private void Application_OnPlayfieldLoaded(IPlayfield playfield) { PlayfieldScriptData data = null; InitGameDependedData(ModApi.Application.Mode == ApplicationMode.SinglePlayer); PlayfieldData.TryAdd(playfield.Name, data = new PlayfieldScriptData(this) { PlayfieldName = playfield.Name, Playfield = playfield, }); UpdateScriptingModInfoData(); ModApi.Log($"StartScripts for {playfield.Name} pending"); TaskTools.Delay(Configuration.Current.DelayStartForNSecondsOnPlayfieldLoad, () => { ModApi.Log($"StartScripts for {playfield.Name}"); data.PauseScripts = false; if (ModApi.Application.Mode == ApplicationMode.SinglePlayer) { ModApi.Log(playfield.Entities?.Aggregate($"Player:{playfield.Players.FirstOrDefault().Value?.Name} PlayerDriving:{playfield.Players.FirstOrDefault().Value?.DrivingEntity?.Name}", (L, E) => L + $" {E.Key}:{E.Value.Name}")); data.AddEntity(playfield.Players.FirstOrDefault().Value?.DrivingEntity); playfield.Entities?.ForEach(E => data.AddEntity(E.Value)); } }); data.Playfield.OnEntityLoaded += data.Playfield_OnEntityLoaded; data.Playfield.OnEntityUnloaded += data.Playfield_OnEntityUnloaded; }
private void cboPlayfield_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { IPlayfield playfield = this.cboPlayfield.SelectedItem as IPlayfield; bool isSimulator = (playfield is PlayfieldSimulator); txtPlayfieldType.ReadOnly = !isSimulator; txtPlanetType.ReadOnly = !isSimulator; txtPlanetClass.ReadOnly = !isSimulator; nudSizeClass.ReadOnly = !isSimulator; nudTerrainSeed.ReadOnly = !isSimulator; btnGenerateTerrain.Enabled = !isSimulator; pbTerrain.Enabled = !isSimulator; txtPlayfieldType.Text = playfield?.PlayfieldType; txtPlanetType.Text = playfield?.PlanetType; txtPlanetClass.Text = playfield?.PlanetClass; if (isSimulator) { PlayfieldSimulator simulator = playfield as PlayfieldSimulator; nudSizeClass.Value = simulator?.SizeClass ?? 1; nudTerrainSeed.Value = simulator?.Terrain?.Seed ?? DateTime.Now.Ticks % 100000; if ((simulator?.Terrain != null) && (simulator?.Terrain?.Bitmap == null)) { simulator.Terrain.Raster(); } pbTerrain.Image = simulator?.Terrain?.Bitmap; } else { nudSizeClass.Value = 1; pbTerrain.Image = null; } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="charId"> /// </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public void CreateCharacter(int charId) { this.character = new Character(new Identity { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }, this); IEnumerable <DBCharacter> daochar = CharacterDao.GetById(charId); if (daochar.Count() == 0) { throw new Exception("Character " + charId.ToString() + " not found."); } if (daochar.Count() > 1) { throw new Exception( daochar.Count().ToString() + " Characters with id " + charId.ToString() + " found??? Check Database setup!"); } DBCharacter character = daochar.First(); this.character.Name = character.Name; this.character.LastName = character.LastName; this.character.FirstName = character.FirstName; this.character.Coordinates = new AOCoord(character.X, character.Y, character.Z); this.character.Heading = new Quaternion( character.HeadingX, character.HeadingY, character.HeadingZ, character.HeadingW); this.character.Playfield = this.server.PlayfieldById(character.Playfield); this.Playfield = this.character.Playfield; this.Playfield.Entities.Add(this.character); this.character.Stats.Read(); this.character.BaseInventory.Read(); }
public static ICharacter InstantiateMobSpawn( DBMobSpawn mob, DBMobSpawnStat[] stats, IController npccontroller, IPlayfield playfield) { if (playfield != null) { Identity mobId = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = mob.Id }; if (Pool.Instance.GetObject(playfield.Identity, mobId) != null) { throw new Exception("Object " + mobId.ToString() + " already exists!!"); } Character cmob = new Character(playfield.Identity, mobId, npccontroller); cmob.Read(); cmob.Playfield = playfield; cmob.Coordinates(new Coordinate() { x = mob.X, y = mob.Y, z = mob.Z }); cmob.RawHeading = new Quaternion(mob.HeadingX, mob.HeadingY, mob.HeadingZ, mob.HeadingW); cmob.Name = mob.Name; cmob.FirstName = ""; cmob.LastName = ""; foreach (DBMobSpawnStat stat in stats) { cmob.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering(stat.Stat, (uint)stat.Value); } cmob.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.visualprofession, cmob.Stats[StatIds.profession].BaseValue); // initiate affected stats calculation int temp = cmob.Stats[StatIds.level].Value; temp = cmob.Stats[StatIds.agility].Value; temp = cmob.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value; cmob.MeshLayer.AddMesh(0, cmob.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value, 0, 4); cmob.SocialMeshLayer.AddMesh(0, cmob.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value, 0, 4); List <MobSpawnWaypoint> waypoints = MessagePackZip.DeserializeData <MobSpawnWaypoint>(mob.Waypoints.ToArray()); foreach (MobSpawnWaypoint wp in waypoints) { Waypoint mobwp = new Waypoint(); mobwp.Position.x = wp.X; mobwp.Position.y = wp.Y; mobwp.Position.z = wp.Z; mobwp.Running = wp.WalkMode == 1; cmob.Waypoints.Add(mobwp); } npccontroller.Character = cmob; if (cmob.Waypoints.Count > 2) { cmob.Controller.State = CharacterState.Patrolling; } cmob.DoNotDoTimers = false; return(cmob); } return(null); }
public static void SpawnEmptyVendorFromTemplate(StatelData statelData, IPlayfield playfield, int instance) { Identity pfIdentity = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.Playfield, Instance = statelData.PlayfieldId }; Identity freeIdentity = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.VendingMachine, Instance = Pool.Instance.GetFreeInstance <Vendor>( 0x70000000, IdentityType.VendingMachine) }; Vendor v = new Vendor(pfIdentity, freeIdentity, statelData.TemplateId); v.OriginalIdentity = statelData.Identity; v.RawCoordinates = new Vector3(statelData.X, statelData.Y, statelData.Z); v.Heading = new Quaternion( statelData.HeadingX, statelData.HeadingY, statelData.HeadingZ, statelData.HeadingW); v.Playfield = playfield; }
private void Application_OnPlayfieldUnloading(IPlayfield playfield) { ScriptingModScriptsInfoData.TryRemove(playfield.Name, out _); if (!PlayfieldData.TryRemove(playfield.Name, out var data)) { return; } data.Playfield.OnEntityLoaded -= data.Playfield_OnEntityLoaded; data.Playfield.OnEntityUnloaded -= data.Playfield_OnEntityUnloaded; ModApi.Log($"PauseScripts for {playfield.Name} {(data.PauseScripts ? "always stopped" : "scripts running")}"); data.PauseScripts = true; DisplayScriptInfos(); data.ScriptExecQueue?.Clear(); data.LcdCompileCache?.Clear(); data.PersistendData?.Clear(); var stores = data.EventStore?.Values.ToArray(); data.EventStore?.Clear(); stores?.ForEach(S => ((EventStore)S).Dispose()); }
public ScriptRootData(IEntity[] currentEntities, IPlayfield playfield, IEntity entity, bool deviceLockAllowed, ConcurrentDictionary <string, object> persistendData) : this() { DeviceLockAllowed = deviceLockAllowed; _PersistendData = persistendData; this.currentEntites = currentEntities; this.playfield = playfield; this.entity = entity; }
public DeviceLock(IPlayfield playfield, IStructure structure, VectorInt3 position) { var witherror = false; try { if (ScriptExecQueue.Iteration % EmpyrionScripting.Configuration.Current.DeviceLockOnlyAllowedEveryXCycles != 0) { return; } if (playfield.IsStructureDeviceLocked(structure.Id, position)) { return; } var lockkey = $"{structure.Id}#{position.x}#{position.y}#{position.z}"; var e = new AutoResetEvent(false); playfield.LockStructureDevice(structure.Id, position, true, (s) => { if (witherror) { Log($"Lock:Callback:Error {playfield.Name} {structure.Id} {position}", LogLevel.Debug); playfield.LockStructureDevice(structure.Id, position, false, null); } else { Success = s; e.Set(); } }); witherror = !e.WaitOne(10000); if (witherror) { Log($"Lock:WaitOne:Error {playfield.Name} {structure.Id} {position}", LogLevel.Debug); } if (Success) { unlockAction = () => { e.Reset(); playfield.LockStructureDevice(structure.Id, position, false, (s) => e.Set()); if (!e.WaitOne(10000)) { Log($"Unlock:Timeout {playfield.Name} {structure.Id} {position}", LogLevel.Debug); } } } ; } catch (Exception error) { witherror = true; throw new Exception($"DeviceLock:failed on Playfield:{playfield?.Name} at Id:{structure.Id} on {position} with: {error}"); } }
public TestObjectsFactory() { this.factory = new LabyrinthFactory(); this.playfield = this.factory.CreatePlayfield(); this.player = this.factory.CreatePlayer(); this.dialogs = this.factory.CreateDialogs(); this.scoreboard = this.factory.CreateScoreboard(); = new SaveSystem(); }
public Memento(ILabyrinthFactory factory, IPlayfield playfield, IPlayer player, IGameDialog dialogs, IScoreboard scoreboard, int numberOfMoves) { this.Factory = factory; this.Playfield = playfield; this.Player = player; this.Dialogs = dialogs; this.Scoreboard = scoreboard; this.NumberOfMoves = numberOfMoves; }
private LabyrinthEngine() { this.factory = new LabyrinthFactory(); this.playfield = this.factory.CreatePlayfield(); this.player = this.factory.CreatePlayer(); this.dialogs = this.factory.CreateDialogs(); this.scoreboard = this.factory.CreateScoreboard(); = new SaveSystem(); }
public void LoadMemento(Memento restore) { Console.WriteLine("\nRestoring state --\n"); this.factory = restore.Factory; this.playfield = restore.Playfield; this.player = restore.Player; this.dialogs = restore.Dialogs; this.scoreboard = restore.Scoreboard; this.numberOfMoves = restore.NumberOfMoves; }
public ScriptSaveGameRootData( PlayfieldScriptData playfieldScriptData, IEntity[] allEntities, IEntity[] currentEntities, IPlayfield playfield, IEntity entity, ConcurrentDictionary <string, object> persistendData, EventStore eventStore) : base(playfieldScriptData, allEntities, currentEntities, playfield, entity, persistendData, eventStore) { }
public void TestMemento() { ILabyrinthFactory factory = new LabyrinthFactory(); IPlayfield playfield = factory.CreatePlayfield(); IPlayer player = factory.CreatePlayer(); IGameDialog dialogs = factory.CreateDialogs(); IScoreboard scoreboard = factory.CreateScoreboard(); int numberOfMoves = 5; Memento testMemento = new Memento(factory, playfield, player, dialogs, scoreboard, numberOfMoves); }
private bool MoveEmptyFrame(IPlayfield playfield, Direction direction) { bool isMoveValid = false; Point emptyFrameLocation = FindEmptyFrame(playfield); Frame[,] board = playfield.Board; switch (direction) { case Direction.Up: if (emptyFrameLocation.Y < 1) { break; } var temp = board[emptyFrameLocation.Y - 1, emptyFrameLocation.X]; // frame above the empty frame board[emptyFrameLocation.Y - 1, emptyFrameLocation.X] = null; board[emptyFrameLocation.Y, emptyFrameLocation.X] = temp; isMoveValid = true; break; case Direction.Right: if (emptyFrameLocation.X == board.GetLength(0) - 1) { break; } var temp1 = board[emptyFrameLocation.Y, emptyFrameLocation.X + 1]; // frame right to the empty frame board[emptyFrameLocation.Y, emptyFrameLocation.X + 1] = null; board[emptyFrameLocation.Y, emptyFrameLocation.X] = temp1; isMoveValid = true; break; case Direction.Down: if (emptyFrameLocation.Y == board.GetLength(1) - 1) { break; } var temp2 = board[emptyFrameLocation.Y + 1, emptyFrameLocation.X]; // frame under the empty frame board[emptyFrameLocation.Y + 1, emptyFrameLocation.X] = null; board[emptyFrameLocation.Y, emptyFrameLocation.X] = temp2; isMoveValid = true; break; case Direction.Left: if (emptyFrameLocation.X < 1) { break; } var temp3 = board[emptyFrameLocation.Y, emptyFrameLocation.X - 1]; // frame left to the empty frame board[emptyFrameLocation.Y, emptyFrameLocation.X - 1] = null; board[emptyFrameLocation.Y, emptyFrameLocation.X] = temp3; isMoveValid = true; break; } return(isMoveValid); }
public void UnloadPlayfield(IPlayfield playfield) { if (this.Playfields.Contains(playfield)) { if (this.OnPlayfieldUnloading != null) { this.OnPlayfieldUnloading(playfield); } this.Playfields.Remove(playfield); } }
public static ICharacter InstantiateMobSpawn( DBMobSpawn mob, DBMobSpawnStat[] stats, IController npccontroller, IPlayfield playfield) { if (playfield != null) { Identity mobId = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = mob.Id }; if (Pool.Instance.GetObject(playfield.Identity, mobId) != null) { throw new Exception("Object " + mobId.ToString(true) + " already exists!!"); } Character cmob = new Character(playfield.Identity, mobId, npccontroller); cmob.Read(); cmob.Playfield = playfield; cmob.Coordinates(new Coordinate() { x = mob.X, y = mob.Y, z = mob.Z }); cmob.RawHeading = new Quaternion(mob.HeadingX, mob.HeadingY, mob.HeadingZ, mob.HeadingW); cmob.Name = mob.Name; cmob.FirstName = ""; cmob.LastName = ""; foreach (DBMobSpawnStat stat in stats) { cmob.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering(stat.Stat, (uint)stat.Value); } cmob.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.visualprofession, cmob.Stats[StatIds.profession].BaseValue); // initiate affected stats calculation int temp = cmob.Stats[StatIds.level].Value; temp = cmob.Stats[StatIds.agility].Value; temp = cmob.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value; cmob.MeshLayer.AddMesh(0, cmob.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value, 0, 4); cmob.SocialMeshLayer.AddMesh(0, cmob.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value, 0, 4); List<MobSpawnWaypoint> waypoints = MessagePackZip.DeserializeData<MobSpawnWaypoint>(mob.Waypoints.ToArray()); foreach (MobSpawnWaypoint wp in waypoints) { Waypoint mobwp = new Waypoint(); mobwp.Position.x = wp.X; mobwp.Position.y = wp.Y; mobwp.Position.z = wp.Z; mobwp.Running = wp.WalkMode == 1; cmob.Waypoints.Add(mobwp); } npccontroller.Character = cmob; if (cmob.Waypoints.Count > 2) { cmob.Controller.State = CharacterState.Patrolling; } cmob.DoNotDoTimers = false; return cmob; } return null; }
private void Application_OnPlayfieldLoaded(IPlayfield playfield) { _nlog.Trace($"Application_OnPlayfieldLoaded Raised => PlayfieldLoad := \"{playfield.Name}\""); foreach (var p in playfield.Players) { var player = p.Value; var vessel = player.Structure; var dockedVessels = vessel?.GetDockedVessels() ?? new List <IStructure>(); _nlog.Trace("Player {0} is Piloting {1} and has {2} vessels docked", player.Name, vessel?.Entity.Name ?? "Nothing", dockedVessels.Count()); } }
public void TestLoadMememntoMethod() { ILabyrinthFactory factory = new LabyrinthFactory(); IPlayfield playfield = factory.CreatePlayfield(); IPlayer player = factory.CreatePlayer(); IGameDialog dialogs = factory.CreateDialogs(); IScoreboard scoreboard = factory.CreateScoreboard(); int numberOfMoves = 5; Memento testMemento = new Memento(factory, playfield, player, dialogs, scoreboard, numberOfMoves); Labyrinth.Engine.LabyrinthEngine.Instance.LoadMemento(testMemento); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="charId"> /// </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public void CreateCharacter(int charId) { DBCharacter character = CharacterDao.Instance.Get(charId); if (character == null) { throw new Exception("Character " + charId + " not found."); } // TODO: Save playfield type into Character table and use it accordingly IPlayfield pf = this.server.PlayfieldById( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.Playfield, Instance = character.Playfield }); if ( Pool.Instance.GetObject <Character>( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }) == null) { this.Controller.Character = new Character( pf.Identity, new Identity { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }, this.Controller); this.controller.Character.Read(); } else { this.Controller.Character = Pool.Instance.GetObject <Character>( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }); this.Controller.Character.Reconnect(this); LogUtil.Debug(DebugInfoDetail.Engine, "Reconnected to Character " + charId); } // Stop pending logouts this.Controller.Character.StopLogoutTimer(); this.Controller.Character.Playfield = pf; this.Playfield = pf; this.Controller.Character.Stats.Read(); this.controller.Character.Stats[StatIds.visualprofession].BaseValue = (uint)this.controller.Character.Stats[StatIds.profession].Value; }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="charId"> /// </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public void CreateCharacter(int charId) { IEnumerable <DBCharacter> daochar = CharacterDao.GetById(charId); if (daochar.Count() == 0) { throw new Exception("Character " + charId + " not found."); } if (daochar.Count() > 1) { throw new Exception( daochar.Count() + " Characters with id " + charId + " found??? Check Database setup!"); } DBCharacter character = daochar.First(); IPlayfield pf = this.server.PlayfieldById(character.Playfield); if (pf.Entities.GetObject <Character>( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }) == null) { this.character = new Character( pf.Entities, new Identity { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }, this); } else { this.character = pf.Entities.GetObject <Character>( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }); this.character.Reconnect(this); LogUtil.Debug("Reconnected to Character " + charId); } // Stop pending logouts this.character.StopLogoutTimer(); this.character.Playfield = pf; this.Playfield = pf; this.character.Stats.Read(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnPlayfieldUnloading event from the IApplication instance. Shuts down the PlayfieldProcessor that was handling the IPlayfield instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="playfield">The IPlayfield instance that is about to be unloaded.</param> private void Application_OnPlayfieldUnloading(IPlayfield playfield) { try { if (this.PlayfieldProcessors.ContainsKey(playfield.Name)) { this.PlayfieldProcessors[playfield.Name].Stop(); this.PlayfieldProcessors.Remove(playfield.Name); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warn($"Unexpected error when unloading processor for playfield {playfield.Name}. {ex.Message}"); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnPlayfieldLoaded event from the game IApplication instance. Passes off the new IPlayfield instance to a PlayfieldProcessor. /// </summary> /// <param name="playfield">The newly loaded IPlayfield instance.</param> private void Application_OnPlayfieldLoaded(IPlayfield playfield) { try { if (this.PlayfieldProcessors.ContainsKey(playfield.Name)) { this.PlayfieldProcessors[playfield.Name].Stop(); } this.PlayfieldProcessors[playfield.Name] = new PlayfieldProcessor(playfield); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warn($"Failed to create a processor for {playfield.Name}. {ex.Message}"); } }
public bool MakeMove(IPlayfield playfield, Direction direction, bool withRandomMoves) { bool isMoveValid = MoveEmptyFrame(playfield, direction); if (isMoveValid) { if (withRandomMoves) { Random random = new Random(); MakeRandomMoves(playfield, random.Next(1, 6)); // [1;6) } NotifyOnPlayfieldChange?.Invoke(playfield.Board); } return(isMoveValid); }
private void MakeRandomMoves(IPlayfield playfield, int numberOfMoves) { Random random = new Random(); var values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction)); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMoves; i++) { int index = random.Next(values.Length); Direction randomDirection = (Direction)values.GetValue(index); bool isMoveValid = MoveEmptyFrame(playfield, randomDirection); if (isMoveValid == false) { i--; } } }
public void Update(IPlayer player, IPlayfield playfield, int numberOfMoves, IScoreboard scoreboard, IGameDialog dialogs) { if (playfield.IsPlayerWinning(player)) { Console.Write(dialogs.WinnerMessage(numberOfMoves)); string name = Console.ReadLine(); try { scoreboard.AddTopScoreToScoreboard(name, numberOfMoves); } finally { } Console.WriteLine(); LabyrinthEngine.Instance.StartNewGame(); } }
protected virtual void HandleRequestPacket(Connection connection, RequestPacket packet) { switch (packet.Specification) { case RequestSpecification.GameState: connection.Send(EmpyrionExtension.Instance.GameStateProcessor.GetCurrentState()); break; case RequestSpecification.ClientPlayfieldName: string name = EmpyrionExtension.EmpyrionApi?.ClientPlayfield?.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { connection.Send(new RequestPacket(RequestSpecification.ClientPlayfieldName, name)); } break; case RequestSpecification.PlayfieldData: if (EmpyrionExtension.Instance?.PlayfieldProcessors?.ContainsKey(packet.Specifier) ?? false) { IPlayfield playfield = EmpyrionExtension.Instance?.PlayfieldProcessors?[packet.Specifier]?.Playfield; if (playfield != null) { connection.Send(new PlayfieldDataPacket(DataFactory.PlayfieldData(playfield))); } } break; case RequestSpecification.PlayfieldMap: if (EmpyrionExtension.Instance?.PlayfieldProcessors?.ContainsKey(packet.Specifier) ?? false) { PlayfieldProcessor processor = EmpyrionExtension.Instance?.PlayfieldProcessors?[packet.Specifier]; if (processor != null) { if (processor.PlayfieldMap == null) { processor.WhenMapReady(map => connection.Send(new PlayfieldMapPacket(map))); } else { connection.Send(new PlayfieldMapPacket(processor.PlayfieldMap)); } } } break; } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> /// </param> /// <param name="message"> /// </param> public void Handle(object sender, Message message) { if (((TextMessage)message.Body).Message.Text.StartsWith(".")) { // It is a chat command in vicinity chat, lets process it ChatCommandHandler.Read(((TextMessage)message.Body).Message.Text.TrimStart('.'), (ZoneClient)sender); return; } ICharacter character = ((IZoneClient)sender).Character; IPlayfield playfield = character.Playfield; float range = 0.0f; switch ((int)((TextMessage)message.Body).Message.Type) { case 0x01: range = 1.5f; break; case 0x00: range = 10.0f; break; case 0x02: range = 60.0f; break; } List <Character> charsInRange = playfield.FindInRange(character, range); VicinityChatMessage vicinityChat = new VicinityChatMessage { CharacterIds = charsInRange.Select( x => x.Identity.Instance).ToList(), MessageType = (byte) ((TextMessage)message.Body).Message.Type, Text = ((TextMessage)message.Body).Message.Text, SenderId = character.Identity.Instance }; Program.ISComClient.Send(vicinityChat); }
public static void SpawnVendorFromDatabaseTemplate(DBVendor vendor, IPlayfield playfield) { Identity pfIdentity = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.Playfield, Instance = vendor.Playfield }; Identity freeIdentity = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.VendingMachine, Instance = Pool.Instance.GetFreeInstance<Vendor>( 0x70000000, IdentityType.VendingMachine) }; Vendor v = new Vendor(pfIdentity, freeIdentity, vendor.Hash); v.RawCoordinates = new Vector3(vendor.X, vendor.Y, vendor.Z); v.Heading = new Quaternion(vendor.HeadingX, vendor.HeadingY, vendor.HeadingZ, vendor.HeadingW); v.Playfield = playfield; }
public void ShuffleBoard(IPlayfield playfield, Level level) { switch (level) { case Level.Easy: MakeRandomMoves(playfield, 5); break; case Level.Medium: MakeRandomMoves(playfield, 20); break; case Level.Hard: MakeRandomMoves(playfield, 100); break; } NotifyOnPlayfieldChange?.Invoke(playfield.Board); }
private Point FindEmptyFrame(IPlayfield playfield) { Point emptyFrame = new Point(); for (int i = 0; i < playfield.Board.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < playfield.Board.GetLength(1); j++) { if (playfield.Board[i, j] == null) { emptyFrame.X = j; emptyFrame.Y = i; } } } return(emptyFrame); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="playfieldNumber"> /// </param> public void CreatePlayfield(int playfieldNumber) { foreach (PlayfieldInfo playfieldInfo in Playfields.Instance.playfields) { if ( != playfieldNumber) { continue; } Identity identity = new Identity(); identity.Type = IdentityType.Playfield; identity.Instance = playfieldNumber; IPlayfield playfield = this.CreatePlayfield(identity); foreach (DistrictInfo districtInfo in playfieldInfo.districts) { PlayfieldDistrict playfieldDistrict = new PlayfieldDistrict(); playfieldDistrict.Name = districtInfo.districtName; playfieldDistrict.MinLevel = districtInfo.minLevel; playfieldDistrict.MaxLevel = districtInfo.maxLevel; playfieldDistrict.SuppressionGas = districtInfo.suppressionGas; playfield.Districts.Add(playfieldDistrict); } playfield.X = playfieldInfo.x; playfield.Z = playfieldInfo.z; playfield.XScale = playfieldInfo.xscale; playfield.ZScale = playfieldInfo.zscale; playfield.Expansion = (Expansions)playfieldInfo.expansion; this.playfields.Add(playfield); PlayfieldWorkerHolder playfieldWorkerHolder = new PlayfieldWorkerHolder(); playfieldWorkerHolder.PlayfieldWorker.SetPlayfield(playfield); Thread thread = new Thread(playfieldWorkerHolder.PlayfieldWorker.DoWork); playfieldWorkerHolder.thread = thread; thread.Start(); this.workers.Add(playfieldWorkerHolder); while (!thread.IsAlive) { ; } break; } }
public static void SpawnEmptyVendorFromTemplate(StatelData statelData, IPlayfield playfield, int instance) { Identity pfIdentity = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.Playfield, Instance = statelData.PlayfieldId }; Identity freeIdentity = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.VendingMachine, Instance = Pool.Instance.GetFreeInstance<Vendor>( 0x70000000, IdentityType.VendingMachine) }; Vendor v = new Vendor(pfIdentity, freeIdentity, statelData.TemplateId); v.OriginalIdentity = statelData.Identity; v.RawCoordinates = new Vector3(statelData.X, statelData.Y, statelData.Z); v.Heading = new Quaternion( statelData.HeadingX, statelData.HeadingY, statelData.HeadingZ, statelData.HeadingW); v.Playfield = playfield; }
public static void SpawnVendorsForPlayfield(IPlayfield playfield, StatelData[] rdbVendors) { IEnumerable<DBVendor> vendors = VendorDao.Instance.GetWhere(new { Playfield = playfield.Identity.Instance }); foreach (StatelData sd in rdbVendors) { int id = (((sd.Identity.Instance) >> 16) & 0xff | (playfield.Identity.Instance << 16)); DBVendor vendor = vendors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); if (vendor != null) { LogUtil.Debug(DebugInfoDetail.Statel, sd.Identity.ToString(true) + " - DB " + vendor.TemplateId); SpawnVendorFromDatabaseTemplate(vendor, playfield); } else { LogUtil.Debug(DebugInfoDetail.Statel, sd.Identity.ToString(true) + " - " + sd.TemplateId); SpawnEmptyVendorFromTemplate(sd, playfield, id); } } }
/// <summary> /// Render playfield classes on Console /// </summary> /// <param name="playfield">The playfield that will be draw on Console</param> public void RenderPlayfield(IPlayfield playfield) { for (int row = 0; row < playfield.Size + GlobalConstants.BorderSize; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < playfield.Size + GlobalConstants.BorderSize; col++) { if (row == 0) { if (col == 0) { this.RenderSingleSymbol(" "); } if (col == 1) { this.RenderSingleSymbol(" "); } if (col > 1) { this.RenderSingleSymbol((col - GlobalConstants.BorderSize).ToString()); } } if (row == 1) { if (col == 0) { this.RenderSingleSymbol(" "); } if (col == 1) { this.RenderSingleSymbol(" "); } if (col > 1) { this.RenderSingleSymbol("_"); } } if (row > 1) { if (col == 0) { this.RenderSingleSymbol((row - GlobalConstants.BorderSize).ToString()); } if (col == 1) { this.RenderSingleSymbol("|"); } if (col > 1) { Console.Write("{0, 2}", playfield.GetCell(row - GlobalConstants.BorderSize, col - GlobalConstants.BorderSize)); } } } Console.WriteLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="charId"> /// </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public void CreateCharacter(int charId) { DBCharacter character = CharacterDao.Instance.Get(charId); if (character == null) { throw new Exception("Character " + charId + " not found."); } // TODO: Save playfield type into Character table and use it accordingly IPlayfield pf = this.server.PlayfieldById( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.Playfield, Instance = character.Playfield }); if ( Pool.Instance.GetObject<Character>( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }) == null) { this.Controller.Character = new Character( pf.Identity, new Identity { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }, this.Controller); this.controller.Character.Read(); } else { this.Controller.Character = Pool.Instance.GetObject<Character>( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }); this.Controller.Character.Reconnect(this); LogUtil.Debug(DebugInfoDetail.Engine, "Reconnected to Character " + charId); } // Stop pending logouts this.Controller.Character.StopLogoutTimer(); this.Controller.Character.Playfield = pf; this.Playfield = pf; this.Controller.Character.Stats.Read(); this.controller.Character.Stats[StatIds.visualprofession].BaseValue = (uint)this.controller.Character.Stats[StatIds.profession].Value; }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="charId"> /// </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public void CreateCharacter(int charId) { IEnumerable<DBCharacter> daochar = CharacterDao.GetById(charId); if (daochar.Count() == 0) { throw new Exception("Character " + charId + " not found."); } if (daochar.Count() > 1) { throw new Exception( daochar.Count() + " Characters with id " + charId + " found??? Check Database setup!"); } DBCharacter character = daochar.First(); IPlayfield pf = this.server.PlayfieldById(character.Playfield); if (pf.Entities.GetObject<Character>( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }) == null) { this.character = new Character( pf.Entities, new Identity { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }, this); } else { this.character = pf.Entities.GetObject<Character>( new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }); this.character.Reconnect(this); LogUtil.Debug("Reconnected to Character " + charId); } // Stop pending logouts this.character.StopLogoutTimer(); this.character.Playfield = pf; this.Playfield = pf; this.character.Stats.Read(); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="playfield"> /// </param> public void SetPlayfield(IPlayfield playfield) { this.playfield = playfield; }
private string GetSymbolFromField(IPlayfield playfield) { Console.WriteLine(GlobalConstants.EnterCoordinates); int[] coordinates = this.reader.ReadCoordinates(); while (!(coordinates[0] >= 0 && coordinates[0] < playfield.Size && coordinates[1] >= 0 && coordinates[1] < playfield.Size)) { coordinates = this.reader.ReadCoordinates(); } int row = coordinates[0]; int col = coordinates[1]; this.currentHit.Row = row; this.currentHit.Col = col; return playfield.GetCell(row, col); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="charId"> /// </param> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public void CreateCharacter(int charId) { this.character = new Character(new Identity { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }, this); IEnumerable<DBCharacter> daochar = CharacterDao.GetById(charId); if (daochar.Count() == 0) { throw new Exception("Character " + charId.ToString() + " not found."); } if (daochar.Count() > 1) { throw new Exception( daochar.Count().ToString() + " Characters with id " + charId.ToString() + " found??? Check Database setup!"); } DBCharacter character = daochar.First(); this.character.Name = character.Name; this.character.LastName = character.LastName; this.character.FirstName = character.FirstName; this.character.Coordinates = new AOCoord(character.X, character.Y, character.Z); this.character.Heading = new Quaternion( character.HeadingX, character.HeadingY, character.HeadingZ, character.HeadingW); this.character.Playfield = this.server.PlayfieldById(character.Playfield); this.Playfield = this.character.Playfield; this.Playfield.Entities.Add(this.character); this.character.Stats.Read(); this.character.BaseInventory.Read(); }