Esempio n. 1
 public static void SetFlag(this IHasUserFlags hasFlags, IPexFileGetter pexFile, UserFlag flag, bool on)
     if (pexFile.UserFlags[flag.Index] != flag.Name)
         throw new ArgumentException("Tried to set a flag that was not registered in the reference pex file.");
     hasFlags.RawUserFlags = EnumExt.SetFlag(hasFlags.RawUserFlags, flag.Index, on);
Esempio n. 2
 public static bool HasFlag(this IHasUserFlags hasFlags, IPexFileGetter pexFile, UserFlag flag)
     if (pexFile.UserFlags[flag.Index] != flag.Name)
         throw new ArgumentException("Tried to set a flag that was not registered in the reference pex file.");
     return(EnumExt.HasFlag(hasFlags.RawUserFlags, flag.Index));
Esempio n. 3
        public static IEnumerable <NullableUserFlag> GetActiveFlags(this IHasUserFlags hasFlags, IPexFileGetter pexFile)
            var flags = (int)hasFlags.RawUserFlags;
            int index = 1;

            for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                if (EnumExt.HasFlag(flags, index))
                    yield return(new NullableUserFlag(pexFile.UserFlags[i], i));
                index <<= 1;