current); } // or whatever values you are trying to query by stmt.Execute(); IResultSet rs = stmt.GetResultSet(); while (rs.Next()) { string sentid = rs.GetString(1); byte[] st = (byte[])rs.GetObject(2); ByteArrayInputStream baip = new ByteArrayInputStream(st); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(baip); pats[sentid] = (IDictionary <int, ICollection <E> >)ois.ReadObject(); } } conn.Close(); return(pats); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e); } }
public FileOrganizationResult GetResult(IResultSet reader) { var index = 0; var result = new FileOrganizationResult { Id = reader.GetGuid(0).ToString("N") }; index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.OriginalPath = reader.GetString(index); } index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.TargetPath = reader.GetString(index); } index++; result.FileSize = reader.GetInt64(index); index++; result.Date = reader.ReadDateTime(index); index++; result.Status = (FileSortingStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(FileSortingStatus), reader.GetString(index), true); index++; result.Type = (FileOrganizerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FileOrganizerType), reader.GetString(index), true); index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.StatusMessage = reader.GetString(index); } result.OriginalFileName = Path.GetFileName(result.OriginalPath); index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.ExtractedName = reader.GetString(index); } index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.ExtractedYear = reader.GetInt(index); } index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.ExtractedSeasonNumber = reader.GetInt(index); } index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.ExtractedEpisodeNumber = reader.GetInt(index); } index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.ExtractedEndingEpisodeNumber = reader.GetInt(index); } index++; if (!reader.IsDBNull(index)) { result.DuplicatePaths = reader.GetString(index).Split('|').Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i)).ToList(); } return(result); }
public static ItemInfo GetItem(Context ctx, decimal itemID, bool loadImage) { ItemInfo info = new ItemInfo(); using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { /*IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(@"SELECT item_id, * item_cod, * item_desc, * item_long_des, * item_ret_val1, * item_sale_val1 , * item_buy_val1 * FROM items WHERE item_id = :ItemID");*/ IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(@"SELECT id, item_cod, item_desc, item_alter_desc, unit_price, item_qty_left , item_vat, item_ctg_id, item_ctg_disc, item_image FROM ritems WHERE id = :ItemID"); ps.Set("ItemID", itemID.ToString()); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); if (result.Next()) { /*info.ItemId = Convert.ToInt64(result.GetDouble("item_id")); * info.item_cod = result.GetString("item_cod"); * info.item_desc = result.GetString("item_desc"); * info.item_long_desc = result.GetString("item_long_des"); * info.item_ret_val1 = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_ret_val1")); * info.item_sale_val1 = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_sale_val1")); * info.item_buy_val1 = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_buy_val1"));*/ //info.ItemId = Convert.ToInt64(result.GetDouble("id")); info.ItemId = result.GetInt("id"); info.item_cod = result.GetString("item_cod"); info.ItemDesc = result.GetString("item_desc"); info.item_long_desc = result.GetString("item_alter_desc"); info.ItemSaleVal1 = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("unit_price")); info.ItemQtyLeft = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_qty_left")); info.ItemVatId = result.GetInt("item_vat"); if (loadImage) { byte[] signatureBytes = result.GetBytes("item_image"); try { if (signatureBytes.Length > 0) { info.ItemImage = Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(signatureBytes, 0, signatureBytes.Length); } else { info.ItemImage = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { info.ItemImage = null; } } Log.Debug("item_vat", "item_vat=" + info.ItemVatId); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } return(info); }
public static void LoadAdapterItems(Context ctx, int page, ArrayAdapter <ItemInfo> adapter, Criteria c) { using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { string joinLastDate = ""; string fields = ""; if (c.CstId > 0) { fields += @", ritemlast.last_date";//OUTER joinLastDate = @" LEFT JOIN ritemlast ON ritemlast.item_id = AND ritemlast.cst_id = " + c.CstId; } int offset = 1 + page * 30; string query = @" SELECT TOP 30 START AT " + offset + @" ritems.ID, ritems.item_cod, ritems.item_desc, ritems.item_image, ritems.item_qty_left " + fields + @" FROM ritems" + joinLastDate + @" WHERE 1 = 1 "; if (c.ItemDesc != "") { query += " AND ritems.item_desc like \'" + c.ItemDesc + "%\'"; } if (c.Category1 != 0) { query += " AND ritems.item_ctg_id = " + c.Category1; } if (c.Category2 != 0) { query += " AND ritems.item_ctg2_id = " + c.Category2; } if (c.RetVal != 0) { // query += " AND ritems.item_qty_left = " + c.RetVal; } query += " ORDER BY ritems.item_desc "; Log.Debug("select items", query); IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(query); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); while (result.Next()) { ItemInfo item = new ItemInfo() { ItemId = result.GetInt("id"), item_cod = result.GetString("item_cod"), ItemDesc = result.GetString("item_desc"), ItemQtyLeft = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_qty_left")) }; byte[] signatureBytes = result.GetBytes("item_image"); try { if (signatureBytes.Length > 0) { Android.Graphics.Bitmap img = Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(signatureBytes, 0, signatureBytes.Length); item.ItemImage = Android.Graphics.Bitmap.CreateScaledBitmap(img, 64, 64, true); img.Recycle(); img = null; } else { item.ItemImage = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { item.ItemImage = null; } if (c.CstId > 0) { item.ItemLastBuyDate = Common.JavaDateToDatetime(result.GetDate("last_date")); } adapter.Add(item); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } }