private void SendCommand()
            if (waiting == true)
                var thread = new Thread(SendCommandWait);
                thread.IsBackground = true;

            dataReceived = false;

            LogBook.Write("SendCommand, CmdNo: " + curCOMcmd.ToStr());
            string sBuf = string.Empty;

            string[] tempStr;

            /*Paging commands complete, processing next page.*/
            if (curCOMcmd > nCOMcmds || COMcmds[curCOMcmd] == null)
                LogBook.Write("Paging commands complete, processing next page.");
                Message += "\r\nPaging commands complete";
                ProcessCompleted = true;
            sBuf = COMcmds[curCOMcmd];
            LogBook.Write("sBuf:" + sBuf);

            tempStr = sBuf.Split('~');

            currentCmd = tempStr[1];

            if (currentCmd.Length > 1)
                currentCmd = currentCmd + Environment.NewLine;

            currentRespTimeout = 0;

            //  Save response timeout value, if specified

            if (tempStr.Length > 1 & (tempStr[2].IsNumericDecimal()))// || tempStr[2].IsNumericDecimal()))
                currentRespTimeout = (int)(tempStr[2].ToDecimal() * 1000);

            if (tempStr[0].ToDecimal() > 0)
                Thread.Sleep((int)(tempStr[0].ToDecimal() * 1000));

            modemResponse  = string.Empty;
            currentCmdSent = true;

            /*Close COM port before you send the data, COM port will be automatically opened if it was closed while sending the data.*/
            // comPort.CloseComPort();

            /*send data using COM port*/
            comPort.SerialPortOutput(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(currentCmd), false);

            if (currentRespTimeout > 0)
                var waitThread = new Thread(ResponseWait);
                waitThread.IsBackground = true;

            LogBook.Write("Pager COM send: " + currentCmd);
            //comment//Message += "\r\nPager COM send: " + currentCmd;

            if (currentCmd.Contains("ATDT"))
                aTDTsentTime = DateTime.Now;

            //var thread = new Thread(ProcessNextCommand);
            //thread.IsBackground = true;