public EventfulService(IRestProxy proxy) { _proxy = proxy; _proxy.BaseUrl = ""; _proxy.ApiKey = new KeyValuePair <string, string>("app_key", "XqcX3pSvZbQMH8cj"); }
public Client1( IRestProxy restProxy, string baseUri) { this.restProxy = restProxy; this.baseUri = baseUri + "/api/v1.0/helloworld"; }
public GoogleGeocodeService(IRestProxy proxy) { _proxy = proxy; _proxy.BaseUrl = ""; _proxy.ApiKey = new KeyValuePair <string, string>("key", "AIzaSyD66orgqVtAbC1brokj4jEIIt0M_MXe6vc"); }
protected TfsRestProxyBase( IRestProxy restProxy, ITfsSettingsProvider tfsSettingsProvider) { _restProxy = restProxy; _tfsSettings = tfsSettingsProvider.ProvideTfsSettings(); }
public Alcoholic( IRestProxy restProxy, string baseUri) { this.restProxy = restProxy; this.baseUri = baseUri; }
public BuildRestProxy( IRestProxy restProxy, ITfsSettingsProvider tfsSettingsProvider, IJsonBuildChangeAdapter jsonBuildChangeAdapter) : base(restProxy, tfsSettingsProvider) { _jsonBuildChangeAdapter = jsonBuildChangeAdapter; }
public IndividualRestResourceService( IRestProxy restProxy, IRestCallBuilderFactory restCallBuilderFactory, IIndividualRestSettingsProvider individalRestSettingsProvider) : base(restProxy, restCallBuilderFactory, individalRestSettingsProvider) { _restProxy = restProxy; }
public WorkItemRestProxy( IRestProxy restProxy, ITfsSettingsProvider tfsSettingsProvider, IJsonWorkItemAdapter jsonWorkItemAdapter) : base(restProxy, tfsSettingsProvider) { _jsonWorkItemAdapter = jsonWorkItemAdapter; }
public WorkItemRepository( IRestProxy restProxy, IAppSettingsProvider settingsProvider, IAdapterResolver adapterResolver) { _restProxy = restProxy; _adapterResolver = adapterResolver; _settings = settingsProvider.ProvideSettings().AzureFunctionsSettings; }
public HomeController( IRestProxy restProxy, IRestCallBuilderFactory restCallBuilderFactory, ILogger <HomeController> logger) { _restProxy = restProxy; _restCallBuilderFactory = restCallBuilderFactory; _logger = logger; }
public TranslationRequestSender( IDeeplSettingsProvider settingsProvider, IRestCallBuilderFactory restCallBuilderFactory, IRestProxy restProxy) { _settingsProvider = settingsProvider; _restCallBuilderFactory = restCallBuilderFactory; _restProxy = restProxy; }
protected RestResourceServiceBase( IRestProxy restProxy, IRestCallBuilderFactory restCallBuilderFactory, IRestSettingsProvider restSettingsProvider) { _restProxy = restProxy; _restCallBuilderFactory = restCallBuilderFactory; RestSettings = restSettingsProvider.ProvideRestSettings(); }
public BuildChangeRepository( IRestProxy restProxy, IAdapterResolver adapterResolver, IAppSettingsProvider settingsProvider) { _restProxy = restProxy; _adapterResolver = adapterResolver; _buildChangesFunctionPath = settingsProvider.ProvideSettings().AzureFunctionsSettings.GetBuildChangesByBuildIdPath; }
public AuthorizationTokenFactory( IAuthorizationTokenCache tokenCache, ITranslationServiceSettingsProvider settingsProvider, IRestProxy restProxy) { _tokenCache = tokenCache; _settingsProvider = settingsProvider; _restProxy = restProxy; }
public TranslationApiProxy( IRestProxy restProxy, ITranslationRestCallFactory restCallFactory, IMapper mapper, ITranslationResultAdapter translationResultAdapter) { _restProxy = restProxy; _restCallFactory = restCallFactory; _mapper = mapper; _translationResultAdapter = translationResultAdapter; }
public TextTranslationService( IRestProxy restProxy, IRestCallBuilderFactory restCallBuilderFactory, IStandaloneQueryParameterBuilderFactory queryParamBuilderFactory, ISettingsProvider settingsProvider, ITextTranslationResultAdapter resultAdapter) { _restProxy = restProxy; _restCallBuilderFactory = restCallBuilderFactory; _queryParamBuilderFactory = queryParamBuilderFactory; _settingsProvider = settingsProvider; _resultAdapter = resultAdapter; }
public ProductClient(IRestProxy restProxy, string baseUri) { this.RestProxy = restProxy; this.BaseUri = baseUri + "/api/multiply"; }
public ExternalCallAppService(IRestProxy restProxy) { _restProxy = restProxy; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { Type t = null; #region prepare the IAjaxProxy/IRestProxy type string className = null; string idPart = null; string[] parts = context.Request.Path.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) { if (parts[i].ToLower() == "ext4") { if (i + 1 < parts.Length) { className = parts[i + 1]; if (i + 2 < parts.Length) { idPart = parts[i + 2]; } } break; } } if (className == null) { ResponseError(context, new Exception("Type not set.")); return; } if (className.EndsWith(".ashx")) { className = className.Substring(0, className.Length - 5); } if (idPart != null && idPart.EndsWith(".ashx")) { idPart = idPart.Substring(0, idPart.Length - 5); } if (Utility.Settings != null && Utility.Settings.UrlClassMappings.ContainsKey(className)) { className = Utility.Settings.UrlClassMappings[className] as string; if (context.Trace.IsEnabled) { context.Trace.Write(Constant.AjaxID, "Url match to Type: " + className); } } try { t = Type.GetType(className, true); } catch (Exception ex) { if (context.Trace.IsEnabled) { context.Trace.Write(Constant.AjaxID, "Type not found: " + className); } ResponseError(context, ex); return; } #endregion #region GET via IAjaxProxy if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "GET") { if (!typeof(IAjaxProxy).IsAssignableFrom(t)) { ResponseError(context, new Exception("The type is not a IAjaxProxy: " + className)); return; } try { IAjaxProxy ajax = (IAjaxProxy)Activator.CreateInstance(t, new object[] { }); QueryParams paras = new QueryParams(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["page"])) { paras.PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Params["page"]) - 1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["start"])) { paras.Start = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Params["start"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["limit"])) { paras.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Params["limit"]); } paras.Id = context.Request.Params["id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["sort"])) { ExtSortParam para = new ExtSortParam(); para.Sorts = (ExtSort[])JavaScriptDeserializer.DeserializeFromJson( context.Request.Params["sort"], typeof(ExtSort[])); paras.Sort = para; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["group"])) { ExtSortParam para = new ExtSortParam(); para.Sorts = (ExtSort[])JavaScriptDeserializer.DeserializeFromJson( context.Request.Params["group"], typeof(ExtSort[])); paras.Group = para; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["filter"])) { ExtFilterParam para = new ExtFilterParam(); para.Filters = (ExtFilter[])JavaScriptDeserializer.DeserializeFromJson( context.Request.Params["filter"], typeof(ExtFilter[])); paras.Filter = para; } paras.Context = context; ajax.Query(paras); if (paras.RootDirect) { ResponseObject(context, paras.Results); } else { if (paras.Extra == null) { ResponseObject(context, new { success = true, total = paras.TotalRecords, root = paras.Results }); } else { ResponseObject(context, new { success = true, total = paras.TotalRecords, root = paras.Results, extra = paras.Extra }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ResponseError(context, ex); return; } } #endregion #region POST/PUT/DELETE via IRestProxy if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "POST" || context.Request.HttpMethod == "PUT" || context.Request.HttpMethod == "DELETE") { if (!typeof(IRestProxy).IsAssignableFrom(t)) { ResponseError(context, new Exception("The type is not a IRestProxy: " + className)); return; } try { IRestProxy rest = (IRestProxy)Activator.CreateInstance(t, new object[] { }); string payload = ReadRequestPayload(context); object entity = JavaScriptDeserializer.DeserializeFromJson(payload, rest.EntityType); switch (context.Request.HttpMethod) { case "POST": //new object obj1 = rest.Create(entity); ResponseObject(context, new { success = true, root = new object[] { obj1 } }); break; case "PUT": //update object obj2 = rest.Update(entity); ResponseObject(context, new { success = true, root = new object[] { obj2 } }); break; case "DELETE": rest.Delete(entity); ResponseObject(context, new { success = true }); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { ResponseError(context, ex); return; } } #endregion }
public MessageService(ISerializer serializer, IRestProxy restProxy, IBusApiConfiguration busApiConfiguration) { _serializer = serializer; _restProxy = restProxy; _busApiConfiguration = busApiConfiguration; }
public DividerClient(IRestProxy restProxy, string baseUri) { this.RestProxy = restProxy; this.BaseUri = baseUri + "/api/divide"; }
public AdderClient(IRestProxy restProxy, string baseUri) { this.RestProxy = restProxy; this.BaseUri = baseUri + "/api/add"; }