Esempio n. 1
        public void SuccessfullyBarterGoodWithSufficentBarter()
            // Setup Market Change for price.
            MarketMock.Setup(x => x.ChangeForPrice(JobInputs, 100))

            // Add Storage and ForSale
            sut.Storage.AddProducts(LifeNeed.Object, 1);
            sut.ForSale.AddProducts(LifeNeed.Object, 1);

            // Barter 1 LifeNeed for 1 JobInput.
            var result = sut.BarterGood(JobInputs, LifeNeed.Object, 1, MarketMock.Object);

            // check transaction
            AssertProductAmountIsEqual(result, LifeNeed, 1);
            AssertProductAmountIsEqual(result, JobInput, -1);

            // Ensure no change in storage or for sale
            AssertProductAmountIsEqual(sut.Storage, LifeNeed, 1);
            AssertProductAmountIsEqual(sut.ForSale, LifeNeed, 1);

            // Ensure that receipt doesn't go above storage or ForSale
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a set of cash and a desired price, get the amount of the cash
        /// to meet the price (rounded up for safety)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AvailableCash">The amount of cash avaliable.</param>
        /// <param name="price">The price to meet (roughly)</param>
        /// <returns>The appropriate cash for the price.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="AvailableCash"/> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">If <paramref name="price"/> is less than or equal to 0.</exception>
        public IProductAmountCollection ChangeForPrice(IProductAmountCollection AvailableCash, double price)
            // ensure cash is not null.
            if (AvailableCash is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(AvailableCash));
            // ensure that the price is greater than 0
            if (price <= 0) // TODO, allow this to savely give change for 0. It's not that hard.
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Price must be greater than 0.");

            // first, check that all available cash can meet the price.
            var totalCash = AvailableCash.Sum(x => x.Item2 * ProductPrices.GetProductValue(x.Item1));

            // If the total cash available is less than the price sought, return a copy of the available cash.
            if (totalCash < price)

            // since we have more than we need,
            var result = new ProductAmountCollection();

            // start from the best and start making change, highest to lowest value.
            foreach (var coin in AvailableCash.OrderByDescending(x => ProductPrices.GetProductValue(x.Item1)))
                // if none of that coin exist
                if (coin.Item2 == 0)
                    // add it as zero
                    result.AddProducts(coin.Item1, 0);
                    // and skip to the next loop

                // coin type
                var curr = coin.Item1;
                // coin value
                var val = ProductPrices.GetProductValue(curr);
                // if value is higher then remaining price.
                if (val > price)
                    // add it as zero
                    result.AddProducts(curr, 0);
                    // and skip

                // coin amount
                var amt = coin.Item2;

                // how many whole coins can fit into the price.
                var count = Math.Floor(price / val);

                // select cap coins at the available level.
                count = Math.Min(count, amt);

                // add to our change
                result.AddProducts(curr, count);

                // subtract the value we took out
                price -= val * count;
                // then go to the next coin.

            // if there is a remainder
            if (price > 0)
                // find the smallest coin available
                foreach (var coin in AvailableCash.OrderBy(x => ProductPrices.GetProductValue(x.Item1)))
                    // if we have any available
                    if (result.GetProductValue(coin.Item1) < AvailableCash.GetProductValue(coin.Item1))
                        // add one
                        result.AddProducts(coin.Item1, 1);

                        // and move on.

                        // by logic, only one should be needed as we guaranteed have
                        // more value in coins then the requested price and the
                        // remainder should be smaller than the smallest coin.

            // return the change.