private static void Postfix(PowerRelay __instance, IPowerInterface powerInterface) { try { if (!Main.config.doSort) { return; } List <IPowerInterface> info = __instance.inboundPowerSources; List <IPowerInterface> test = new List <IPowerInterface>(info); test.Sort((i, i2) => { UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour p = (UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour)i; UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour p2 = (UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour)i2; int pn = GetOrderNumber(; int p2n = GetOrderNumber(; return(Math.Sign(pn - p2n)); }); __instance.inboundPowerSources = test; Main.config.doSort = false; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Error, ex: e); } }
public static void Postfix(PowerRelay __instance, ref float __result) { IPowerInterface powerInterface = __instance.inboundPowerSources.Find((x) => x is BaseInboundRelay || x is OtherConnectionRelay); if (powerInterface != null) { PowerControl powerControl = null; switch (powerInterface) { case BaseInboundRelay baseConnectionRelay: powerControl = baseConnectionRelay.gameObject.GetComponent <PowerControl>(); break; case OtherConnectionRelay otherConnectionRelay: powerControl = otherConnectionRelay.gameObject.GetComponent <PowerControl>(); break; } PowerRelay endRelay = powerControl.powerRelay.GetEndpoint(); float endPower = endRelay.GetMaxPower(); float powerHere = powerInterface.GetMaxPower(); if (endPower > powerHere) { __result += endPower - powerHere; } } }
public static void Postfix(PowerRelay __instance, ref bool __result, ref float amount, ref float modified) { if (!__result) { IPowerInterface powerInterface = __instance.inboundPowerSources.Find((x) => x is BaseInboundRelay || x is OtherConnectionRelay); if (powerInterface != null) { PowerControl powerControl = null; switch (powerInterface) { case BaseInboundRelay baseConnectionRelay: powerControl = baseConnectionRelay.gameObject.GetComponent <PowerControl>(); break; case OtherConnectionRelay otherConnectionRelay: powerControl = otherConnectionRelay.gameObject.GetComponent <PowerControl>(); break; } PowerRelay endRelay = powerControl.powerRelay.GetEndpoint(); if (endRelay.GetMaxPower() > powerInterface.GetMaxPower()) { __result = endRelay.ModifyPowerFromInbound(amount, out float newModified); modified += newModified; } } } }
private PowerSource TryGetPowerSource(IPowerInterface power) { PowerSource source = power as PowerSource; if (source == null && (power as Component) != null) { source = (power as Component).gameObject.GetComponent <PowerSource>(); } return(source); }
private BatterySource TryGetBatterySource(IPowerInterface power) { BatterySource source = power as BatterySource; if (source == null && (power as Component) != null) { source = (power as Component).gameObject.GetComponent <BatterySource>(); } return(source); }
private static void Prefix(PowerRelay __instance, IPowerInterface powerInterface) { try { if (__instance?.inboundPowerSources == null || __instance.inboundPowerSources.Contains(powerInterface)) { return; } Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Debug, $"{Regex.Replace(, @"\(.*?\)", "")} AddInboundPower: {Regex.Replace(powerInterface.GetType().Name, @"\(.*?\)", "")}"); Main.config.doSort = true; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Error, ex: e); } }
/** * Gets the transform/location of a power interface. */ private static UnityEngine.Transform GetTransform(IPowerInterface powerInterface) { if (powerInterface is BatterySource) { return(((BatterySource)powerInterface).transform); } else if (powerInterface is PowerSource) { return(((PowerSource)powerInterface).transform); } else if (powerInterface is PowerRelay) { return(((PowerRelay)powerInterface).transform); } return(null); }
public static bool ConsumeEnergyBase(ref IPowerInterface powerInterface, ref float amount, bool __result) { amount = AdjustConsumeEnergy(amount, isPowerInRadiation(powerInterface), powerInterface is BasePowerRelay); // In vanilla if you try to use 5 power from your Fabricator but you only have 4 power, then you not only // fail but also lose your 4 power. That was already a little bit irritating, but it becomes grotesque and // feels unfair when power requirements are e.g. 15. This next block prevents the not-actually-enough power // from being lost, merely doesn't produce the item. if (DeathRun.craftingSemaphore && (powerInterface.GetPower() < amount)) { ErrorMessage.AddMessage("Not Enough Power"); __result = false; return(false); } return(true); }
// IPowerAssignmentInterface public void SetPower(IPowerInterface inPower, EPowerSetting inPowerSetting) { var newStatus = new PowerStatus(inPower, inPower.CanActivatePower(gameObject)); if (_registeredPowers.ContainsKey(inPowerSetting)) { _registeredPowers[inPowerSetting].CurrentPower.OnPowerCleared(); _registeredPowers[inPowerSetting] = newStatus; } else { _registeredPowers.Add(inPowerSetting, newStatus); } inPower.OnPowerSet(gameObject); UnityMessageEventFunctions.InvokeMessageEventWithDispatcher(gameObject, new PowerSetMessage(inPower, inPowerSetting)); UnityMessageEventFunctions.InvokeMessageEventWithDispatcher(gameObject, new PowerUpdateMessage(inPowerSetting, newStatus.Activatable, inPower.GetPowerCooldownPercentage())); }
public static void Postfix(ref PowerRelay __result) { PowerControl powerControl; bool isCyclops = __result?"Cyclops") ?? false; if (__result != null && (__result is BasePowerRelay || isCyclops)) { IPowerInterface powerInterface = __result.inboundPowerSources.Where((x) => x is BaseInboundRelay)?.FirstOrFallback(null); if (powerInterface is null) { powerControl = UWE.Utils.GetEntityRoot(__result.gameObject).GetComponentInChildren <PowerControl>(); if (powerControl?.powerRelay != null && !powerControl.powerRelay.dontConnectToRelays) { if (isCyclops) { __result.AddInboundPower(powerControl.powerRelay); } __result = powerControl.powerRelay; return; } return; } BaseInboundRelay baseInboundRelay = powerInterface as BaseInboundRelay; if (baseInboundRelay.gameObject.TryGetComponent(out powerControl)) { if (powerControl?.powerRelay != null && !powerControl.powerRelay.dontConnectToRelays) { if (isCyclops) { __result.AddInboundPower(powerControl.powerRelay); } __result = powerControl.powerRelay; return; } } } }
public PowerSetMessage(IPowerInterface inPowerInterface, EPowerSetting inPowerSetting) : base() { PowerInterface = inPowerInterface; PowerSetting = inPowerSetting; }
public static void AddEnergyBase(ref IPowerInterface powerInterface, ref float amount) { AddEnergy(GetTransform(powerInterface), ref amount); }
/** * @return true if the power interface is currently in radiation */ private static bool isPowerInRadiation(IPowerInterface powerInterface) { return(isTransformInRadiation(GetTransform(powerInterface))); }
public bool GetInboundHasSource(IPowerInterface powerInterface) { return(false); }
public bool HasInboundPower(IPowerInterface powerInterface) { return(false); }
public GenericPowerSourceInfo(IPowerInterface source, string displayOverride = null) : base(null, TechType.None) { iSource = source; this.displayOverride = displayOverride; }
private PowerRelay TryGetPowerRelay(IPowerInterface power) { PowerRelay relay = power as PowerRelay; return(relay); }
public void SetPower(IPowerInterface inPower, EPowerSetting inPowerSetting) { SetPowerInterface = inPower; SetPowerSetting = inPowerSetting; }
private void AddGenericPowerEntry(IPowerInterface source) { powerSources.Add(new GenericPowerSourceInfo(source)); }
public static bool AddEnergyBase(ref IPowerInterface powerInterface, ref float amount) { amount = AdjustAddEnergy(amount, isPowerInRadiation(powerInterface)); return(true); }
public PowerStatus(IPowerInterface inPower, bool inActivatable) { CurrentPower = inPower; Activatable = inActivatable; }