private VideoModel CreateVideoModel(string id)
            string queryString = Request.QueryString.ToString();

            if (queryString.Length > 0)
                queryString = string.Format(@"?{0}", queryString);

            // HTTP addresses
            var video = new VideoModel
                VideoUrl = _projectUriProvider.GetUri(id) + queryString,
                EmbedUrl = Url.RouteUrl(RouteNames.Embed, new { id, autoplay = 1 }, "http")

            // HTTPS address
            var builder = new UriBuilder(video.VideoUrl)
                Scheme = "https", Port = 443

            video.VideoSecureUrl = builder.Uri.ToString();

            builder = new UriBuilder(video.EmbedUrl)
                Scheme = "https", Port = 443
            video.EmbedSecureUrl = builder.Uri.ToString();

            video.Robot = GetProvider(Request.UserAgent);

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <ActionResult> Sitemap(int page)
            // Get projects
            List <DomainProject> projectsPage = await _projectService.GetSitemapPageAsync(page);

            // Build sitemap
            var sitemap = new SitemapModel();

            foreach (DomainProject project in projectsPage)
                sitemap.Urls.Add(new SitemapItem
                    Location        = _projectUriProvider.GetUri(project.Id),
                    ChangeFrequency = SitemapUrlChangeFrequency.Monthly,
                    LastModified    = project.Modified

            // Serialize
            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SitemapModel));

            var xmlns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            xmlns.Add("", "");

            var xmlStream = new MemoryStream();

            serializer.Serialize(xmlStream, sitemap, xmlns);
            xmlStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            return(File(xmlStream, "text/xml"));
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post(ProjectModel model)
                await CongratUserIfNeeded();
            catch (Exception e)
                Trace.TraceError("Failed to notify user by email: {0}", e);

            ProductType product = _productIdExtractor.Get(UserAgent);

            var project = new DomainProject
                UserId         = UserId,
                Name           = model.Name,
                Description    = model.Description,
                Access         = model.Access,
                ProductType    = product,
                ProjectType    = model.ProjectType,
                ProjectSubtype = model.ProjectSubtype,
                EnableComments = model.EnableComments

            project = await _projectService.AddAsync(project);

            var responseProject = new Project
                Id             = project.Id,
                Description    = project.Description,
                Access         = project.Access,
                Name           = project.Name,
                Created        = project.Created,
                PublicUrl      = _projectUriProvider.GetUri(project.Id),
                ProjectType    = project.ProjectType,
                ProjectSubtype = project.ProjectSubtype,
                EnableComments = project.EnableComments

            HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, responseProject);


Esempio n. 4
        public async Task SendAbuseNotificationAsync(Watch project, DomainUser reporter)
            if (project == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("project");

            if (reporter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reporter");

            if (!_settings.EmailNotifications)

            string projectUri = _projectUriProvider.GetUri(project.Id);
            var    email      = new SendEmailDomain
                Address     = _settings.EmailAddressAlerts,
                DisplayName = Emails.SenderDisplayName,
                Emails      = new List <string> {
                Subject = string.Format(Emails.SubjectAbuseReport, projectUri),
                Body    = string.Format(

            // Send email
            await _emailSenderService.SendEmailAsync(email);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task <UrlTrackingResult> TrackAsync(DomainTrackingUrl trackingUrl)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trackingUrl.Id))
                trackingUrl.Id = _urlShortenerService.Decode(trackingUrl.Key).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            TrackingUrlEntity entity = _mappingEngine.Map <DomainTrackingUrl, TrackingUrlEntity>(trackingUrl);

            entity = await _trackingUrlRepository.GetAsync(entity);

            if (entity == null)
                throw new NotFoundException(string.Format("Could not find tracking url with id {0} and key {1}",
                                                          trackingUrl.Id, trackingUrl.Key));

            // Build portal url link
            string projectUrl = _projectUriProvider.GetUri(entity.ProjectId);

            // We should keep requested schema in redirect link
            var projectUri = new UriBuilder(projectUrl)
                Scheme = trackingUrl.RequestUri.Scheme,
                Port   = trackingUrl.RequestUri.Port

            // Default redirect to Portal
            var result = new UrlTrackingResult
                ProjectId      = entity.ProjectId,
                SubscriptionId = entity.SubscriptionId,
                IsAccountable  = false,
                Redirect       = projectUri.Uri

            DomainCompany       company;
            CompanySubscription subscription;

                company = await _companyService.FindBySubscriptionAsync(entity.SubscriptionId);

                subscription = await _subscriptionService.GetAsync(entity.SubscriptionId);
            catch (ForbiddenException)
                // blocked company or subscription - portal redirect
            catch (NotFoundException)
                // deleted or unexisting company or subscription - portal redirect

            // Checking custom subscription type
            if (subscription.Type == SubscriptionType.Pro || subscription.Type == SubscriptionType.Custom)
                // always redirect to client site
                result.Redirect      = new Uri(entity.RedirectUrl);
                result.IsAccountable = true;
            else if (subscription.Type == SubscriptionType.Basic)
                // checking company balance
                if (subscription.IsManuallyEnabled || subscription.HasTrialClicks || (await _balanceService.GetBalanceAsync(company.Id)) > 0)
                    result.Redirect      = new Uri(entity.RedirectUrl);
                    result.IsAccountable = true;

        private Watch AggregateProject(ProjectEntity projectEntity, string userId, Dictionary <string, UserEntity> users, Dictionary <string, int> commentsCounts,
                                       Dictionary <string, List <CommentEntity> > comments)
            DomainProject project = _mapper.Map <ProjectEntity, DomainProject>(projectEntity);

            // 1. Aggregate Data

            UserEntity           projectUser     = users.ContainsKey(project.UserId) ? users[project.UserId] : null;
            int                  commentsCount   = commentsCounts.ContainsKey(project.Id) ? commentsCounts[project.Id] : 0;
            List <CommentEntity> projectComments = comments.ContainsKey(project.Id) ? comments[project.Id] : new List <CommentEntity>();

            // Processed Videos
            var watchVideos = new List <WatchVideo>();

                from @group in project.EncodedVideos.GroupBy(q => q.Width)
                select @group.ToList()
                into processedVideos
                where processedVideos.Count == 2
                from v in processedVideos
                select new WatchVideo
                ContentType = v.ContentType,
                Width       = v.Width,
                Height      = v.Height,
                Uri         = _uriProvider.CreateUri(v.FileId)

            // Processed Screenshots
            List <WatchScreenshot> watchScreenshots = project.EncodedScreenshots.Select(
                s => new WatchScreenshot
                ContentType = s.ContentType,
                Uri         = _uriProvider.CreateUri(s.FileId)

            // External Video
            ExternalVideo externalVideo = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.VideoSource)
                ? new ExternalVideo
                ProductName  = project.VideoSourceProductName,
                VideoUri     = project.VideoSource,
                AcsNamespace = _settings.AcsNamespace
                : null;

            // 2. Calculate Video State
            WatchState state;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.AvsxFileId) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.OriginalVideoFileId) && externalVideo == null))
                state = WatchState.Uploading;
            else if (externalVideo == null && watchVideos.Count == 0)
                state = WatchState.Encoding;
                state = WatchState.Ready;

            // 3. Map comments
            var watchComments = new List <Comment>();

            foreach (CommentEntity projectComment in projectComments)
                UserEntity    commentAuthor = users.ContainsKey(projectComment.UserId) ? users[projectComment.UserId] : null;
                DomainComment domainComment = _mapper.Map <Tuple <CommentEntity, UserEntity>, DomainComment>(new Tuple <CommentEntity, UserEntity>(projectComment, commentAuthor));

                Comment comment = _mapper.Map <DomainComment, Comment>(domainComment);
                if (commentAuthor != null)
                    comment.AvatarUrl = _userAvatarProvider.GetAvatar(commentAuthor.Email);


            // Result
            return(new Watch
                Name = project.Name,
                UserId = project.UserId,
                UserName = projectUser != null ? projectUser.Name : null,
                UserAvatarUrl = projectUser != null?_userAvatarProvider.GetAvatar(new DomainUser { Email = projectUser.Email }) : null,
                                    Description = project.Description,
                                    Created = project.Created,
                                    Avsx = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.AvsxFileId) ? _uriProvider.CreateUri(project.AvsxFileId) : null,
                                    Screenshots = watchScreenshots,
                                    Videos = watchVideos,
                                    PublicUrl = _projectUriProvider.GetUri(project.Id),
                                    Id = project.Id,
                                    Access = project.Access,
                                    IsEditable = project.UserId == userId,
                                    HitsCount = project.HitsCount,
                                    External = externalVideo,
                                    ScreenshotUrl = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.ScreenshotFileId) ? _uriProvider.CreateUri(project.ScreenshotFileId) : null,
                                    State = state,
                                    Generator = (int)project.ProductType,
                                    ProjectType = project.ProjectType,
                                    ProjectSubtype = project.ProjectSubtype,
                                    EnableComments = project.EnableComments,
                                    CommentsCount = commentsCount,
                                    LikesCount = project.LikesCount,
                                    DislikesCount = project.DislikesCount,
                                    Comments = watchComments