public override Job Tick() { //test if anything can even happen right now if (Settings.StartHotkey.PressedOnce()) { if (_coroutineWorker == null) { _coroutineWorker = new Coroutine(_chaosRecipe.Go(), this, "ChaosRecipe"); Core.ParallelRunner.Run(_coroutineWorker); } else { //if a Procedure(chaos recipe) is already running and the hotkey is pressed before finished, Pause the procedure. "Im not sure if this works but will try, probably needs more to work like that" if (_coroutineWorker.Running) { _coroutineWorker.Pause(); Input.KeyUp(Keys.LControlKey); //must find better place for this } else { Input.KeyDown(Keys.LControlKey); _coroutineWorker.Resume(); } } } if (_coroutineWorker != null && _coroutineWorker.Running && _debugTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 15000) { _coroutineWorker?.Done(); _debugTimer.Restart(); _debugTimer.Stop(); Input.KeyUp(Keys.LControlKey); } return(null); }