public IErrorsInfo CopyEntityStructure(IDataSource sourceds, IDataSource destds, string srcentity, string destentity, IProgress <PassedArgs> progress, CancellationToken token, bool CreateMissingEntity = true) { try { EntityStructure item = sourceds.GetEntityStructure(srcentity, true); if (item != null) { if (destds.Category == DatasourceCategory.RDBMS) { IRDBSource rDB = (IRDBSource)destds; rDB.DisableFKConstraints(item); } if (destds.CreateEntityAs(item)) { DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Success", $"Creating Entity {item.EntityName} on {destds.DatasourceName}", DateTime.Now, 0, null, Errors.Ok); } else { DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Fail", $"Error : Could not Create Entity {item.EntityName} on {destds.DatasourceName}", DateTime.Now, 0, null, Errors.Failed); } if (destds.Category == DatasourceCategory.RDBMS) { IRDBSource rDB = (IRDBSource)destds; rDB.EnableFKConstraints(item); } } } catch (Exception ex) { DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Fail", $"Error Could not Create Entity {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ({ex.Message})", DateTime.Now, -1, "CopyDatabase", Errors.Failed); } return(DMEEditor.ErrorObject); }
private void ValidateFKbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string schemaname = ""; ds = DMEEditor.GetDataSource(dataSourceIDComboBox.Text); IRDBSource rdb = null; if (ds.Category == DatasourceCategory.RDBMS) { rdb = (IRDBSource)SourceConnection; schemaname = rdb.GetSchemaName(); EntityStructure.Relations = rdb.GetEntityforeignkeys(EntityName.ToUpper(), schemaname); dataHierarchyBindingSource.ResetBindings(false); } }
public IErrorsInfo SyncDatabase(IDataSource src, IRDBSource dest) { DMEEditor.ErrorObject.Flag = Errors.Ok; try { DMEEditor.Logger.WriteLog($"Successed in Syncing Database "); } catch (System.Exception ex) { DMEEditor.ErrorObject.Flag = Errors.Failed; DMEEditor.ErrorObject.Ex = ex; DMEEditor.Logger.WriteLog($"Error in Syncing Database ({ex.Message})"); } return(DMEEditor.ErrorObject); }
private EntityStructure SetupEntityInView(IDMDataView v, List <EntityStructure> Rootnamespacelist, string childtable, string parenttable, string childcolumn, string parentcolumn, int pid, string Datasourcename) { EntityStructure a; int pkid = NextHearId(); IDataSource ds = DMEEditor.GetDataSource(Datasourcename); string schemaname = ""; if (ds.Category == DatasourceCategory.RDBMS) { IRDBSource rdb = (IRDBSource)ds; schemaname = rdb.GetSchemaName(); } if (!Rootnamespacelist.Where(f => f.ParentId == pid && f.EntityName.Equals(childtable, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Any())//f => f.Id == childtable && { //a = new EntityStructure() { Id = pkid, ParentId = pid, EntityName = childtable.ToUpper(), ViewID = v.ViewID }; //a.DataSourceID = v.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == pid).FirstOrDefault().DataSourceID; //a.DatasourceEntityName = childtable; //a.Relations = ds.GetEntityforeignkeys(childtable.ToUpper(), schemaname); a = (EntityStructure)ds.GetEntityStructure(childtable, true).Clone(); a.ParentId = pid; a.Id = NextHearId(); Rootnamespacelist.Add(a); } else { a = Rootnamespacelist.Where(f => f.ParentId == pid && f.EntityName.Equals(childtable, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); //f.Id == childtable && // a.DataSourceID = DatasourceName; a.DatasourceEntityName = childtable; a.Relations.Add(new RelationShipKeys { EntityColumnID = childcolumn.ToUpper(), ParentEntityColumnID = parentcolumn.ToUpper(), ParentEntityID = parenttable.ToUpper() }); } return(a); }
private IErrorsInfo RunCopyEntityScript(ref SyncEntity sc, IDataSource sourceds, IDataSource destds, string srcentity, string destentity, IProgress <PassedArgs> progress, CancellationToken token, bool CreateMissingEntity = true) { try { int errorcount = 0; EntityStructure item = sourceds.GetEntityStructure(srcentity, true); if (item != null) { if (destds.Category == DatasourceCategory.RDBMS) { IRDBSource rDB = (IRDBSource)destds; rDB.DisableFKConstraints(item); } if (destds.CheckEntityExist(item.EntityName)) { object srcTb; string entname; var src = Task.Run(() => { return(sourceds.GetEntity(item.EntityName, null)); }); src.Wait(); srcTb = src.Result; List <object> srcList = new List <object>(); if (src.Result != null) { DMTypeBuilder.CreateNewObject(item.EntityName, item.EntityName, item.Fields); if (srcTb.GetType().FullName.Contains("DataTable")) { srcList = DMEEditor.Utilfunction.GetListByDataTable((DataTable)srcTb, DMTypeBuilder.myType, item); } if (srcTb.GetType().FullName.Contains("List")) { srcList = (List <object>)srcTb; } if (srcTb.GetType().FullName.Contains("IEnumerable")) { srcList = (List <object>)srcTb; } ScriptCount += srcList.Count(); //if (progress != null) //{ // PassedArgs ps = new PassedArgs { ParameterInt1 = CurrentScriptRecord, ParameterInt2 = ScriptCount }; // progress.Report(ps); //} foreach (var r in srcList) { CurrentScriptRecord += 1; DMEEditor.ErrorObject = destds.InsertEntity(item.EntityName, r); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); if (DMEEditor.ErrorObject.Flag == Errors.Failed) { SyncErrorsandTracking tr = new SyncErrorsandTracking(); errorcount++; tr.errormessage = DMEEditor.ErrorObject.Message; tr.errorsInfo = DMEEditor.ErrorObject; tr.rundate = DateTime.Now; tr.sourceEntityName = item.EntityName; tr.currenrecordindex = CurrentScriptRecord; tr.sourceDataSourceName = item.DataSourceID; tr.parentscriptid =; sc.Tracking.Add(tr); if (progress != null) { PassedArgs ps = new PassedArgs { EventType = "Update", ParameterInt1 = CurrentScriptRecord, ParameterInt2 = ScriptCount, ParameterString3 = DMEEditor.ErrorObject.Message }; progress.Report(ps); } if (errorcount >= StopErrorCount) { stoprun = true; PassedArgs ps = new PassedArgs { EventType = "Stop", ParameterInt1 = CurrentScriptRecord, ParameterInt2 = ScriptCount, ParameterString3 = DMEEditor.ErrorObject.Message }; progress.Report(ps); } } else { if (progress != null) { PassedArgs ps = new PassedArgs { EventType = "NA", ParameterInt1 = CurrentScriptRecord, ParameterInt2 = ScriptCount, ParameterString3 = DMEEditor.ErrorObject.Message }; progress.Report(ps); } } } } if (progress != null) { PassedArgs ps = new PassedArgs { ParameterString1 = $"Ended Copying Data from {srcentity} on {sourceds.DatasourceName} to {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ", ParameterInt1 = CurrentScriptRecord, ParameterInt2 = ScriptCount }; progress.Report(ps); } } else { DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Copy Data", $"Error Could not Copy Entity Date {srcentity} on {sourceds.DatasourceName} to {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ", DateTime.Now, 0, null, Errors.Failed); } if (destds.Category == DatasourceCategory.RDBMS) { IRDBSource rDB = (IRDBSource)destds; rDB.EnableFKConstraints(item); } } else { DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Copy Data", $"Error Could not Find Entity {srcentity} on {sourceds.DatasourceName} to {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ", DateTime.Now, 0, null, Errors.Failed); } } catch (Exception ex) { DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Fail", $"Error copying Data {srcentity} on {sourceds.DatasourceName} to {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ({ex.Message})", DateTime.Now, -1, "CopyDatabase", Errors.Failed); } return(DMEEditor.ErrorObject); }
public IErrorsInfo CopyEntityData(IDataSource sourceds, IDataSource destds, string srcentity, string destentity, IProgress <PassedArgs> progress, CancellationToken token, bool CreateMissingEntity = true) { try { int errorcount = 0; EntityStructure item = sourceds.GetEntityStructure(srcentity, true); if (item != null) { if (destds.Category == DatasourceCategory.RDBMS) { IRDBSource rDB = (IRDBSource)destds; rDB.DisableFKConstraints(item); } if (destds.CreateEntityAs(item)) { object srcTb; string entname; var src = Task.Run(() => { return(sourceds.GetEntity(item.EntityName, null)); }); src.Wait(); srcTb = src.Result; List <object> srcList = new List <object>(); if (src.Result != null) { DMTypeBuilder.CreateNewObject(item.EntityName, item.EntityName, item.Fields); if (srcTb.GetType().FullName.Contains("DataTable")) { srcList = DMEEditor.Utilfunction.GetListByDataTable((DataTable)srcTb, DMTypeBuilder.myType, item); } if (srcTb.GetType().FullName.Contains("List")) { srcList = (List <object>)srcTb; } if (srcTb.GetType().FullName.Contains("IEnumerable")) { srcList = (List <object>)srcTb; } ScriptCount += srcList.Count(); //if (progress != null) //{ // PassedArgs ps = new PassedArgs { ParameterInt1 = CurrentScriptRecord, ParameterInt2 = ScriptCount }; // progress.Report(ps); //} foreach (var r in srcList) { CurrentScriptRecord += 1; DMEEditor.ErrorObject = destds.InsertEntity(item.EntityName, r); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); if (progress != null) { PassedArgs ps = new PassedArgs { ParameterInt1 = CurrentScriptRecord, ParameterInt2 = ScriptCount, ParameterString3 = DMEEditor.ErrorObject.Message }; progress.Report(ps); } } } //var dst = Task.Run<IErrorsInfo>(() => { return destds.UpdateEntities(destentity, srcTb,progress); }); //dst.Wait(); if (progress != null) { PassedArgs ps = new PassedArgs { ParameterString1 = $"Ended Copying Data from {srcentity} on {sourceds.DatasourceName} to {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ", ParameterInt1 = CurrentScriptRecord, ParameterInt2 = ScriptCount }; progress.Report(ps); } // DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Copy Data", $"Ended Copying Data from {srcentity} on {sourceds.DatasourceName} to {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ", DateTime.Now, 0, null, Errors.Ok); } else { DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Copy Data", $"Error Could not Copy Entity Date {srcentity} on {sourceds.DatasourceName} to {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ", DateTime.Now, 0, null, Errors.Failed); } if (destds.Category == DatasourceCategory.RDBMS) { IRDBSource rDB = (IRDBSource)destds; rDB.EnableFKConstraints(item); } } else { DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Copy Data", $"Error Could not Find Entity {srcentity} on {sourceds.DatasourceName} to {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ", DateTime.Now, 0, null, Errors.Failed); } } catch (Exception ex) { DMEEditor.AddLogMessage("Fail", $"Error copying Data {srcentity} on {sourceds.DatasourceName} to {srcentity} on {destds.DatasourceName} ({ex.Message})", DateTime.Now, -1, "CopyDatabase", Errors.Failed); } return(DMEEditor.ErrorObject); }