Esempio n. 1
        private async Task HandleRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
            // first we need to get the request executor to be able to execute requests.
            IRequestExecutor requestExecutor = await GetExecutorAsync(context.RequestAborted);

            IHttpRequestInterceptor requestInterceptor = requestExecutor.GetRequestInterceptor();
            IErrorHandler           errorHandler       = requestExecutor.GetErrorHandler();

            HttpStatusCode?  statusCode = null;

                // next we parse the GraphQL request.
                GraphQLRequest       request = _requestParser.ReadParamsRequest(context.Request.Query);
                GraphQLServerOptions?options = context.GetGraphQLServerOptions();
                result = await ExecuteSingleAsync(
                    options is null or { AllowedGetOperations : AllowedGetOperations.Query }
                    : null);
    private async Task HandleRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
        // first we need to get the request executor to be able to execute requests.
        IRequestExecutor requestExecutor = await GetExecutorAsync(context.RequestAborted);

        IHttpRequestInterceptor requestInterceptor = requestExecutor.GetRequestInterceptor();
        IErrorHandler           errorHandler       = requestExecutor.GetErrorHandler();

        context.Items[WellKnownContextData.RequestExecutor] = requestExecutor;

        HttpStatusCode?  statusCode = null;

        // next we parse the GraphQL request.
        GraphQLRequest request;

        using (_diagnosticEvents.ParseHttpRequest(context))
                request = _requestParser.ReadParamsRequest(context.Request.Query);
            catch (GraphQLRequestException ex)
                // A GraphQL request exception is thrown if the HTTP request body couldn't be
                // parsed. In this case we will return HTTP status code 400 and return a
                // GraphQL error result.
                statusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                IReadOnlyList <IError> errors = errorHandler.Handle(ex.Errors);
                result = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(errors);
                _diagnosticEvents.ParserErrors(context, errors);
                goto HANDLE_RESULT;
            catch (Exception ex)
                statusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                IError error = errorHandler.CreateUnexpectedError(ex).Build();
                result = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(error);
                _diagnosticEvents.HttpRequestError(context, error);
                goto HANDLE_RESULT;

        // after successfully parsing the request we now will attempt to execute the request.
            GraphQLServerOptions?options = context.GetGraphQLServerOptions();
            result = await ExecuteSingleAsync(
                options is null or { AllowedGetOperations : AllowedGetOperations.Query }
                : null);
        private async Task HandleRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
            // first we need to get the request executor to be able to execute requests.
            IRequestExecutor requestExecutor = await GetExecutorAsync(context.RequestAborted);

            IHttpRequestInterceptor requestInterceptor = requestExecutor.GetRequestInterceptor();
            IErrorHandler           errorHandler       = requestExecutor.GetErrorHandler();

            HttpStatusCode?  statusCode = null;

                // next we parse the GraphQL request.
                GraphQLRequest request = _requestParser.ReadParamsRequest(context.Request.Query);
                result = await ExecuteSingleAsync(
                    context, requestExecutor, requestInterceptor, request);
            catch (GraphQLRequestException ex)
                // A GraphQL request exception is thrown if the HTTP request body couldn't be
                // parsed. In this case we will return HTTP status code 400 and return a
                // GraphQL error result.
                statusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                result     = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(errorHandler.Handle(ex.Errors));
            catch (Exception ex)
                statusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                IError error = errorHandler.CreateUnexpectedError(ex).Build();
                result = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(error);

            // in any case we will have a valid GraphQL result at this point that can be written
            // to the HTTP response stream.
            Debug.Assert(result is not null, "No GraphQL result was created.");
            await WriteResultAsync(context.Response, result, statusCode, context.RequestAborted);
Esempio n. 4
        private async Task HandleRequestAsync(
            HttpContext context,
            AllowedContentType contentType)
            // first we need to get the request executor to be able to execute requests.
            IRequestExecutor requestExecutor = await GetExecutorAsync(context.RequestAborted);

            IHttpRequestInterceptor requestInterceptor = requestExecutor.GetRequestInterceptor();
            IErrorHandler           errorHandler       = requestExecutor.GetErrorHandler();

            HttpStatusCode?  statusCode = null;

                // next we parse the GraphQL request.
                IReadOnlyList <GraphQLRequest> requests =
                    await _requestParser.ReadJsonRequestAsync(
                        context.Request.Body, context.RequestAborted);

                switch (requests.Count)
                // if the HTTP request body contains no GraphQL request structure the
                // whole request is invalid and we will create a GraphQL error response.
                case 0:
                    statusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                    IError error = errorHandler.Handle(ErrorHelper.RequestHasNoElements());
                    result = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(error);

                // if the HTTP request body contains a single GraphQL request and we do have
                // the batch operations query parameter specified we need to execute an
                // operation batch.
                // An operation batch consists of a single GraphQL request document that
                // contains multiple operations. The batch operation query parameter
                // defines the order in which the operations shall be executed.
                case 1 when context.Request.Query.ContainsKey(_batchOperations):
                    string operationNames = context.Request.Query[_batchOperations];

                    if (TryParseOperations(operationNames, out IReadOnlyList <string>?ops))
                        result = await ExecuteOperationBatchAsync(
                            context, requestExecutor, requestInterceptor, requests[0], ops);
                        IError error = errorHandler.Handle(ErrorHelper.InvalidRequest());
                        statusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                        result     = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(error);

                // if the HTTP request body contains a single GraphQL request and
                // no batch query parameter is specified we need to execute a single
                // GraphQL request.
                // Most GraphQL requests will be of this type where we want to execute
                // a single GraphQL query or mutation.
                case 1:
                    result = await ExecuteSingleAsync(
                        context, requestExecutor, requestInterceptor, requests[0]);


                // if the HTTP request body contains more than one GraphQL request than
                // we need to execute a request batch where we need to execute multiple
                // fully specified GraphQL requests at once.
                    result = await ExecuteBatchAsync(
                        context, requestExecutor, requestInterceptor, requests);

            catch (GraphQLRequestException ex)
                // A GraphQL request exception is thrown if the HTTP request body couldn't be
                // parsed. In this case we will return HTTP status code 400 and return a
                // GraphQL error result.
                statusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                result     = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(errorHandler.Handle(ex.Errors));
            catch (Exception ex)
                statusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                IError error = errorHandler.CreateUnexpectedError(ex).Build();
                result = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(error);

            // in any case we will have a valid GraphQL result at this point that can be written
            // to the HTTP response stream.
            Debug.Assert(result is not null, "No GraphQL result was created.");
            await WriteResultAsync(context.Response, result, statusCode, context.RequestAborted);
    protected async Task HandleRequestAsync(
        HttpContext context,
        AllowedContentType contentType)
        // first we need to get the request executor to be able to execute requests.
        IRequestExecutor requestExecutor = await GetExecutorAsync(context.RequestAborted);

        IHttpRequestInterceptor requestInterceptor = requestExecutor.GetRequestInterceptor();
        IErrorHandler           errorHandler       = requestExecutor.GetErrorHandler();

        context.Items[WellKnownContextData.RequestExecutor] = requestExecutor;

        HttpStatusCode?  statusCode = null;

        // next we parse the GraphQL request.
        IReadOnlyList <GraphQLRequest> requests;

        using (DiagnosticEvents.ParseHttpRequest(context))
                requests = await GetRequestsFromBody(context.Request, context.RequestAborted);
            catch (GraphQLRequestException ex)
                // A GraphQL request exception is thrown if the HTTP request body couldn't be
                // parsed. In this case we will return HTTP status code 400 and return a
                // GraphQL error result.
                statusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                IReadOnlyList <IError> errors = errorHandler.Handle(ex.Errors);
                result = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(errors);
                DiagnosticEvents.ParserErrors(context, errors);
                goto HANDLE_RESULT;
            catch (Exception ex)
                statusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                IError error = errorHandler.CreateUnexpectedError(ex).Build();
                result = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(error);
                DiagnosticEvents.HttpRequestError(context, error);
                goto HANDLE_RESULT;

        // after successfully parsing the request we now will attempt to execute the request.
            switch (requests.Count)
            // if the HTTP request body contains no GraphQL request structure the
            // whole request is invalid and we will create a GraphQL error response.
            case 0:
                statusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                IError error = errorHandler.Handle(ErrorHelper.RequestHasNoElements());
                result = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(error);
                DiagnosticEvents.HttpRequestError(context, error);

            // if the HTTP request body contains a single GraphQL request and we do have
            // the batch operations query parameter specified we need to execute an
            // operation batch.
            // An operation batch consists of a single GraphQL request document that
            // contains multiple operations. The batch operation query parameter
            // defines the order in which the operations shall be executed.
            case 1 when context.Request.Query.ContainsKey(_batchOperations):
                string operationNames = context.Request.Query[_batchOperations];

                if (TryParseOperations(operationNames, out IReadOnlyList <string>?ops))
                    result = await ExecuteOperationBatchAsync(
                    IError error = errorHandler.Handle(ErrorHelper.InvalidRequest());
                    statusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                    result     = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(error);
                    DiagnosticEvents.HttpRequestError(context, error);


            // if the HTTP request body contains a single GraphQL request and
            // no batch query parameter is specified we need to execute a single
            // GraphQL request.
            // Most GraphQL requests will be of this type where we want to execute
            // a single GraphQL query or mutation.
            case 1:
                result = await ExecuteSingleAsync(


            // if the HTTP request body contains more than one GraphQL request than
            // we need to execute a request batch where we need to execute multiple
            // fully specified GraphQL requests at once.
                result = await ExecuteBatchAsync(

        catch (GraphQLException ex)
            // This allows extensions to throw GraphQL exceptions in the GraphQL interceptor.
            statusCode = null; // we let the serializer determine the status code.
            result     = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(ex.Errors);

            foreach (IError error in ex.Errors)
                DiagnosticEvents.HttpRequestError(context, error);
        catch (Exception ex)
            statusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
            IError error = errorHandler.CreateUnexpectedError(ex).Build();
            result = QueryResultBuilder.CreateError(error);
            DiagnosticEvents.HttpRequestError(context, error);

        IDisposable? formatScope = null;

            // if cancellation is requested we will not try to attempt to write the result to the
            // response stream.
            if (context.RequestAborted.IsCancellationRequested)

            // in any case we will have a valid GraphQL result at this point that can be written
            // to the HTTP response stream.
            Debug.Assert(result is not null, "No GraphQL result was created.");

            if (result is IQueryResult queryResult)
                formatScope = DiagnosticEvents.FormatHttpResponse(context, queryResult);

            await WriteResultAsync(context.Response, result, statusCode, context.RequestAborted);
            // we must dispose the diagnostic scope first.

            // query results use pooled memory an need to be disposed after we have
            // used them.
            if (result is IAsyncDisposable asyncDisposable)
                await asyncDisposable.DisposeAsync();

            if (result is IDisposable disposable)