Esempio n. 1
        public override bool Run()
            if (!initialise_from_restart)
                // calculate the bare potential
                Console.WriteLine("Calculating bare potential");
                chem_pot = Physics_Base.q_e * pois_solv.Get_Potential(0.0 * carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data);
                Console.WriteLine("Saving bare potential");
                (Input_Band_Structure.Get_BandStructure_Grid(layers, dx_dens, dy_dens, dz_dens, nx_dens, ny_dens, nz_dens, xmin_dens, ymin_dens, zmin_dens) - chem_pot).Save_Data("bare_pot.dat");
                Console.WriteLine("Bare potential saved");

                //if the initial carrier density was not zero, recalculate the chemical potential
                if (carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data.Max() != 0.0 || carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data.Min() != 0.0)
                    chem_pot = Physics_Base.q_e * pois_solv.Get_Potential(carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data);

            // get the dopent density from the Poisson equation
            dopent_charge_density.Spin_Up   = -0.5 * (chem_pot.Laplacian / Physics_Base.q_e + carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data);
            dopent_charge_density.Spin_Down = -0.5 * (chem_pot.Laplacian / Physics_Base.q_e + carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data);

            //      ThreeD_ThomasFermiSolver dens_solv = new ThreeD_ThomasFermiSolver(this);
            //ThreeD_EffectiveBandSolver dft_solv = new ThreeD_EffectiveBandSolver(this);
            //  TwoplusOneD_ThomasFermiSolver dft_solv = new TwoplusOneD_ThomasFermiSolver(this);

            bool converged = false;

            // start without dft if carrier density is empty
            if (no_dft || carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data.Min() == 0.0)
                dens_solv.DFT_Mixing_Parameter = 0.0;
                dens_solv.DFT_Mixing_Parameter = dft_mixing_parameter;

            // do preliminary run to correct for initial discretised form of rho_prime
            if (initial_run)
                converged = Run_Iteration_Routine(dens_solv, pois_solv, tol, initial_run_steps);
                // and calculate the potential given the density from this initial run
                pois_solv.Initiate_Poisson_Solver(device_dimensions, boundary_conditions);
                chem_pot = Physics_Base.q_e * pois_solv.Get_Potential(carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data);
            if (!converged || !initial_run)
                int count = 0;
                while (pot_init > tol_anneal && count < 20)
                    if (count != 0)
                        pois_solv.Initiate_Poisson_Solver(device_dimensions, boundary_conditions);
                        chem_pot = Physics_Base.q_e * pois_solv.Get_Potential(carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data);

                    // run the iteration routine!
                    converged = Run_Iteration_Routine(dens_solv, pois_solv, tol, max_iterations);


            // save surface charge
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("surface_charge.dat"); sw.WriteLine(boundary_conditions["surface"].ToString()); sw.Close();

            // save eigen-energies

            /*DoubleVector energies = dft_solv.Get_EnergyLevels(layers, chem_pot);
             * StreamWriter sw_e = new StreamWriter("energies.dat");
             * for (int i = 0; i < energies.Length; i++)
             *  sw_e.WriteLine(energies[i]);
             * sw_e.Close();*/

            dens_solv.Output(carrier_charge_density, "carrier_density.dat");
            dens_solv.Output(carrier_charge_density - dens_solv.Get_ChargeDensity(layers, carrier_charge_density, dopent_charge_density, chem_pot), "density_error.dat");
            (Input_Band_Structure.Get_BandStructure_Grid(layers, dx_dens, dy_dens, dz_dens, nx_dens, ny_dens, nz_dens, xmin_dens, ymin_dens, zmin_dens) - chem_pot).Save_Data("potential.dat");
            Band_Data pot_exc = dens_solv.DFT_diff(carrier_charge_density) + dens_solv.Get_XC_Potential(carrier_charge_density);

            (Input_Band_Structure.Get_BandStructure_Grid(layers, dx_dens, dy_dens, dz_dens, nx_dens, ny_dens, nz_dens, xmin_dens, ymin_dens, zmin_dens) - chem_pot + pot_exc).Save_Data("pot_KS.dat");
//            Band_Data ks_ke = dft_solv.Get_KS_KE(layers, chem_pot);
//            ks_ke.Save_Data("ks_ke.dat");

            // clean up intermediate data files

            Close(dens_solv.Unit_Charge, converged, max_iterations);

Esempio n. 2
        protected override bool Run_Iteration_Routine(IDensity_Solve dens_solv, IPoisson_Solve pois_solv, double tol, int max_iterations)
            // calculate initial potential with the given charge distribution
            Console.WriteLine("Calculating initial potential grid");
            pois_solv.Initiate_Poisson_Solver(device_dimensions, boundary_conditions);

            if (chem_pot == null)
                chem_pot = Physics_Base.q_e * pois_solv.Get_Potential(carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data + dopent_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data);
            Console.WriteLine("Initial grid complete");
            //    dens_solv.Set_DFT_Potential(carrier_charge_density);
            //    dens_solv.Get_ChargeDensity(layers, ref carrier_charge_density, ref dopent_charge_density, chem_pot);
            //    dens_solv.Set_DFT_Potential(carrier_charge_density);


            int count = 0;
            t = 1.0;
            bool converged = false;
            while (!converged)
                Band_Data dens_old = carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data + dopent_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data;

                // Get charge rho(phi)
                dens_solv.Get_ChargeDensity(layers, ref carrier_charge_density, ref dopent_charge_density, chem_pot);

                // Generate charge-dependent part of the Jacobian, g'(phi) = -d(eps * d( )) - rho'(phi)
                SpinResolved_Data rho_prime = dens_solv.Get_ChargeDensity_Deriv(layers, carrier_charge_density_deriv, dopent_charge_density_deriv, chem_pot);

                // Solve stepping equation to find raw Newton iteration step, g'(phi) x = - g(phi)
                // Calculate Laplacian operating on the given band energy, d(eps * d(phi))
                gphi = -1.0 * chem_pot.Laplacian / Physics_Base.q_e - carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data - dopent_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data;
                gphi[0] = 0.0; gphi[gphi.Length - 1] = 0.0;
                x = pois_solv.Calculate_Newton_Step(rho_prime, gphi);

                // Calculate optimal damping parameter, t
                t = t_damp * Calculate_optimal_t(t / t_damp, (chem_pot / Physics_Base.q_e), x, carrier_charge_density, dopent_charge_density, pois_solv, dens_solv, t_min);

                // Check convergence
                Band_Data dens_spin_summed = carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data + dopent_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data;
                Band_Data dens_diff = dens_spin_summed - dens_old;
                double dens_abs_max = Math.Max(Math.Abs(dens_spin_summed.Max()), Math.Abs(dens_spin_summed.Min()));
                for (int i = 0; i < dens_diff.Length; i++)
                    // only calculate density difference for densities more than 1% of the maximum value
                    if (Math.Abs(dens_spin_summed[i]) > 0.01 * dens_abs_max)
                        dens_diff[i] = Math.Abs(dens_diff[i] / dens_spin_summed[i]);
                        dens_diff[i] = 0.0;

                // Update the DFT potential

                double[] diff = new double[Nz_Pot];
                for (int j = 0; j < nz_pot; j++)
                    diff[j] = Math.Abs(gphi.vec[j]);
                double convergence = diff.Sum();
                if (Physics_Base.q_e * x.InfinityNorm() < tol)
                    converged = true;

                // update band energy phi_new = phi_old + t * x
                Console.WriteLine(Generate_Output_String(count, x, dens_diff));
                chem_pot = chem_pot + t * Physics_Base.q_e * x;

                // reset the potential if the added potential t * x is too small
                if (converged || count > max_iterations)
                     Console.WriteLine("Maximum potential change at end of iteration was " + (t * Physics_Base.q_e * x.InfinityNorm()).ToString() + "meV");

            Console.WriteLine("Iteration complete");

            return converged;
Esempio n. 3
        protected override bool Run_Iteration_Routine(IDensity_Solve dens_solv, IPoisson_Solve pois_solv, double tol, int max_iterations)
            // calculate initial potential with the given charge distribution
            Console.WriteLine("Calculating initial potential grid");
            pois_solv.Initiate_Poisson_Solver(device_dimensions, boundary_conditions);

            if (chem_pot == null)
                chem_pot = Physics_Base.q_e * pois_solv.Get_Potential(carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data + dopent_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data);
            Console.WriteLine("Initial grid complete");
            //    dens_solv.Set_DFT_Potential(carrier_charge_density);
            //    dens_solv.Get_ChargeDensity(layers, ref carrier_charge_density, ref dopent_charge_density, chem_pot);
            //    dens_solv.Set_DFT_Potential(carrier_charge_density);


            int count = 0;

            t = 1.0;
            bool converged = false;

            while (!converged)
                Band_Data dens_old = carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data + dopent_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data;

                // Get charge rho(phi)
                dens_solv.Get_ChargeDensity(layers, ref carrier_charge_density, ref dopent_charge_density, chem_pot);

                // Generate charge-dependent part of the Jacobian, g'(phi) = -d(eps * d( )) - rho'(phi)
                SpinResolved_Data rho_prime = dens_solv.Get_ChargeDensity_Deriv(layers, carrier_charge_density_deriv, dopent_charge_density_deriv, chem_pot);

                // Solve stepping equation to find raw Newton iteration step, g'(phi) x = - g(phi)
                // Calculate Laplacian operating on the given band energy, d(eps * d(phi))
                gphi    = -1.0 * chem_pot.Laplacian / Physics_Base.q_e - carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data - dopent_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data;
                gphi[0] = 0.0; gphi[gphi.Length - 1] = 0.0;
                x       = pois_solv.Calculate_Newton_Step(rho_prime, gphi);

                // Calculate optimal damping parameter, t
                t = t_damp * Calculate_optimal_t(t / t_damp, (chem_pot / Physics_Base.q_e), x, carrier_charge_density, dopent_charge_density, pois_solv, dens_solv, t_min);

                // Check convergence
                Band_Data dens_spin_summed = carrier_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data + dopent_charge_density.Spin_Summed_Data;
                Band_Data dens_diff        = dens_spin_summed - dens_old;
                double    dens_abs_max     = Math.Max(Math.Abs(dens_spin_summed.Max()), Math.Abs(dens_spin_summed.Min()));
                for (int i = 0; i < dens_diff.Length; i++)
                    // only calculate density difference for densities more than 1% of the maximum value
                    if (Math.Abs(dens_spin_summed[i]) > 0.01 * dens_abs_max)
                        dens_diff[i] = Math.Abs(dens_diff[i] / dens_spin_summed[i]);
                        dens_diff[i] = 0.0;

                // Update the DFT potential

                double[] diff = new double[Nz_Pot];
                for (int j = 0; j < nz_pot; j++)
                    diff[j] = Math.Abs(gphi.vec[j]);
                double convergence = diff.Sum();
                if (Physics_Base.q_e * x.InfinityNorm() < tol)
                    converged = true;

                // update band energy phi_new = phi_old + t * x
                Console.WriteLine(Generate_Output_String(count, x, dens_diff));
                chem_pot = chem_pot + t * Physics_Base.q_e * x;

                // reset the potential if the added potential t * x is too small
                if (converged || count > max_iterations)
                    Console.WriteLine("Maximum potential change at end of iteration was " + (t * Physics_Base.q_e * x.InfinityNorm()).ToString() + "meV");

            Console.WriteLine("Iteration complete");
