Esempio n. 1
        protected void Application_Start() {
            _hostContainer = OrchardStarter.CreateHostContainer(MvcSingletons);
            _host = _hostContainer.Resolve<IOrchardHost>();

            var route = RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute("foo", "hello-world", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
            route.RouteHandler = new HelloYetAgainHandler();
Esempio n. 2
        protected void Application_Start()
            _hostContainer = OrchardStarter.CreateHostContainer(MvcSingletons);
            _host          = _hostContainer.Resolve <IOrchardHost>();

            var route = RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute("foo", "hello-world", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });

            route.RouteHandler = new HelloYetAgainHandler();
        protected void Application_Start() {
            _container = OrchardStarter.CreateHostContainer(MvcSingletons);
            _host = _container.Resolve<IOrchardHost>();


            // initialize shells to speed up the first dynamic query
Esempio n. 4
        protected void Application_Start()
            _container = OrchardStarter.CreateHostContainer(MvcSingletons);
            _host      = _container.Resolve <IOrchardHost>();


            // initialize shells to speed up the first dynamic query
        public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
            // Ensure all ShellContext are loaded and available.

            var shellSetting = _runningShellTable.Match(httpContext);

            // Register the shell settings as a custom feature.
            httpContext.Features[typeof(ShellSettings)] = shellSetting;

            // We only serve the next request if the tenant has been resolved.
            if (shellSetting != null)
                ShellContext shellContext = _orchardHost.GetOrCreateShellContext(shellSetting);

                using (var scope = shellContext.CreateServiceScope())
                    httpContext.RequestServices = scope.ServiceProvider;

                    if (!shellContext.IsActivated)
                        lock (shellSetting)
                            // The tenant gets activated here
                            if (!shellContext.IsActivated)
                                var eventBus = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <IEventBus>();
                                eventBus.NotifyAsync <IOrchardShellEvents>(x => x.ActivatingAsync()).Wait();
                                eventBus.NotifyAsync <IOrchardShellEvents>(x => x.ActivatedAsync()).Wait();

                                shellContext.IsActivated = true;

                    await _next.Invoke(httpContext);

                using (var scope = shellContext.CreateServiceScope())
                    var deferredTaskEngine = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <IDeferredTaskEngine>();

                    if (deferredTaskEngine != null && deferredTaskEngine.HasPendingTasks)
                        var context = new DeferredTaskContext(scope.ServiceProvider);
                        await deferredTaskEngine.ExecuteTasksAsync(context);
        public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
            // Ensure all ShellContext are loaded and available.

            var shellSetting = _runningShellTable.Match(httpContext);

            // Register the shell settings as a custom feature.

            // We only serve the next request if the tenant has been resolved.
            if (shellSetting != null)
                var shellContext = _orchardHost.GetOrCreateShellContext(shellSetting);

                using (var scope = shellContext.CreateServiceScope())
                    httpContext.RequestServices = scope.ServiceProvider;

                    if (!shellContext.IsActivated)
                        lock (shellContext)
                            // The tenant gets activated here
                            if (!shellContext.IsActivated)
                                var tenantEvents = scope.ServiceProvider
                                                   .GetServices <IModularTenantEvents>();

                                foreach (var tenantEvent in tenantEvents)

                                httpContext.Items["BuildPipeline"] = true;
                                shellContext.IsActivated           = true;

                                foreach (var tenantEvent in tenantEvents)

                    await _next.Invoke(httpContext);
Esempio n. 7
        protected void Application_Start() {
            // This is temporary until MVC2 is officially released.
            // We want to avoid running against an outdated preview installed in the GAC
                new Version("2.0.50217.0")/*MVC2 RTM file version #*/,
                new Version("2.0.50129.0")/*MVC2 RC2 file version #*/,
                new Version("2.0.41211.0")/*MVC2 RC file version #*/);


            _host = OrchardStarter.CreateHost(MvcSingletons);

            //TODO: what's the failed initialization story - IoC failure in app start can leave you with a zombie appdomain
        protected void Application_Start() {

            // For information on handling configuration changes
            // see the MSDN topic at
            RoleEnvironment.Changing += (sender, e) => {
                                            // If a configuration setting is changing
                                            if (e.Changes.Any(change => change is RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange)) {
                                                // Set e.Cancel to true to restart this role instance
                                                e.Cancel = true;


            _host = OrchardStarter.CreateHost(MvcSingletons);
        protected void Application_Start()
            // For information on handling configuration changes
            // see the MSDN topic at
            RoleEnvironment.Changing += (sender, e) => {
                // If a configuration setting is changing
                if (e.Changes.Any(change => change is RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange))
                    // Set e.Cancel to true to restart this role instance
                    e.Cancel = true;


            _host = OrchardStarter.CreateHost(MvcSingletons);
Esempio n. 10
        public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // Ensure all ShellContext are loaded and available.

            var shellSetting = _runningShellTable.Match(httpContext);

            if (shellSetting != null)
                ShellContext shellContext = _orchardHost.GetShellContext(shellSetting);
                httpContext.Items["ShellSettings"] = shellSetting;
                httpContext.ApplicationServices    = shellContext.ServiceProvider;

                var scope = shellContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope();

                using (scope)
                    httpContext.RequestServices = scope.ServiceProvider;

                    if (!shellContext.IsActived)
                        var eventBus = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <IEventBus>();
                        await eventBus.NotifyAsync <IOrchardShellEvents>(x => x.ActivatingAsync());

                        await eventBus.NotifyAsync <IOrchardShellEvents>(x => x.ActivatedAsync());

                        shellContext.IsActived = true;

                    await _next.Invoke(httpContext);
                _logger.LogError("Tenant not found");
                throw new Exception("Tenant not found");
            _logger.LogVerbose("Request took {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
            // Ensure all ShellContext are loaded and available.

            var shellSetting = _runningShellTable.Match(httpContext);

            // We only serve the next request if the tenant has been resolved.
            if (shellSetting != null)
                ShellContext shellContext = _orchardHost.GetShellContext(shellSetting);
                httpContext.ApplicationServices = shellContext.ServiceProvider;

                var scope = shellContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope();

                using (scope)
                    httpContext.RequestServices = scope.ServiceProvider;

                    if (!shellContext.IsActived)
                        IEventBus eventBus = null;
                        lock (shellSetting)
                            // The tenant gets activated here
                            if (!shellContext.IsActived)
                                eventBus = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <IEventBus>();
                            eventBus.NotifyAsync <IOrchardShellEvents>(x => x.ActivatingAsync()).Wait();
                            eventBus.NotifyAsync <IOrchardShellEvents>(x => x.ActivatedAsync()).Wait();

                            shellContext.IsActived = true;

                    await _next.Invoke(httpContext);
Esempio n. 12
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder builder, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IOrchardHost orchardHost)

Esempio n. 13
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder builder, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IOrchardHost orchardHost) {
