Esempio n. 1
        async Task PaginateAsync(IPaginationRequest p, DiscordEmoji emoji)
            var emojis = await p.GetEmojisAsync();

            var msg = await p.GetMessageAsync();

            if (emoji == emojis.SkipLeft)
                await p.SkipLeftAsync();
            else if (emoji == emojis.Left)
                await p.PreviousPageAsync();
            else if (emoji == emojis.Right)
                await p.NextPageAsync();
            else if (emoji == emojis.SkipRight)
                await p.SkipRightAsync();
            else if (emoji == emojis.Stop)
                var tcs = await p.GetTaskCompletionSourceAsync();


            var page = await p.GetPageAsync();

            await msg.ModifyAsync(page.Content, page.Embed);
Esempio n. 2
        async Task ResetReactionsAsync(IPaginationRequest p)
            var msg = await p.GetMessageAsync();

            var emojis = await p.GetEmojisAsync();

            await msg.DeleteAllReactionsAsync("Pagination");

            if (emojis.SkipLeft != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.SkipLeft);
            if (emojis.Left != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.Left);
            if (emojis.Right != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.Right);
            if (emojis.SkipRight != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.SkipRight);
            if (emojis.Stop != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.Stop);
Esempio n. 3
        async Task ResetReactionsAsync(IPaginationRequest p)
            var msg = await p.GetMessageAsync();

            var emojis = await p.GetEmojisAsync();

            // Test permissions to avoid a 403:
            // Yes, this is an issue
            // No, we should not require people to guarantee MANAGE_MESSAGES
            // Need to check following:
            // - In guild?
            //  - If not, only clear if own message
            //  - If yes, check if have permission
            // - If all above fail (DM && other user's message || guild && no permission), skip this
            var chn = msg.Channel;
            var gld = chn?.Guild;
            var mbr = gld?.CurrentMember;

            if (gld == null /* == is DM */ && msg.Author == this._client.CurrentUser /* == is own message */ ||
                mbr != null /* == is guild and cache is valid */ && (chn.PermissionsFor(mbr) & Permissions.ManageChannels) != 0) /* == has permissions */
                await msg.DeleteAllReactionsAsync("Pagination");
            // ENDOF: 403 fix

            if (emojis.SkipLeft != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.SkipLeft);
            if (emojis.Left != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.Left);
            if (emojis.Right != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.Right);
            if (emojis.SkipRight != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.SkipRight);
            if (emojis.Stop != null)
                await msg.CreateReactionAsync(emojis.Stop);
Esempio n. 4
        async Task PaginateAsync(IPaginationRequest p, DiscordEmoji emoji)
            var emojis = await p.GetEmojisAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var msg = await p.GetMessageAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (emoji == emojis.SkipLeft)
                await p.SkipLeftAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            else if (emoji == emojis.Left)
                await p.PreviousPageAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            else if (emoji == emojis.Right)
                await p.NextPageAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            else if (emoji == emojis.SkipRight)
                await p.SkipRightAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            else if (emoji == emojis.Stop)
                var tcs = await p.GetTaskCompletionSourceAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


            var page = await p.GetPageAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var builder = new DiscordMessageBuilder()

            await builder.ModifyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);