Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a parse IR test (parsing the emitted the IR).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interpreter"> The interpreter to emit from then read. </param>
        /// <param name="iterations"> How many times to run. </param>
        /// <param name="throwOut"> Print out average of results. </param>
        /// <param name="withComments"> Emit then read with comments? </param>
        private static void RunReadEmitTest(Interpreter interpreter, int iterations, bool throwOut, bool withComments)
            Log.HandleLogs = true;
            Stopwatch     stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            long          total     = 0;
            StringBuilder builder   = new StringBuilder();

            using (IRWriter writer = new IRWriter(builder)) {
                writer.Emit(interpreter, withComments);

                for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                    //.GetInterpreterFromText(builder.ToString(), Parser.ReadMode.IR);
                    if (throwOut == false)
                        total += stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            if (throwOut == false)
                Log.HandleLogs = true;
                Log.Info($"<READ EMIT {(withComments ? "WITH COMMENTS" : "WITHOUT COMMENTS")} TEST> Took average of {(total / iterations)}ms to complete.  Did {iterations} times");
                Log.HandleLogs = true;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs an emit test (emitting the IR).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interpreter"> The interpreter to emit from. </param>
        /// <param name="iterations"> How many times to run. </param>
        /// <param name="throwOut"> Print out average of results. </param>
        /// <param name="withComments"> Emit with comments? </param>
        private static void RunEmitTest(Interpreter interpreter, int iterations, bool throwOut, bool withComments)
            Log.HandleLogs = true;
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            long      total     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                using (IRWriter writer = new IRWriter(builder)) {
                    writer.Emit(interpreter, withComments);

                    if (throwOut == false)
                        total += 1000 * stopwatch.ElapsedTicks;

            if (throwOut == false)
                Log.HandleLogs = true;
                Log.Info($"<EMIT {(withComments ? "WITH COMMENTS" : "WITHOUT COMMENTS")} TEST> Took average of {((total / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency) / iterations)}ms to complete.  Did {iterations} times");
                Log.HandleLogs = true;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialise a single token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        public static void Parse(IToken token)
            SerialiseObject wrapper = new SerialiseObject();

            JsonSerializerOptions options = new JsonSerializerOptions
                WriteIndented = true

            var Json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(wrapper, options) + "\n";

            IRWriter.Write(Json, @path);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a given array of tokens.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokens">The tokens to be parsed.</param>
        public static void Parse(IToken[] tokens)
            JsonRoot        jsonRoot;
            SerialiseObject serialiseObject;

            // Set the Json intentation option to true.
            JsonSerializerOptions options = new JsonSerializerOptions
                WriteIndented = true

            // Instansiate a jsonroot object and set its internal array of tokens
            // to the number of tokens passed to it.
            jsonRoot            = new JsonRoot();
            jsonRoot.tokenarray = new SerialiseObject[tokens.Length];

            // For each token.
            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                // If it is not null
                if (tokens[i] != null)
                    // Set the serialiseObject to the values stored in the token.
                    IToken token = tokens[i];
                    serialiseObject            = new SerialiseObject();
                    serialiseObject.tokenID    = token.GetID();
                    serialiseObject.attributes = token.GetNamedParameters();

                    // Style information goes here...

                    // Add the serialiseObject representation of the token to the JsonRoot object.
                    jsonRoot.tokenarray[i] = serialiseObject;

            // Serialise the JsonRoot object and write it.
            var Json = JsonSerializer.Serialize <JsonRoot>(jsonRoot, options);

            IRWriter.Write(Json, @path);
Esempio n. 5
        public void EmitTest()
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            IRWriter.EmitToString(baseInterpreter, builder, WithCondition);
Esempio n. 6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (Directory.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StaticBindings") == false)
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StaticBindings");

            CreateBindings.DirectoryPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StaticBindings";
            CreateBindings.Create <Color>();

            Console.SetWindowSize((int)(Console.LargestWindowWidth / 1.5f), (int)(Console.LargestWindowHeight / 1.5f));
            Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead("test.doml"))) {
                int c = reader.Read();
                while (c > 0)
                    c = reader.Read();
            TopLevelNode topLevel = new Parser().ParseAST(new StreamReader(File.OpenRead("test.doml")));

            topLevel.BasicCodegen(Console.Out, false);
            topLevel.BasicCodegen(Console.Out, true);
            foreach (Instruction instruction in topLevel.GetInstructions())
                foreach (object obj in instruction.Parameters)
                    Console.Write(" " + obj);


#if BenchmarkDotNet
            //Summary summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<AllTests>();
#elif StaticBindings
            if (Directory.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StaticBindings") == false)
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StaticBindings");

            CreateBindings.DirectoryPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StaticBindings";
            CreateBindings.Create <Color>("System");
#elif TestBindings

            Interpreter interpreter = Parser.GetInterpreterFromText(@"
            // This is a comment
            // Construct a new System.Color
            @ Test        = System.Color ...
            ;             .RGB             = 255, 64, 128 // Implicit 'array'

            @ TheSame     = System.Color ...
            ;             .RGB->Normalised = 1, 0.25, 0.5, // You can have trailing commas

            @ AgainSame   = System.Color ...
            ;             .RGB->Hex        = 0xFF4080
            ;             .Name            = ""OtherName""

            /* Multi Line Comment Blocks are great */
            @ Copy = System.Color...
            ;             .RGB = Test.R, Test.G, Test.B
            ;             .Name = ""Copy""

            string withComments;
            string withoutComments;

            IRWriter.EmitToLocation(interpreter, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/CompactOutput.IR", false, false);
            IRWriter.EmitToLocation(interpreter, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Output.IR", false, true);

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            IRWriter.EmitToString(interpreter, builder, true);
            withComments = builder.ToString();
            IRWriter.EmitToString(interpreter, builder, false);
            withoutComments = builder.ToString();

            Interpreter c;

            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(withComments))
                c = Parser.GetInterpreterFromIR(reader);
                c.HandleSafeInstruction(new Instruction());

            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(withoutComments))
                c = Parser.GetInterpreterFromIR(reader);
                c.HandleSafeInstruction(new Instruction());



            // This is a comment
            // Construct a new System.Color
            @ Test        = System.Color ...
            ;             .RGB             = 255, 64, 128 // Implicit 'array'

            @ TheSame     = System.Color ...
            ;             .RGB->Normalised = 1, 0.25, 0.5, // You can have trailing commas

            @ AgainSame   = System.Color ...
            ;             .RGB->Hex        = 0xFF4080
            ;             .Name            = ""OtherName""

            /* Multi Line Comment Blocks are great */
            @ Copy = System.Color...
            ;             .RGB = Test.R, Test.G, Test.B
            ;             .Name = ""Copy""
            ", 5, Config.READ_EMIT);


            Log.LogHandler += Log_LogHandler;

            Action <InterpreterRuntime> Set_RGB = (InterpreterRuntime runtime) =>
                if (runtime.Pop(out Colour result))
                    // Handle
                    if (!runtime.Pop(out result.B) || !runtime.Pop(out result.G) || !runtime.Pop(out result.R))
                        Log.Error("Pops failed");

                    result.R /= 255;
                    result.G /= 255;
                    result.B /= 255;

            Action <InterpreterRuntime> Get_RGB = (InterpreterRuntime runtime) =>
                if (!runtime.Pop(out Colour result) || !runtime.Push(result.R, true) || !runtime.Push(result.G, true) || !runtime.Push(result.B, true))
                    Log.Error("Pushes failed");

            InstructionRegister.RegisterConstructor("System.Color", (InterpreterRuntime runtime) =>
                Colour colour = new Colour();
                if (!runtime.Push(colour, true))
                    Log.Error("Creation failed");

            InstructionRegister.RegisterSetter("RGB", "System.Color", 3, Set_RGB);
            InstructionRegister.RegisterGetter("RGB", "System.Color", 3, Get_RGB);
            InstructionRegister.RegisterSetter("RGB.Normalised", "System.Color", 3, (InterpreterRuntime runtime) =>
                if (runtime.Pop(out Colour result))
                    if (!runtime.Pop(out result.B) || !runtime.Pop(out result.G) || !runtime.Pop(out result.R))
                        Log.Error("Pops failed");

                @ Test = System.Color ... // Comment
                ;      .RGB(Normalised) = 0.5, 0.25, 0.1,
                ").Execute(true);//Emit(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Test.doml", true, true);

             * @ Test = System.Color ... // Comment
             * ;      .RGB(Normalised) = 0.5, 0.25, 0.1,
             * ", 100, Config.ALL);*/

            Colours.ForEach(y => Log.Info($"Colour RGB: {y.R} {y.G} {y.B}"));
