Esempio n. 1
 public MySlaveDataStore()
     _holdingRegisters = new MyPointSource <ushort>(ushort.MaxValue);
     _inputRegisters   = new MyPointSource <ushort>(ushort.MaxValue);
     _coilDiscretes    = new MyPointSource <bool>(ushort.MaxValue);
     _coilInputs       = new MyPointSource <bool>(ushort.MaxValue);
Esempio n. 2
 public InputService(
     IPointSource pointSource,
     ITriggerSource keySelectionTriggerSource)
     this.pointSource = pointSource;
     this.keySelectionTriggerSource = keySelectionTriggerSource;
        public KeyboardKeyDownUpSource(
            Enums.Keys triggerKey,
            IPointSource pointSource)
            this.triggerKey  = (System.Windows.Forms.Keys)triggerKey; //Cast to the Windows.Forms.Keys enum
            this.pointSource = pointSource;

            keyboardHookListener = new KeyboardHookListener(new GlobalHooker())
                Enabled = true

            System.Windows.Application.Current.Exit += (sender, args) =>
                Log.Debug("Keyboard hook listener disposed.");

             * Keys:
             * KeyDown: happens when the person presses a key (when the keyboard first detects a finger on a key, this happens when the key is pressed down).
             * KeyPress: happens when a key is pressed and then released.
             * KeyUp: happens when the key is released
Esempio n. 4
        public InputService(
            IKeyStateService keyStateService,
            IDictionaryService dictionaryService,
            IAudioService audioService,
            ICapturingStateManager capturingStateManager,
            IPointSource pointSource,
            ITriggerSource eyeGestureTriggerSource,
            ITriggerSource keySelectionTriggerSource,
            ITriggerSource pointSelectionTriggerSource)
            this.keyStateService             = keyStateService;
            this.dictionaryService           = dictionaryService;
            this.audioService                = audioService;
            this.capturingStateManager       = capturingStateManager;
            this.pointSource                 = pointSource;
            this.eyeGestureTriggerSource     = eyeGestureTriggerSource;
            this.keySelectionTriggerSource   = keySelectionTriggerSource;
            this.pointSelectionTriggerSource = pointSelectionTriggerSource;

            //Fixation key triggers also need the enabled state info and override times
            if (keySelectionTriggerSource is IFixationTriggerSource fixationTrigger)
                fixationTrigger.KeyEnabledStates = keyStateService.KeyEnabledStates;
                OverrideTimesByKey = fixationTrigger.OverrideTimesByKey;
Esempio n. 5
        public MainWindow(
            IAudioService audioService,
            IDictionaryService dictionaryService,
            IInputService inputService,
            IKeyStateService keyStateService)

            this.audioService      = audioService;
            this.dictionaryService = dictionaryService;
            this.inputService      = inputService;
            this.keyStateService   = keyStateService;

            defaultPointSource    = inputService.PointSource;
            manualModePointSource = new MousePositionSource(Settings.Default.PointTtl)
                State = RunningStates.Paused

            managementWindowRequest        = new InteractionRequest <NotificationWithServicesAndState>();
            managementWindowRequestCommand = new DelegateCommand(RequestManagementWindow);
            toggleManualModeCommand        = new DelegateCommand(ToggleManualMode, () => !(defaultPointSource is MousePositionSource));
            quitCommand    = new DelegateCommand(Quit);
            backCommand    = new DelegateCommand(Back);
            restartCommand = new DelegateCommand(Restart);

            //Setup key binding (Alt+M and Shift+Alt+M) to open settings
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = managementWindowRequestCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.M
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = managementWindowRequestCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.M

            //Setup key binding (Alt+Enter and Shift+Alt+Enter) to open settings
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = toggleManualModeCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.Enter
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = toggleManualModeCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.Enter

            Title = string.Format(Properties.Resources.WINDOW_TITLE, DiagnosticInfo.AssemblyVersion);

            //Set the window size to 0x0 as this prevents a flicker where OptiKey would be displayed in the default position and then repositioned
            Width  = 0;
            Height = 0;
        public InputService(
            IKeyStateService keyStateService,
            IDictionaryService dictionaryService,
            IAudioService audioService,
            ICapturingStateManager capturingStateManager,
            IPointSource pointSource,
            ITriggerSource keySelectionTriggerSource,
            ITriggerSource pointSelectionTriggerSource)
            this.keyStateService             = keyStateService;
            this.dictionaryService           = dictionaryService;
            this.audioService                = audioService;
            this.capturingStateManager       = capturingStateManager;
            this.pointSource                 = pointSource;
            this.keySelectionTriggerSource   = keySelectionTriggerSource;
            this.pointSelectionTriggerSource = pointSelectionTriggerSource;

            //Fixation key triggers also need the enabled state info
            var fixationTrigger = keySelectionTriggerSource as IFixationTriggerSource;

            if (fixationTrigger != null)
                fixationTrigger.KeyEnabledStates = keyStateService.KeyEnabledStates;
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Fills a caller-allocated target with a specified number of values from a source
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">The random source</param>
 /// <param name="count">The number of values to send to the target</param>
 /// <param name="dst">A reference to the target location</param>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The element type</typeparam>
 public static void StreamTo <T>(this IPointSource <T> src, int count, ref T dst)
     where T : struct
     for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
         Unsafe.Add(ref dst, i) = src.Next();
Esempio n. 8
 public static PointStream Instance(IPointSource source)
     if (instance == null || source != instance._source)
         instance = new PointStream(source);
Esempio n. 9
        public MainWindow(
            IAudioService audioService,
            IDictionaryService dictionaryService,
            IInputService inputService,
            IKeyStateService keyStateService)

            this.audioService      = audioService;
            this.dictionaryService = dictionaryService;
            this.inputService      = inputService;
            this.keyStateService   = keyStateService;

            defaultPointSource    = inputService.PointSource;
            manualModePointSource = new MousePositionSource(Settings.Default.PointTtl)
                State = RunningStates.Paused

            managementWindowRequest        = new InteractionRequest <NotificationWithServicesAndState>();
            managementWindowRequestCommand = new DelegateCommand(RequestManagementWindow);
            toggleManualModeCommand        = new DelegateCommand(ToggleManualMode);
            quitCommand = new DelegateCommand(Quit);

            //Setup key binding (Alt+M and Shift+Alt+M) to open settings
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = managementWindowRequestCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.M
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = managementWindowRequestCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.M

            //Setup key binding (Alt+Enter and Shift+Alt+Enter) to open settings
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = toggleManualModeCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.Enter
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = toggleManualModeCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.Enter

            Title = string.Format(Properties.Resources.WINDOW_TITLE, DiagnosticInfo.AssemblyVersion);
Esempio n. 10
        public MouseButtonDownUpSource(
            Enums.MouseButtons triggerButton,
            IPointSource pointSource)
            this.triggerButton = (System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons)triggerButton; //Cast to the Windows.Forms.MouseButtons enum
            this.pointSource   = pointSource;

            mouseHookListener = new MouseHookListener(new GlobalHooker())
                Enabled = true
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Produces a random stream of unfiltered/unbounded points from a source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The random source</param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The point type</typeparam>
        public static IRandomStream <T> Stream <T>(this IPointSource <T> src)
            where T : struct
            IEnumerable <T> produce()
                while (true)
                    yield return(src.Next());

            return(stream(produce(), src.RngKind));
Esempio n. 12
 public PointFixationSource(
     TimeSpan lockOnTime,
     TimeSpan timeToCompleteTrigger,
     double lockOnRadius,
     double fixationRadius,
     IPointSource pointSource)
     this.lockOnTime            = lockOnTime;
     this.timeToCompleteTrigger = timeToCompleteTrigger;
     this.lockOnRadiusSquared   = lockOnRadius * lockOnRadius;
     this.fixationRadiusSquared = fixationRadius * fixationRadius;
     this.pointSource           = pointSource;
Esempio n. 13
        public KeyFixationSource(
            TimeSpan lockOnTime,
            bool resumeRequiresLockOn,
            TimeSpan defaultTimeToCompleteTrigger,
            IDictionary <KeyValue, TimeSpan> timeToCompleteTriggerByKey,
            TimeSpan incompleteFixationTtl,
            IPointSource pointSource)
            this.lockOnTime                   = lockOnTime;
            this.resumeRequiresLockOn         = resumeRequiresLockOn;
            this.defaultTimeToCompleteTrigger = defaultTimeToCompleteTrigger;
            this.timeToCompleteTriggerByKey   = timeToCompleteTriggerByKey ?? new Dictionary <KeyValue, TimeSpan>();
            this.incompleteFixationTtl        = incompleteFixationTtl;
            this.pointSource                  = pointSource;

            incompleteFixationProgress = new ConcurrentDictionary <KeyValue, long>();
            incompleteFixationTimeouts = new ConcurrentDictionary <KeyValue, IDisposable>();
Esempio n. 14
        public MouseButtonDownUpSource(
            Enums.MouseButtons triggerButton,
            IPointSource pointSource)
            this.triggerButton = (System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons)triggerButton; //Cast to the Windows.Forms.MouseButtons enum
            this.pointSource   = pointSource;

            mouseHookListener = new MouseHookListener(new GlobalHooker())
                Enabled = true

            System.Windows.Application.Current.Exit += (sender, args) =>
                Log.Debug("Mouse hook listener disposed.");
Esempio n. 15
        protected OpTime Benchmark <T>(IPointSource <T> src, string opname = null)
            where T : struct
            var last = default(T);
            var sw   = stopwatch();

            for (var cycle = 0; cycle < CycleCount; cycle++)
                for (var i = 0; i < SampleSize; i++)
                    last = src.Next();

            OpTime time = (CycleCount * SampleSize, sw, opname ?? $"{src.RngKind}<{type<T>().DisplayName()}>");

Esempio n. 16
        private static void DrawDensityMap(QuadTree tree, IPointSource source)
            var extentRatio = (tree._maxX - tree._minX) / (tree._maxY - tree._minY);

            var maxDisplayDimension = 64;

            var width  = maxDisplayDimension;
            var height = maxDisplayDimension;

            if (extentRatio > 1)
                height = (int)(maxDisplayDimension / extentRatio);
            else if (extentRatio < 1)
                width = (int)(maxDisplayDimension * extentRatio);

            var cells        = new int[height, width];
            var maxCellCount = 0;

            foreach (var point in source.Points())
                var x = (int)Math.Min((point.X - tree._minX) / (tree._maxX - tree._minX) * width, width - 1);
                var y = (int)Math.Min((point.Y - tree._minY) / (tree._maxY - tree._minY) * height, height - 1);

                cells[y, x]++;

                maxCellCount = Math.Max(maxCellCount, cells[y, x]);

            var chars = new[] { '█', '▓', '▒', '░' };

            for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    var value = cells[y, x] == 0 ? " " : chars[Math.Min(chars.Length * cells[y, x] / maxCellCount, chars.Length - 1)].ToString();
Esempio n. 17
        public InputService(
            IKeyStateService keyStateService,
            IDictionaryService dictionaryService,
            IAudioService audioService,
            ICapturingStateManager capturingStateManager,
            IPointSource pointSource,
            ITriggerSource keySelectionTriggerSource,
            ITriggerSource pointSelectionTriggerSource)
            this.keyStateService = keyStateService;
            this.dictionaryService = dictionaryService;
            this.audioService = audioService;
            this.capturingStateManager = capturingStateManager;
            this.pointSource = pointSource;
            this.keySelectionTriggerSource = keySelectionTriggerSource;
            this.pointSelectionTriggerSource = pointSelectionTriggerSource;

            //Fixation key triggers also need the enabled state info
            var fixationTrigger = keySelectionTriggerSource as IFixationTriggerSource;
            if (fixationTrigger != null)
                fixationTrigger.KeyEnabledStates = keyStateService.KeyEnabledStates;
Esempio n. 18
 private PointStream(IPointSource source)
     this._source = source;
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Samples a subsequence from a point source determined by successive sequence widths
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">The point source</param>
 /// <param name="batchsize">The number of samples per batch</param>
 /// <param name="widths">The subsequence width markers</param>
 public static Span <(ulong count, T value)> SubSeq <T>(this IPointSource <T> src, int batchsize, ReadOnlySpan <ulong> widths)
Esempio n. 20
 public static IRandomStream <Bit> ToBitStream <T>(this IPointSource <T> src)
     where T : unmanaged
 => BitSource <T> .From(src);
Esempio n. 21
 public EyeGestureSource(IPointSource pointSource)
     this.pointSource = pointSource;
Esempio n. 22
        protected override async Task ServiceTaskAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)


            var tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, TcpPort);
            var rtuListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, RtuOverTcpPort);

            Logger.Info("starting listener");


            Logger.Info("generating slave net");

            var factory = new ModbusFactory();

            var tcpNetwork = factory.CreateSlaveNetwork(tcpListener);
            var rtuNetwork = factory.CreateRtuOverTcpSlaveNetwork(rtuListener);

            var slaveTcp = factory.CreateSlave(1);
            var slaveRtu = factory.CreateSlave(1, slaveTcp.DataStore);


            iRegisters = slaveTcp.DataStore.InputRegisters;
            hRegisters = slaveTcp.DataStore.HoldingRegisters;

            WfqydbServer.PropertyChanged += Wf_PropertyChanged;

            var timeOfStart = DateTime.Now.ToUnixTimestamp();

            ushort[] timeOfStartBuffer =
                (ushort)(timeOfStart >> 16),

            var ver = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;

            ushort[] verBuffer =

            byte[] myAddress = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, };

            iRegisters.WritePoints(0, verBuffer);
            iRegisters.WritePoints(3, timeOfStartBuffer);

            Logger.Info("starting slave net. step1");

            var tcpListenerTask = tcpNetwork.ListenAsync(cancellationToken);
            var rtuListenerTask = rtuNetwork.ListenAsync(cancellationToken);

            Logger.Info($"starting slave net. step2 {WfqydbServer.ToString()}");


            //await WfqydbServer.PullBroadcastQuery().ConfigureAwait(false);

            const int waitTime        = 100;    //ms
            const int faultRestTime   = 10_000; //ms
            const int responseTime    = 500;    //ms
            var       lastRequestTime = DateTime.Now;
            var       lastResetTime   = DateTime.Now;
            var       resetInterval   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);

            var faultRestTimer = 0;

            Logger.Info("entering inf loop");
            // Главный цикл до отмены этой задачи.
            while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // состояние связи
                    iRegisters.WritePoints(5, new ushort[] { (ushort)WfqydbServer.ConnectionState });
                    // Habdle

                    var buff     = hRegisters.ReadPoints(10, 5);
                    var cmd      = buff[0];
                    var cmdState = buff[1];

                    if ((buff[2] + buff[3]) == 0)
                        // Чтобы не было пустого места на элкамрм
                        hRegisters.WritePoints(12, new ushort[] { currentData[3], currentData[4], currentData[6] });

                    // обработка команд по модбас
                    if ((cmd > 0) && (cmdState == (ushort)CmdState.Rdy))
                        var upFreq    = (byte)buff[2];
                        var dnFreq    = (byte)buff[3];
                        var stokeRate = (byte)buff[4];

                        hRegisters.WritePoints(10, new ushort[] { cmd, (ushort)CmdState.Working });

                            switch ((Cmd)cmd)
                            case Cmd.Reset:
                                cmd      = 0;
                                cmdState = 0;
                                hRegisters.WritePoints(10, new ushort[] { (ushort)Cmd.NoOp, (ushort)CmdState.Rdy });

                            case Cmd.BroadcastQuery:
                                lastRequestTime = DateTime.Now;
                                //await WfqydbServer.PullBroadcastQuery().ConfigureAwait(false);
                                hRegisters.WritePoints(10, new ushort[] { (ushort)Cmd.NoOp, (ushort)CmdState.Rdy });


                            case Cmd.AutoRun:
                                lastRequestTime = DateTime.Now;
                                //await WfqydbServer.PullAutoRun(upFreq, dnFreq, stokeRate).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                WfqydbServer.PullAutoRun(upFreq, dnFreq, stokeRate);
                                hRegisters.WritePoints(10, new ushort[] { (ushort)Cmd.NoOp, (ushort)CmdState.Rdy });

                                ArcController?.NewLogMessage(LogCode.WFQYDBCmdCtart, $"u:{upFreq}, d:{dnFreq}, sr:{stokeRate}");

                            case Cmd.Shutdown:
                                lastRequestTime = DateTime.Now;
                                //await WfqydbServer.PullShutdown().ConfigureAwait(false);
                                hRegisters.WritePoints(10, new ushort[] { (ushort)Cmd.NoOp, (ushort)CmdState.Rdy });


                            case Cmd.ThrowException:
                                throw new Exception("Test exception");

                                hRegisters.WritePoints(10, new ushort[] { cmd, (ushort)CmdState.NotImplementedCmd });
                                faultRestTimer = faultRestTime;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            hRegisters.WritePoints(10, new ushort[] { cmd, (ushort)CmdState.CommonError });
                            faultRestTimer = faultRestTime;


                    if (cmdState != (ushort)CmdState.Rdy)
                        if ((faultRestTimer -= waitTime) <= 0)
                            hRegisters.WritePoints(10, new ushort[] { (ushort)Cmd.NoOp, (ushort)CmdState.Rdy });

                    await Task.Delay(waitTime, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // передернем сеть rtu. Так как она периодически подвисает.
                    //var lastResetTime = DateTime.Now;
                    //var resetInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
                    if ((lastResetTime + resetInterval) < DateTime.Now)
                        lastResetTime = DateTime.Now;
                        Logger.Info("restarting rtu");
                        //var rtuListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, RtuOverTcpPort);
                        // var rtuNetwork = factory.CreateRtuOverTcpSlaveNetwork(rtuListener);
                        // var slaveRtu = factory.CreateSlave(1, slaveTcp.DataStore);
                        // rtuNetwork.AddSlave(slaveRtu);
                        // var rtuListenerTask = rtuNetwork.ListenAsync(cancellationToken);
                catch (Exception ex)



                    await Task.Delay(waitTime, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            }// while



            await tcpListenerTask.ConfigureAwait(true);

            await rtuListenerTask.ConfigureAwait(true);
Esempio n. 23
 public BitSource(IPointSource <T> random)
     this.RngKind  = random.RngKind;
     this.Stream   = random.Stream().GetEnumerator().ToBitStream();
     this.BitQueue = new Queue <Bit>(BufferSize);
Esempio n. 24
        public MainWindow(
            IAudioService audioService,
            IDictionaryService dictionaryService,
            IInputService inputService,
            IKeyStateService keyStateService)

            this.audioService      = audioService;
            this.dictionaryService = dictionaryService;
            this.inputService      = inputService;
            this.keyStateService   = keyStateService;

            defaultPointSource    = inputService.PointSource;
            manualModePointSource = new MousePositionSource(Settings.Default.PointTtl)
                State = RunningStates.Paused

            managementWindowRequest        = new InteractionRequest <NotificationWithServicesAndState>();
            managementWindowRequestCommand = new DelegateCommand(RequestManagementWindow);
            toggleManualModeCommand        = new DelegateCommand(ToggleManualMode, () => !(defaultPointSource is MousePositionSource));
            quitCommand    = new DelegateCommand(Quit);
            backCommand    = new DelegateCommand(Back);
            restartCommand = new DelegateCommand(Restart);

            //Setup key binding (Alt+M and Shift+Alt+M) to open settings
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = managementWindowRequestCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.M
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = managementWindowRequestCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.M

            //Setup key binding (Alt+Enter and Shift+Alt+Enter) to open settings
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = toggleManualModeCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.Enter
            InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding
                Command   = toggleManualModeCommand,
                Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt,
                Key       = Key.Enter

            Title = string.Format(Properties.Resources.WINDOW_TITLE, DiagnosticInfo.AssemblyVersion);

            //Set the window size to 0x0 as this prevents a flicker where OptiKey would be displayed in the default position and then repositioned
            Width  = 0;
            Height = 0;

            this.Closing += (sender, args) =>
                Log.Info("Main window closing event detected. In some circumstances, such as closing OptiKey from the taskbar when a background thread is running, OptiKey will not close and instead become a background process. Forcing a full shutdown.");
Esempio n. 25
 public static IRandomStream <Bit> From(IPointSource <T> src)
 => new BitSource <T>(src);