public void TestShouldUpdateProduct()
            var products = productsQuery.GetProducts();
            var product  = products.Items.First();

            var productsCommandValidator = new ProductsCommandValidator();
            var results = productsCommandValidator.ValidateUpdateProduct(product.Id, product);

            Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 0);
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestProductCoupon()
            var product1 = _productsQuery.GetProducts(UserType.Employer)[1];
            var product2 = _productsQuery.GetProducts(UserType.Employer)[2];
            var coupon   = CreateCoupon(0, true, null, null, new[] { product1.Id });

            AssertJsonError(Coupon(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, coupon.Code), null, "300", "The coupon does not apply to the type of products you've ordered.");
            AssertJsonSuccess(Coupon(coupon.Code, product1.Id));
            AssertJsonError(Coupon(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, coupon.Code, product2.Id), null, "300", "The coupon does not apply to the type of products you've ordered.");
Esempio n. 3
        Product IEmployerOrdersQuery.GetJobAdFeaturePackProduct(JobAdFeaturePack featurePack)
            // Get all products for employers.

            var products = _productsQuery.GetProducts(UserType.Employer);

            return((from p in products
                    where p.Name == featurePack.ToString()
                    select p).SingleOrDefault());
Esempio n. 4
        protected Product GetContactProduct()
            // Select the first product that has a single credit adjustment for the given type.

            var credit = _creditsQuery.GetCredit <ContactCredit>();

            return((from p in _productsQuery.GetProducts()
                    where p.CreditAdjustments.Count == 1 &&
                    p.CreditAdjustments[0].CreditId == credit.Id
                    select p).First());
        public void TestShouldCreateOption()
            var products = productsQuery.GetProducts();
            var product  = products.Items.First();

            var productOptionsCommandValidator = new ProductOptionsCommandValidator();
            var results = productOptionsCommandValidator.ValidateCreateOption(product.Id, new ProductOption
                Name        = "Navi",
                Description = "Navi colour",

            Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 0);
Esempio n. 6
        public static Order PrepareOrder(this IEmployerOrdersCommand employerOrdersCommand, IProductsQuery productsQuery, ICreditsQuery creditsQuery, IEnumerable <Guid> productIds, Coupon coupon, Discount discount, CreditCardType creditCardType)
            var order = employerOrdersCommand.PrepareOrder(productIds, coupon, discount, creditCardType);

            SortItems(creditsQuery, order, productsQuery.GetProducts());
Esempio n. 7
        public ActionResult Receipt()
            var order    = _ordersQuery.GetOrder(Pageflow.OrderId);
            var products = _productsQuery.GetProducts();

            return(View(new NewOrderReceiptModel {
                OrderSummary = _employerOrdersQuery.GetOrderSummary(_creditsQuery, _ordersQuery, order, products, CurrentRegisteredUser)
Esempio n. 8
        private Product GetProduct <T>()
            where T : Credit
            // Select the first product that has a single credit adjustment for the given type.

            var credit = _creditsQuery.GetCredit <T>();

            return((from p in _productsQuery.GetProducts()
                    where p.CreditAdjustments.Count == 1 &&
                    p.GetPrimaryCreditAdjustment().CreditId == credit.Id
                    select p).First());
Esempio n. 9
        public void TestCreateCouponProductIds()
            var coupon   = CreateCoupon(0);
            var products = _productsQuery.GetProducts();

            coupon.ProductIds = new List <Guid> {
                products[0].Id, products[2].Id

            AssertCoupon(coupon, _couponsQuery.GetCoupon(coupon.Id));
            AssertCoupon(coupon, _couponsQuery.GetCoupon(coupon.Code));
Esempio n. 10
        void IOrdersHandler.OnOrderPurchased(Order order, PurchaseReceipt receipt)
            var allProducts = _productsQuery.GetProducts();

            // Reorder the items by primary credit description just to introduce some certainty.

            order.Items = (from i in order.Items
                           join p in allProducts on i.ProductId equals p.Id
                           let a = p.GetPrimaryCreditAdjustment()
                                   let c = a == null ? null : _creditsQuery.GetCredit(a.CreditId)
                                           orderby c == null ? "" : c.Description
                                           select i).ToList();

            // Grab the list of products selected.

            var orderProducts = (from i in order.Items
                                 join p in allProducts on i.ProductId equals p.Id
                                 select p).ToList();

            // Grab the list of primary properties.

            var orderPrimaryCredits = (from p in orderProducts
                                       let a = p.GetPrimaryCreditAdjustment()
                                               where a != null
                                               select _creditsQuery.GetCredit(a.CreditId)).ToList();
            var orderPrimaryAdjustments = (from p in orderProducts
                                           let a = p.GetPrimaryCreditAdjustment()
                                                   where a != null
                                                   select a).ToList();

            // Grab the purchaser, who is being sent the email.

            var purchaser = _employersQuery.GetEmployer(order.PurchaserId);

            _emailsCommand.TrySend(new OrderReceiptEmail(purchaser, order, orderProducts, orderPrimaryCredits, orderPrimaryAdjustments, receipt));
Esempio n. 11
 public IActionResult Get()
Esempio n. 12
        public async Task <IEnumerable <ProductQueryResult> > GetProductsAsync(int page, int itemsPerPage)
            var result = await _productsQuery.GetProducts(page, itemsPerPage);

Esempio n. 13
        public ActionResult Payment(Guid jobAdId, JobAdFeaturePack featurePack)
            var employer = CurrentEmployer;

            var jobAd = GetJobAd(employer.Id, jobAdId);

            if (jobAd == null)
                return(NotFound("job ad", "id", jobAdId));

            var product = _employerOrdersQuery.GetJobAdFeaturePackProduct(featurePack);

            if (product == null)
                return(NotFound("feature pack", "featurePack", featurePack));

            var creditCard = new CreditCard {
                ExpiryDate = GetDefaultExpiryDate()
            var order = _employerOrdersCommand.PrepareOrder(new[] { product.Id }, null, null, GetCreditCardType(creditCard));

            return(View(new PaymentJobAdModel
                AuthoriseCreditCard = false,
                CouponCode = null,
                CreditCard = creditCard,
                OrderDetails = _employerOrdersQuery.GetOrderDetails(_creditsQuery, order, _productsQuery.GetProducts()),
                Product = product,
Esempio n. 14
        public ActionResult PrepareCompactOrder(Guid[] productIds)
            var order = GetOrder(productIds, null, null, null);

            return(PartialView("OrderCompactDetails", _employerOrdersQuery.GetOrderDetails(_creditsQuery, order, _productsQuery.GetProducts())));
Esempio n. 15
        public void TestCreateProductNoAdjustments()
            var product = CreateProduct(1, UserType.Member, 1, null);

            AssertProducts(_productsQuery.GetProducts(), product);
            AssertProducts(_productsQuery.GetProducts(UserType.Member), product);