Esempio n. 1
 public DictionaryFetchAsyncEnumerator(ITransaction tx, IReliableIndexedDictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary, IEnumerable <TKey> keys, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken token)
     Tx         = tx;
     Dictionary = dictionary;
     Keys       = keys.GetEnumerator();
     Timeout    = timeout;
     Token      = token;
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestInitialize()
            userDictionaryManager = new MockReliableStateManager();

            indexed_users = userDictionaryManager.GetOrAddIndexedAsync <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile>("indexed_users",
                                                                                                            FilterableIndex <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile, string> .CreateQueryableInstance("Email"),
                                                                                                            FilterableIndex <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile, int> .CreateQueryableInstance("Age")).Result;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                using (var tx = userDictionaryManager.CreateTransaction())
                    var user = new Basic.Common.UserProfile
                        Name = new UserName
                            First = $"First{i}",
                            Last  = $"Last{i}",
                        Email   = $"user-{i}",
                        Age     = 20 + i / 3,
                        Address = new Basic.Common.Address
                            AddressLine1 = $"1{i} Main St.",
                            City         = "Seattle",
                            State        = "WA",
                            Zipcode      = 98117,

                    indexed_users.SetAsync(tx, user.Name, user, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), new CancellationToken());
            Assert.IsTrue(userDictionaryManager.TryGetIndexedAsync <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile>("indexed_users",
                                                                                                        FilterableIndex <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile, string> .CreateQueryableInstance("Email"),
                                                                                                        FilterableIndex <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile, int> .CreateQueryableInstance("Age")).Result.HasValue);
        // Executes the expression tree that is passed to it.
        // Should return
        internal static async Task <object> Execute <TKey, TValue>(Expression expression, IReliableStateManager stateManager, IReliableIndexedDictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary, bool IsEnumerable)
            where TKey : IComparable <TKey>, IEquatable <TKey>
            //The expression must represent a query over the data source.
            if (!IsQueryOverDataSource(expression))
                throw new InvalidProgramException("No query over the data source was specified.");

            // Find the call to Where() and get the lambda expression predicate.
            InnermostWhereFinder whereFinder     = new InnermostWhereFinder();
            MethodCallExpression whereExpression = whereFinder.GetInnermostWhere(expression);
            IQueryable <TValue>  queryableValues;

            if (whereExpression != null)
                LambdaExpression lambdaExpression = (LambdaExpression)((UnaryExpression)(whereExpression.Arguments[1])).Operand;

                // Send the lambda expression through the partial evaluator.
                lambdaExpression = (LambdaExpression)Evaluator.PartialEval(lambdaExpression);

                // Translate expression to Odata Expression
                SingleValueNode    root = TranslateToOData(lambdaExpression.Body);
                IEnumerable <TKey> keys = ReliableStateExtensions.TryFilterNode <TKey, TValue>(root, false, stateManager, dictionary.Name.AbsolutePath, new CancellationToken()).Result;

                IEnumerable <TValue> values;
                using (var tx = stateManager.CreateTransaction())
                    IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > pairs = await dictionary.GetAllAsync(tx, keys, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), new CancellationToken()).AsEnumerable();

                    values          = new KeyValueToValueEnumerable <TKey, TValue>(pairs);
                    queryableValues = values.AsQueryable <TValue>();
                    await tx.CommitAsync();
                IAsyncEnumerable <TValue> values;
                using (var tx = stateManager.CreateTransaction())
                    IAsyncEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > pairs = dictionary.CreateEnumerableAsync(tx, EnumerationMode.Ordered).Result;
                    values          = new KeyValueToValueAsyncEnumerable <TKey, TValue>(pairs);
                    queryableValues = (values.AsEnumerable().Result).AsQueryable <TValue>();
                    await tx.CommitAsync();

            // Copy the expression tree that was passed in, changing only the first
            // argument of the innermost MethodCallExpression.
            ExpressionTreeModifier <TKey, TValue> treeCopier = new ExpressionTreeModifier <TKey, TValue>(queryableValues);
            Expression newExpressionTree = treeCopier.Visit(expression);

            // This step creates an IQueryable that executes by replacing Queryable methods with Enumerable methods.
            if (IsEnumerable)

            // This step creates an IQueryable that executes by replacing Queryable methods with Enumerable methods.
        // This is a seperate method because we now know PropertyType, so want to not use reflection in above method
        public static async Task <IEnumerable <TKey> > FilterHelper <TKey, TValue, TFilter>(IReliableIndexedDictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary, TFilter constant, BinaryOperatorKind strategy, bool notIsApplied, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IReliableStateManager stateManager, string propertyName)
            where TFilter : IComparable <TFilter>, IEquatable <TFilter>
            where TKey : IComparable <TKey>, IEquatable <TKey>
            using (var tx = stateManager.CreateTransaction())
                IEnumerable <TKey> result;
                // Equals
                if ((strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.Equal && !notIsApplied) ||
                    (strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual && notIsApplied))
                    result = await dictionary.FilterKeysOnlyAsync(tx, propertyName, constant, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), cancellationToken);
                else if ((strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan && !notIsApplied) ||
                         (strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.LessThan && notIsApplied))
                    result = await dictionary.RangeFromFilterKeysOnlyAsync(tx, propertyName, constant, RangeFilterType.Exclusive, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), cancellationToken);
                else if ((strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThanOrEqual && !notIsApplied) ||
                         (strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.LessThanOrEqual && notIsApplied))
                    result = await dictionary.RangeFromFilterKeysOnlyAsync(tx, propertyName, constant, RangeFilterType.Inclusive, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), cancellationToken);
                else if ((strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.LessThan && !notIsApplied) ||
                         (strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan && notIsApplied))
                    result = await dictionary.RangeToFilterKeysOnlyAsync(tx, propertyName, constant, RangeFilterType.Exclusive, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), cancellationToken);
                else if ((strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.LessThanOrEqual && !notIsApplied) ||
                         (strategy == BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThanOrEqual && notIsApplied))
                    result = await dictionary.RangeToFilterKeysOnlyAsync(tx, propertyName, constant, RangeFilterType.Inclusive, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), cancellationToken);
                    // Bad State, should never hit
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Does not support Add, Subtract, Modulo, Multiply, Divide operations.");
                await tx.CommitAsync();

 public ReliableIndexedDictionaryProvider(IReliableIndexedDictionary <TKey, TValue> indexedDictionary, IReliableStateManager stateManager)
     Dictionary   = indexedDictionary ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("Dictionary can not be null");
     StateManager = stateManager ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("StateManager can not be null");
 public QueryableReliableIndexedDictionary(IReliableIndexedDictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary, IReliableStateManager stateManager)
     Provider   = new ReliableIndexedDictionaryProvider <TKey, TValue>(dictionary, stateManager);
     Expression = Expression.Constant(this);