internal async Task <bool> TryServeCachedResponseAsync(ResponseCachingContext context, IResponseCacheEntry cacheEntry)
            var cachedResponse = cacheEntry as CachedResponse;

            if (cachedResponse == null)

            context.CachedResponse        = cachedResponse;
            context.CachedResponseHeaders = cachedResponse.Headers;
            context.ResponseTime          = _options.SystemClock.UtcNow;
            var cachedEntryAge = context.ResponseTime.Value - context.CachedResponse.Created;

            context.CachedEntryAge = cachedEntryAge > TimeSpan.Zero ? cachedEntryAge : TimeSpan.Zero;

            if (_policyProvider.IsCachedEntryFresh(context))
                // Check conditional request rules
                if (ContentIsNotModified(context))
                    context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status304NotModified;
                    var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
                    // Copy the cached status code and response headers
                    response.StatusCode = context.CachedResponse.StatusCode;
                    foreach (var header in context.CachedResponse.Headers)
                        response.Headers[header.Key] = header.Value;

                    // Note: int64 division truncates result and errors may be up to 1 second. This reduction in
                    // accuracy of age calculation is considered appropriate since it is small compared to clock
                    // skews and the "Age" header is an estimate of the real age of cached content.
                    response.Headers[HeaderNames.Age] = HeaderUtilities.FormatNonNegativeInt64(context.CachedEntryAge.Value.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);

                    // Copy the cached response body
                    var body = context.CachedResponse.Body;
                    if (body.Length > 0)
                            await body.CopyToAsync(response.Body, StreamUtilities.BodySegmentSize, context.HttpContext.RequestAborted);
                        catch (OperationCanceledException)
