public void Execute()
            var powerShell = new ProcessStartInfo
                FileName         = "powershell",
                WorkingDirectory = passwordStore.Location,
                UseShellExecute  = false

            var gpgExe = installation.GpgExecutable.FullName;

            var homeDir = string.Empty;

            if (homedirResolver.GetConfiguredHomeDir() != null)
                homeDir = $" --homedir \"{fileSystem.Path.GetFullPath(homedirResolver.GetConfiguredHomeDir())}\"";
            powerShell.Arguments =
                $"-NoExit -Command \"function gpg() {{ & '{gpgExe}'{homeDir} $args }};" +
                $"echo '\n" +
                $"    ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n" +
                $"    ║ In this  shell, you can execute  arbitrary GPG commands. ║\n" +
                $"    ║ The ''gpg'' command  has been aliased  to the same version ║\n" +
                $"    ║ of GPG  used by pass-winmenu, and configured to make use ║\n" +
                $"    ║ of the  same  home  directory, so  you can  access  your ║\n" +
                $"    ║ password store GPG keys from here.                       ║\n" +
                $"    ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝\n" +
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawns a GPG process.
        /// </summary>
        private IProcess CreateGpgProcess(string arguments, string input = null)
            Log.Send($"Calling GPG with \"{arguments}\"");
            // Only redirect stdin if we're going to send anything to it.
            var psi = CreateGpgProcessStartInfo(arguments, input != null);

            var gpgProc = processes.Start(psi);

            if (input != null)
                // Explicitly define the encoding to not send a BOM, to ensure other platforms can handle our output.
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(gpgProc.StandardInput.BaseStream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
Esempio n. 3
        public void EnsureAgentResponsive()
            // In certain situations, gpg-agent may hang and become unresponsive to input.
            // This will cause any decryption attempts to hang indefinitely, without any indication of what's happening.
            // Since that's obviously not desirable, we need to check whether the gpg-agent is still responsive, and if not, kill and restart it.

            if (processes.GetProcessesByName(GpgAgentProcessName).Length == 0)
                // If gpg-agent isn't running yet, it obviously can't be unresponsive, so we don't have to do anything here.

            if (!gpgInstallation.GpgConnectAgentExecutable.Exists)
                Log.Send($"Unable to confirm that gpg-agent is alive. No connect-agent found at \"{gpgInstallation.GpgConnectAgentExecutable.FullName}\".", LogLevel.Warning);

            IProcess proc;

                // We have a gpg-agent, let's see if we can connect to it.
                proc = processes.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
                    FileName               = gpgInstallation.GpgConnectAgentExecutable.FullName,
                    Arguments              = "/bye",
                    UseShellExecute        = false,
                    RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                    RedirectStandardError  = true,
                    CreateNoWindow         = true,
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Send($"Unable to launch connect-agent process ({e.GetType().Name}: {e.Message})", LogLevel.Warning);

            // Now check what the process returns.
            var readTask = proc.StandardError.ReadLineAsync();

            // Give gpg-connect-agent a moment to see if it produces any output.
            if (readTask.Wait(agentConnectTimeout))
                if (readTask.Result == null)
                    // Nothing was sent through stdout, which means we successfully connected to a running agent,
                    // which means the agent is still responsive, so we won't have to do anything here.
                    Log.Send("gpg-agent alive.");
                else if (readTask.Result.Contains("waiting for agent"))
                    Log.Send("waiting for agent to respond...");
                else if (readTask.Result.Contains("no running gpg-agent"))
                    Log.Send("gpg-agent is not running, waiting for it to start...");
                    Log.Send($"gpg-agent produced unexpected output: \"{readTask.Result}\"", LogLevel.Warning);
                    Log.Send($"waiting for agent to respond...");

                // Now wait for gpg-connect-agent to quit, indicating that gpg-agent is running and responsive.
                if (proc.WaitForExit(agentReadyTimeout))
                    Log.Send("gpg-agent ready.");

                Log.Send($"gpg-agent failed to start/respond within {agentReadyTimeout.TotalSeconds:F} seconds, starting a new one", LogLevel.Warning);
                Log.Send($"gpg-connect-agent failed to produce any output within {agentConnectTimeout.TotalSeconds:F} seconds", LogLevel.Warning);
            Log.Send($"gpg-agent is most likely unresponsive and will be restarted", LogLevel.Warning);
            // First, kill the connect-agent process.
            // Now try to find the correct gpg-agent process.
            // We'll start by looking for a process whose filename matches the installation directory we're working with.
            // This means that if there are several gpg-agents running, we will ignore those that our gpg process likely won't try to connect to.
            var matches = processes.GetProcesses().Where(p => p.MainModuleName == gpgInstallation.GpgAgentExecutable.FullName).ToList();

            if (matches.Any())
                Log.Send($"Agent process(es) found (\"{gpgInstallation.InstallDirectory.FullName}\")");
                // This should normally only return one match at most, but in certain cases
                // GPG seems to be able to detect that the agent has become unresponsive,
                // and will start a new one without killing the old process.
                foreach (var match in matches)
                    Log.Send($" > killing gpg-agent {match.Id} (started {match.StartTime:G}), path: \"{match.MainModuleName}\"");
                // We didn't find any direct matches, so let's widen our search.
                foreach (var match in processes.GetProcessesByName(GpgAgentProcessName))
                    Log.Send($" > killing gpg-agent {match.Id} (started {match.StartTime:G}), path: \"{match.MainModuleName}\"");
Esempio n. 4
 public void Execute()
     processes.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(passwordStore.Location));