Esempio n. 1
 public AudioLocalRepositoryBuilder()
     _pathWrapper = Substitute.For<IPathWrapper>();
     _streamFactory = Substitute.For<IFileStreamFactory>();
     _directoryWrapper = Substitute.For<IDirectoryWrapper>();
     _fileWrapper = Substitute.For<IFileWrapper>();
Esempio n. 2
 public LocalPathProvider(
     string appEnvironmentPath,
     IPathWrapper pathWrapper,
     IGuidWrapper guidWrapper)
     _guidWrapper        = guidWrapper;
     _pathWrapper        = pathWrapper;
     _appEnvironmentPath = appEnvironmentPath;
Esempio n. 3
 public BuildScriptLocator(
     IFileWrapper file,
     IPathWrapper path,
     ILogger <BuildScriptLocator> log)
     _file = file;
     _path = path;
     _log  = log;
Esempio n. 4
 public ConfigLoader(IConfigurationService configurationService,
                     IConfigDebinarizer configDebinarizer,
                     IPathWrapper pathWrapper,
                     IFileWrapper fileWrapper)
     _configurationService = configurationService;
     _configDebinarizer    = configDebinarizer;
     _pathWrapper          = pathWrapper;
     _fileWrapper          = fileWrapper;
Esempio n. 5
 public AudioLocalRepositoryImpl(
     IPathWrapper pathWrapper,
     IDirectoryWrapper directoryWrapper,
     IFileStreamFactory streamFactory,
     IFileWrapper fileWrapper)
     _directoryWrapper = directoryWrapper;
     _streamFactory    = streamFactory;
     _fileWrapper      = fileWrapper;
     _pathWrapper      = pathWrapper;
Esempio n. 6
 public CommandExecutor(
     CommandArguments args,
     IScriptLoader scriptLoader,
     ITaskSession taskSession,
     IFileWrapper file,
     IPathWrapper path,
     ILogger <CommandExecutor> log)
     _args         = args;
     _scriptLoader = scriptLoader;
     _taskSession  = taskSession;
     _file         = file;
     _path         = path;
     _log          = log;
Esempio n. 7
        public FileManagerTests()
            _environment      = A.Fake <IHostingEnvironment>();
            _formFile         = A.Fake <IFormFile>();
            _fileSystem       = A.Fake <IFileSystemWrapper>();
            _pathWrapper      = A.Fake <IPathWrapper>();
            _fileWrapper      = A.Fake <IFileWrapper>();
            _directoryWrapper = A.Fake <IDirectoryWrapper>();

            A.CallTo(() => _fileSystem.File).Returns(_fileWrapper);
            A.CallTo(() => _fileSystem.Directory).Returns(_directoryWrapper);
            A.CallTo(() => _fileSystem.Path).Returns(_pathWrapper);

            sut = new FileManager(_environment, _fileSystem);
        public void BackupDatabase(IWrapperProvider wrapperProvider, string path)
            IPathWrapper      pathWrapper      = wrapperProvider.GetWrapper <IPathWrapper>();
            IDirectoryWrapper directoryWrapper = wrapperProvider.GetWrapper <IDirectoryWrapper>();
            IFileWrapper      fileWrapper      = wrapperProvider.GetWrapper <IFileWrapper>();
            //copy data.xml to data.xml.bak
            //copy data.xml to data_date.bak - it will override last dayily backup. first run of day will create new one
            string backupFileName = pathWrapper.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
            string backupPath     = pathWrapper.Combine(

            backupPath = pathWrapper.ChangeExtension(backupPath, pathWrapper.GetExtension(path));

            bool backupExists = File.Exists(backupPath);

            File.Copy(path, backupPath, true);

            if (!backupExists)
                ManageBackups(path, pathWrapper, directoryWrapper, fileWrapper);
        public void ManageBackups(
            string path,
            IPathWrapper pathWrapper,
            IDirectoryWrapper directoryWrapper,
            IFileWrapper fileWrapper)
            string dataFileFilter = Path.ChangeExtension(
                string.Format("{0}*", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(DataFile)),
            var backupFiles = directoryWrapper.EnumerateFiles(
                dataFileFilter).Where(f => f != FullDataFilePath).OrderByDescending(f => f);
            //first save of day - delete old backups
            int backupcount = backupFiles.Count();
            int skipfiles   = 7; //backups to keep

            if (backupcount > skipfiles)
                foreach (string s in backupFiles.Skip(skipfiles))
Esempio n. 10
 public ClassDirectiveProcessor(IFileWrapper file, IPathWrapper path)
     _file = file;
     _path = path;
Esempio n. 11
 public AudioLocalRepositoryBuilder WithPathWrapper(IPathWrapper pathWrapper)
     _pathWrapper = pathWrapper;
     return this;
 public AttributesProcessor(IFileWrapper file, IPathWrapper pathWrapper, IDirectoryWrapper directory)
     _file        = file;
     _pathWrapper = pathWrapper;
     _directory   = directory;
 public UpdateNetCoreVersionTask(IPathWrapper pathWrapper, IFileWrapper filWrapper, string file)
     _file        = filWrapper;
     _pathWrapper = pathWrapper;
 public AssemblyDirectiveProcessor(IFileWrapper file, IPathWrapper pathWrapper, ILogger <AssemblyDirectiveProcessor> log)
     _log         = log;
     _file        = file;
     _pathWrapper = pathWrapper;
Esempio n. 15
 public AssemblyDirectiveProcessor(IFileWrapper file, IPathWrapper pathWrapper)
     _file        = file;
     _pathWrapper = pathWrapper;
 public LocalPathProviderBuilder()
     _pathMock    = Substitute.For <IPathWrapper>();
     _guidMock    = Substitute.For <IGuidWrapper>();
     _webRootPath = "testWebRoot";
 public FileSystemWrapper(IFileWrapper file, IDirectoryWrapper directory, IPathWrapper path)
     this.File      = file;
     this.Directory = directory;
     this.Path      = path;