Esempio n. 1
 public Ray(IRay r)
     this.Org = r.Origin;
     this.Dir = r.Direction;
     this.maxT = r.Max;
     this.minT = r.Min;
Esempio n. 2
        public static IList<Point> GetIntersects(IRay line1, IRay line2)
            IList<Point> list = new List<Point>();

            Point p1 = new Point(line1.Point.X, line1.Point.Y);
            Point p2 = new Point(line1.Point.X + line1.Vector.X, line1.Point.Y + line1.Vector.Y);

            Point q1 = new Point(line2.Point.X, line2.Point.Y);
            Point q2 = new Point(line2.Point.X + line2.Vector.X, line2.Point.Y + line2.Vector.Y);

            double x21 = p2.X - p1.X;
            double y21 = p2.Y - p1.Y;
            double x31 = q1.X - p1.X;
            double y31 = q1.Y - p1.Y;
            double x43 = q2.X - q1.X;
            double y43 = q2.Y - q1.Y;

            double paramDenominator = x43 * y21 - x21 * y43;

            double s = (x43 * y31 - x31 * y43) / paramDenominator;

            double x = p1.X + (p2.X - p1.X) * s;
            double y = p1.Y + (p2.Y - p1.Y) * s;

            list.Add(new Point(x, y));

            return list;
Esempio n. 3
 public static Optional<IBody> RaySelect(this IUniverse uni, Vector3 origin, Vector3 dir, IRay rayCastProvider = null)
     if (rayCastProvider == null) rayCastProvider = new Ray();
     double furthestBodyPos = uni.Bodies.Max(b => (b.Position() - origin).Magnitude) + 100; // need to tune this. need to basically find the max dimension size of the biggest object
     var res = rayCastProvider.Cast(uni.Bodies.Select(b => new TransformedObj<IEdgeIntersector>(b.Dynamics.Transform, b.CollisionShape)), origin, dir, furthestBodyPos);
             hit => uni.Bodies.Single(b => b.CollisionShape == hit.HitObject.Obj).ToOptional(),
             () => Optional<IBody>.Nothing
Esempio n. 4
        public static IList<Point> GetIntersects(ICircle circle, IRay line)
            IList<Point> list = new List<Point>();

            double a = Math.Pow(line.Vector.X, 2) + Math.Pow(line.Vector.Y, 2);
            double b = 2 * (line.Vector.X * (line.Point.X - circle.Center.X)
                + line.Vector.Y * (line.Point.Y - circle.Center.Y));

            double c = Math.Pow(circle.Center.X, 2) + Math.Pow(circle.Center.Y, 2);
            c += Math.Pow(line.Point.X, 2) + Math.Pow(line.Point.Y, 2);
            c -= 2 * (circle.Center.X * line.Point.X + circle.Center.Y * line.Point.Y);
            c -= Math.Pow(circle.Radius, 2);
            double bb4ac = b * b - 4 * a * c;

            if (bb4ac < 0)
                return list;
            else if (bb4ac == 0)
                double mu = -b / (2 * a);
                Point intersectionPoint = new Point(line.Point.X + mu * line.Vector.X,
                                                    line.Point.Y + mu * line.Vector.Y);

                double mu = -b + Math.Sqrt(bb4ac) / (2 * a);
                Point intersectionPoint1 = new Point(line.Point.X + mu * line.Vector.X,
                                                    line.Point.Y + mu * line.Vector.Y);
                mu = -b - Math.Sqrt(bb4ac) / (2 * a);
                Point intersectionPoint2 = new Point(line.Point.X + mu * line.Vector.X,
                                                    line.Point.Y + mu * line.Vector.Y);


            return list;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary> Sample the <paramref name="scene"/> with a <paramref name="sample"/> returning a color found </summary>
        /// <param name="scene">The <see cref="IScene"/> to sample </param>
        /// <param name="ray">The <see cref="Ir4"/> to trace through the <paramref name="scene"/> </param>
        /// <param name="spectrum">The throughput <see cref="ISpectrum"/></param>
        /// <param name="recursionDepth">The depth of recursion</param>
        /// <returns>The color found for the <see cref="ISample"/></returns>
        public ISpectrum Sample(IScene scene, IRay ray, ISpectrum spectrum, int recursionDepth)
            if (spectrum.Equals(ISpectrum.Black))

            /// Russian Roulette
            float throughput = 1f;

            if (recursionDepth >= GauranteedRecursionDepth)
                if (Utils.ThreadRandom.NextSingle() < RussianRouletteChance)
                    throughput = 1f / RussianRouletteChance;

            /// Sample Distance
            IDistanceQuery?distanceQuery = scene.Trace(ray, spectrum);

            if (distanceQuery is null)
            Position1 distance = distanceQuery.DistanceDistribution.Sample(Utils.ThreadRandom);

            if (distance == Position1.PositiveInfinity)

            /// Sample Primitive
            IProbabilityDistribution <IPrimitive>?primitives = distanceQuery.TryGetPrimitives(distance);

            if (primitives is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Distance was sampled but no primitive was found");
            IPrimitive primitive = primitives.Sample(Utils.ThreadRandom);

            /// Get Intersection Position
            Position3 position = primitive.Material.DensityProfile.GetPosition(ray, distance, primitive.Shape);

            /// Sample Material Orientation
            IProbabilityDistribution <Normal3>?orientations = primitive.Material.OrientationProfile.GetOrientations(position, ray.Direction, primitive.Shape);

            if (orientations is null)
            Normal3 orientation = orientations.Sample(Utils.ThreadRandom);

            /// Get Direct Illumination
            ISpectrum directIllumination = RGBColors.Black;

            if (primitive.Material.EmittanceProfile.IsEmitting)
                directIllumination = primitive.Material.EmittanceProfile.GetEmittance(position, orientation, -ray.Direction);

            /// Get Indirect Illumination
            ISpectrum indirectIllumination = RGBColors.Black;

            if (!primitive.Material.AbsorptionProfile.IsBlackBody)
                /// Sample Direction
                IProbabilityDistribution <Normal3> directions = primitive.Material.ReflectionProfile.GetDirections(ray.Direction, position, orientation, spectrum);
                Normal3 direction = directions.Sample(Utils.ThreadRandom);

                /// Get Albedo
                ISpectrum albedo = primitive.Material.AbsorptionProfile.GetAlbedo(position, orientation, -direction);

                /// Get Ray
                IRay raySample = primitive.Material.DensityProfile.GetRay(position, orientation, direction);

                /// Sample Indirect Illumination
                indirectIllumination = albedo * Sample(scene, raySample, spectrum * albedo, recursionDepth + 1);

            /// Light Throughput Calculation
            return((directIllumination + indirectIllumination) * throughput);
 public void Sample(float x, float y, float u0, float u1, float u2, out IRay ray, out float pdf)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Highlights/Unhighlights Gizmo drawables on mouse roll-over
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clickRay"></param>
        private void HighlightGizmoOnRollOver(IRay clickRay)
            var gizmos = GetGizmos(false);
            foreach (var item in gizmos)

                object hitObject;
                if (item.HitTest(clickRay.GetOriginPoint(), clickRay.GetDirectionVector(), out hitObject))
                    item.HighlightGizmo(BackgroundPreviewViewModel, RenderPackageFactory);
Esempio n. 8
        public void GetRay(double xp, double yp, out IRay cameraRay)
            var u = (float)(2.0f * xp / w - 1.0f);
            var v = (float)(1.0f - 2.0f * yp / h);

            Vector rdir = mRight * u + mUp * v + this.Look;
            var rorig = (Position + rdir * 0.1f);
            cameraRay = new RayData(rorig, rdir);
Esempio n. 9
 public static Point? GetNearest(IRay i, Point p)
     var ps = GetIntersections(i, new Ray2D(p, p + i.Vector.GetNormal()));
     return ps.Count == 1 ? new Point?(ps[0]) : null;
Esempio n. 10
 public Position3 GetPosition(IRay ray, Position1 distance, IShape shape)
     return(shape.IntersectPosition(ray, distance));
Esempio n. 11
 public IDistanceDistribution?GetDistances(IRay ray, ISpectrum spectrum, IInterval interval)
     return(ray.WithinBounds(interval.Entry) ? new DeltaDistance(interval.Entry) : null);
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an Enumerable enumerating the ray
 /// </summary>
 public static IEnumerable <TPayload> ToEnumerable <TPayload>(this IRay <TPayload> ray) => new RayEnumerableAdapter <TPayload>(ray);
Esempio n. 13
 public void Sample(float x, float y, float u0, float u1, float u2, out IRay ray, out float pdf)
     pdf = 1f;
     GetRay(x,y, out ray);
Esempio n. 14
 public void GetRay(double x, double y, out IRay cameraRay)
     RayData r;
     this.GetRay(x, y, out r);
     cameraRay = r;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary> Handle input for the <see cref="InteractiveObserver"/> </summary>
 /// <param name="keyboard">The <see cref="KeyboardState"/> to handle input from</param>
 /// <param name="mouse">The <see cref="MouseState"/> to handle input from</param>
 public void HandleInput(KeyboardState keyboard, MouseState mouse)
     if (keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F1))
         Drawing = Drawing.Next();
     if (keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F2))
         Debug = Debug.Next();
     if (keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F3))
         TextColor = 0xffffff - TextColor;
     if (keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.L))
         CameraLock = !CameraLock;
     if (!CameraLock)
         if (mouse.WasButtonDown(MouseButton.Left) && !mouse.IsButtonDown(MouseButton.Left))
             Vector2 position = new((float)mouse.X / Screen.Width, (float)mouse.Y / Screen.Height);
             IRay    ray      = Camera.GetCameraRay(position, position);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
             Camera.Move(Camera.Up * MoveSpeed);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
             Camera.Move(Camera.Down * MoveSpeed);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
             Camera.Move(Camera.Front * MoveSpeed);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
             Camera.Move(Camera.Left * MoveSpeed);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
             Camera.Move(Camera.Back * MoveSpeed);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
             Camera.Move(Camera.Right * MoveSpeed);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Equal))
             Camera.HorizontalFOV *= 1f + FOVSensitivity;
         if (keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Minus))
             Camera.HorizontalFOV /= 1f + FOVSensitivity;
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
             Camera.Rotate(Normal3.DefaultRight, -RotateSensitivity);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
             Camera.Rotate(Normal3.DefaultRight, RotateSensitivity);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
             Camera.Rotate(Normal3.DefaultUp, RotateSensitivity);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
             Camera.Rotate(Normal3.DefaultUp, -RotateSensitivity);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q))
             Camera.Rotate(Normal3.DefaultFront, RotateSensitivity);
         if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.E))
             Camera.Rotate(Normal3.DefaultFront, -RotateSensitivity);
Esempio n. 16
        public static IList<Point> GetIntersects(ISegment line1, IRay line2)
            IList<Point> list = new List<Point>();

            Ray2D Ray = new Ray2D(line1.StartPoint, line1.EndPoint);

            IList<Point> intersect = line2.Intersection(Ray);
            if (intersect.Count > 0 && (
                                       intersect[0].X > Math.Min(line1.StartPoint.X, line1.EndPoint.X)
                                    && intersect[0].X < Math.Max(line1.StartPoint.X, line1.EndPoint.X)
                                    && intersect[0].Y > Math.Min(line1.StartPoint.Y, line1.EndPoint.Y)
                                    && intersect[0].Y < Math.Max(line1.StartPoint.Y, line1.EndPoint.Y)

            return list;
Esempio n. 17
        public static IList<Point> GetIntersects(IRay line, IPoint point)
            IList<Point> list = new List<Point>();

            double c = -(line.Vector.X * line.Point.X) - (line.Vector.Y * line.Point.Y);

            if ((line.Vector.X * point.X + line.Vector.Y * point.Y + c).IsEqual(0))
                list.Add(new Point(point.X, point.Y));

            return list;
Esempio n. 18
 public IEnumerable <Position1> IntersectDistances(IRay ray)
     return((BoundingBox as IIntersectable).Intersects(ray) ? OriginalShape.IntersectDistances(ray) : Enumerable.Empty <Position1>());
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 public RayEnumerableAdapter(IRay <TPayload> ray) : base(ray.Origin)
Esempio n. 20
 public static Point GetOriginPoint(this IRay ray)
Esempio n. 21
 public void GetRay(double x, double y, out IRay cameraRay) {
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 22
 public static Vector GetDirectionVector(this IRay ray)
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Highlights/Unhighlights Gizmo drawables on mouse roll-over
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clickRay"></param>
        private void HighlightGizmoOnRollOver(IRay clickRay)
            var gizmos = GetGizmos(false);
            foreach (var item in gizmos)

                using (var originPt = clickRay.GetOriginPoint())
                using (var dirVec = clickRay.GetDirectionVector())
                    object hitObject;
                    if (item.HitTest(originPt, dirVec, out hitObject))
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            //If we are not processing the current bar, return
            if (CurrentBar != Bars.GetBar(DateTime.Now))

            //Get current bid
            double bid = Bars.GetClose(Bars.GetBar(DateTime.Now));

            if (previous_bid < 0)
                previous_bid = bid;

            IDrawObject drawing_object = DrawObjects[trendLineTag];

            //Reset if drawing object is deleted or does not exist...
            if (drawing_object == null)
                Type = null; AlertDone = false;

            if (drawing_object != null && (drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.Ray ||
                                           drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.ExtendedLine ||
                                           drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.Line))
                double   y1, y2;
                int      bar1, bar2;
                DateTime time1, time2;
                if (drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.Ray)
                    IRay ray = (IRay)drawing_object;
                    y1    = ray.Anchor1Y;
                    y2    = ray.Anchor2Y;
                    time1 = ray.Anchor1Time;
                    time2 = ray.Anchor2Time;
                    bar1  = ray.Anchor1BarsAgo;
                    bar2  = ray.Anchor2BarsAgo;
                else if (drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.ExtendedLine)
                    IExtendedLine line = (IExtendedLine)drawing_object;
                    y1    = line.StartY;
                    y2    = line.EndY;
                    time1 = line.StartTime;
                    time2 = line.EndTime;
                    bar1  = line.StartBarsAgo;
                    bar2  = line.EndBarsAgo;
                    ILine line = (ILine)drawing_object;
                    y1    = line.StartY;
                    y2    = line.EndY;
                    time1 = line.StartTime;
                    time2 = line.EndTime;
                    bar1  = line.StartBarsAgo;
                    bar2  = line.EndBarsAgo;

                //Reset alert if object has moved
                if ((time1 != this.sTime1 || time2 != this.sTime2 || y1 != this.sY1 || y2 != this.sY2) && this.sTime1 != null && this.sTime2 != null)
                    Type = null; AlertDone = false;

                if (AlertDone == false)
                    //Store anchor to detect if object has moved
                    this.sTime1 = time1; this.sTime2 = time2; this.sY1 = y1; this.sY2 = y2;

                    //Calculate price target
                    double y     = y2 - y1;
                    double x     = bar1 - bar2;
                    double slope = y / x;

                    double deltaY       = bar2 * slope;               //time difference in ticks * slope
                    double price_target = Math.Round(y2 + deltaY, 5);

                    //IF price is below current price target or straddles it, THEN we alert when the bid>=price_target
                    if (Type == null && (price_target - previous_bid) >= 0)
                        Type = "up";
                    if (Type == null && (previous_bid - price_target) >= 0)
                        Type = "down";

                    previous_bid = bid;

                    if (Type == "up" && bid >= price_target)
                        Alert("TrendLineAlert", NinjaTrader.Cbi.Priority.High, "Reached Trend Line @ " + price_target, AlertSound, 10, Color.Black, Color.Yellow);
                        AlertDone = true;
                    if (Type == "down" && bid <= price_target)
                        Alert("TrendLineAlert", NinjaTrader.Cbi.Priority.High, "Reached Trend Line @ " + price_target, AlertSound, 10, Color.Black, Color.Yellow);
                        AlertDone = true;
Esempio n. 25
        public void GetRay(double x, double y, out IRay cameraRay)

            cameraRay = this.GetRay((float)x, (float)y);
Esempio n. 26
 public Position3 GetPosition(IRay ray, Position1 distance, IShape shape)
Esempio n. 27
        public void Sample(float xp, float yp, float u0, float u1, float u2, out IRay r, out float pdf)
            Point Pras = new Point(xp, yp, 0);
            //Point Pcamera = UnProject(ref Pras);
            var u = 2.0f * xp / Width - 1.0f;
            var v = 1.0f - 2.0f * yp / Height;

            Vector ray_dir = new Vector(x.x * u + y.x * v + dir.x, x.y * u + y.y * v + dir.y, x.z * u + y.z * v + dir.z);
            Vector ray_target = (Vector)(Position + ray_dir * focal_scale);

            Point ray_origin = Position;

            var ray = new RayData(ray_origin, ray_dir, 0f, 1e20f);
            // Modify ray for depth of field
            if (lensRadius > 0f)
                // Sample point on lens
                float lensU = 0f, lensV = 0f;
                float samplelensU = rnd.NextFloat();
                float samplelensV = rnd.NextFloat();

                MC.ConcentricSampleDisk(samplelensU, samplelensV, ref lensU, ref lensV);
                lensU *= lensRadius;
                lensV *= lensRadius;

                ray_target += lensRadius * (lensU * Vector.Normalize(x) + lensV * Vector.Normalize(y));

                // Compute point on plane of focus
                //float ft = focalDistance / ray.Dir.z;
                //Point Pfocus = ray.Point(ft);

                // Update ray for effect of lens
                ray.Org = ray_origin;
                ray.Dir = Vector.Normalize(ray_target - (Vector)ray_origin);
            pdf = 1;
            r = (IRay)ray;

Esempio n. 28
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            signal = 0;
            int upTrendOccurence = 1;    int upTrendStartBarsAgo = 0;    int upTrendEndBarsAgo = 0;
            int downTrendOccurence = 1;    int downTrendStartBarsAgo = 0;    int downTrendEndBarsAgo = 0;

            // Only calculate new autotrend line if ray hasent been put into manual mode by unlocking current ray
            if (((DrawObjects["UpTrendRay"] == null) || (DrawObjects["UpTrendRay"].Locked)) && ((DrawObjects["DownTrendRay"] == null) || (DrawObjects["DownTrendRay"].Locked)))
//		if (  (DrawObjects["UpTrendRay"].Locked) || (DrawObjects["DowntrendTrendRay"].Locked) )
            {    //Only do the following if existing ray is in auto mode
                 // Calculate up trend line
                upTrendOccurence = 1;
                while (Low[upTrendEndBarsAgo] <= Low[upTrendStartBarsAgo])
                    upTrendStartBarsAgo = Swing(strength).SwingLowBar(0, upTrendOccurence + 1, CurrentBar);
                    upTrendEndBarsAgo   = Swing(strength).SwingLowBar(0, upTrendOccurence, CurrentBar);
                    if (upTrendStartBarsAgo < 0 || upTrendEndBarsAgo < 0)
                // Calculate down trend line
                downTrendOccurence = 1;
                while (High[downTrendEndBarsAgo] >= High[downTrendStartBarsAgo])
                    downTrendStartBarsAgo = Swing(strength).SwingHighBar(0, downTrendOccurence + 1, CurrentBar);
                    downTrendEndBarsAgo   = Swing(strength).SwingHighBar(0, downTrendOccurence, CurrentBar);
                    if (downTrendStartBarsAgo < 0 || downTrendEndBarsAgo < 0)
            // Clear out arrows that mark trend line breaks unless ShowHistory flag is true
            if (!showHistory)
            if (!showHistory)

            if (upTrendStartBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendEndBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendStartBarsAgo < downTrendStartBarsAgo)
                double startBarPrice = Low[upTrendStartBarsAgo];
                double endBarPrice   = Low[upTrendEndBarsAgo];
                double changePerBar  = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(upTrendEndBarsAgo - upTrendStartBarsAgo));
                //Test to see if this is a new trendline and increment lineCounter if so.
                if (startBarPrice != startBarPriceOld)
                    direction = 1;                    //Signal that we have a new uptrend and put dot on trendline where new trend detected
                    if (showHistory)
                        DrawDot(CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, startBarPrice + (upTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar), UpTrendColor);
                    lineCount       = lineCount + 1;
                    triggerBarIndex = 0;
                startBarPriceOld = startBarPrice;
                // Draw the up trend line
                // If user has unlocked the ray use manual rays position instead of auto generated positions to track ray position
                if ((DrawObjects["UpTrendRay"] != null) && (!DrawObjects["UpTrendRay"].Locked))
                    IRay upTrendRay = (IRay)DrawObjects["UpTrendRay"];
                    startBarPrice            = upTrendRay.Anchor1Y;
                    endBarPrice              = upTrendRay.Anchor2Y;
                    upTrendStartBarsAgo      = upTrendRay.Anchor1BarsAgo;
                    upTrendEndBarsAgo        = upTrendRay.Anchor2BarsAgo;
                    changePerBar             = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(upTrendRay.Anchor2BarsAgo - upTrendRay.Anchor1BarsAgo));
                    upTrendRay.Pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
                    upTrendRay.Pen.Color     = Color.Blue;
                    DrawRay("UpTrendRay", false, upTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, upTrendEndBarsAgo, endBarPrice, UpTrendColor, DashStyle.Solid, lineWidth);
                //Draw the history line that will stay persistent on chart using lineCounter to establish a unique name
                if (showHistory)
                    DrawLine("HistoryLine" + lineCount.ToString(), false, upTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, 0, startBarPrice + (upTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar), UpHistColor, DashStyle.Solid, lineWidth);
                // Check for an uptrend line break
                trendPrice = (startBarPrice + (upTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar));
                for (int barsAgo = upTrendEndBarsAgo - 1; barsAgo >= 0; barsAgo--)
                    if (Close[barsAgo] < endBarPrice + (Math.Abs(upTrendEndBarsAgo - barsAgo) * changePerBar))
                        if (showHistory)
                            DrawArrowDown("UpTrendBreak" + lineCount.ToString(), barsAgo, High[barsAgo] + TickSize, downTrendColor);
                            DrawArrowDown("UpTrendBreak", barsAgo, High[barsAgo] + TickSize, downTrendColor);
                        // Set the break signal only if the break is on the right most bar
                        if (barsAgo == 0)
                            signal = -1;
                        // Alert will only trigger in real-time
                        if (AlertOnBreak && triggerBarIndex == 0)
                            triggerBarIndex = CurrentBar - upTrendEndBarsAgo;
                            Alert("Alert", Priority.High, "Up trend line broken", "Alert2.wav", 100000, Color.Black, Color.Red);

            if (downTrendStartBarsAgo > 0 && downTrendEndBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendStartBarsAgo > downTrendStartBarsAgo)
                double startBarPrice = High[downTrendStartBarsAgo];
                double endBarPrice   = High[downTrendEndBarsAgo];
                double changePerBar  = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(downTrendEndBarsAgo - downTrendStartBarsAgo));
                //Test to see if this is a new trendline and increment lineCount if so.
                if (startBarPrice != startBarPriceOld)
                    direction = -1;                             //signl that we have a new downtrend
                    if (showHistory)
                        DrawDot(CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, startBarPrice + (downTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar), DownTrendColor);
                    lineCount       = lineCount + 1;
                    triggerBarIndex = 0;
                startBarPriceOld = startBarPrice;
                // Draw the down trend line
                // If user has unlocked the ray use manual rays position instead
                if ((DrawObjects["DownTrendRay"] != null) && (!DrawObjects["DownTrendRay"].Locked))
                    IRay downTrendRay = (IRay)DrawObjects["DownTrendRay"];
                    startBarPrice              = downTrendRay.Anchor1Y;
                    endBarPrice                = downTrendRay.Anchor2Y;;
                    downTrendStartBarsAgo      = downTrendRay.Anchor1BarsAgo;
                    downTrendEndBarsAgo        = downTrendRay.Anchor2BarsAgo;
                    changePerBar               = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(downTrendRay.Anchor2BarsAgo - downTrendRay.Anchor1BarsAgo));
                    downTrendRay.Pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
                    downTrendRay.Pen.Color     = Color.Blue;
                    DrawRay("DownTrendRay", false, downTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, downTrendEndBarsAgo, endBarPrice, DownTrendColor, DashStyle.Solid, lineWidth);
                if (showHistory)
                    DrawLine("HistoryLine" + lineCount.ToString(), false, downTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, 0, startBarPrice + (downTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar), downHistColor, DashStyle.Solid, lineWidth);
                // Check for a down trend line break
                trendPrice = (startBarPrice + (downTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar));
                for (int barsAgo = downTrendEndBarsAgo - 1; barsAgo >= 0; barsAgo--)
                {                //	direction=-1;
                    if (Close[barsAgo] > endBarPrice + (Math.Abs(downTrendEndBarsAgo - barsAgo) * changePerBar))
                        if (showHistory)
                            DrawArrowUp("DownTrendBreak" + lineCount.ToString(), barsAgo, Low[barsAgo] - TickSize, upTrendColor);
                            DrawArrowUp("DownTrendBreak", barsAgo, Low[barsAgo] - TickSize, upTrendColor);
                        // Set the break signal only if the break is on the right most bar
                        if (barsAgo == 0)
                            signal = 1;
                        // Alert will only trigger in real-time
                        if (AlertOnBreak && triggerBarIndex == 0)
                            triggerBarIndex = CurrentBar - downTrendEndBarsAgo;
                            Alert("Alert", Priority.High, "Down trend line broken", "Alert2.wav", 100000, Color.Black, Color.Green);