public ChangedStateContext(IResourceMetadata info, IResourceTrackedState lastState, AsyncLazy <T> payload)

            Info      = info;
            Payload   = payload;
            LastState = lastState;
Esempio n. 2
 private LocalDateTime _getEarliestModified(IResourceMetadata info)
     if (info?.ModifiedSources != null && info.ModifiedSources.Any())
         return(info.ModifiedSources.Max(x => x.Value));
        private async Task _processEntry(int idx, int total, IResourceMetadata info, ResourceState lastState, CancellationToken ctk = default)
                _logger.Info("({4}/{5}) Detected change on Resource.Id=\"{0}\", Resource.Modified={1}, OldState.Modified={2}, OldState.Retry={3}. Processing..."
                             , info.ResourceId
                             , info.Modified
                             , lastState?.Modified
                             , lastState?.RetryCount
                             , idx
                             , total

                var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                AsyncLazy <T> payload = new AsyncLazy <T>(() => _retrievePayload(info, lastState, ctk));

                var state = new ResourceState()
                    Tenant      = _config.Tenant,
                    ResourceId  = info.ResourceId,
                    Modified    = lastState?.Modified ?? info.Modified, // we want to update modified only on success or Ban or first run
                    LastEvent   = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(),
                    RetryCount  = lastState?.RetryCount ?? 0,
                    CheckSum    = lastState?.CheckSum,
                    RetrievedAt = lastState?.RetrievedAt,
                    Extensions  = info.Extensions

                try {
                    await _processResource(new ChangedStateContext <T>(info, lastState, payload), ctk).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // if handlers retrived data, fetch the result to check the checksum
                    if (payload.IsStarted)
                        // if the retrievePayload task gone in exception but the _processResource did not ...
                        // here we care only if we have a payload to use
                        if (payload.Task.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                            var newState = await payload;

                            if (newState != null)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newState.CheckSum) && state.CheckSum != newState.CheckSum)
                                    _logger.Info("Checksum changed on Resource.Id=\"{0}\" from \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"", state.ResourceId, state.CheckSum, newState.CheckSum);

                                state.CheckSum    = newState.CheckSum;
                                state.RetrievedAt = newState.RetrievedAt;
                            else // no payload retrived, so no new state. Generally due to a same-checksum

                            state.Modified   = info.Modified;
                            state.RetryCount = 0; // success
                    else   // for some reason, no action has been and payload has not been retrieved. We do not change the state
                catch (Exception ex)
                    state.LastException = ex;

                    LogLevel lvl = ++state.RetryCount == _config.MaxRetries ? LogLevel.Fatal : LogLevel.Warn;
                    _logger.Log(lvl, ex, "Error while processing ResourceId=\"{0}\"", info.ResourceId);

                    // if we're in BAN and we tried to exit BAN and we failed, update the Modified anw
                    if (state.RetryCount > _config.MaxRetries)
                        state.Modified = info.Modified;

                await _stateProvider.SaveStateAsync(new[] { state }, ctk).ConfigureAwait(false);

                _logger.Info("({3}/{4}) ResourceId=\"{0}\" handled {2}successfully in {1}", state.ResourceId, sw.Elapsed, state.RetryCount == 0 ? "" : "not ", idx
                             , total);
                if (sw.Elapsed > _config.ResourceDurationNotificationLimit)
                    _logger.Fatal("Processing of ResourceId=\"{0}\" took too much: {1}", state.ResourceId, sw.Elapsed);
            } catch (Exception ex)
                // chomp it, we'll retry this file next time, forever, fuckit
                _logger.Error(ex, "({4}/{5}) Error in processing the ResourceId=\"{0}\". The execution will be automatically retried.", info.ResourceId);
 protected abstract Task <T> _retrievePayload(IResourceMetadata info, IResourceTrackedState lastState, CancellationToken ctk = default);
Esempio n. 5
 protected override Task <TResource> _retrievePayload(IResourceMetadata info, IResourceTrackedState lastState, CancellationToken ctk = default)
     return(_container.GetInstance <IResourceProvider <TMetadata, TResource, TQueryFilter> >().GetResource(info as TMetadata, lastState, ctk));