public LocationController(ILocationBL locationBL, IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemBL, IProductBL productBL, IMapper mapper)
     _locationBL          = locationBL;
     _inventoryLineItemBL = inventoryLineItemBL;
     _productBL           = productBL;
     _mapper = mapper;
Esempio n. 2
 public InventoryReportRadForm()
     this.SetSizeScreen(SizeOfScreen.WIDTH, SizeOfScreen.HEIGHT);
     this.Text = "Reportes";
     this._serviceProductBL = new ProductBL();
 public ProductController(
     IMapper mapper,
     IProductBL productBL)
     _mapper    = mapper;
     _productBL = productBL;
 public KardexRadForm()
     this.SetSizeScreen(SizeOfScreen.WIDTH, SizeOfScreen.HEIGHT);
     this._serviceKardexBL = new KardexBL();
     this._serviceProduct  = new ProductBL();
 public ManagerMenu(ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IOrderBL orderBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryBL inventoryBL)
     _customerBL  = customerBL;
     _locationBL  = locationBL;
     _orderBL     = orderBL;
     _productBL   = productBL;
     _inventoryBL = inventoryBL;
 public InventoryMenu(ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryBL inventoryBL, IOrderBL orderBL, IValidationService validate)
     this._locationBL  = locationBL;
     this._productBL   = productBL;
     this._inventoryBL = inventoryBL;
     this._orderBL     = orderBL;
     this._validate    = validate;
     branch            = SearchBranch();
Esempio n. 7
 public Menu(ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IItemBL itemBL, IOrderBL orderBL, IProductOrderBL productOrderBL)
     _customerBL     = customerBL;
     _locationBL     = locationBL;
     _productBL      = productBL;
     _itemBL         = itemBL;
     _orderBL        = orderBL;
     _productOrderBL = productOrderBL;
 public ProductMenu(IOrderBL orderBL, ICustomerBL customerBL, IVerificationService verify, IInventoryBL inventoryBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL)
     _orderBL     = orderBL;
     _customerBL  = customerBL;
     _verify      = verify;
     _inventoryBL = inventoryBL;
     _locationBL  = locationBL;
     _productBL   = productBL;
 public ManagerMenu(ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryBL inventoryBL, IOrderBL orderBL, ILineItemBL lineItemBL, IValidationService validate)
     _customerBL  = customerBL;
     _locationBL  = locationBL;
     _productBL   = productBL;
     _inventoryBL = inventoryBL;
     _orderBL     = orderBL;
     _lineItemBL  = lineItemBL;
     _validate    = validate;
Esempio n. 10
 public OrderMenu(ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryBL inventoryBL, IOrderBL orderBL, IValidationService validate)
     _customerBL  = customerBL;
     _locationBL  = locationBL;
     _productBL   = productBL;
     _inventoryBL = inventoryBL;
     _orderBL     = orderBL;
     _validate    = validate;
     customer     = SearchCustomer();
        static DependencyResolver()
            userDAO    = new UserDAO();
            orderDAO   = new OrderDAO();
            productDAO = new ProductDAO();

            userBL    = new UserBL(userDAO);
            orderBL   = new OrderBL(orderDAO);
            productBL = new ProductBL(productDAO);
Esempio n. 12
        public SearchRadForm(SearchEnum search, NewInvoiceRadForm actual)
            this._seachForm         = search;
            this._serviceCustomerBL = new CustomerBL();
            this._serviceProductBL  = new ProductBL();

            listOfCustomer         = new List <Sp_GetCustomerByParam>();
            listOfProduct          = new List <ProductToSearch>();
            this._actualFormParent = actual;
        public InventoryLineItemController(IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemBL, IProductBL productBL,
                                           ICustomerBL customerBL, ICustomerOrderLineItemBL coliBL, ICustomerCartBL cartBL, IMapper mapper)
            _inventoryLineItemBL = inventoryLineItemBL;
            _productBL           = productBL;

            _customerBL = customerBL;
            _coliBL     = coliBL;
            _cartBL     = cartBL;
            _mapper     = mapper;
Esempio n. 14
 public CustomerController(ICustomerBL customerBL, ICustomerCartBL cartBL,
                           ICustomerOrderLineItemBL orderLineItemBL, ILocationBL locationBL,
                           IProductBL productBL, ICustomerOrderHistoryBL customerOrderHistoryBL, IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemBL, IMapper mapper)
     _customerBL             = customerBL;
     _cartBL                 = cartBL;
     _orderLineItemBL        = orderLineItemBL;
     _locationBL             = locationBL;
     _productBL              = productBL;
     _customerOrderHistoryBL = customerOrderHistoryBL;
     _inventoryLineItemBL    = inventoryLineItemBL;
     _mapper                 = mapper;
Esempio n. 15
 public ManagerLoginMenu(IManagerBL managerBL, ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemsBL)
     _managerBL            = managerBL;
     _customerBL           = customerBL;
     _locationBL           = locationBL;
     _productBL            = productBL;
     _inventoryLineItemsBL = inventoryLineItemsBL;
     _menu = "\n" +
             "\n[0] Sign In" +
             "\n[1] Register as Manager" +
             "\n{2] Get Managers" +
             "\n[Back] Previous Menu" +
             "\n[Exit] Exit App";
Esempio n. 16
 public StoreFrontMenu(IManagerBL managerBL, ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemsBL,
                       ICustomerCartBL customerCartBL, ICustomerOrderLineItemBL customerOrderLineItem, ICustomerOrderHistoryBL customerOrderHistory)
     _managerBL             = managerBL;
     _customerBL            = customerBL;
     _locationBL            = locationBL;
     _productBL             = productBL;
     _inventoryLineItemsBL  = inventoryLineItemsBL;
     _customerCartBL        = customerCartBL;
     _customerOrderLineItem = customerOrderLineItem;
     _customerOrderHistory  = customerOrderHistory;
     _menu = "\nWelcome to my Store App! \nAre you a customer or manager?" +
             "\n[0] Customer" +
             "\n[1] Manager" +
             "\n[Exit] Exit";
        public ManagerMenu(ICustomerBL customerBL, IProductBL productBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IInventoryBL inventoryBL, IOrderBL orderBL, ICartBL cartBL, ICartProductsBL cartProductsBL, IOrderItemsBL orderItemsBL)
            _customerBL     = customerBL;
            _productBL      = productBL;
            _locationBL     = locationBL;
            _orderBL        = orderBL;
            _inventoryBL    = inventoryBL;
            _cartBL         = cartBL;
            _cartProductsBL = cartProductsBL;
            _orderItemsBL   = orderItemsBL;

            //generate menus necessary for managermenu access
            customerSearch  = new CustSearch(_customerBL, _orderBL);
            productSearch   = new ProductSearch(_productBL, _cartProductsBL, _inventoryBL);
            inventorySearch = new InventorySearch(_inventoryBL);
            orderSearch     = new OrderSearch(_orderBL, _orderItemsBL, _productBL);
 public CustomerLoginMenu(ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemsBL,
                          ICustomerCartBL customerCartBL, ICustomerOrderLineItemBL customerOrderLineItem, ICustomerOrderHistoryBL customerOrderHistory)
     _customerBL            = customerBL;
     _locationBL            = locationBL;
     _productBL             = productBL;
     _inventoryLineItemsBL  = inventoryLineItemsBL;
     _customerCartBL        = customerCartBL;
     _customerOrderLineItem = customerOrderLineItem;
     _customerOrderHistory  = customerOrderHistory;
     _menu = "\n" +
             "\n[0] Sign In" +
             "\n[1] Register as Customer" +
             "\n{2] Get Customers" +
             "\n[Back] Previous Menu" +
             "\n[Exit] Exit App";
Esempio n. 19
 public CustomerLocationMenu(Customer user, ICustomerBL customerBL, Location location, ILocationBL locationBL,
                             IProductBL productBL, IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemsBL, ICustomerCartBL customerCartBL, ICustomerOrderLineItemBL customerOrderLineItemBL, ICustomerOrderHistoryBL customerOrderHistory)
     _locationBL              = locationBL;
     _location                = location;
     _user                    = user;
     _customerBL              = customerBL;
     _productBL               = productBL;
     _inventoryLineItemsBL    = inventoryLineItemsBL;
     _customerCartBL          = customerCartBL;
     _customerOrderLineItemBL = customerOrderLineItemBL;
     _customerOrderHistory    = customerOrderHistory;
     _menu = "\n" +
             "\n[View] View Cart and finalize purchase" +
             "\n[Back] Previous Menu" +
             "\n[Exit] Exit App";
Esempio n. 20
 public ManagerMenu(Manager manager, IManagerBL managerBL, ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemsBL)
     _user                 = manager;
     _managerBL            = managerBL;
     _customerBL           = customerBL;
     _locationBL           = locationBL;
     _productBL            = productBL;
     _inventoryLineItemsBL = inventoryLineItemsBL;
     _menu                 = "\n" +
                             "\n[0] Find Customer" +
                             "\n[1] View Customers" +
                             "\n[2] View Locations" +
                             "\n[3] Add Locations" +
                             "\n[4] View Products" +
                             "\n[5] Add Product" +
                             "\n[6] Choose Location" +
                             "\n[Back] Previous Menu" +
                             "\n[Exit] Exit App";
Esempio n. 21
 public ManageLocationMenu(Manager user, IManagerBL managerBL, Location location, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemsBL)
     _locationBL           = locationBL;
     _location             = location;
     _user                 = user;
     _managerBL            = managerBL;
     _productBL            = productBL;
     _inventoryLineItemsBL = inventoryLineItemsBL;
     _menu                 = "\n" +
                             "\n[0] Add All Products to Inventory" +
                             "\n[1] Add a Product to Inventory" +
                             "\n[2] Replenish Item Quantity" +
                             "\n[3] View Inventory" +
                             "\n[4] View Order History" +
                             "\n[5] " +
                             "\n[6] " +
                             "\n[Back] Previous Menu" +
                             "\n[Exit] Exit App";
Esempio n. 22
        public CustomerMenu(Customer user, ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryLineItemBL inventoryLineItemsBL,
                            ICustomerCartBL customerCartBL, ICustomerOrderLineItemBL customerOrderLineItem, ICustomerOrderHistoryBL customerOrderHistory)
            _user                  = user;
            _customerBL            = customerBL;
            _locationBL            = locationBL;
            _productBL             = productBL;
            _inventoryLineItemsBL  = inventoryLineItemsBL;
            _customerCartBL        = customerCartBL;
            _customerOrderLineItem = customerOrderLineItem;
            _customerOrderHistory  = customerOrderHistory;
            _menu                  = $"Account Info--\n\tName:\t\t{_user.CustomerName}\n\tEmail:\t\t{_user.CustomerEmail}\n\tPhone:\t\t{_user.CustomerPhone}\n\tAddress:\t{_user.CustomerAddress}" +

                                     "\n" +
                                     "\n[1] View My Cart and Finalize Purchase" +
                                     "\n[2] View My Order History" +
                                     "\n[3] Choose Location and Shop" +
                                     "\n[Back] Previous Menu" +
                                     "\n[Exit] Exit App";
        public NewProductRadForm(ProductRadForm currentParentForm, StateForm stateForm)
            this._stateForm                       = stateForm;
            this._serviceProductBL                = new ProductBL();
            this._serviceCategoryBL               = new CategoryBL();
            this._serviceUnitBL                   = new UnitBL();
            this._serviceTaxBL                    = new TaxBL();
            this._currentParentForm               = currentParentForm;
            this.CategoryIDComboBox.DataSource    = this._serviceCategoryBL.GetCategories();
            this.CategoryIDComboBox.DisplayMember = "CategoryName";
            this.CategoryIDComboBox.ValueMember   = "CategoryID";

            this.UnitIDComboBox.DataSource    = this._serviceUnitBL.Sp_GetUnits();
            this.UnitIDComboBox.DisplayMember = "UnitDescription";
            this.UnitIDComboBox.ValueMember   = "UnitID";

            this.TaxIDComboBox.DataSource    = this._serviceTaxBL.Sp_Taxes();
            this.TaxIDComboBox.DisplayMember = "TaxDescription";
            this.TaxIDComboBox.ValueMember   = "TaxID";
 //creating reference for interface
 public UserController()
     productCategoryBL = new ProductCategoryBL();
     productBL         = new ProductBL();
Esempio n. 25
 public ProductController()
     this._productBL = StructureMap.ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IProductBL>();
Esempio n. 26
 public ProductCache(IProductBL cacheBL)
     _memoryCache = MemoryCache.Default;
     _cacheBL     = cacheBL;
Esempio n. 27
 public MainMenu(ICustomerBL customerBL, ILocationBL locationBL, IOrderBL orderBL, IProductBL productBL, IInventoryBL inventoryBL)
     customerMenu = new CustomerMenu(customerBL, locationBL, orderBL, productBL, inventoryBL);
     _customerBL  = customerBL;
     managerMenu  = new ManagerMenu(customerBL, locationBL, orderBL, productBL, inventoryBL);
 public ProductController(IProductBL productBL, ICategoryBL categoryBL, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
     _productBL          = productBL;
     _categoryBL         = categoryBL;
     _hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment;
Esempio n. 29
 public ProductController(IProductBL _productBL)
     productBL = _productBL;
Esempio n. 30
 public ProductController(IProductBL productBL, IConfiguration configuration)
     this.productBL     = productBL;
     this.configuration = configuration;