public ActionResult SaveServiceOption(ServiceOptionAbbreviatedModel option, ICollection <string> userInputs = null,
                                              HttpPostedFileBase image = null)
            /*there is way too much code in this controller */
            var existingOption = _portfolioService.GetServiceOption(UserId, option.Id);             //option to amend

            if (image != null)
                if (existingOption.Picture != null)                 /* deal with previous picture by deleting it */
                    var path = Path.Combine(ConfigHelper.GetOptionPictureLocation(), option.Picture.ToString());

                    try                     //catch error if key is not in web.config
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        TempData["MessageType"] = WebMessageType.Failure;                         //unable to delete, exit at this point
                        TempData["Message"]     = $"Failed to delete existing file, error: {exception.Message}";
                        return(RedirectToAction("UpdateServiceOption", new { id = option.Id }));

                option.PictureMimeType = image.ContentType;                 //rename file to a guid and store original file type
                option.Picture         = Guid.NewGuid();

                    var path = Path.Combine(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OptionPicsPath"],
                                            option.Picture.ToString());     //save file
                catch (Exception exception)
                    TempData["MessageType"] = WebMessageType.Failure;
                    TempData["Message"]     = $"Failed to save file, error: {exception.Message}";
                    return(RedirectToAction("UpdateServiceOption", new { id = option.Id }));
            else             //preserve picture data for now
                if (option.Id > 0)
                    var tempOption = _portfolioService.GetServiceOption(UserId, option.Id);
                    option.Picture         = tempOption.Picture;
                    option.PictureMimeType = tempOption.PictureMimeType;
            /*end of dealing with pictures */
            /* deal with user inputs */
            _portfolioService.RemoveInputsFromServiceOption(UserId, option.Id,
                                                            _portfolioService.GetInputsForServiceOptions(UserId, new[] { new ServiceOptionDto {
                                                                                                                             Id = option.Id
                                                                                                                         } }));
            if (userInputs != null)
                var inputGroup = UserInputHelper.MakeInputGroup(userInputs);
                _portfolioService.AddInputsToServiceOption(UserId, option.Id, inputGroup);
                existingOption = AbbreviatedEntityUpdate.UpdateServiceOption(option, existingOption);
                _portfolioService.ModifyServiceOption(UserId, existingOption, EntityModification.Update);
            catch (Exception exception)
                TempData["MessageType"] = WebMessageType.Failure;
                TempData["Message"]     = $"Failed to save option, error: {exception.Message}";
                return(RedirectToAction("ShowServiceOption", new { id = option.Id }));

            return(RedirectToAction("ShowServiceOption", new { id = option.Id }));