private void SetHandOutcome(IPlayerHand playerHand, int dealerHandValue)
            int playerHandValue = playerHand.GetBestCardValue();

            if (playerHandValue > Constants.BestHandValue)
                playerHand.Outcome = HandOutcome.Lost;
            else if (dealerHandValue > Constants.BestHandValue)
                playerHand.Outcome = HandOutcome.Won;
            else if (playerHandValue == dealerHandValue)
                playerHand.Outcome = HandOutcome.Pushed;
            else if (playerHandValue > dealerHandValue)
                playerHand.Outcome = HandOutcome.Won;
            else if (playerHandValue < dealerHandValue)
                playerHand.Outcome = HandOutcome.Lost;
                throw new Exception("Could not determine outcome of player's hand");
Esempio n. 2
        public ViewModelFactory()
            playerHand = new PlayerHand();
            IPlayerService player = new PlayerService(playerHand);

            _controller = new SimulationController(player);
        /// <summary>Rollback the previous cancellation of this command.</summary>
        public override void Redo()
            preventConflict(stackBefore, stackAfter);

            // does the hand already contain an identical clone?
            IPlayerHand playerHand = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.GetPlayerHand(playerGuid);

            for (int i = 0; i < playerHand.Count; ++i)
                ITerrainClone handPiece = stackAfter.Pieces[i] as ITerrainClone;
                if (handPiece != null && handPiece.Prototype == piece.Prototype)
                    // yes -> don't redo ordering of the hand, it's not transactional
                        new MoveToFrontOfBoardAnimation(stackBefore, boardBefore),
                        new MoveStackToHandAnimation(stackBefore),
                        new RemoveTerrainAnimation(stackBefore));
            // add the piece
                new MoveToFrontOfBoardAnimation(stackBefore, boardBefore),
                new MoveStackToHandAnimation(stackBefore),
                (stackBefore == stackAfter ?
                 (IAnimation) new FillPlayerHandAnimation(playerGuid, stackBefore) :
                 (IAnimation) new MergeStacksAnimation(stackAfter, stackBefore, insertionIndex)));
        private decimal GetOrDistributeMoneyTo(IPlayer player, IPlayerHand playerHand)
            switch (playerHand.Outcome)
            case HandOutcome.InProgress:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot get or distribute money to hand already in play");

            case HandOutcome.Won:
                if (playerHand.IsBlackjack)
                    player.CurrentTotalCash += Math.Round(playerHand.Bet * Constants.BlackjackBetWinMultiplier,
                    player.CurrentTotalCash += Math.Round(playerHand.Bet * Constants.NonBlackjackBetWinMultiplier,

            case HandOutcome.Lost:

            case HandOutcome.Pushed:
                player.CurrentTotalCash += playerHand.Bet;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Esempio n. 5
        public sealed override void Handle(Controller controller)
            IPlayer sender = controller.Model.GetPlayer(senderId);

            if (sender != null)
                IGame game = controller.Model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame;
                // is the terrain in the player's hand?
                if (boardId != -1)
                    // no
                    IBoard board = game.GetBoardById(boardId);
                    if (board != null)
                        IStack stack = board.GetStackFromZOrder(zOrder);
                        sender.StackBeingDragged = stack.Pieces[0];
                        sender.DragAndDropAnchor = anchor;
                    // yes, in the hand
                    if (sender.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                        IPlayerHand playerHand = game.GetPlayerHand(sender.Guid);
                        if (playerHand != null && playerHand.Count > zOrder)
                            IPiece piece = playerHand.Pieces[zOrder];
                            sender.PieceBeingDragged = piece;
                            sender.DragAndDropAnchor = anchor;
Esempio n. 6
        public void SplitInto(IPlayerHand hand)
            var card2 = _cards[1];

            CreatedFromSplit = true;
            hand.CreatedFromSplit = true;
        public decimal GetInitialBetAmount(IPlayerHand lastHand, decimal playerTotalCash, TableSettings tableSettings)
            if (playerTotalCash < tableSettings.MinimumBet)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not enough money to play the game");

Esempio n. 8
 public MainViewModel(ISimulationController controller, IPlayerHand playerHand)
     _controller           = controller;
     _playerHand           = playerHand;
     _roundCounts          = controller.InitializeRoundCounts();
     _simulatedDoubleQuote = "0% (0/0)";
     _result = new Result();
     My      = 22;
     Sigma   = 12;
        /// <summary>Execute this command.</summary>
        public override void Do()
            preventConflict(stackBefore, stackAfter);

            boardBefore         = stackBefore.Board;
            positionBefore      = stackBefore.Position;
            piece               = (ITerrainClone)stackBefore.Pieces[0];
            zOrderBefore        = ((Board)boardBefore).GetZOrder(stackBefore);
            rotationAngleBefore = piece.RotationAngle;
            sideBefore          = piece.Side;

            // does the hand already contain an identical clone?
            IPlayerHand playerHand = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.GetPlayerHand(playerGuid);

            for (int i = 0; i < playerHand.Count; ++i)
                ITerrainClone handPiece = stackAfter.Pieces[i] as ITerrainClone;
                if (handPiece != null && handPiece.Prototype == piece.Prototype)
                    // yes -> simply move the piece to the new insertion index
                    if (playerGuid == model.ThisPlayer.Guid)
                            new RemoveTerrainAnimation(stackBefore),
                            new RearrangePlayerHandAnimation(playerHand, i, insertionIndex));
                            new MoveToFrontOfBoardAnimation(stackBefore, boardBefore),
                            new MoveStackToHandAnimation(stackBefore),
                            new RemoveTerrainAnimation(stackBefore),
                            new RearrangePlayerHandAnimation(playerHand, i, insertionIndex));
            // add the piece
            if (playerGuid == model.ThisPlayer.Guid)
                    (stackBefore == stackAfter ?
                     (IAnimation) new FillPlayerHandAnimation(playerGuid, stackBefore) :
                     (IAnimation) new MergeStacksAnimation(stackAfter, stackBefore, insertionIndex)));
                    new MoveToFrontOfBoardAnimation(stackBefore, boardBefore),
                    new MoveStackToHandAnimation(stackBefore),
                    (stackBefore == stackAfter ?
                     (IAnimation) new FillPlayerHandAnimation(playerGuid, stackBefore) :
                     (IAnimation) new MergeStacksAnimation(stackAfter, stackBefore, insertionIndex)));
Esempio n. 10
        public sealed override void HandleAccept(Controller controller)
            IModel model = controller.Model;
            IGame  game  = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame;

            // is the terrain in the player's hand?
            if (boardId != -1)
                // no
                IBoard board = game.GetBoardById(boardId);
                if (board != null)
                    IStack stackBeingDropped = board.GetStackFromZOrder(zOrder);
                    IPiece piece             = stackBeingDropped.Pieces[0];
                    if (senderId == model.ThisPlayer.Id)
                        model.CommandManager.ExecuteCommandSequence(new ConfirmedRotatePieceCommand(model, piece, rotationIncrements));
                        model.CommandManager.ExecuteCommandSequence(new RotatePieceCommand(model, piece, rotationIncrements));
                // yes, in the hand
                if (senderId == model.ThisPlayer.Id)
                    IPlayer sender = model.GetPlayer(senderId);
                    if (sender != null && sender.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                        IPlayerHand playerHand = game.GetPlayerHand(sender.Guid);
                        if (playerHand != null && playerHand.Count > zOrder)
                            IPiece piece = playerHand.Pieces[zOrder];
                            if (model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(piece.Stack))
                            model.AnimationManager.LaunchAnimationSequence(new InstantRotatePiecesAnimation(new IPiece[1] {
                            }, rotationIncrements));
Esempio n. 11
File: Hand.cs Progetto: jimu/ZunTzu
        /// <summary>Returns the index from left to right in the hand at the given position.</summary>
        /// <param name="mouseScreenPosition">Position in screen coordinates.</param>
        /// <returns>An value indicating the position in the stack from 0 (leftmost) to the number of pieces in the stack (rightmost).</returns>
        private int getIndexAtPosition(PointF mouseScreenPosition)
            IGame       game       = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame;
            IPlayerHand playerHand = game.GetPlayerHand(model.ThisPlayer.Guid);

            if (playerHand.Count > 0)
                RectangleF area   = view.HandArea;
                IPiece[]   pieces = playerHand.Pieces;

                int   handCount  = 0;
                float totalWidth = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; ++i)
                    IPiece piece = pieces[i];
                    if ((game.Mode == Mode.Terrain) == (piece is ITerrain))
                        totalWidth += piece.Size.Width;
                float offset = (handCount < 2 ? 0.0f :
                                Math.Min(0.0f, (area.Width - 4.0f * (handCount + 1) - totalWidth * pieceScaling) / (handCount - 1)));

                float xPos = area.X + 4.0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; ++i)
                    IPiece piece = pieces[i];
                    if ((game.Mode == Mode.Terrain) == (piece is ITerrain))
                        float pieceWidth = piece.Size.Width * pieceScaling;
                        if (piece == focusPiece)
                            if (mouseScreenPosition.X < xPos + pieceWidth)
                                return(mouseScreenPosition.X < xPos + pieceWidth * 0.5f ? i : i + 1);
                            xPos += pieceWidth + 4.0f;
                            if (mouseScreenPosition.X < xPos + pieceWidth + offset)
                                return(mouseScreenPosition.X < xPos + pieceWidth * 0.5f ? i : i + 1);
                            xPos += pieceWidth + 4.0f + offset;
        public void When_Getting_Deep_Copy_Of_Player_Hand_Should_Have_Same_Card_Values_In_The_Copy()
            _sut.Cards.Add(new Card(CardType.Eight, CardSuit.Clubs, _blackjackCardValueAssigner));
            _sut.Cards.Add(new Card(CardType.Jack, CardSuit.Clubs, _blackjackCardValueAssigner));
            _sut.Bet = 10M;

            IPlayerHand deepCopyOfPlayerHand = _sut.GetDeepCopy();

            for (int cardIndex = 0; cardIndex < _sut.Cards.Count; cardIndex++)
                Assert.AreEqual(_sut.Cards.ElementAt(cardIndex), deepCopyOfPlayerHand.Cards.ElementAt(cardIndex));
Esempio n. 13
        public sealed override void HandleAccept(Controller controller)
            IModel  model  = controller.Model;
            IGame   game   = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame;
            IPlayer sender = model.GetPlayer(senderId);

            // is the terrain in the player's hand?
            if (boardId != -1)
                // no
                IBoard board = game.GetBoardById(boardId);
                if (board != null)
                    IStack stackBeingDropped = board.GetStackFromZOrder(zOrder);
                    IBoard visibleBoard      = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.VisibleBoard;
                    if (board == visibleBoard)
                            new CommandContext(visibleBoard, stackBeingDropped.BoundingBox),
                            new CommandContext(visibleBoard),
                            new DragDropStackCommand(model, stackBeingDropped, newPosition));
                            new CommandContext(stackBeingDropped.Board, stackBeingDropped.BoundingBox),
                            new CommandContext(visibleBoard),
                            new DragDropStackFromOtherBoardCommand(model, stackBeingDropped, visibleBoard, newPosition));
                if (sender != null)
                    sender.StackBeingDragged = null;
                // yes, in the hand
                if (sender != null && sender.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                    IPlayerHand playerHand = game.GetPlayerHand(sender.Guid);
                    if (playerHand != null && playerHand.Count > zOrder)
                        ITerrainClone piece = (ITerrainClone)playerHand.Pieces[zOrder];
                            new CloneTerrainFromHandCommand(model, sender.Guid, piece, newPosition));
                    sender.PieceBeingDragged = null;
Esempio n. 14
        public sealed override void HandleAccept(Controller controller)
            IModel model = controller.Model;
            IGame  game  = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame;

            // is the terrain in the player's hand?
            if (boardId != -1)
                // no
                IBoard board = game.GetBoardById(boardId);
                if (board != null)
                    IStack stack = board.GetStackFromZOrder(zOrder);
                    IPiece piece = stack.Pieces[0];
                    if (piece.CounterSection.Type == CounterSectionType.TwoSided)
                        ISelection selection = piece.Select();
                        model.CommandManager.ExecuteCommandSequence(new FlipSelectionCommand(model, selection));
                // yes, in the hand
                IPlayer sender = model.GetPlayer(senderId);
                if (sender != null && sender.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                    IPlayerHand playerHand = game.GetPlayerHand(sender.Guid);
                    if (playerHand != null && playerHand.Count > zOrder)
                        IPiece piece = playerHand.Pieces[zOrder];
                        // piece is in a player's hand -> it can't be undone
                        if (model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(piece.Stack))
                        if (senderId == model.ThisPlayer.Id)
                            model.AnimationManager.LaunchAnimationSequence(new FlipPiecesAnimation(new IPiece[] { piece }));
                            model.AnimationManager.LaunchAnimationSequence(new InstantFlipPiecesAnimation(new IPiece[] { piece }));
Esempio n. 15
        public bool OfferDoubleDown(IPlayerHand playerHand, IBlackjackCard dealerFaceUpCard)
            // Simple Strategy - always accept if eligible
            if (!playerHand.EligibleForDoubleDown)
                return false;

            var originalAmount = playerHand.Bet.Amount;

            Balance -= originalAmount;

            playerHand.Bet = new DoubleDownBet(originalAmount * 2);

            return true;
Esempio n. 16
        public sealed override void HandleAccept(Controller controller)
            IModel  model  = controller.Model;
            IGame   game   = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame;
            IPlayer sender = model.GetPlayer(senderId);

            // is the terrain in the player's hand?
            if (boardId != -1)
                // no
                IBoard board = game.GetBoardById(boardId);
                if (board != null)
                    IStack         stack   = board.GetStackFromZOrder(zOrder);
                    CommandContext context = new CommandContext(board, stack.BoundingBox);
                        context, context,
                        new RemoveTerrainCommand(model, stack));
                if (sender != null)
                    sender.StackBeingDragged = null;
                // yes, in the hand
                if (sender != null && sender.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                    IPlayerHand playerHand = game.GetPlayerHand(sender.Guid);
                    if (playerHand != null && playerHand.Count > zOrder)
                        ITerrainClone piece = (ITerrainClone)playerHand.Pieces[zOrder];
                            new RemoveTerrainFromHandCommand(model, sender.Guid, piece));
                if (sender != null)
                    sender.PieceBeingDragged = null;
Esempio n. 17
        public sealed override void HandleAccept(Controller controller)
            // this is a private action -> it can't be undone
            IModel  model  = controller.Model;
            IPlayer sender = model.GetPlayer(senderId);

            if (sender != null)
                if (sender.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                    IPlayerHand playerHand = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.GetPlayerHand(sender.Guid);
                    if (playerHand != null && playerHand.Count > 0)
                        if (model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(playerHand.Pieces[0].Stack))
                            new RearrangePlayerHandAnimation(playerHand, currentIndex, insertionIndex));
                sender.PieceBeingDragged = null;
Esempio n. 18
 public bool RuleSatisfied(IPlayerHand hand)
     return(hand.HandSize <= 5);
Esempio n. 19
 public override void HandleLeftMouseButtonDown()
     // over the board
     if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is IBoardCursorLocation)
         IBoardCursorLocation location = (IBoardCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         // over a piece
         if (location.Piece != null)
             PointF piecePosition = location.Piece.Position;
             model.ThisPlayer.DragAndDropAnchor = new PointF(
                 location.ModelPosition.X - piecePosition.X,
                 location.ModelPosition.Y - piecePosition.Y);
             controller.SelectingStackState.StackBottomBeingSelected = location.Piece;
             controller.State = controller.SelectingStackState;
             // over an empty space with the stack inspector visible
         else if (model.CurrentSelection != null && !model.CurrentSelection.Empty)
             controller.State = controller.MovingState;
             // over an empty space (no stack inspector)
             controller.State = controller.ScrollingState;
         // over the tabs
     else if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is ITabsCursorLocation)
         ITabsCursorLocation location = (ITabsCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         // over an icon
         if (location.Icon != TabsIcon.None)
             // Undo
             if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.Undo)
                 if (model.CommandManager.CanUndo)
                     networkClient.Send(new UndoMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Redo
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.Redo)
                 if (model.CommandManager.CanRedo)
                     networkClient.Send(new RedoMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Show/Hide hand
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.Hand)
                 if (model.ThisPlayer.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                     IPlayerHand playerHand = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.GetPlayerHand(model.ThisPlayer.Guid);
                     if (controller.View.Hand.IsVisible)
                         controller.View.Hand.IsVisible = false;
                         if (playerHand != null && playerHand.Count == 0)
                             networkClient.Send(new RemovePlayerHandMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                         controller.View.Hand.IsVisible = true;
                         if (playerHand == null)
                             networkClient.Send(new AddPlayerHandMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Terrain mode
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.TerrainMode)
                 networkClient.Send(new ChangeModeMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber,
                                                          (model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.Mode == Mode.Terrain ? Mode.Default : Mode.Terrain)));
                 // Stacking
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.Stacking)
                 networkClient.Send(new ChangeStackingMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Hide/reveal board
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.HideReveal)
                 Guid visibleBoardOwner = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.VisibleBoard.Owner;
                 if (model.CurrentGameBox.Reference != model.GameLibrary.DefaultGameBox && model.ThisPlayer.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                     if (visibleBoardOwner == Guid.Empty || visibleBoardOwner == model.ThisPlayer.Guid)
                         networkClient.Send(new HideRevealBoardMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Tab scrollers
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.FirstTab)
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.PreviousTab)
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.NextTab)
             else if (location.Icon == TabsIcon.LastTab)
             // over a tab
         else if (location.Tab != null)
             networkClient.Send(new VisibleBoardChangedMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, location.Tab.Id));
         // over the stack inspector
     else if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is IStackInspectorCursorLocation)
         IStackInspectorCursorLocation location = (IStackInspectorCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         // over an icon
         if (location.Icon != StackInspectorIcon.None)
             // Close
             if (location.Icon == StackInspectorIcon.Close)
                 if (model.CurrentSelection != null)
                     SelectionChangedMessage.SelectionInfo selectionInfo = new SelectionChangedMessage.SelectionInfo();
                     selectionInfo.StackId = -1;
                     networkClient.Send(new SelectionChangedMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, selectionInfo));
                 // Recycle
             else if (location.Icon == StackInspectorIcon.Recycle)
                 if (model.CurrentSelection != null && !model.CurrentSelection.Empty && !model.CurrentSelection.Stack.AttachedToCounterSection)
                     // assumption: the stack will remain unchanged in the meantime
                     if (!model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(model.CurrentSelection.Stack))
                         networkClient.Send(new UnpunchSelectionMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Shuffle
             else if (location.Icon == StackInspectorIcon.Shuffle)
                 if (model.CurrentSelection != null && model.CurrentSelection.Stack.Pieces.Length > 1)
                     // assumption: the stack will remain unchanged in the meantime
                     if (!model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(model.CurrentSelection.Stack))
                         networkClient.Send(new ShuffleMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
                 // Invert
             else if (location.Icon == StackInspectorIcon.Invert)
                 if (model.CurrentSelection != null && model.CurrentSelection.Stack.Pieces.Length > 1)
                     // assumption: the stack will remain unchanged in the meantime
                     if (!model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(model.CurrentSelection.Stack))
                         networkClient.Send(new InvertMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber));
             // over a piece
         else if (location.Piece != null)
             model.ThisPlayer.DragAndDropAnchor = location.AnchorPosition;
             controller.SelectingPieceState.PieceBeingSelected = location.Piece;
             controller.State = controller.SelectingPieceState;
         // over the hand
     else if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is IHandCursorLocation)
         IHandCursorLocation location = (IHandCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         // over an icon
         if (location.Icon != HandIcon.None)
             // Resize handle
             if (location.Icon == HandIcon.Resize)
                 controller.State = controller.ResizingHandState;
                 // Pin/Unpin
             else if (location.Icon == HandIcon.Pin)
                 view.Hand.IsPinned = !view.Hand.IsPinned;
             // over a piece
         else if (location.Piece != null)
             model.ThisPlayer.DragAndDropAnchor = location.AnchorPosition;
             controller.SelectingPieceState.PieceBeingSelected = location.Piece;
             controller.State = controller.SelectingPieceState;
         // over a menu item
     else if (model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation is IMenuCursorLocation)
         IMenuCursorLocation location = (IMenuCursorLocation)model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation;
         if (!location.Item.IsDisabled && location.Item.UserData != null)
Esempio n. 20
 public PlayerService(IPlayerHand playerHand)
     this.playerHand = playerHand;
 public bool ShouldSplit(IPlayerHand currentHand, ICard visibleCard)
     return(currentHand.Cards.Count == 2 && currentHand.Cards[0].Type == CardType.Ace &&
            currentHand.Cards[1].Type == CardType.Ace);
        /// <summary>Execute this command.</summary>
        public override void Do()
            if (piece is ITerrainPrototype)
                if (stackAfter != null)
                    // does the hand already contain an identical clone?
                    for (int i = 0; i < stackAfter.Pieces.Length; ++i)
                        ITerrainClone handPiece = stackAfter.Pieces[i] as ITerrainClone;
                        if (handPiece != null && handPiece.Prototype == piece)
                            // yes -> simply move the piece to the new insertion index
                            IPlayerHand playerHand = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.GetPlayerHand(playerGuid);
                                new RearrangePlayerHandAnimation(playerHand, i, insertionIndex));
                // add the piece
                clone       = new TerrainClone((TerrainPrototype)piece);
                stackBefore = clone.Stack;
                sideBefore  = piece.Side;
                if (playerGuid == model.ThisPlayer.Guid)
                        new MoveToFrontOfBoardAnimation(stackBefore, piece.CounterSection.CounterSheet),
                        (stackAfter == null ?
                         (IAnimation) new FillPlayerHandAnimation(playerGuid, stackBefore) :
                         (IAnimation) new MergeStacksAnimation(stackAfter, stackBefore, insertionIndex)));
                        new MoveToFrontOfBoardAnimation(stackBefore, piece.CounterSection.CounterSheet),
                        new MoveStackToHandAnimation(stackBefore),
                        (stackAfter == null ?
                         (IAnimation) new FillPlayerHandAnimation(playerGuid, stackBefore) :
                         (IAnimation) new MergeStacksAnimation(stackAfter, stackBefore, insertionIndex)));
                preventConflict(stackBefore, stackAfter);

                sideBefore = piece.Side;

                if (playerGuid == model.ThisPlayer.Guid)
                        new DetachStacksAnimation(new IStack[] { stackBefore }, new Side[] { sideBefore }),
                        new MoveToFrontOfBoardAnimation(stackBefore, piece.CounterSection.CounterSheet),
                        (stackBefore == stackAfter ?
                         (IAnimation) new FillPlayerHandAnimation(playerGuid, stackBefore) :
                         (IAnimation) new MergeStacksAnimation(stackAfter, stackBefore, insertionIndex)));
                        new DetachStacksAnimation(new IStack[] { stackBefore }, new Side[] { sideBefore }),
                        new MoveToFrontOfBoardAnimation(stackBefore, piece.CounterSection.CounterSheet),
                        new MoveStackToHandAnimation(stackBefore),
                        (stackBefore == stackAfter ?
                         (IAnimation) new FillPlayerHandAnimation(playerGuid, stackBefore) :
                         (IAnimation) new MergeStacksAnimation(stackAfter, stackBefore, insertionIndex)));
Esempio n. 23
 public RearrangePlayerHandAnimation(IPlayerHand playerHand, int currentIndex, int insertionIndex)
     this.playerHand    = (PlayerHand)playerHand;
     indexInStackBefore = currentIndex;
     indexInStackAfter  = (insertionIndex < currentIndex ? insertionIndex : insertionIndex - 1);
 public bool ShouldDoubleDown(IPlayerHand currentHand, ICard visibleCard)
     return(currentHand.GetCardValues().Contains(DOUBLE_DOWN_VALUE) &&
Esempio n. 25
 public bool Hit(IPlayerHand playerHand, IBlackjackCard dealerFaceUpCard)
     // Simplistic strategy
     return playerHand.Value() < 17 && playerHand.Bet is AnteBet;
Esempio n. 26
        public override void HandleLeftMouseButtonUp()
            IPlayer     thisPlayer        = model.ThisPlayer;
            IPiece      pieceBeingDragged = thisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged;
            IPlayerHand playerHand        = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.GetPlayerHand(thisPlayer.Guid);

            if (pieceBeingDragged != null && playerHand.Count > 0 && playerHand.Pieces[0].Stack == pieceBeingDragged.Stack)
                ICursorLocation cursorLocation = thisPlayer.CursorLocation;
                // over the hand
                if (cursorLocation is IHandCursorLocation)
                    IHandCursorLocation location = (IHandCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                    int insertionIndex           = location.Index;
                    int currentIndex             = pieceBeingDragged.IndexInStackFromBottomToTop;
                    // assumption: the stack will remain unchanged in the meantime
                    if (insertionIndex != currentIndex && insertionIndex != currentIndex + 1 &&
                        networkClient.Send(new RearrangePlayerHandMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, currentIndex, insertionIndex));
                        networkClient.Send(new DragDropAbortedMessage());
                    // over the board
                else if (cursorLocation is IBoardCursorLocation)
                    IBoardCursorLocation location = (IBoardCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                    IPiece pieceAtMousePosition   = location.Piece;
                    // over an unattached stack
                    if (model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.StackingEnabled && pieceAtMousePosition != null && !pieceAtMousePosition.Stack.AttachedToCounterSection && pieceAtMousePosition.GetType() == pieceBeingDragged.GetType() && !(pieceBeingDragged is ITerrainClone))
                        // assumption: both stacks will remain unchanged in the meantime
                        if (pieceAtMousePosition.Stack != pieceBeingDragged.Stack &&
                            !model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(pieceBeingDragged.Stack) &&
                            networkClient.Send(new DragDropPieceOnTopOfOtherStackMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, pieceBeingDragged.Id, pieceAtMousePosition.Stack.Id));
                            networkClient.Send(new DragDropAbortedMessage());
                        // over an empty space
                        // assumption: the stack will remain unchanged in the meantime
                        if (!model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(pieceBeingDragged.Stack))
                            PointF newPiecePosition = new PointF(
                                location.ModelPosition.X - thisPlayer.DragAndDropAnchor.X,
                                location.ModelPosition.Y - thisPlayer.DragAndDropAnchor.Y);
                            if (pieceBeingDragged is ITerrainClone)
                                networkClient.Send(new DragDropTerrainMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, -1, pieceBeingDragged.IndexInStackFromBottomToTop, newPiecePosition));
                                networkClient.Send(new DragDropPieceMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, pieceBeingDragged.Id, newPiecePosition));
                            networkClient.Send(new DragDropAbortedMessage());
                    // over the stack inspector
                else if (cursorLocation is IStackInspectorCursorLocation)
                    IStackInspectorCursorLocation location = (IStackInspectorCursorLocation)cursorLocation;
                    // assumption: boths stacks will remain unchanged in the meantime
                    if (model.CurrentSelection != null && model.CurrentSelection.Stack != pieceBeingDragged.Stack && model.CurrentSelection.Stack.Pieces[0].GetType() == pieceBeingDragged.GetType() &&
                        !model.AnimationManager.IsBeingAnimated(model.CurrentSelection.Stack) &&
                        networkClient.Send(new DragDropPieceIntoOtherStackMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, pieceBeingDragged.Id, location.Index));
                        networkClient.Send(new DragDropAbortedMessage());
                    // over a counter sheet tab
                    // assumption: the stack will remain unchanged in the meantime
                else if (cursorLocation is ITabsCursorLocation && ((ITabsCursorLocation)cursorLocation).Tab is ICounterSheet &&
                    if (pieceBeingDragged is ITerrainClone)
                        networkClient.Send(new RemoveTerrainMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, -1, pieceBeingDragged.IndexInStackFromBottomToTop));
                        networkClient.Send(new UnpunchPieceMessage(model.StateChangeSequenceNumber, pieceBeingDragged.Id));
                    networkClient.Send(new DragDropAbortedMessage());
            thisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged = null;
            controller.State             = controller.IdleState;
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>Displays the next frame.</summary>
        public override void Render(IGraphics graphics, long currentTimeInMicroseconds)
            if (model.PlayerCount > 0)
                RectangleF area             = view.PlayerViewArea;
                float      margin           = marginCoeff * view.GameDisplayAreaInPixels.Height;
                float      singleLineHeight = singleLineHeightCoeff * view.GameDisplayAreaInPixels.Height;
                IImage     background       = graphics.MonochromaticImage;

                float scale = view.GameDisplayAreaInPixels.Height / 1200.0f;

                // render player list
                area.Y += margin;
                foreach (IPlayer player in model.Players)
                    // render colored background
                    RectangleF backgroundArea = new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 68.0f, area.Y + scale * 15.0f, scale * 120.0f, scale * 46.0f);
                    background.Render(backgroundArea, player.Color);

                    // render player picture
                    RectangleF playerIconArea = new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 6.0f, area.Y + scale * 6.0f, scale * 64.0f, scale * 64.0f);
                    if (player.VideoAssetIndex == -1)

                    // render frame
                    RectangleF frameArea = new RectangleF(area.X, area.Y, scale * 195.0f, scale * 76.0f);

                    // render name
                    RectangleF firstNameArea = new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 76.0f, area.Y + scale * 17.0f, scale * 110.0f, scale * 25.0f);
                    graphics.DrawTextToFit(font, 0xFFFFFFFF, firstNameArea, StringAlignment.Center, player.FirstName);
                    RectangleF lastNameArea = new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 76.0f, area.Y + scale * 39.0f, scale * 110.0f, scale * 20.0f);
                    graphics.DrawTextToFit(font, 0xFFFFFFFF, lastNameArea, StringAlignment.Center, player.LastName);

                    if (player == model.ThisPlayer)
                        background.Render(new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 193.0f, area.Y + scale * 14.0f, scale * 7.0f, scale * 46.0f), 0xFF000000);
                        background.Render(new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 193.0f, area.Y + scale * (60.0f - model.NetworkClient.VoiceInputLevel * (46.0f / 99.0f)), scale * 7.0f, scale * model.NetworkClient.VoiceInputLevel * (46.0f / 99.0f)),
                                          (model.NetworkClient.IsRecording ? 0xFF00FF00 : 0xFFFFFFFF));
                        microphoneLevelIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 187.0f, area.Y + scale * 8.0f, scale * 19.0f, scale * 59.0f));
                        microphoneThresholdIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 198.0f, area.Y + scale * (54.5f - model.NetworkClient.VoiceActivationThresholdLevel * (46.0f / 99.0f)), scale * 9.0f, scale * 11.0f));
                    else if (player.VoicePlaybackInProgress)
                        loudspeakerIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 60.0f, area.Y + scale * 37.0f - 7.5f, 10.0f, 15.0f), player.Color);
                        float animationProgress = (currentTimeInMicroseconds % (long)300000) * 0.00000333333f;
                        float wavesPositionX    = 6.0f + animationProgress * 6.0f;
                        float wavesHalfHeight   = 1.0f + wavesPositionX * 0.8f;
                        soundWavesIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.X + scale * 60.0f + wavesPositionX, area.Y + scale * 37.0f - wavesHalfHeight, wavesHalfHeight * (10.0f / 7.5f), wavesHalfHeight * 2.0f), player.Color);

                    // render hand count
                    IPlayerHand playerHand = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame.GetPlayerHand(player.Guid);
                    if (playerHand != null)
                        RectangleF handArea = new RectangleF(area.X - 7.0f, area.Y + scale * (76.0f * 0.5f) - 9.0f, 17.0f, 18.0f);
                        handIcon.Render(handArea, player.Color);
                        if (playerHand.Count > 0)
                            handArea.Offset(2.0f, 3.0f);
                            graphics.DrawText(handCountFont, 0xFFFFFFFF, handArea, StringAlignment.Center, playerHand.Count.ToString());

                    area.Y += singleLineHeight;
Esempio n. 28
File: Hand.cs Progetto: jimu/ZunTzu
        /// <summary>Displays the next frame.</summary>
        public override void Render(IGraphics graphics, long currentTimeInMicroseconds)
            IGame       game       = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame;
            IPlayerHand playerHand = game.GetPlayerHand(model.ThisPlayer.Guid);

            if (isVisible && playerHand != null)
                // animate hand folding/unfolding
                if (state == HandState.Unfolding)
                    float unfoldingSpeed = unfoldedHeight / 300000.0f;
                    currentHeight += (int)(unfoldingSpeed * (currentTimeInMicroseconds - previousRenderTime));
                    if (currentHeight >= unfoldedHeight)
                        currentHeight = unfoldedHeight;
                        state         = HandState.Unfolded;
                else if (state == HandState.Folding && timeBeforeFolding < currentTimeInMicroseconds)
                    if (timeBeforeFolding == 0)
                        timeBeforeFolding = currentTimeInMicroseconds + 1000000;
                        float foldingSpeed = unfoldedHeight / 300000.0f;
                        currentHeight -= (int)(foldingSpeed * (currentTimeInMicroseconds - previousRenderTime));
                        if (currentHeight <= 0)
                            currentHeight = 0;
                            state         = HandState.Folded;

                if (state != HandState.Folded && currentHeight > 0)
                    RectangleF area = view.HandArea;

                    HandCursorLocation cursorLocation = model.ThisPlayer.CursorLocation as HandCursorLocation;

                    // render background
                    frameImageElements[0].Render(new RectangleF(area.X, area.Y, area.Width, 6.0f));
                    if (area.Height > 6.0f)
                        frameImageElements[1].Render(new RectangleF(area.X, area.Y + 6.0f, area.Width, area.Height - 6.0f));

                    // render pieces
                    if (playerHand.Count > 0)
                        IPiece[] pieces = playerHand.Pieces;

                        focusPiece = (cursorLocation != null ? cursorLocation.FocusPiece : null);

                        int   handCount  = 0;
                        float totalWidth = 0;
                        float minWidth   = float.MaxValue;
                        for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; ++i)
                            IPiece piece = pieces[i];
                            if ((game.Mode == Mode.Terrain) == (piece is ITerrain))
                                float width = piece.Size.Width;
                                totalWidth += width;
                                if (width < minWidth)
                                    minWidth = width;
                        // maxScaling is such that offset == 2.0f - minWidth * pieceScaling
                        // => 2.0f - minWidth * pieceScaling == (area.Width - 4.0f * (pieces.Length + 1) - totalWidth * pieceScaling) / (pieces.Length - 1)
                        // => 2.0f * (pieces.Length - 1) - minWidth * pieceScaling * (pieces.Length - 1) == area.Width - 4.0f * (pieces.Length + 1) - totalWidth * pieceScaling
                        // => (totalWidth - minWidth * (pieces.Length - 1)) * pieceScaling == area.Width - 4.0f * (pieces.Length + 1) - 2.0f * (pieces.Length - 1)
                        // => pieceScaling == (area.Width - 4.0f * (pieces.Length + 1) - 2.0f * (pieces.Length - 1)) / (totalWidth - minWidth * (pieces.Length - 1))
                        float maxScaling = Math.Min(1.0f,
                                                    (handCount < 2 ?
                                                     (area.Width - 4.0f * (handCount + 1)) / totalWidth :
                                                     (area.Width - 6.0f * handCount - 2.0f) / (totalWidth - minWidth * (handCount - 1))));
                        pieceScaling = Math.Max(0.0625f, Math.Min(maxScaling, pieceScaling));
                        float offset = (handCount < 2 ? 0.0f :
                                        Math.Min(0.0f, (area.Width - 4.0f * (handCount + 1) - totalWidth * pieceScaling) / (handCount - 1)));

                        // render each piece in order (from back to front)
                            float xPos = area.X + 4.0f;
                            float yPos = area.Y + 10.0f;
                            for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; ++i)
                                IPiece piece = pieces[i];
                                if ((game.Mode == Mode.Terrain) == (piece is ITerrain))
                                    SizeF      size             = piece.Size;
                                    SizeF      scaledSize       = new SizeF(size.Width * pieceScaling, size.Height * pieceScaling);
                                    PointF     position         = new PointF(xPos + scaledSize.Width * 0.5f, yPos + scaledSize.Height * 0.5f);
                                    float      flipAngleCosinus = piece.FlipAngleCosinus;
                                    RectangleF localisation     = new RectangleF(
                                        position.X - scaledSize.Width * 0.5f * flipAngleCosinus,
                                        position.Y - scaledSize.Height * 0.5f,
                                        scaledSize.Width * flipAngleCosinus,

                                    // render a roll-over hint
                                    if (cursorLocation != null && piece == cursorLocation.Piece)
                                        // cards pop up when rolled over
                                        if (piece is ICard)
                                            float overflow = localisation.Bottom - area.Bottom;
                                            if (overflow > 0.0f)
                                                localisation.Y -= overflow;

                                        // computes modulation color for blinking
                                        uint       blinkFactor          = (uint)(128 * Math.Sin((double)(currentTimeInMicroseconds % (long)400000) * (Math.PI / 200000.0)) + 128);
                                        uint       blinkModulationColor = 0xFF000000 | blinkFactor << 16 | blinkFactor << 8 | blinkFactor;
                                        RectangleF hintLocalisation     = new RectangleF(
                                            localisation.X - 2.0f,
                                            localisation.Y - 2.0f,
                                            localisation.Width + 4.0f,
                                            localisation.Height + 4.0f);
                                        piece.Graphics.RenderSilhouette(hintLocalisation, piece.RotationAngle, blinkModulationColor);
                                    piece.Graphics.Render(localisation, piece.RotationAngle);
                                    xPos += scaledSize.Width + 4.0f + (piece != focusPiece ? offset : 0.0f);

                        // render focus piece visible through the other pieces
                        if (focusPiece != null)
                            float xPos = area.X + 4.0f;
                            float yPos = area.Y + 10.0f;
                            for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; ++i)
                                IPiece piece = pieces[i];
                                if ((game.Mode == Mode.Terrain) == (piece is ITerrain))
                                    SizeF size       = piece.Size;
                                    SizeF scaledSize = new SizeF(size.Width * pieceScaling, size.Height * pieceScaling);
                                    if (piece == focusPiece)
                                        PointF     position         = new PointF(xPos + scaledSize.Width * 0.5f, yPos + scaledSize.Height * 0.5f);
                                        float      flipAngleCosinus = piece.FlipAngleCosinus;
                                        RectangleF localisation     = new RectangleF(
                                            position.X - scaledSize.Width * 0.5f * flipAngleCosinus,
                                            position.Y - scaledSize.Height * 0.5f,
                                            scaledSize.Width * flipAngleCosinus,

                                        // cards pop up when rolled over
                                        if (cursorLocation != null && piece == cursorLocation.Piece && piece is ICard)
                                            float overflow = localisation.Bottom - area.Bottom;
                                            if (overflow > 0.0f)
                                                localisation.Y -= overflow;

                                        piece.Graphics.Render(localisation, piece.RotationAngle, 0x3fffffff);                                           // 25% transparent
                                    xPos += scaledSize.Width + 4.0f + offset;

                        // render insertion mark, if needed
                        if (cursorLocation != null && (model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged != null || model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged != null))
                            int   insertionIndex = cursorLocation.Index;
                            float xPos           = area.X + 4.0f;
                            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(insertionIndex, pieces.Length); ++i)
                                IPiece piece = pieces[i];
                                if ((game.Mode == Mode.Terrain) == (piece is ITerrain))
                                    xPos += piece.Size.Width * pieceScaling + 4.0f + (piece != focusPiece ? offset : 0.0f);
                            IImage image = graphics.MonochromaticImage;
                            image.Render(new RectangleF(xPos - 4.0f, area.Y + 8.0f, 3.0f, area.Height - 10.0f));

                    // icons
                    if (state == HandState.Unfolded)
                        if (isPinned)
                            unpinIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 12.0f, area.Y + 6.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f),
                                             (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == HandIcon.Pin && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff));
                            pinIcon.Render(new RectangleF(area.Right - 24.0f, area.Y + 6.0f, 22.0f, 10.0f),
                                           (cursorLocation != null && cursorLocation.Icon == HandIcon.Pin && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null ? 0xff7fff7f : 0xffffffff));

                        // tool tips
                        if (cursorLocation != null && model.ThisPlayer.StackBeingDragged == null && model.ThisPlayer.PieceBeingDragged == null)
                            if (cursorLocation.Icon == HandIcon.Pin)
                                graphics.DrawText(font, 0xff7fff7f,
                                                  new RectangleF(area.Right - 33.0f, area.Y + 5.0f - 17.0f, 31.0f, 17.0f), StringAlignment.Far,
                                                  (isPinned ? Resources.ToolTipUnpin : Resources.ToolTipPin));
            previousRenderTime = currentTimeInMicroseconds;
Esempio n. 29
File: Hand.cs Progetto: jimu/ZunTzu
        /// <summary>Returns the piece displayed at a given position.</summary>
        /// <param name="mouseScreenPosition">Position in screen coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="anchorPosition">Point of the piece attached to the cursor hotspot.</param>
        /// <returns>Piece found at the given position, or null if none was found.</returns>
        private IPiece getPieceAtPosition(PointF mouseScreenPosition, out PointF anchorPosition)
            IGame       game       = model.CurrentGameBox.CurrentGame;
            IPlayerHand playerHand = game.GetPlayerHand(model.ThisPlayer.Guid);

            anchorPosition = PointF.Empty;
            if (playerHand.Count == 0)
                RectangleF area   = view.HandArea;
                IPiece[]   pieces = playerHand.Pieces;

                // trigger bounding box calculation
                RectangleF box = pieces[0].Stack.BoundingBox;

                int   handCount  = 0;
                float totalWidth = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; ++i)
                    IPiece piece = pieces[i];
                    if ((game.Mode == Mode.Terrain) == (piece is ITerrain))
                        totalWidth += piece.Size.Width;
                float offset = (handCount < 2 ? 0.0f :
                                Math.Min(0.0f, (area.Width - 4.0f * (handCount + 1) - totalWidth * pieceScaling) / (handCount - 1)));
                float inversePieceScaling = 1.0f / pieceScaling;

                // each piece is tested in reverse order (from front to back)
                float  xPos            = area.X + 4.0f;
                float  yPos            = area.Y + 10.0f;
                IPiece pieceAtPosition = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; ++i)
                    IPiece piece = pieces[i];
                    if ((game.Mode == Mode.Terrain) == (piece is ITerrain))
                        SizeF      size              = piece.Size;
                        RectangleF boundingBox       = piece.BoundingBox;
                        float      shadowLength      = piece.CounterSection.ShadowLength;
                        RectangleF actualBoundingBox = new RectangleF(xPos, yPos, (boundingBox.Width - shadowLength) * pieceScaling, (boundingBox.Height - shadowLength) * pieceScaling);
                        if (actualBoundingBox.Contains(mouseScreenPosition))
                            SizeF  scaledSize = new SizeF(size.Width * pieceScaling, size.Height * pieceScaling);
                            PointF position   = new PointF(xPos + scaledSize.Width * 0.5f, yPos + scaledSize.Height * 0.5f);

                            // we have to handle rotations of the piece
                            // apply the inverse rotation to the mouse model position
                            PointF pieceAnchorPosition = new PointF(
                                (mouseScreenPosition.X - position.X) * inversePieceScaling,
                                (mouseScreenPosition.Y - position.Y) * inversePieceScaling);
                            PointF transformedPosition;
                            if (piece.RotationAngle == 0.0f)
                                transformedPosition = pieceAnchorPosition;
                                // rotation:
                                // x <- x * cos - y * sin
                                // y <- x * sin + y * cos
                                float sin = (float)Math.Sin(piece.RotationAngle);
                                float cos = (float)Math.Cos(piece.RotationAngle);

                                transformedPosition = new PointF(
                                    pieceAnchorPosition.X * cos - pieceAnchorPosition.Y * sin,
                                    pieceAnchorPosition.X * sin + pieceAnchorPosition.Y * cos);

                            if (new RectangleF(
                                    -size.Width * 0.5f,
                                    -size.Height * 0.5f,
                                // is the piece completely transparent at that location?
                                uint color = piece.Graphics.GetColorAtPosition(transformedPosition);
                                if ((color & 0xFF000000) != 0x00000000)
                                    // no it is not
                                    pieceAtPosition = piece;
                                    // cards pop up when rolled over
                                    if (piece is ICard)
                                        float bottom   = position.Y + scaledSize.Height * 0.5f;
                                        float overflow = bottom - area.Bottom;
                                        if (overflow > 0.0f)
                                            pieceAnchorPosition.Y += overflow * inversePieceScaling;
                                    anchorPosition = pieceAnchorPosition;

                        xPos += size.Width * pieceScaling + 4.0f + (piece != focusPiece ? offset : 0.0f);
Esempio n. 30
        public double SettleBet(IPlayerHand hand, IDealerHand dealerHand)
            if (hand.Busted)
                return hand.Bet.LoseAmount();

            if (dealerHand.Busted)
                Balance += hand.Bet.Amount + hand.Bet.WinAmount();
                return hand.Bet.WinAmount()*-1;

            // Neither hand busted

            if (hand.Value() == dealerHand.Value())
                Balance += hand.Bet.Amount;
                hand.Bet = hand.Bet.ConvertToPushBet();

                return 0;

            if (hand.Value() < dealerHand.Value())
                return hand.Bet.LoseAmount();

            Balance += hand.Bet.Amount + hand.Bet.WinAmount();
            return hand.Bet.WinAmount()*-1;
        public bool ShouldHit(IPlayerHand currentHand, ICard visibleCard)
            var currentHandCardValues = currentHand.GetCardValues();

            return(!MeetsStayCriteria(currentHandCardValues) && MeetsHitCriteria(currentHandCardValues));
Esempio n. 32
        private bool ConsiderSplitOffer(IPlayerHand playerHand, IBlackjackCard dealerFaceUpCard)
            if (!playerHand.EligibleForSplit)
                return false;

            // Using simple logic for now
            var hand = new PlayerHand();
            Balance -= Ante;
            hand.Bet = new AnteBet(Ante);


            return true;