Esempio n. 1
        static void RecurrenceFromXmlAction(SchedulerControl scheduler)
            #region #RecurrenceFromXml
            string head                = "<RecurrenceInfo ";
            string startText           = String.Format("Start = '{0}' ", DateTime.Today.AddHours(3));
            string endText             = String.Format("End = '{0}' ", DateTime.Today.AddHours(4));
            string weekDays            = String.Format("Weekdays='{0}' ", 10);
            string id                  = String.Format("Id = '{0}' ", Guid.NewGuid());
            string occurrenceCount     = String.Format("OccurrenceCount = '{0}' ", 15);
            string periodicity         = String.Format("Periodicity = '{0}' ", 2);
            string range               = String.Format("Range = '{0}' ", 1);
            string type                = String.Format("Type = '{0}' ", 1);
            string version             = String.Format("Version = '{0}' ", 1);
            string tail                = " />";
            string recurrenceXmlString = (head + startText + endText + weekDays +
                                          id + occurrenceCount + periodicity + range + type + version + tail).Replace("'", "\"");
            Appointment apt = scheduler.DataStorage.CreateAppointment(AppointmentType.Pattern);
            apt.Start   = DateTime.Today.AddHours(3);
            apt.End     = apt.Start.AddHours(2);
            apt.Subject = "Recurrence From XML";

            // Set appointment recurrence from XML.
            // Get recurrence info from XML.
            IRecurrenceInfo rec = DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Xml.RecurrenceInfoXmlPersistenceHelper.ObjectFromXml(recurrenceXmlString);

            apt.Description = recurrenceXmlString + Environment.NewLine + String.Format("Type: {0}", rec.Type);
            #endregion #RecurrenceFromXml
Esempio n. 2
        public MyAppointmentRecurrenceForm(SchedulerControl scheduler_control,
                                           Appointment apt)
            // Create a controller instance.
            controller = new AppointmentFormController(scheduler_control, apt);
            // Get an appointment pattern copy.
            patternCopy = controller.PrepareToRecurrenceEdit();
            // Get access to the recurrence information.
            this.rinfo = patternCopy.RecurrenceInfo;
            // Get the first day of the week.
            firstDayOfWeek = scheduler_control.OptionsView.FirstDayOfWeek;

            radioGroup1.EditValueChanged += radioGroup1_EditValueChanged;
            btnOK.Click     += btnOK_Click;
            btnCancel.Click += btnCancel_Click;
